JUNE 20, 2001
6:00 P.M.
Convended: 6:10 p.m.
Adjourned: 7:50 p.m.
Janice L. Nadeau
Konstantina B. Lukes
Also Present: Joseph Borbone, Director, Traffic Engineering
Jim Pacenka, Traffic
Captain Ash, Police
Dolan, Assistant City Clerk
1. Joseph Rossetti request No Parking Ban on Hastings Rd. from Button St. to West Boylston St.
#20 CC March 20, 2001
Committee May 14, 2001 – Held
Recommend: Denied
2. Sylvia
Desautels 18
Plantation St. #8 CC 2/6/01
Committee March 14, 2001 – Held
In Committee May 14, 2001 - Held
to 7:30 PM)
Recommend: Approve
Chairmans Order: Request Traffic Engineering to review existing handicap parking spaces currently in place on Plantation St. and report if all are being used.
3. Michelle Pacy 192 Vernon St. #16 CC 4/24/01
Recommend: Hold
4. Sandra Schofield 150 Ingleside Ave. #15 CC 5/1/01
Recommend: Approve
5. Patricia Hawkins 20 North Woodford St. #12 CC 5/15/01
Recommend: Approve
6. Bernadette Pinnataro 27 Suffield St. #13 CC 5/15/01
Recommend: Approve (Ninety
Day Trial)
7. Tri Nguyen on behalf of 17 Birch St. #16 CC
Phat Nguyen
Recommend: Approve
8. Report
of the Committee on Traffic & Parking upon the Report of the Committee on
Traffic & Parking upon the Petition of Hysen Koka request handicap parking
in front of 6 Norman Ave.
#78 CC March 27, 2001
In Committee – March 14, 2001 – Recommitted to Traffic
& Parking
Recommend: File
9. Albert
Belmonte & Maria Gemei request to relocate handicap parking space at the
corner of Shrewsbury St. and Seward St. to new location in front of 264
Shrewsbury St.
#15 CC April 24, 2001
Recommend: Approve
10. Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Sr. Mary Thomas Senckowski request Traffic Engineer review whether there are resident parking problems or other parking problems on Richland St.
CC January 16, 2001
Chairman’s Order: Request the Police Department to provide additional enforcement of residential parking on Richland St.
11. Anthony
Ruggieri request that parking in front of 57-59 Hamilton St. be made resident
parking only or tenant parking only.
CC May 1, 2001
Recommend: Denied
12. Councillor
Stephen Patton request to reverse the
winter parking ban on Leeds St. from Whitmarsh Ave. to Summerhill Ave.
CC May 8, 2001
13. Richard
& Jacqueline Forlani request a pedestrian walk light and a No Turn on Red
Light sign at the intersection of Park Ave. & Sagamore Rd.
#18 CC February 27, 2001
Recommend: Denied
14. Councillor
Paul P. Clancy Jr. on behalf of Roberta Adams request stop sign on Raymond St.
at Fifth Ave.
CC March 27, 2001
15. Mozam
Qutab of Ayurveda International, Inc. request commercial loading zone be
located in front of 21 West St.
#10 CC April 3, 2001
Recommend: Approve
Commercial Loading Zone 8AM-6PM Monday- Friday
16. Dr. Mozam Qutab request handicap parking in front of 21 West St.
#14 CC May 15, 2001
Recommend: Leave to
17. Dr. Mozam Qutab request resident parking
only in front of 21 West St.
#15 CC May 15, 2001
Recommend: Leave to
18. Mayor
Raymond V. Mariano and Councillor Stephen G. Abraham on behalf of Robert S.
Walley, Principal, Mill Swan School request Traffic & Parking Committee to
increase traffic enforcement from 7:50 AM to 8:30 AM and 2:15 PM to 2:40 PM in
the vicinity of Mill Swan School.
#17 CC
May 22, 2001
Recommend: Approve
19. Mayor
Raymond V. Mariano and Councillor Stephen G. Abraham on behalf of Robert S.
Walley, Principal, Mill Swan School request Traffic & Parking Committee to
install two illuminated (flashing) school speed zone signs on each side of Mill
St. near the school.
#18 CC May 22, 2001
Recommend: Approve, subject
to funding
20. Mayor
Raymond V. Mariano and Councillor Stephen G. Abraham on behalf of Robert S.
Walley, Principal, Mill Swan School request Traffic & Parking Committee to
install a mast arm with flashing yellow beacon at the intersection of Mill
& June Sts.
#19 CC May 22, 2001
Recommend: File
21. Communication
of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to traffic study and
signalization on Mill St. in the vicinity of Mill Swan School.
CM May 15, 2001
22. Communication
of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to traffic study – Mill
CM May 15, 2001
23. Melanie Willett request addition of two stop signs on Burncoat St. where it crosses Fairhaven Rd. making this a four-way stopping intersection.
CC July 6, 1999
In Committee – November 8, 1999 – Held
24. John Spillane, Attorney for UnumProvident
Corp. request installation of a traffic light at the corner of Cedar and
Chestnut Sts.
#52 CC August 17, 1999
Recommend: Approve, subject to funding
25. Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of
Rick Trifone request trailer truck restriction on Duxbury Rd.
#16a CC January 2, 2001
Recommend: Hold
26. Councillor
Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Steven Erickson request Traffic Engineering to
investigate traffic problems on Clover St.
#14 CC January 9, 2001
Recommend: Approve
27. Councillor
Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Dot Reid request review of traffic signage in
the area of Greenwood/Millbury St. and Reeves St.
CC January 16, 2001
In Committee May 14, 2001 – Held
28. Michael
Grandone request removal of trees on the center median strip that runs the
length of Shrewsbury St. widening and paving and curb removal of said median,
then allowing diagonal parking down the center of the boulevard.
CC March 20, 2001
Leave to Withdraw
29. Communication
of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to parking problems and
lack of parking on Shrewsbury St.
CM February 27, 2001
30. Councillor
Joseph Petty request Traffic Engineering Department install an enhanced
crosswalk and advisory signage on Main St. from the corner of Apricot St. to
the corner of Grandview Ave.
CC April 24, 2001
31. Councillor
Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Sophie Brozowski request an island or a post with
huge reflector at intersection of Canton St. and Harding St.
CC April 24, 2001
32. Report
of the Committee on Public Works upon Petition of Councillor Janice L. Nadeau
on behalf of Sophie Brozowski request an island with reflectors at the
beginning of Canton St. at intersection of Harding St.
#111 CC May 22, 2001
Recommend: File
33. State
Representative John Fresolo request the installation of driveway clearance
signs at the entrance to the Twin Oaks Condominiums at 1199 & 1203 Grafton
St. in the interest of public safety of motorists and pedestrians.
CC May 1, 2001
34. Councillor
Paul P. Clancy Jr. request Traffic Engineer extend the number of two hour
parking spaces in front of Upsala St. Elder Apartment Building from Louise St.
to bus stop space.
CC May 15, 2001
35. Councillor
Paul P. Clancy Jr. request WRTA consider reducing space for bus stop in front
of Upsala St. Apartment Building and use driveway space as part of said stop.
CC May 15, 2001
36. Councillor
Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Austin Street Task Force request crosswalk
painting at 86 Austin St.
CC May 22, 2001
37. Councillor
Janice L. Nadeau on behalf of Austin Street Task Force request crosswalk
painted at Chandler and Piedmont St. intersection.
CC May 22, 2001
38. Relative to the removal of right turn on
red restriction.
A CM May 1, 2001
39. Relative
to Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to handicap parking signage for towing
of vehicles illegally parked in handicap parking spaces.
CM May 15, 2001