APRIL 26, 2006


Convened: 5:37 p.m.

Adjourned: 6:56 p.m.


Present were:      Chairperson Councilor Joffrey A. Smith

                             Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey

                             Councilor Konstantina B. Lukes


Also:                     DPW Director of Traffic Engineering Joseph Borbone

                             DPW Traffic Engineering Staff Jim Pacenka

                             DPW Traffic Engineering Staff Ali Khorasani

                             WPD Sgt. John Fallavolita

                             City Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk




1.       Petition of Wilberto Maldonado request handicap parking at 25 Hooper St.

          #64 CC October 4, 2005

          In Committee February 22, 2006 – Held

Recommend File


2.       Petition of Robert Steadman, Paul Manna and Scott Babbitt request three extra handicap parking signs at 181 Lake Ave.

          #16 CC January 17, 2006

Recommend Approval of installation of 3 spaces and the rescission of 2 other spaces.




3.       Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request handicap parking opposite 14 Dartmouth St., on the side of Dartmouth St. School, for school day use.

          #17 CC September 13, 2005

          In Committee February 22, 2006 – Held

Recommend File


4.       Petition of Councillor Frederick C. Rushton on behalf of Rev. Walter Weekes of Christ Tabernacle Apostolic Church request to install (2) two handicap parking spaces in front of 1189 Main St.

          #18a CC March 21, 2006

Recommend Approval of two spaces, one on either side of the existing Passenger Zone




5.       Petition of Sheila Doiron request removal/elimination of bus stop located near 365 Shrewsbury St.

          #9 CC November 29, 2005

Recommend Approval




6.       Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy Jr. request crosswalk in the vicinity of 31 Blithewood Ave. to assist pedestrians who are leaving Hickory Hill to access the playground at Blithewood Park.

          #22 CC December 7, 2004

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works & Parks to install a new crosswalk in Blithewood Avenue in the vicinity of Hickory Hill.


7.       Petition of Councillor Barbara G. Haller request installation of a crosswalk in Cambridge St. at the intersection of Sheridan St.

          #12 CC January 18, 2005

Recommend File


8.       Petition of Tanya Lauziere et al request crosswalk at the end of Brooks St.

          #8 CC January 25, 2005

Recommend File


9.       Petition of Jennifer Knight et al request pedestrian crosswalk on north corner of Green Hill Parkway and Lincoln St.

          #21 CC May 24, 2005

Recommend Approval


10.     Petition of Councillor Barbara G. Haller requests crosswalk be repainted at Irving St. and Chandler St.

          #15 CC October 18, 2005

Recommend Approval


11.     Petition of Councillor Barbara G. Haller request that the crosswalk be repainted in Highland St. at Russell St. between Elm Park and the Price Chopper supermarket be realigned and repainted.

          #9 CC December 20, 2005

Recommend Approval




12.     Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Gaetano Monopoli, Sr. request that Muskeego St. be made one-way in a southerly direction entering from Shrewsbury St.

          #59 CC July 17, 2001

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


13.     Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of John Monopoli request that Seward St. be made one-way in a southerly direction exiting onto Shrewsbury St.

          #60 CC July 17, 2001

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


14.     Petition of Mark Lindstrom request to change Earle St. from Edward St. to Earle Terrace to two-way traffic.

          #13 CC October 7, 2003

Recommend File


15.     Petition of Councillor Barbara G. Haller request Beacon St. be converted to a one-way street in a northerly direction between Hammond St. and Benefit St.

          #34 CC November 23, 2004

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Police Chief to install a traffic surveillance detail in Beacon Street between Hammond and Benefit Streets and in Plum Street.


16.     Petition of Councillor Barbara G. Haller request that a portion of Queen St. between Kingsbury & King Sts. be made one-way street in a northeasterly direction.

          #17 CC April 26, 2005

In Committee October 11, 2005 – Held for next meeting. (Committee to view)

          In Committee November 15, 2005 – Held

Recommend Deny


17.     Petition of Frank & Mary Riccardi request that Plum St. be returned to a one-way street with traffic traveling from East Worcester St. to Shrewsbury St.

          #10 CC May 31, 2005

Recommend Deny


18.     Petition of Charles DerKazarian request to make Queen St. one-way between King St. and Kingsbury St.

          #41 CC September 6, 2005

          In Committee October 11, 2005 – Held for next meeting. (Committee to view)

            In Committee November 15, 2005 – Held

Recommend Deny


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works & Parks to install a guardrail in front of 23 Kingsbury Street.




19.     Petition of Ralph Cobb request No Left Turn from Pleasant St. onto Chandler St.

          #64 CC August 12, 2003

Recommend Deny


20.     Chairman’s Order from the Land Use Committee - Request the Traffic and Parking Committee consider recommending a turning prohibition for traffic traveling west on Winthrop St. so that no left turn may be allowed onto Providence St. southbound.

          # 15 CC March 23, 2004

Recommend Deny




21.     Petition of Richard Lacroix request to have no parking in front of 2 Ames St.

          #17 CC June 21, 2005

          In Committee September 13, 2005 – Held

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Police Chief to enforce the curb cut clearance ordinance in the vicinity of 2 Ames Street.


22.     Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray request that the “No Parking Anytime” prohibition along the south side of Shrewsbury St. be rescinded so that on-street parking is allowed from a point 66 feet east of Brackett Court to a point 246 feet east of Brackett Court, providing parking for an additional nine (9) vehicles.

          #10 CC November 29, 2005

Recommend Approval as amended to install one hour parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., weekdays.


23.     Petition of Mitch Terricciano request to place a commercial loading zone in front of 55 Pearl Street to be in effect Monday – Friday, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

#18 CC March 21, 2006

Recommend Leave to Withdraw




24.     Petition of Mark Piscillo et al request one hour parking along east bound side of Shrewsbury St., opposite 56 Shrewsbury St., from the corner of I-290 ramp to bus stop.

          #19 CC April 13, 2004

In Committee November 9, 2004 – Held

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


25.     Petition of Terry Pignataro et al request to make unrestrictive parking on the east side of Shrewsbury Street between Muskeego Street & Envelope Terrace.

          #8 CC March 4, 2003

          In Committee November 9, 2004 – Held

Recommend Deny


Chairman’s Proposed Ordinance to rescind the current 15 minute parking zone and in place thereof to install one hour parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays in front of 267 Shrewsbury Street


26.     Report of the Committee on Traffic & Parking upon the Petition of Patsy Santa Maria of Pat’s Service Center request one hour parking sign between 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the east and west side of Casco St. from Shrewsbury St. to the driveway of Pat’s Service Center.

#97 CC September 21, 2004

Recommend Approval


27.     Petition of Sam Georgiadis, Owner, Uncle Sam’s Pizza request 30 minute parking on left side of Beaver St. 20 ft. from Main St.

          #7 CC October 19, 2004

          In Committee November 9, 2004 – Held

Recommend Deny


28.     Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Barbara G. Haller request installation of 30-minute parking meters along the easterly side of Main St. from Madison St. to Charlton St. and along westerly side of Main St. from Madison St. to Wellington St.

          #20 CC March 1, 2005

Recommend Approval as amended to preserve the No Parking zone in the northbound approach to Madison Street.


29.     Petition of Carla Jost requesting alternating winter parking ban on Warner Ave. so that the parking will be on odd side one year and even side the following year.

          #9 CC March 8, 2005

Recommend File


30.     Petition of Frank & Annette D’Ellovo request one hour parking in front of D’Ellovo’s Kitchen, 257 Shrewsbury Street.

#20 CC April 26, 2005

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


31.     Petition of Jennifer Breen, Housing Assistant, Worcester East Side CDC request to remove ½ hour parking signs at 409 Shrewsbury St. and replace with unlimited parking.

          #23 CC September 27, 2005

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


32.     Report of Traffic & Parking Committee upon the petition of Joseph Capone, Chair, Civic Center Commission request installation of 40’ of 20 minute parking on south side of Foster St. near intersection of Worcester Center Blvd. and across from DCU Center to allow DCU patrons to pick up tickets from the box office.

#117 CC March 28, 2006

Recommend File


33.     Petition of Steve Gardner request to install signage on Mill St. in the vicinity of #24 Mill St. for limited daytime parking.

          #13 CC October 18, 2005

Recommend Approval to install 1 hour parking from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.


34.     Petition of Gail Zbikowski request to reevaluate parking on Mower St. in the Boynton Park section; whether or not to ban overnight parking on both sides of Mower St. or to change the winter parking ban to prohibit parking on the odd side of the street to the even side of the street.

          #52 CC October 25, 2005

Recommend Hold for a hearing for the section of Mower Street from Pleasant Street to the City Line.


35.     Petition of Gail Zbikowski request permanent parking ban on one side of the street, preferably the odd side, of Mower St.

          #9 CC February 7, 2006

Recommend File


36.     Petition of Barbara Smith-Bacon request to rescind the passenger zone for the area in front of 120 Front St., which is on the east side, from a point 200 ft. north of Franklin St., to a point 360 ft. north of Franklin St., and in it’s place approve 30 minute parking meters to include handicap parking which is proximate to the building entrance.

          #78 CC In City Council November 29, 2005

Recommend Approval


37.     Petition of Joseph F. Borbone, Director of Engineering of the Department of Public Works & Parks request to approve 15 minute parking meters for patrons of the new Honey Farms at Commercial St. and Foster St. and also to approve a Commercial Loading Zone to accommodate the new business.

          #9 CC January 31, 2006

Recommend Approval




38.     Petition of Dawn Johnson et al request resident only parking on Downing St. between Park Ave. and Florence St.

          #40 CC November 18, 2003

          In Committee March 29, 2005 – Held

          In Committee March 9, 2006 – Held

Recommend File


39.     Petition of Joseph Metivier request resident only parking from 37- 42 Agate Ave.

          #18 CC June 15, 2004

          In Committee September 14, 2004 – Held

Recommend File


40.     Petition of Ransom Reynolds et al request to allow tenants of 319 Lincoln St. to obtain resident parking permits for Buckingham St. or 300 Block of Lincoln St.

          #8 CC May 17, 2005

Recommend Leave to Withdraw




41.     Petition of Elder Jerod Hartley and Elder Steve Douglas of the Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 67 Chester request to have church signs posted in the following locations:  at the intersection of Grove St. and West Boylston St., Grove St. north and south before Parkton Ave., the intersection of Grove St. and Holden St., the intersection of Park Ave. and Salisbury St., the intersection of Salisbury St. and Forest St., the Shore Dr. exit ramp, and the intersection of Shore Dr. and Holden St.

          #51 CC October 25, 2005

Recommend Hold


42.     Petition of Councillor Gary Rosen on behalf of Wayne Griffin request to replace street signs at the corner of Chamberlain Parkway and Tahanto Rd.

          #20 CC January 10, 2006

Recommend File




43.     Petition of Barbara White on behalf of the Autumn Woods Neighborhood request a “No Truck Route” sign be installed at the intersection of Upland St. & Upland Gardens Dr. – entrance to the Autumn Woods Housing Community.

          #9 CC December 13, 2005

Recommend Hold




44.     Report of the Committee on Traffic & Parking Upon the Petition of Patricia O’Neil request stop sign on Westinghouse Parkway at Heroult Rd.

#87 CC May 7, 2002

Recommend File


45.     Petition of Joseph F. Borbone, Director of Engineering of the Department of Public Works & Parks, request to rescind the Stop signs at the intersection of Franklin St. and Harding St. facing southbound traffic on Harding St. and eastbound and westbound traffic on Franklin St.

          #42 CC September 6, 2005

Recommend Approval


Chairman’s Order request the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works & Parks to contact all business owners in the vicinity of the intersection of Franklin Street and Harding Street to afford them the opportunity to know about proposed infrastructure work that will take place in the near future, so that they may make arrangements for new connections into the public ways.




46.     Petition of Joseph F. Borbone, Director of Engineering of the Department of Public Works & Parks request to approve a change in the traffic pattern on Winter St., between Grafton St. and Harding St., to accommodate two-way traffic.

          #10 CC March 14, 2006

Recommend Approval


47.     Petition of Joseph F. Borbone, Director of Engineering of the Department of Public Works & Parks request to approve an alteration to the parking ordinance on Winter St. to change the No Parking Anytime areas near Green St. to No Parking-Tow Zone. This change is necessary to accommodate the additional volumes that will be created by the new two-way traffic operations on Winter St.

          #11 CC March 14, 2006

Recommend Approval