Amy Vogel Waters - Director
The key to healthy aging is staying active in mind and body. Our cutting-edge senior center provides countless opportunities for seniors to take "new directions" to maintain their health. Located at 128 Providence St., the Senior Center is a bright and welcoming place for all seniors, their families and caregivers, elder service providers and the community at large.
Michael P. Hirsh, M.D. - Medical Director
Tamara C. Lundi - Director
The City of Worcester Division of Public Health is the first nationally accredited health department in Massachusetts as well as the only multi-jurisdictional accredited health department in the country.
The Public Health Division is the lead agency of the Central MA Regional Public Health Alliance (CMRPHA). The CMRPHA is a coalition of four municipalities (Towns of Grafton, Shrewsbury, West Boylston and the City of Worcester) working cooperatively to create and sustain a viable, cost-effective, and labor-efficient regional public health district.
Vision: The CMRPHA is a region where community voice is valued and all people have the opportunity to be healthy.
Mission: To equitably improve health outcomes and quality of life for all residents by providing high quality, data-driven, public health leadership and services.
Dr. Joe Robinson - Veterans' Services Officer/Director
The Veterans' Services Division provides support to residents of Worcester who are veterans, currently serving members of the military and their families. Support services vary based on individual circumstances but may include financial aid, reimbursement of medical costs and referral services for a variety of issues such as housing, employment and education.
In conjunction with the Massachusetts Department of Veterans’ Services, the City of Worcester takes applications and disperses veterans’ benefits (also known as “Chapter 115 Benefits”) enacted through Chapter 115 of the Massachusetts General Law.
Once benefits are established or if found ineligible, the Veterans’ Services Division assists clients in finding more permanent solutions to meet their needs by referring clients to a variety of social service agencies and programs such as Workforce Central, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, and the Worcester Housing Authority.
Additionally, the staff serves as liaison to the Worcester Veterans' Council and the City Council’s Subcommittee for Veteran and Military Affairs. The City, through Veterans' Services, also sponsors the Veterans' Day and Memorial Day parades. The Veterans’ Services Division and their community partners serve as caretakers of all veterans' memorials and graves.
Raquel Castro-Corazzini - Director
The City of Worcester's Division of Youth Opportunities (DYO) was created to provide leadership, support and advocacy for youth through the introduction of coordinated programs focused on positive youth development and youth employment.
Since its inception in 2008, the DYO has been involved in numerous strategies to support various youth employment and youth development initiatives, thus ensuring that young people have access to meaningful employment, recreation, and educational opportunities in the city.
Health & Human Services
City Hall Room 101
455 Main Street
Worcester, MA 01608
Phone: 508-799-8486
Fax: 508-799-1218
Email Us
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.