CITY OF WORCESTER | Traffic and Parking Committee Meeting | Wednesday, November 30, 2022 | Esther Howland (South) Chamber | Convened: 4:06 P.M. | Adjourned: 5:26 P.M. |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | |
Clerk of the City Council Nikolin Vangjeli | Committee Members | Chairperson Donna M Colorio | Vice Chairperson Etel Haxhiaj | Councilor Thu Nguyen | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor Donna M Colorio
Councilor Etel Haxhiaj
| | | | | Also: | Director of Transportation and Mobility Stephen Rolle
WPD Sergeant James Foley
Deputy City Clerk AJ Pottle
Assistant City Clerk Luis A. Castillo
Principal Staff Assistant An Pham, clerk | | | |
1. | Virtual Attendee Call-In Information | |
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| | | 1a. | Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and in order to ensure active, public engagement, the City of Worcester currently allows for both in-person and remote participation at all City Council and Standing Committee meetings. To partake in the meeting, you may attend the meeting in-person within the meeting location, follow the below link to join via Zoom or dial the direct line as indicated.
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Link:
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Phone Number: (929) 205 6099
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Access Code: 928 9396 0051 | Attachments |
2. | Approval of the Minutes | |
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| | | 2a. | Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Traffic and Parking hereby approves the minutes of the Traffic and Parking Committee meeting of October 19, 2022. | View Agenda | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | |
3. | Handicap Parking Petitions | |
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| | | 3a. | Lisa Noe Higgins request installation of handicap parking space in front of 23 Merrifield St.
# 8o CC October 12, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval | |
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| | | 3b. | Majed Anaifas request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 27 Longfellow Rd.
# 9i CC September 29, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Majed Anaifas, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed the parking situation at the location and the needs for a handicap parking space as the property has off-street parking with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed police enforcement with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed the intent of the petition with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as more research is needed.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed calling in parking enforcement with the WPD.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following two (2) Chairman’s Orders: 1) Request City Manager request Police Chief provide parking enforcement in the vicinity of 27 Longfellow Rd. to prevent driveway blockages and; 2); Request City Manager request the Director of Transportation and Mobility review parking issues in the vicinity of 27 Longfellow Rd.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Police Chief provide parking enforcement in the vicinity of 27 Longfellow Rd. to prevent driveway blockages. | | | | Request City Manager request the Director of Transportation and Mobility review parking issues in the vicinity of 27 Longfellow Rd. | |
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| | | 3c. | Bernadette Forget request installation of handicap parking space large enough for two vehicles in front of 10 Merrifield St.
# 9c CC September 29, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the requested location is in a declared winter parking ban, there are two handicap parking spaces across the street and the petitioner has not provided a handicap placard.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 3d. | Dean Fisher request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 227 June St.
# 9h CC September 29, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as it is a single family property with off-street parking and more research needs to be done.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 3e. | Felix Osafo request installation of handicap parking space in front of 18 Plantation St.
# 8z CC September 20, 2022
In Committee October 19, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the location is in a declared winter parking ban.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to amend the item to read as follows, “Felix Osafo request installation of handicap parking space on Leon St. adjacent to 22 Plantation St.”
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 3f. | Celeste Burke request installation of handicap parking place in front of 49 Abbott St.
# 9k CC September 20, 2022
In Committee October 19, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as a placard from the petitioner has not yet been provided.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
4. | Crosswalk and Lighted Crosswalk System Petitions | |
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| | | 4a. | Councilor Sean M. Rose request installation of a crosswalk across Holden St. at either Tuxedo Rd. or Dogwood Rd., or both.
# 8i CC October 12, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as DTM would like to further study the preferred location for a crosswalk and identity what additional infrastructure are needed for new crosswalks.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4b. | Councilor Sean M. Rose request installation of a crosswalk across Lansing Ave. at Holden St.
# 8g CC October 12, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4c. | Judy Finkel request installation of a crosswalk at the intersection of Salisbury St., Barry Rd. and Salisbury Hill Blvd.
# 8y CC July 19, 2022
In Committee September 21, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Judy Finkel, Worcester resident, spoke concerning the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as a full evaluation of components necessary to make a safe crossing is necessary before commending because of the width of the paved roadway surface and traffic speeds.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Speaker #1, who discussed why installation of a flashing crosswalk light at the location would be more dangerous with Director of Transportation and Mobility.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4d. | Brian Underwood request installation of flashing crosswalk lights on Apricot St. in the vicinity of South High Community School, 170 Apricot St.
# 9k CC June 8, 2021
In Committee November 17, 2021 - Held
In Committee December 15, 2021 - Held
In Committee April 27, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to file, as the location is not a good candidate for a Rectangualar Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) and the existing crosswalks should be reviewed for ADA and other safety measures may be considered.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the following speakers: 1. Priscella Underwood, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Brian Underwood, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed plans to support the safety of South High students traveling to the school and the mobility and transportation plan which is part of the Worcester Now Next project with Speaker #1 and Speaker #2.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed the Safe Pathways to Schools program.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed communications with the School Superintendent and School Committee concerning the safety for students going to and from schools with Speaker #1 and Councilor Haxhiaj.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4e. | Brian Underwood request installation of flashing crosswalk lights in the vicinity of Claremont Academy, 15 Claremont St.
# 10j CC June 8, 2021
In Committee November 17, 2021 - Held
In Committee December 15, 2021 - Held
In Committee April 27, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to file, as the location is not a good candidate for RRFBs and Claremont Academy has a well-established routine that could be disrupted by installation of a RRFB.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the following speakers: 1. Priscella Underwood, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Brian Underwood, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed the costs of installation of RRFBs and criteria for RRFBs installation with Speaker #1 and Speaker #2.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File | |
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| | | 4f. | Brian Underwood request installation of flashing crosswalk lights in the vicinity of City View Elementary School, 80 Prospect St.
# 9v CC June 8, 2021
In Committee December 15, 2021 - Held
In Committee April 27, 2022 - Held
In Committee October 19, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to file, as there are no existing crosswalks at this location that are MUTCD compliant for approved uses of RRFBs.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the following speakers: 1. Priscella Underwood, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Brian Underwood, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed on how funding priorities of RRFB installation are decided and the process for RRFB installation with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Director of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report concerning the history of Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) approval and installations occurring for said RRFBs in the city over the past two (2) years.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Director of Transportation and Mobility provide City Council with a report concerning the history of Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) approval and installations occurring for said RRFBs in the city over the past two (2) years. | |
5. | No Parking Anytime Petitions | |
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| | | 5a. | Kevin Provencher request installation of “No Parking Anytime” signage at the driveway and fire hydrant in the vicinity of 7 Greenleaf Terrace.
# 9h CC September 20, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5b. | Gerard Dio request installation of No Parking Anytime signage within 40 feet south of the entry and 40 feet north of the exit of the Worcester Fire Department Credit Union parking lot (34 Glennie St.)
# 9a CC May 3, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speakers: 1. Gerard Dio, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Michael O’Hara, Worcester resident, spoke concerning the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to approve, and discussed the installation of the signage with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval | |
6. | Parking and Parking Meter Items | |
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| | | 6a. | Petition of Shakira Fuentes request the one (1) hour parking zone in the vicinity of 281 Shrewsbury Street be extended to at least three (3) hours.
# 9l CC September 20, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as DTM will reach out to the petitioner and the District Councilor for further discussion.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 6b. | Report of the Committee on Traffic and Parking Upon the Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request installation of One (1) Hour Parking signage in front of 269 Lincoln St. (Amended from Fifteen (15) Minute Parking on June 22, 2022).
# 21m CC September 20, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Lorna Ellis, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who discussed the parking signage at the location, the intent behind the petition and the language of the petition with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold | |
7. | Resident Permit Parking Petitions | |
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| | | 7a. | Janily Lopez request installation of residential permit parking on both sides of Barclay St.
# 8s CC July 19, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to file, as residential permit zones should be established on a street-wide or areawide basis.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File | |
8. | Speed and Traffic Enforcement Petitions | |
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| | | 8a. | Patrice Lyons request installation of blinking signage that monitors the speed of motorists on Grafton St. near the Worcester-Grafton border.
# 8p CC October 12, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to file, as WPD should be consulted regarding enforcement recommendations.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File | |
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| | | 8b. | Jacqueline Coppedge et al., on behalf of Grace Christian Centre, request installation of speed monitoring equipment in the vicinity of 126 Elm St.
# 8k CC October 12, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Jacqueline Coppedge, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the petitions submitted by the petitioner.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following two (2) Chairman’s Orders: 1) Request City Manager request Director of Transportation and Mobility review street signage in the vicinity of Russell St. and Blossom St.’s intersection to confirm whether a fifteen (15) minute parking zone is in effect at the location and; 2) Request City Manager request Police Chief provide enforcement with speed monitoring equipment in the vicinity of 126 Elm St.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to recommend the item be filed.
Recommend File | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Director of Transportation and Mobility review street signage in the vicinity of Russell St. and Blossom St.’s intersection to confirm whether a fifteen (15) minute parking zone is in effect at the location. | | | | Request City Manager request Police Chief provide enforcement with speed monitoring equipment in the vicinity of 126 Elm St. | |
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| | | 9a. | Justice Real request installation of stop sign at the intersection of Chelsea St. and Cambridge St.
# 8g CC June 21, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with item #9b.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the following speaker: 1. Justice Real, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval
| |
| | | | | |
| | | 9b. | Justice Real request installation of stop sign at the intersection of Chelsea St. and Cambridge St.
#8ff CC September 22, 2021 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File (See Item #9a) | |
10. | Traffic Control Signal Petitions | |
| | | | | |
| | | 10a. | Justice Real request installation of traffic lights at the intersection of West St. and Pleasant St.
#8gg CC September 22, 2021 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with item #10b.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the following speaker: 1. Justice Real, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Director of Transportation and Mobility, who provided the recommendation to hold, as preliminary investigations show that this intersection is unlikely to meet the MUTCD requirements for a signal warrant and other traffic calming methods should be explored.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Police Chief observe speeding in the vicinity of West St. and Pleasant St. intersection.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold | |
| | | | | |
| | | 10b. | Justice Real request installation of traffic lights at the intersection of West St. and Pleasant St.
# 8h CC June 21, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File (See Item #10a) | |