Wetlands provide a variety of food sources including fish, frogs and insects. Taller plants along the edges such as cattails, rushes and sedges stabilize the shoreline from erosion and provide shelter and nesting places for birds such as the red-winged blackbird. Shrubs and young trees attract yellow warblers and willow flycatchers, while tree swallows may be seen zipping through the air in search of flying insects.
Belted Kingfisher (Scientific Name: Megaceryle alcoyon)
Red-Winged Blackbird (Scientific Name: Agelaius phoeniceus)
Yellow Warbler (Scientific Name: Setophaga petechia)
Tree Swallow (Scientific Name: Tachycineta bicolor)
Mallard Duck (Scientific Name: Anas platyrhynchos)
Great Blue Heron (Scientific Name: Ardea herodias)