The Winter Parking Ban is designed to keep streets open, safe, and essential traffic moving during snow storms. Residents are discouraged from parking on the street during any snow storm and are encouraged to plan ahead for alternative off-street parking.
The Declared Winter Parking Ban for the City of Worcester was lifted as of 7 a.m. Monday, Feb. 17, 2025.
During the Declared Winter Parking Ban, there is NO PARKING on either side of main arteries, bus routes, and streets in the downtown area. On all other streets, parking is only permitted on the odd numbered side of the street, unless otherwise posted.
A PERMANENT BAN remains in effect from December 1st through April 30th.
Worcester 311 is the official source for up-to-date information on the winter parking ban, parking regulations on your street and snow complaints.
For the latest updates on the winter parking ban:
Winter parking bans on public streets fall under two categories, PERMANENT and DECLARED.
A PERMANENT BAN remains in effect from December 1st through April 30th on Emergency Arteries, WRTA Bus Routes, and streets that are critical to the flow of traffic. There is no parking on one or both sides of the street between 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. and anytime a snow emergency is declared.
A DECLARED BAN is put into effect on all remaining city streets whenever accumulating snow is forecast. When a Declared Ban is in effect, restrictions apply that typically allow parking on one side of the street.
Illegally parked vehicles are the biggest obstacle to effective snow removal efforts. Vehicles that violate the winter parking ban or otherwise hinder snow removal will be ticketed and towed at the owner's expense. Please support our efforts by parking your vehicle in conformance with the winter parking ban.
Department of Public Works
20 East Worcester Street
Worcester, MA 01604
Phone: 508-929-1300
Fax: 508-799-1448
Email Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.