For Immediate Release: 10/5/2015 10:34 am
Worcester, MA (October 5, 2015) - The Massachusetts Port Authority (Massport) will be conducting an emergency response drill at Worcester Regional Airport on Tuesday, October 6th. The drill is required every three years by the FAA. The purpose of the drill is to test the coordination, communication and response in the event of a major incident at Worcester Regional Airport. A number of our mutual aid partners will also take part in the drill. The airport will remain open throughout the drill.
WHO: Massport, many other mutual aid partners including Worcester Fire, Leicester Fire, Worcester Police, Leicester Police, State Police, Red Cross, FBI and the FAA.
WHAT: Massport Fire and Rescue is conducting an emergency response drill with a plane crash scenario for responders to test the coordination, communication and response in the event of a major incident at Worcester Regional Airport.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 6th, begins at 8:30 AM.
WHERE: Worcester Regional Airport, 375 Airport Drive, Worcester, MA 01602.
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