Traffic and Parking Committee Meeting

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Unitarian Universalist Church, 90 Holden Street

Convened: 5:30 P.M.

Adjourned: 6:56 P.M.

Joseph M. Petty


Clerk of the City Council
Nikolin Vangjeli

Committee Members

Chairperson Donna M Colorio
Vice Chairperson Khrystian E King
Councilor Thu Nguyen

City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts

Present Were:Chairperson Councilor Donna M. Colorio Councilor Khrystian E. King Councilor Thu Nguyen, who arrived at 5:36 p.m.
Also:Councilor Jenny Pacillo Councilor Morris A. Bergman, who arrived at 5:47 p.m. Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey, who arrived at 6:07 p.m. Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility Stephen Rolle Assistant Director of Transportation and Mobility Todd Kirrane WPD Sergeant James T. Foley Deputy City Clerk Stephen A.J Pottle, clerk

Virtual Attendee Call-In Information


Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and in order to ensure active, public engagement, the City of Worcester currently allows for both in-person and remote participation at all City Council and Standing Committee meetings. To partake in the meeting, you may attend the meeting in-person within the meeting location, follow the below link to join via Zoom or dial the direct line as indicated.

Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Link:
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Phone Number: (929) 205 6099
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Access Code: 928 9396 0051


Approval of the Minutes


Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Traffic and Parking hereby approves the minutes of the Traffic and Parking Committee meeting of December 13, 2023.

View Agenda

Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 2 Yeas and 0 Nays (Nguyen absent)


Miscellaneous Item


Transmitting informational communication relative to adopting a statutory speed limit of 25 mph and the establishment of Safety Zones with 20 mph speed limits. # 13a CC December 12, 2023


Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility, who made a presentation concerning the new statutory speed limit proposal.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the following speakers:
1. Karen Valentine-Goins, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
2. Amy M., Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
3. Jim (No last name given), Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to the item
4. Rob Bilotta, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
5. Alex Rosado, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
6. Guillermo Creamer, Worcester resident, spoke neither in favor nor in opposition to the item

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed studies done by insurance companies concerning roadway safety and reducing speed limit with Speaker #4.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Nguyen, who discussed the budgeting and funding relative to the adoption of the new statutory speed limit and establishment of Safety Zones with the Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report detailing the budgeting required to implement the adoption of a statutory speed limit of 25 mph and the establishment of Safety Zones with 20 mph in the city.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor King, who discussed the process concerning setting a new speed limit for a specific street or area, the streets where the new statutory speed limit will not be applied and data from studies concerning implementation of reduction in speed limit with the Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility and the Assistant Director of Transportation and Mobility.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed the process concerning speed enforcement by the Police Department and strategic planning relative to environmental justice neighborhoods with Councilor King.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed working with the School Department and State government to restart the Safe Routes to School program.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed plans concerning traffic enforcement, including educational outreach to motorists and buying speed monitors through state grants.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed the needs to consider the potential confusion relative to implementation of reduction in speed limits and the process and impact relative to similar implementation in other cities and states.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report reviewing the cities and towns in Massachusetts who have considered adopting a statutory speed limit of 25 mph and the establishment of Safety Zones with 20 mph speed limits but did not elect to move forward with the proposal, including the reason(s) why such proposals were not adopted.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Toomey, who discussed the importance and needs for reduction in speed limit.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Bergman, who discussed how long the reduced speed limit legislation has been enacted by other cities and town and the needs to consider results from implementation in other cities and towns.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report concerning how long each city or town that has adopted reduced speed limit legislation has had such legislation enacted.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor King, who discussed concerns relative to lack of speed limit signage in school zones and new legislations concerning installation of speed limit signage in the vicinity of high schools with the Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility.

Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to recommend the item be held.

Recommend Hold

Chairman's Orders

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report detailing the budgeting required to implement the adoption of a statutory speed limit of 25 mph and the establishment of Safety Zones with 20 mph in the city.

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report reviewing the cities and towns in Massachusetts who have considered adopting a statutory speed limit of 25 mph and the establishment of Safety Zones with 20 mph speed limits but did not elect to move forward with the proposal, including the reason(s) why such proposals were not adopted.

Request City Manager request Commissioner of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report concerning how long each city or town that has adopted reduced speed limit legislation has had such legislation enacted.