Mill Street

Mill Street Road Redone with Lane Markings and Bike Lane at Right

Corridor Overview

Worcester City Map Showing Mill Street OutlinedMill Street is a 2.5-mile minor arterial street linking the Tatnuck Square and Webster Square neighborhoods. While the street has two travel lanes at either end, the central 1.8-mile segment is a four-lane divided roadway, which far exceeds the capacity necessary to efficiently accommodate the 6,600 to 11,200 motor vehicles that use the street on a daily basis. The roadway's present configuration contributes to excessive speeding, with vehicles on average traveling 12 mph over the statutory speed limit of 30 mph, and 15% of traffic traveling at highway speeds of 45 mph or greater on the multi-lane section.

Mill Street has experienced 269 crashes over the last five years, with 200 crashes along the corridor and an additional 69 crashes at the intersections with Park Ave and Chandler St. This corresponds to a crash rate that is 43% higher than the statewide average for urban minor arterial roadways along the central corridor, and nearly double the statewide average when crashes at the Park Ave. and Chandler St. intersections are accounted for. Injuries were reported for 15% of crashes, and possible injuries for an additional 10%. Five crashes involved bicyclists and pedestrians, who are especially vulnerable to serious injury.

Pedestrian accommodations are inadequate, with narrow, heavily deteriorated walkways and only three crosswalks along the 1.8-mile multilane segment. There are no bicycle/micro-mobility accommodations and many WRTA bus stops are not ADA compliant.

Due to advanced deterioration of the roadway surface, The Department of Public Works & Parks (DPW&P) is implementing a pavement preservation treatment known as Hot in Place Asphalt Recycling to restore surface integrity. This interim maintenance treatment will extend the life of the roadway surface. This type of maintenance project effects only the asphalt surface of the existing roadway and does not involve reconstruction of other roadway features such as sidewalks or curbs.

Public Meetings

July 24, 2024

A visioning session for residents, businesses, and others to share their ideas for the final design of Mill Street was held on July 24, 2024 at Mill Swan School.

July 31, 2023

An informational meeting concerning the ongoing pavement preservation project, interim improvements and long-term plans was held on July 31, 2023 at Mill Swan School.

Interim Complete Streets Improvements (Ongoing)

Revisions to lane markings are being implemented as part of the pavement preservation project. These changes that will improve safety and expand accommodations for nonmotorized modes on an interim basis while comprehensive improvements (described below) can be designed and implemented.

A public meeting was held on July 31 at Mill Swan School to discuss proposed interim complete streets improvements that can be quickly and cost effectively implemented through lane marking and other minor adjustments. In accordance with the City's approved Complete Streets Policy and Green Worcester Plan, the following changes are being implemented at present:

Corridor Safety Improvements

Rightsizing the roadway (road diet) to reduce the travel lanes to one in each direction and establish standard 11-foot travel lane widths, which will help reduce motor vehicle speeding.

Corridor Access & Other Improvements

Formalize existing on-street parking to improve access to Coes Pond, Logan Field, area businesses and residents.

Bicycle and Micro-Mobility Safety & Access

Add a street-level buffered bike lane in each direction. Where on-street parking is provided, the bike lane will be parking protected (located between the curb and parking). This approach improves safety for both cyclists and pedestrians by providing a buffer from motor vehicle traffic and will prevent cars from parking on the sidewalk.

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Pedestrian Safety, Access, & Walkability

ADA ramps at crosswalks within the project limits will be evaluated and upgraded as necessary to comply with ADA requirements. Signage and "daylighting" to improve pedestrian visibility will be implemented at these crosswalk locations.

A solar powered Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) is proposed for the crosswalk at the Mill Swan School.

After the initial project is completed, DTM will assess the feasibility of additional crosswalks and ADA ramps at select locations along the corridor on a retrofit basis.

Transformative Enhancements (Planned)

The work currently underway on Mill Street will extend the life of the existing roadway surface and enable basic changes in the interim that will expand accommodation and improve safety. For the longer-term, the City is initiating a design effort to develop plans for transformative enhancements to Mill Street, including improved sidewalks, crosswalks located at regular intervals, enhanced streetscapes and landscapes, streetlighting, on-street parking areas and installation of permanent separated bicycle facilities.

An initial concept plan for the corridor has previously been developed and will serve as a starting point for redesign of the corridor. The project design will be guided by a robust and multi-faceted public participation process. The City envisions that the Mill Street Complete Streets project will be a truly transformative project for the neighborhood and community.

To advance the project in a timely manner, the City is pursuing multiple finding and implementation approaches, including federal, state and local funding sources. The project implementation timeline will depend on funding outcomes and a more formal schedule will be developed as these pieces come together.

Watch this webpage for updates on the planning and design for Mill Street - Transformative Enhancements.

Contact Information

Transportation & Mobility
76 East Worcester Street
Worcester, MA 01604

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Phone: 508-929-1300 ext. 49500
Fax: 508-453-2888
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8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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