CITY OF WORCESTER | Public Works Committee Meeting | Monday, October 19, 2020 | Levi Lincoln (North) Chamber | Convened: 5:04 P.M. | Adjourned: 6:46 P.M. |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | |
Clerk of the City Council Nikolin Vangjeli | Committee Members | Chairperson George J Russell | Vice Chairperson Matthew E Wally | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor George J Russell
Vice Chairperson Councilor Matthew E Wally
Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson | | | | | Also: | Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks Matthew Labovites
Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks Russ Adams
Deputy City Clerk Stephen A.J. Pottle, clerk | | | |
1. | Approval of the Minutes | |
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| | | 1a. | Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Public Works hereby approves the minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting on June 30, 2020. | View Agenda | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays. | |
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| | | 2a. | In order to ensure the continuation of active public engagement, the City of Worcester will now use a phone conference line for members of the public to participate in all public meetings. To participate during the public participation phase of City Council, you may call the direct line indicated: Levi Lincoln Chamber - 415-655-0001 (Access Code: 173 161 1467) or enter the below URL into your web browser. If you would like to raise your hand when in the meeting as a call-in user during public participation you may dial *3. | Attachments |
3. | Abatement - Sewer Assessment Petition | |
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| | | 3a. | Tony Bahnan request abatement of sewer betterment assessment #31243 in the amount of $36,000.00 for Luther Ave. in the name of GAR Realty Trust LLC.
# 8d CC November 12, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to deny, as there are no grounds for the request.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Deny on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays. | |
4. | Abatement - Street Assessment Petitions | |
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| | | 4a. | Brenda Bussey, Director of Procurement and Accounts Payable at Worcester State University, request abatement of street assessment #25618, in the amount of $16,200.00 for Candlewood St.
# 9p CC September 8, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to approve for a full abatement of the assessment, as the property is a state-owned property.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays. | |
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| | | 4b. | Desmond Dowling request abatement of street assessment #25619 in the amount of $15,000.00 for Candlewood St.
# 7c CC June 23, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Speakers: 1. Desmond Dowling, Worcester resident, spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to approve for a partial abatement resulting in a new assessment of $4,500, as the corner lot rule applies.
Chairperson Councilor Russell discussed the abatement recommendation and the corner lot rule with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval for a Partial Abatement on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays. | |
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| | | 4c. | Kelly Casey request abatement of street betterment assessment #25609 in the amount of $11,250.00 for Hilma St.
# 6a CC February 11, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Speakers: 1. Kelley Casey, Worcester resident, spoke concerning the item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided a recommendation to deny, as the property does not meet the requirements for the corner lot rule or front to back rule.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Speaker #1, who discussed the recommendation with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell discussed possible actions that could be taken for the payment problem with Speaker #1.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Deny on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays. | |
5. | Leaf Collection and Trash Items | |
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| | | 5a. | Order of Councilor Gary Rosen and Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson - In support of the city's efforts to become the cleanest city in New England, request City Manager consider adding certain residential streets that continually gather litter and trash to the list of streets that are periodically swept.
# 9a CC October 13, 2020 | Attachments | | | In Committee for informational purposes only | | |
| | | | | | Speakers: 1. Will Raymond, Worcester resident, spoke concerning item.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who discussed the street sweeping program, the street sweeping schedule for Central Business District, and arterial streets. Further discussed the number of sweepers for arterial sweeping on a typical night, definition of the Central Business District, street sweeping for Shrewsbury Street and Canal District, timeline for recommendations from the new working group, and plans being researched to improve the trash problem of the city.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Wally, who discussed when the street sweeping program for Central Business District and arterial streets began, funding for street sweeping program, roving sweepers, and the resources needed for the expansion of the street sweeping program with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Rosen, who spoke concerning the item, and discussed the working group created by the administration for the street sweeping program with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Colorio, who discussed the timeline for the establishment of the working group, the members of the group, and the need for program revamping with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the item be held.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 5b. | Order of Councilor George J. Russell - Request City Manager create a program to encourages all city employees and residents to call in complaints to customer service about trash and litter on streets and private property.
# 16a CC September 29, 2020 | Attachments | | | In Committee for informational purposes only | | |
| | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with Items #5c CC and #10a CC.
Speakers: 1. Will Raymond, Worcester resident, spoke concerning Item #5c.
Chairperson Councilor Russell provided a report relative to the trash programs in other communities.
Chairperson Councilor Russell then put forth the following Chairman's Order: Request City Clerk provide City Council with information relative to trash programs in other communities, as provided to Public Works Committee.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who discussed the revenue DPW collected from nuisance tickets and fines with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks. Councilor Mero-Carlson then discussed the budget for DPW, the procedure for nuisance tickets, and the understaffing problem at DPW.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who discussed dumping litter on private lots.
Chairperson Councilor Russell then discussed phone calls to DPW Customer Service Center regarding trash problems.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the items be held.
Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Clerk provide City Council with information relative to trash programs in other communities, as provided to Public Works Committee. | |
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| | | 5c. | Order of Councilor Gary Rosen - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning what authority and enforcement powers the Public Works and Parks and Inspectional Services departments have when absentee landlords allow litter, trash and dumping by tenants or others to accumulate on their property. Further, request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the amount of annual revenue the city receives from fines collected for these violations and whether, if permitted by state law, an increase in these fines is advisable.
# 9b CC September 29, 2020 | Attachments | | | In Committee for informational purposes only | | |
| | | | | | Recommend Hold on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #5b CC) | |
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| | | 5d. | Petition of Ronald Negrini request a large trash can be installed in front of Maranatha Christian Church, located at 269 Mill St.
# 7e CC August 11, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to approve, subject to the adopt-a-basket program. Chairperson Councilor Russell then discussed the adopt-a-basket-program with the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 5e. | Petition of Councilor Donna M. Colorio on behalf of the Saxon Road Neighborhood Group, residents of Newton Square and surrounding neighbors of Duffy Field request installation of a “No Dumping/ Fine” sign be installed at Duffy Field.
# 7c CC May 5, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with item #5f CC.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Councilor Colorio, who spoke concerning the trash dumping problems in the Duffy Field area.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to approve the items.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays
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| | | 5f. | Petition of Councilor Sean M. Rose request installation of a "No Dumping" sign on the fence in front of Beaver Brook, between Flagg St. School and Beth Israel Congregational Church and at the end of St. Paul Drive.
# 7e CC July 17, 2018 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 nays (see Item #5e CC) | |
6. | Sidewalk Repair Petitions | |
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| | | 6a. | Jeri Steele request sidewalk repair in the vicinity of 4 Barnes Ave.
# 7h CC March 17, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with items #6b CC, #6c CC, and #6d CC.
Speakers: 1. Jeri Steele, Worcester resident, spoke concerning item #6a 2. Natalie Turner, Worcester resident, spoke in support of item #6c
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who recommended the petitioner of Item #6a CC be given leave to withdraw, as the street is included in the 2020 Resurfacing Program.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Speaker #1, who discussed problems with the grass planted on the sidewalk.
Chairperson Councilor Russell put forth the following Chairman's Order: Request City Manager request Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks review the construction and the finished product on Barnes Ave.
Chairperson Councilor Russell read Item #6c and discussed the sidewalk repair procedure.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Speaker #2, who discussed the street repair petition that was submitted in tandem with Item #6c CC, and petition for street lights assessment with the Deputy City Clerk.
Chairperson Councilor Russell recognized Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who recommended the petitioner be given Leave to Withdraw, as Burncoat Street side is being repaired, and Thorndyke Road side has been petitioned.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendations and to recommend Items #6b CC and #6c CC be approved.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager request Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks review the construction and the finished product on Barnes Ave. | |
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| | | 6b. | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request the sidewalk in front of 7 Einhorn Rd. be replaced.
# 9b CC June 30, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #6a CC) | |
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| | | 6c. | Natalie Turner request sidewalk repair on both sides of Parker St. between Park Ave. and Mayfield St.
# 7h CC July 21, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #6a CC) | |
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| | | 6d. | Paul Filippone request sidewalk repair along both the Burncoat St. and Thorndyke Rd. sides of 237 Burncoat St.
# 7f CC July 21, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Leave to Withdraw on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #6a CC) | |
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| | | 7a. | Councilor George J. Russell on behalf of Deb Cary, Community Advocacy and Engagement Manager of Mass Audubon, request installation of a streetlight at the end of Dunkirk Ave., in the vicinity of the City of Worcester’s DPW Dunkirk Ave. Pump Station, located at 76 Dunkirk Ave.
# 9b CC September 15, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Speakers: 1. Deb Cary, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of item #7a 2. Martha Gach, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of item #7a
Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to approve, subject to the particular of the location with the potential of adding a floodlight onto the street light.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 8a. | Petition of Michael Konan on behalf of Central Mass Builders, Inc. request the installation of a 165' sewer extension on Marjorie St. for a new construction duplex at 63-65 Marjorie St.
# 7c CC September 29, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, who provided the recommendation to approve the item, subject to a prior agreement.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 8b. | Report of the Planning Board relative to Right of Way Alterations and the public layout of Lunelle St., Langdon St. and Lamartine St.
# 18c CC July 21, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with Item #8d CC and #8e CC.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the items be filed.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 8c. | Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson on behalf of Carl Gomes request installation of “Dog Owners: Please Leash & Clean Up After Your Dog” signage at the Community Teaching Garden, located at 68 West Boylston Dr.
# 7i CC July 21, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Speakers: 1. Carl Gomes, Worcester resident, spoke concerning item #8c
Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and recognized the Assistant of Public Works and Parks, who provided the recommendation to approve, subject to working out the details with the petitioner.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to accept the recommendation.
Recommend Approval on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 8d. | Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Donald Dupre et al request Whitla Dr. be made a dead end at Sunderland Rd., allowing access only from Lake Ave.
# 11b CC January 14, 2020
In Committee March 4, 2020 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #8b CC) | |
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| | | 8e. | Order of Councilor Russell - Request City Manager and the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks present to City Council the state plan for reconstruction of Grafton St. so that it can be reviewed at a public meeting by the Standing Committee on Public Works for public comments.
# 11f CC November 13, 2018 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #8b CC) | |
9. | Communications of the City Manager | |
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| | | 9a. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Construction Progress Report for the Month ending August 31, 2020
# 9.7A CM September 22, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with Item #9b CM - #9f CM.
Chairperson Councilor Russell moved for a roll call vote to recommend the items be filed.
Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| | | 9b. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Keep Worcester Clean (KWC) Six Month Activity Report from January - June 2020
# 9.7B CM September 22, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #9a CM) | |
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| | | 9c. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Construction Progress Report for the month ending July 31, 2020.
# 9.5A CM August 11, 2020 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #9a CM) | |
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| | | 9d. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the DPW&P Street Resurfacing Program.
# 9.7A CM May 7, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #9a CM) | |
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| | | 9e. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Worcester - EPA Agreement.
# 7.5B CM September 20, 2016 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #9a CM) | |
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| | | 9f. | Transmitting informational communication relative to a report on the state of the Worcester Sewer System.
# 9.6A CM April 26, 2016 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 0 Nays (see Item #9a CM) | |
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| | | 10a. | Discussion concerning trash and litter in the city. | Attachments | | | | | | | See Item #5b CC | |
11. | Proclamations, Acknowledgements, Moments of Silence | |
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| | | 11a. | MOMENT OF SILENCE in memory of Commissioner of Public Works and Parks Paul J. Moosey, who passed away on October 16, 2020 at the age of 63. Commissioner Moosey began working for the Department of Public Works in 1984 and served as the Commissioner beginning in 2014. A dedicated member of the City of Worcester administration, Mr. Moosey will be missed by all those who knew him. | Attachments |