In Massachusetts, the Housing Production Plan (HPP) is a plan that helps a community better understand local housing needs and demand, development constraints and opportunities and a vision for future affordable housing. The HPP is a proactive strategy that focuses on developing and preserving homes that meet the requirements of the state's affordable housing law, commonly known as Chapter 40B. Learn more about Worcester’s HPP here: What is Worcester's Housing Production Plan? StoryMap
An HPP is approved by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) for a five-year period and includes:
The City of Worcester's HPP is possible through an FY2023 Housing Choice Grant Program award. It is part of Worcester's commitment to plan for and foster the production of housing that meets the needs of current and future residents. In addition, the consultant team drafting the HPP will also provide advisory support in developing an action plan for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board of Trustees.
Check out the HPP StoryMaps to learn more about the plan, explore Worcester's existing housing stock, and give input: Housing Production Plan StoryMaps
The DRAFT Worcester Housing Production Plan (HPP) is now available for review and comment. The HPP planning team and steering committee welcome feedback on the draft plan, which can be submitted through the comment form below.
DRAFT Worcester Housing Production Plan
The comment period for the draft is open until March 14, 2025.
HPP Phase | Timeframe |
Housing Needs Assessment | May '24 - September '24 |
Community Engagement | September '24 - December '24 |
Goals & Strategies | December '24 - January '25 |
Final Plan | January '25 - March '25 |
Housing Production Plans create a strategy for municipalities to meet their affordable housing needs consistent with the Chapter 40B statute and regulation. While the City of Worcester currently exceeds the state's goal that 10 percent of year-round housing stock be considered subsidized housing - otherwise known as the Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) threshold - the HPP will be tailored to the City's needs to promote policies that further housing stability, supply and subsidy.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has More Information on Housing Production Plans.
Economic Development
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Worcester, MA 01608
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