The short segment of Grove Street between Forest Street and Holden Street is being reconstructed in summer and fall 2024. Though Grove Street is a 2-lane street elsewhere, this 1/3-mile long segment is 4-lanes, encourage speeding and aggressive driving. The 85th percentile speed is 42 mph, meaning that 15% of traffic is traveling 12 mph or more above the speed limit. High speeds were also observed for traffic exiting Grove Street onto Holden Street via a high speed slip ramp. This movement is being replaced with a right-angle turn typical of other intersections on the corridor, which will reduce the speed of traffic entering Holden Street.
The Grove Street project will reduce this segment to two lanes, consistent with the rest of the corridor. This creates additional space that will be reallocated to establish an on-street parking lane adjacent to Indian Lake and buffered bicycle lanes. The two lane configuration also will create separation between pedestrians and motor vehicles, and allow for safer pedestrian crossings.
New concrete sidewalks are being constructed on both sides of the street. A midblock crossing will be retained at the entrance to Morgan Landing. A new crosswalk at the Grove Street and Forest Street intersection will allow pedestrians for the first time to cross Grove Street at a signalized crossing.
Transportation & Mobility
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