For Immediate Release: 8/26/2016 10:56 am
Worcester, MA (August 26, 2016) - Worcester Public Schools are back in session on Monday, August 29th and the City of Worcester is working to ensure this school year is a safe one.
Over the summer, the City's Department of Public Works was busy repainting more than 650 crosswalks across the City, with special emphasis on crosswalks near schools, making the City a safer place for kids walking to school.
The restriping is part of a broader interdepartmental effort to improve pedestrian safety across the City. A newly expanded team of city employees and representatives from WalkBike Worcester and the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission have recently begun a review of traffic patterns, sidewalks, crosswalks and new city policies in an effort to improve pedestrian safety.
"More than 13,000 Worcester kids walk to school every day, and we want to make sure they're safe," said City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr. "Repainting crosswalks is a small thing that could go unnoticed, but it can mean a world of difference for drivers and pedestrians alike."
Over the course of just 26 days, DPW repainted:
The work will continue through the fall. The City will spend $360,000 repainting streets this year, ensuring our roadways are clearly marked for drivers and pedestrians.
The Worcester Police Department offers these tips for drivers, as city streets will once again be filled with yellow school buses and young ones walking to school.