For Immediate Release: 1/28/2021 6:04 pm
The forecast for tonight through Saturday calls for temperatures to remain well below freezing and for high wind and wind gusts. This combination often causes frozen pipes.
Property owners are advised to check their homes and businesses today for conditions that make pipes vulnerable to freezing. Frozen and burst pipes are expensive to fix, cause water damage and mold, and lead to unnecessary water loss.
Property owners are responsible for maintaining water meters in an area that keeps them from freezing and to eliminate sources of cold air near the water meter.
If your pipes freeze it is best to call a licensed plumber. Make sure to keep the name and number of a plumber handy throughout the winter. A plumber can determine if the frozen pipe is within the home. If the problem is outside the home or business, Worcester DPW&P Water Operations may be able to help although there may be a charge to the property owner.
For tips to prevent frozen pipes contact the DPW&P Customer Service Center or visit the website