CITY OF WORCESTER | Traffic and Parking Committee Meeting | Wednesday, June 22, 2022 | Esther Howland (South) Chamber | Convened: 4:00 P.M. | Adjourned: 5:36 P.M. |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | |
Clerk of the City Council Nikolin Vangjeli | Committee Members | Chairperson Donna M Colorio | Vice Chairperson Etel Haxhiaj | Councilor Thu Nguyen | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor Donna M. Colorio
Vice Chairperson Councilor Etel Haxhiaj, who participated remotely
Councilor Thu Nguyen, who arrived at 4:01 P.M. and participated remotely | | | | | Also: | Assistant Chief Development Officer Stephen Rolle
WPD Sergeant James Foley
Deputy City Clerk Stephen AJ Pottle, clerk | | | |
1. | Virtual Attendee Call-In Information | |
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| | | 1a. | Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021 and in order to ensure active, public engagement, the City of Worcester currently allows for both in-person and remote participation at all City Council and Standing Committee meetings. To partake in the meeting, you may attend the meeting in-person within the meeting location, follow the below link to join via Zoom or dial the direct line as indicated.
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Link:
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Phone Number: (929) 205 6099
Traffic and Parking Committee Zoom Access Code: 928 9396 0051 | Attachments |
2. | Approval of the Minutes | |
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| | | 2a. | Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Traffic and Parking hereby approves the minutes of the Traffic and Parking Committee meeting of May 18, 2022. | View Agenda | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the order. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
3. | Handicap Parking Petitions | |
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| | | 3a. | Stephen Herriage et al. request installation of handicap parking space in front of Genesis Club House, Inc. (274 Lincoln St.)
# 9n CC April 12, 2022
In Committee May 18, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided no recommendation, as there are two existing handicap parking spaces at the location.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed whether the two existing handicap parking spaces are being used and the parking details relative to petitioner’s property with the Assistant Chief Development Officer.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be approved.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 3b. | Councilor Morris A. Bergman on behalf of Charlene Guinard request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 87 Pleasant St.
# 9g CC May 3, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Charlene Guinard, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to be held, as there is no parking allowed at the location requested because it is a travel lane.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the petitioner’s handicap placard and the procedural motions for the item.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to amend the item to read as follows: “Councilor Morris A. Bergman on behalf of Charlene Guinard request installation of a handicap parking space across from 87 Pleasant St.”
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held as amended.
Recommend Hold As Amended on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
4. | Crosswalk and Lighted Crosswalk System Petitions | |
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| | | 4a. | Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey request installation of a flashing pedestrian crosswalk signal on Chandler St. at Nu Kitchen, 335 Chandler St.
# 8o CC November 9, 2021 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the location needs further evaluation.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who spoke concerning the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 4b. | Ethan Brown request installation of crosswalk on Jackson St. in between 64 Beacon St. and the residential parking lot (42 Jackson St.)
# 8e CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the pedestrian improvements are potentially included in the original development plan for the junction shops.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 4c. | Colleen Dyer et al. request City Council request City Manager to include funding in the fiscal year 2023 budget for the installation of an approved crosswalk flashing light on Burncoat St. at Thorndyke Rd. to assist Thorndyke Road Elementary School students living on the west side of Burncoat St. to cross safely on their way to and from school.
# 8q CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to approve installing the crosswalk flashing light on Burncoat St. at Thorndyke Rd.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 4d. | Brian and Priscella Underwood request installation of flashing crosswalk light in the vicinity of the WRTA Central Hub (60 Foster St.).
# 9b CC May 3, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to file, as there are existing traffic lights at the intersection and driveway connections are not appropriate for flashing crosswalk light.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 4e. | Brian and Priscella Underwood request installation of flashing crosswalk light in the vicinity of the Federal Building (595 Main St.).
# 9e CC May 3, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the location needs further evaluation.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 4f. | Brian and Priscella Underwood request installation of flashing crosswalk light in the vicinity of the UMASS Medical Center (370 Plantation St.).
# 9f CC May 3, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to file, as there is existing traffic signal at the location.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 5a. | Marisol Diaz request installation of "No Parking Anytime" signage in the vicinity of a water pump located in front of 5 Hollywood St.
# 9a CC April 5, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speakers: 1. Marisol Diaz, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
6. | One and Two-Way Street Reconfiguration Petitions | |
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| | | 6a. | Mayor Joseph M. Petty request Sudbury St. from Harvard St. to Eden St. be made a two-way street (Amended on April 27, 2022 and Reverted Back to Original Petition on May 18, 2022).
# 8c CC February 15, 2022
In Committee March 16, 2022 - Held
In Committee April 27, 2022 - Held
In Committee May 18, 2022 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed the recommendation with the Assistant Chief Development Officer.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 6b. | Sha-Asia Medina and Parlee Jones request King St. be made into a one way street in the southeast direction.
# 8f CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speakers: 1. Daniel Cabacho, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Jorge Guarango, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to the item 3. Sha-Asia Medina, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 4. Mayra Ortiz, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to the item 5. Casey Starr, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Nguyen and Councilor Haxhiaj, who both spoke in favor of the item.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed the parking challenges and plans relative to traffic enforcement on King St.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Development Officer, who discussed setting a site visit for the location and developing a plan for a course of action.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
7. | Resident Permit Parking Items | |
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| | | 7a. | Joanne McGrail request removal of resident permit parking on Holland Rd.
# 8a CC March 22, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speakers: 1. Joanne McGrail, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Dianne Sliwoski, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Nguyen, who discussed the processes for removal of resident permit parking and public notices with the Deputy City Clerk.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed the traffic and economic challenges concerning the resident permit parking at the location with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed parking issues relative to pick-ups and drop-offs for schools with Councilor Haxhiaj.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed testimonies from residents on the street and financial relief program for resident permit parking passes.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager provide City Council with report concerning details relative to the resident permit parking program, including whether there is a financial relief program for resident permit parking passes.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Development Chief Officer, who discussed concerns relative to the removal of resident permit parking program.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed the needs to get feedback from other residents on the street concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the number of residents that have purchased resident permit parking passes for Holland Rd.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager provide City Council with report concerning details relative to the resident permit parking program, including whether there is a financial relief program for resident permit parking passes. | | | | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the number of residents that have purchased resident permit parking passes for Holland Rd. | |
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| | | 7b. | Dennis Molinari II request removal of resident permit parking in the vicinity of 40 Winneconnett Rd.
# 8b CC March 22, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Steve Prentiss, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to file, as the resident permit parking zone is located across from the petitioner and only applies to four houses.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 7c. | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request installation of resident permit parking on the east side of Mulberry St. from the property line of 24 Mulberry St. to East Central St.
# 7r CC May 24, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to approve for a resident permit parking zone extends from 440 ft. south of East Central St. to 268 ft. south of East Central St. and residents on the north side of East Central St. between Eastern Ave. and Ford St. are eligible for said resident permit parking zone.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
8. | Parking and Parking Meter Petitions | |
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| | | 8a. | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request the “One Hour” paid parking zone in front of 332 Main St. be changed to a “15 Minute” paid parking zone.
# 8j CC March 1, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the speaker: 1. Lynn Cheney, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed the plans relative to transitioning to a 30-minute minimum for paid parking zones with the Assistant Chief Development Officer.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to approve for two (2) fifteen (15) minute parking zones in front of 332 Main St.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Speaker #1, who discussed parking challenges at the location.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 8b. | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request installation of 15 Minute Parking signage in front of 269 Lincoln St.
# 8b CC May 10, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Lorna Ellis, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio then discussed whether there are Spanish versions for paid meter instructional signage with the Assistant Chief Development Officer.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager review best practices in other communities relative to traffic and parking signage in the Spanish language.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed the time length for the parking zone at the location.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the location needs further evaluation.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks replace fifteen (15) minute parking signage in front of 269 Lincoln St.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved to amend the item to read as follows: “Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request installation of One (1) Hour Parking signage in front of 269 Lincoln St.”
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager review best practices in other communities relative to traffic and parking signage in the Spanish language. | | | | Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks replace fifteen (15) minute parking signage in front of 269 Lincoln St. | |
9. | Speed and Traffic Enforcement Petitions | |
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| | | 9a. | Sha-Asia Medina and Parlee Jones request installation of a radar speed machine on King St.
# 8g CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Sha-Asia Medina, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item 2. Jacqueline Harris, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the WPD Sergeant, who discussed the feasibility of installing speed monitor sign on King St. and discuss the traffic data with the neighborhood group with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Police Chief install a speed monitor on King St.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be filed.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Police Chief install a speed monitor on King St. | |
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| | | 9b. | Sha-Asia Medina and Parlee Jones request traffic enforcement on King St.
# 8h CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and brought forth the following Chairman’s Order: Request City Manager request Police Chief provide traffic enforcement on King St.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be filed.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Police Chief provide traffic enforcement on King St. | |
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| | | 10a. | Councilor Sarai Rivera request installation of a four-way stop sign at Illinois St. and Gates St.
# 7m CC November 23, 2021 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to approve.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 10b. | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson on behalf of Amelia O'Brian request installation of four-way stop signage at the intersection of Gosnold St. and Andover St.
# 8s CC April 26, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speaker: 1. Amelia O’Brian, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of the item
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the location needs further evaluation.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
11. | Traffic Sign Petitions | |
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| | | 11a. | Councilor Etel Haxhiaj request the establishment of and installation of signage for a school zone at Mill Swan Head Start school at 337 Mill St., to ensure the safety of children, parents, caretakers and staff.
# 8d CC March 29, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who discussed concerns relative to safety during pick-up and drop-off hours for the school.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to file, as the school is not eligible for school zone designation and alternative traffic calming methods need to be considered for the location.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the Deputy City Clerk, who discussed the procedural motions for the item with Councilor Haxhiaj.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
12. | Traffic Control Signal Petitions | |
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| | | 12a. | Michael Grandone request installation of electric traffic light at the intersection of Sunderland Rd. and Massasoit Rd.
# 8f CC March 1, 2022 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the Assistant Chief Development Officer, who provided the recommendation to hold, as the location needs further evaluation.
Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |