For Immediate Release: 6/16/2021 9:02 am
The City of Worcester Department of Public Works & Parks has contracted for the application of the herbicides imazamox and diquat dibromide (trade names Clearcast and Reward, respectively) to Coes Reservoir for Friday, June 18, 2021. We advise all persons to stay out of the water, discontinue boat use and fishing, and keep their pets out of the water for the day of the treatment. We advise all persons to discontinue using water from Coes Reservoir for irrigation of plants or lawns or watering livestock, for five days following the treatment. Beaches will be posted prior to the application.
Herbicide treatments are a safe and effective method to control the growth of the invasive aquatic plant Trapa natans,and Myriophyllum spicatum, also referred to as water chestnut and Eurasian milfoil. The application of herbicides is a common practice to reduce invasive weed density and poses no risk to humans and animals after application is complete, though water use for irrigation is discouraged. The application is coordinated with the Tatnuck Brook Watershed Association and has been approved by the Worcester Conservation Commission.