The drop-off center allows residents to dispose of an unlimited number of bulk waste items in a timely manner and at a low cost. There is also a yard waste drop-off area and a compost/winter sand pickup area.
Update: The Residential drop-off center at 1065 Millbury Street will open early for yard waste drop off during the following special hours:
Wednesday, March 19 & 26, 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Saturday, March 22 & 29, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Sunday, March 23 & 30, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Bulk waste drop off and the sites at 300 Chandler Street and 299 Clark Street will open on April 2.
The residential drop-off center provides the following services at the hours indicated below. All services are for residents only. Proof of residency is required. Commercial vehicles are not permitted.
Open April - November/December (Weather Permitting):
With an appointment, residents may drop off bulk waste items for nominal fees at the following times:
For more information, please visit our Bulk Waste Disposal page.
Open April - November:
Residents may drop off yard waste free of charge at the following times:
For more information on yard waste drop-off, please visit our Yard Waste Drop-Off page.
Open Year-Round:
Residents may drop off household recycling, clothing or pick up compost free of charge at the following times:
For more information on recycling, please visit our Recycling page.
For more information on recycling textiles, please visit our Clothing Pickup page.
For more information on composting, please visit our Composting Program page.
Typically twice per year, the City of Worcester hosts free Household Hazardous Waste Day drop-off events. With an appointment on a scheduled drop off event, residents may dispose hazardous household waste.
For more information, please visit our Household Hazardous Waste page.
Open Year-Round:
Residents may dispose of cooking grease or cooking oil free of charge by pouring it into a sealed container and bringing it to the Drop-Off Center at the following times (no appointment necessary):
All collected grease and oil will be recycled into biodiesel. Since the drop-off program began, it has prevented approximately 100 gallons of grease/oil from clogging up and damaging sewer lines. Please note motor oil is not accepted.
Open Year-Round:
Residents may dispose of mercury thermometers, thermostats and switches free of charge at the following times (no appointment necessary):
With an appointment, residents on private roads may pick up surplus gravel and asphalt grindings free of charge at the following times:
Learn more about items that can be disposed of at the drop-off center and the rules that apply to each.
Worcester residents have the following options to dispose of bulk waste items.
The City of Worcester holds drop-off days specifically for household hazardous waste.
DPW&P operates three yard waste drop-off sites for all Worcester residents.
Residential Drop-Off Center
1065 Millbury Street
Worcester, MA 01607
Phone: 508-929-1300
Worcester Residents Only!