Welcome to the City of Worcester Government Guide! Here you can quickly find our most popular information and resources listed below:
Worcester was awarded approximately $146 million from the US Department of Treasury and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The City of Worcester is working to attract new residents, visitors and businesses through redevelopment projects such as the Worcester Red Sox's Polar Park.
Informing Worcester is the City's new open data portal, focusing on functional transparency. Anyone interested can find facts, figures and more on life in the City.
Join us in developing a citywide long-range plan that focuses on inclusion, integrity and innovation as core values guiding growth and change in the city.
Worcester's home rule charter separates the powers of its government between the elected City Council and the City Manager that the Council appoints. This is also known as Plan E form of government, with a popularly elected Mayor and eleven City Council Members. Worcester's City Council members are responsible for representing the interests and needs of their city and community. There are six Councilors-at-Large and five Councilors that each represent a specific district in Worcester (Districts 1-5). Learn more about each of the city leaders.
The City of Worcester Department of Innovation & Technology announced Friday that it is transitioning the municipal website (worcesterma.gov) from its current back-end platform to a new content management system (CMS) on Saturday, March 29.
Posted: Friday 03/28/25
In honor of National Vietnam War Veterans Day, the City of Worcester Veterans Services Division is hosting a Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day event with a wreath-laying ceremony.
Posted: Wednesday 03/26/25
The City of Worcester announced Monday that the Frances Perkins Branch will be closed to the public as of March 24 for radon testing.
Posted: Monday 03/24/25
More Announcements...
When: Friday 03/28/25 12:30 PM
Where: Virtual Meeting
When: Monday 03/31/25 5:00 PM
Where: City Hall, Esther Howland Chamber, 455 Main Street
When: Monday 03/31/25 5:00 PM
Where: City Hall, Esther Howland Chamber, 455 Main Street
When: Monday 03/31/25 5:30 PM
Where: City Hall, Levi Lincoln Chamber, 455 Main Street
When: Monday 03/31/25 6:00 PM
Where: Virtual Meeting
More Events...
Reminder: Join us for the Department of Public Works & Parks job fair tomorrow, March 29, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 50 Officer Manny Familia Way....
Posted: Friday 03/28/25 9:08 AM
City of Worcester, Massachusetts updated their status.
Posted: Thursday 03/27/25 2:36 PM
The City of Worcester's Division of Public Health and Department of Transportation and Mobility Celebrate National Walking Day on April 2!...
Posted: Thursday 03/27/25 12:09 PM
The City of Worcester's Veterans Services Division is hosting a Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day event with a wreath-laying ceremony on Saturday, March 29, at 12 p.m. at the Vietnam Memorial in Green Hill Park....
Posted: Thursday 03/27/25 10:00 AM
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