Country Club Boulevard from Lincoln Street to St. Nicholas Avenue/Erie Avenue is a 0.7-mile corridor located by Lincoln Village, a senior low-income housing complex. The southernmost segment is comprised of a four-lane street with a very wide (32 ft) planted median. North of Pleasant Valley Drive, the street transitions to one 20 ft lane in each direction. Parking is prohibited along the entire length of street except on the east side for 700 ft from the northern terminus at Erie Avenue. It provides a vital connection between the Lincoln Street commercial area, Worcester Art Magnet School and the Burncoat area.
There are fourteen bus stops serving the corridor, yet most lack shelters and accessible crossings across Country Club Boulevard. There are also both missing and faded crosswalks throughout the project area. Additionally, the street is too wide. Four travel lanes encourage speeding near the shopping center. The wide lanes through Lincoln Village encourage speeding as well.
The street was identified as high priority project by the City of Worcester Complete Streets Prioritization Plan to improve safety and access for pedestrians, cyclists, WRTA riders and motorists. In 2023, the City of Worcester was awarded a Complete Streets Funding Grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation to construct safety and access improvements.
An informational meeting concerning the complete streets improvement plans will be held in April 2025.
In accordance with the City's approved Complete Streets Policy, Vision Zero Plan, Mobility Action Plan and the Green Worcester Plan, the following changes are being implemented to improve safety and access for all roadway users:
Rightsizing the roadway to formalize the travel lanes to one in each direction and establish standard 11-foot travel lane widths, which will help reduce motor vehicle speeding on the section between Lincoln Street and Pleasant Valley Drive.
Curb extensions at all intersections will reduce motor vehicle turning speeds.
Three raised crosswalks will improve safety for all users by reducing motor vehicle speeds throughout the corridor.
Add a buffered bike lane in each direction for the entire length of the corridor. This approach improves safety for cyclists and micro-mobility device riders by providing a dedicated space for them to ride that is separated from motor vehicle traffic with a painted buffer.
New ADA compliant curb ramps and crosswalks will be provided at all intersections.
New curb extensions and pedestrian refuge islands will be installed at Lincoln Street and Pleasant Valley Drive.
Three raised crosswalks at Vicksburg Avenue, Harpers Ferry and north of Shenandoah Circle will improve pedestrian safety.
All WRTA Bus stops will be made ADA compliant to improve safety and access for bus riders.
Transportation & Mobility
76 East Worcester Street
Worcester, MA 01604
Phone: 508-929-1300 ext. 49500
Fax: 508-453-2888
Email Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.