The goals of the Endicott and Bigelow Streets Project are:
Endicott Street and Bigelow Street provide vital links between the Green Island Neighborhood, Crompton Park and the rest of the City. However, a high number of crashes and a lack of trees along the streets can make these streets feel unsafe and uninviting. This neighborhood is also prone to both street flooding and intense summer heat, due to high amount of paved surfaces.
Incorporating input of our community, the City has developed design changes to make these streets safer, more sustainable and more accessible for everyone, whether they are driving, biking, walking or using a wheelchair.
On Endicott Street, we will install a bike lane next to Crompton Park, widen sidewalks on both sides of the street, plant shade trees along the non-park side of the street and create raised crosswalks so that walkers and bikers are seen more easily by oncoming traffic. The completed project will add 24 new native trees to Endicott Street, a net increase of 18 trees. Bigelow Street, which has no public shade trees within its right-of-way today, will receive five new trees and wider sidewalks.
Perpendicular parking spaces will be replaced with parallel parking on Endicott St. There will be 124 parking spaces adjacent to Crompton Park (down from current 133 for a net loss of 9). During the few events during the year where parking needs exceed supply, we will work with WRTA to share their parking lot.
The redesign incorporates strategies outlined in many municipal plans including the Worcester's Green Worcester Plan, Complete Streets Policy and the Urban Forest Master Plan.
Members of the public are invited to submit comments and questions via email to
Transportation & Mobility
76 East Worcester Street
Worcester, MA 01604
Phone: 508-929-1300 ext. 49500
Fax: 508-453-2888
Email Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.