Banis Street Playlot is a small 2,500 square foot park located on the corner of Dorchester and Houghton Street. Acquired by the City in 1947 and it was named for its location, as it is situated in "Banis Square." The park features a playground, seating and picnic tables.
A plaque in the park has an inscription that reads, "Play equipment donated in loving memory of Harold 'Mickie' Bailin through the generosity of Maurice and Ben Bailin."
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The Harvey Ball Conservation Area, also known as Ball Property, is a City park consisting only of a nature trail. This conservation area is used as a wildlife sanctuary. Located along the Blackstone River and Broad Meadow Brook Trail, this area is known as the "Smiley Face" Trail.
Oakland Heights Playground is a neighborhood park located off of Route-20. It is surrounded on three sides by residences (on the north, south and west), with land owned by a church to the east. The Broad Meadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary is located to the east and north of the church property.
The Providence Street Playground has been a city park since 2010. It features a new playground, which is split into two parts. One side is for younger kids, while the other is geared toward older kids. It also contains Glodis Field, a multipurpose field named after the late State Rep. William J. Glodis.
Location: 79 Houghton Street - Map
District: 3
Size: 0.47 acres
Parking Lot(s): No