Located on the corner of I-290 and Lincoln Street, this 3.9 acre park has a playground, two basketball courts, a small baseball diamond and a walkway and benches around the park.
Seven hardwood trees and four Maple trees were planted along the Lincoln Street border to replace the vegetation that was lost during the highway exit expansion.
Holland Rink Playground was originally a part of Green Hill Park, until I-290 was built in 1967. This severed the Holland Recreation Area from the body of Green Hill Park, eliminating its swimming pool and making the land into a neighborhood park with a ball field and basketball courts.
If you want to practice fielding ground balls or just take some batting practice, this baseball diamond is perfect to hone your skills. Grab your gear and take to the field!
View some of the other parks in this district. Get out and explore!
Lake View Playground is a small neighborhood park located on Lakeview Street, less than half a mile away from Lake Quinsigamond. This park features a playground, a swing set and a half basketball court. There also is a memorial stone bench on the Lakeview Street side of the park.
Grant Square is located in the Green Hill neighborhood of Worcester. The park property was acquired in two sections, but after the larger piece was acquired, the two were combined into a single tract for park use. In 2015, the city installed a new playground, a new basketball court and community garden beds.
Worcester’s largest and most diverse park includes a golf course and many sports fields, some lighted. There is a petting zoo, arboretum, ponds and playgrounds. Green Hill Pond, a 30-acre “great pond” is at the center. Multiple gazebos and picnic areas provide areas to relax and take in the view.
Location: 441 Lincoln Street - Map
District: 2
Size: 3.9 acres
Parking Lot(s): No