AUGUST 16, 2006
Convened: 5:51 P.M.
Adjourned: 6:52 P.M.
Present were: Chairperson
Councilor Joffrey A. Smith
Konstantina B. Lukes
Kathleen M. Toomey
Also: DPWP Director of Traffic Engineering
Joseph Borbone
DPW Traffic
Engineering Staff Ali Khorasani
WPD Sergeant John Fallavolita
Assistant City Clerk Susan
Ledoux, clerk
1. Petition of Dorey Flores request to remove the bus stop in front of 19A Queen St.
#11 CC May 16, 2006
Recommend Approval as amended to move the bus stop to the empty house lot at #25
2. Petition of Joanne Markarian request “No Parking Anytime” signs be posted on both sides of East Mountain St. from #231 East Mountain St. to Century Dr./Clark St. intersection.
#9 CC March 22, 2005
Recommend File
3. Petition of John Smith request Stop sign at intersection of
Eunice Ave. and Brandon Rd.
CC August 17, 2004
Recommend Approval
4. Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray and Councilor Frederick C.
Rushton request installation of a three way stop at Hope Ave. and Webster St.
CC November 1, 2005
Recommend File
5. Petition of Thamarai Chelvan, President of London Billiards
Club, request to install either a Stop sign or Slow Down sign for public to
cross from parking lot to across the street at 70 James St.
CC January 11, 2006
Recommend File
6. Petition of Councilor Barbara G. Haller on behalf of Rev.
Edward Hanlon request the installation of height limitation signage facing
eastbound traffic along Cambridge St. from the four corners up to the railroad
bridge crossing Cambridge St. near Kansas St. so as to avoid future truck
damage to this overpass.
#8 CC
February 1, 2005
Recommend File
7. Petition of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey on behalf of Tony Bianco request a “Not a Thru Way” or “Dead End” sign be placed in Middlesex Ave. facing southbound traffic between #92 and #96.
CC February 28, 2006
Chairman’s Order – Request City Manager request Director
of Traffic Engineering to conduct a street survey of Middlesex Ave to determine
the public way and submit it along with the deed of 96 Middlesex Ave. to the
City Solicitor to review. Further,
request the City Solicitor to review a similar case relative to Neil McCoy on
First St. to know the difference between that case and this issue with 96
Middlesex Ave.
8. Petition of Councilor Joffrey A. Smith on behalf of Elaine
Henderson request “Do Not Block This Street” sign on West Boylston St. at Summerhill
#9 CC
June 20, 2006
9. Petition of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey request the
installation of “Do Not Block This Intersection” signs in Highland St. at the
intersection with Main St.
#52 CC July 18, 2006
Recommend Approval
Chairman’s Order request City Manager request the Director of Traffic Engineering to review the timing of traffic signals throughout the Lincoln Square area.
Chairman’s Order request City Manager provide City Council with a report of the accident rates in the Lincoln Square area.
10. Petition of Councilor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request pedestrian
signal at the corner of Plantation St. and Belmont St.
#20 CC April 12, 2005
Recommend File
of the Traffic & Parking Committee upon the Communication of the City
Manager relative to the elimination of the traffic light at Cutler St. &
Grafton St.
#179 CC June 20, 2006 – Recommitted
to Traffic & Parking
12. Petition of Councilor Juan Gomez on behalf of Brian Lennihan request traffic enforcement on upper Brattle St.
#42 CC July 19, 2005
Recommend Approval
Report of the Traffic & Parking Committee upon the
Petition of Timothy P. Murray request that the “No Parking Anytime” prohibition
along the south side of Shrewsbury Street be rescinded so that on-street
parking is allowed from a point 66’ east of Brackett Court, providing parking
for an additional nine (9) vehicles: recommend passage of the accompanying
two Ordinances.
Amend Section 42 of Chapter
13 of the Revised Ordinance of 1996 to rescind 15 Minute Parking in front of
267 Shrewsbury St. and provide for One Hour Parking 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Amend Section 42 of Chapter
13 of the Revised Ordinance of 1996 to provide for One Hour Parking 8:00 a.m.
to 5:00 p.m. opposite 56 Shrewsbury St.
In City Council #156 July 18, 2006 to be Ordained -
Recommitted to Traffic and Parking
Recommend Approval
- Shrewsbury Street
Parking Initiatives
Proposed Locations for consideration:
North Side of Shrewsbury St.
St. North side from PT 66’east of Brackett Ct. to Hill St.- No Parking Anytime
Ordinance - Request to Rescind. Recommend Approval
St. North side from PT 265’ east of Oleum Ct. to PT 285’ East of Oleum Court –
No Parking Reserved HP Ordinance – Request to check length – Recommend Hold
St. North from PT 76’ west of Seward St. to PT 58’ West of Seward St. – No
Parking Reserved HP – Request to check length – Recommend Hold
St. North PT 98’ east of Seward St. to PT 149’ East of Seward St. – Commercial
Zoned Ordinance – Request to Rescind/hours? – Recommend Hold
St. South side PT 132’ east of Liscomb St. to PT 203’ east of Liscomb St. – No
Parking Anytime Ordinance – Request to rescind – Recommend Approval
St. South from PT 37’ east of Daniels St. to PT 87’ east of Daniels St. – No
Parking Anytime Ordinance – Request to Rescind - Recommend Approval
St. North side Inbound Marshall St. 40’ East of Marshall St. – Bus Stop –
Request to Rescind – Recommend Hold
St. North side Inbound 50’east of Oleum Ct. to Oleum Ct. – Bus Stop – Request
to Rescind – Recommend Hold
St. East side from Shrewsbury St. to Wilson St. – No Parking Except Sundays/Holidays
7am-6pm – Request to Rescind – Recommend Approval
South Side of Shrewsbury St.
Shrewsbury St. South
side from PT 120’ east of Casco St. to PT 142’east of Caso St. – No Parking
Reserved HP Ordinance – Request to check length – Recommend Hold
Shrewsbury St. South
side from Larkin St. to PT 60’ west of Larkin St. – Commercial Zoned Ordinance
– Request change of time – Recommend Hold
Shrewsbury St. South
side from PT 177’ west of Aitchison St. to PT 132’ west of Aitchison St. – Taxi
Zoned/facing east – Request to Rescind – Recommend Approval
Shrewsbury St. South
side Outbound @ Camassa Terrace – pole at SW corner – Bus Stop – Recommend
Shrewsbury St. South
side Outbound 15’ east of Adams St. ext – pole #6 – Bus Stop – Request to
Rescind – Recommend Hold
15. Putnam Lane Both sides from #321 Shrewsbury St. to 1157’ to RR Bridge – No Parking Anytime Ordinance – Request to Rescind – Recommend Approval to rescind No Parking zone on west side only
East Worcester St.
South side from Pt 222’ w of easterly Cross St. ext. to PT. 190’ w of easterly
Cross St. ext. – No Parking Reserved HP Ordinance – Request to check length – Recommend
East Worcester St.
South side from PT 70’ west of Lyon St. extended to Lyon St. – No Parking
Anytime Ordinance – Request to Rescind – Recommend Approval
18. Albany St. South side from PT. 87’ west of Casco St. to PT 158’ west of Casco St. – No Parking Anytime Ordinance – Request to Rescind – Recommend Hold
Albany St. Both sides
from 20’ west of property line Fantasia to PT 230’ west of Casco St. – No
Parking Anytime Ordinance – Request to Rescind – Recommend Approval
Albany St. South side
from Lyon St. to PT opposite the easterly of Fantasia – No Parking Anytime
Ordinance – Request to Rescind – Recommend Approval
Chairman’s Order request
City Manager to provide City Council with a report regarding the funding and
timeline for the improvements to the various parking lot projects in the
Shrewsbury St. area.