CITY OF WORCESTER | Public Works Committee Meeting | Wednesday, November 13, 2019 | Esther Howland (South) Chamber | Convened: 5:33 P.M. | Adjourned: 6:19 PM |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | |
Clerk of the City Council Susan M. Ledoux | Committee Members | Chairperson George J Russell | Vice Chairperson Matthew E Wally | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor George J Russell
Vice Chairperson Councilor Matthew E Wally
Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson | | | | | Also: | Commissioner of Public Works & Parks Paul Moosey
Assistant Commissioner of Public Works & Parks Matthew Labovites;
Assistant Commissioner of Public Works and Parks Russ Adams
DPW Head Clerk Elieen Holden
City Clerk Susan M. Ledoux, clerk | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | 1a. | Order - That the City Council Standing Committee of Public Works hereby approves the minutes of the Public Works Committee meeting of October 22, 2019. | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Councilor Russell read the Item and moved to approve the minutes of the October 22, 2019 Public Works Committee meeting. Motion approved on a voice vote. - Order adopted | |
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| | | 2a. | DELMONT AVENUE
(Harmon St. to Clarendon St.)
ABUTTERS - 6 IN FAVOR 3 OPPOSED 0 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell opened the hearing and requested Assistant Commissioner Mr. Adams provide the committee with the city’s recommendation and he recommended approval for 411’ at an estimated cost of $180 per linear footage to the abutters. The Chairperson requested the Clerk read the votes from the abutters. Councilor Mero-Carlson stated this street needs to be done as soon as possible since it is causing damage to Harmon St. The Chairperson requested anyone present if they wanted to speak to come forward. Don Picarro spoke in favor but had concern regarding damage on Harmon St. and requested they be repaired. Since there was no opposition the Chairperson moved to approve. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval | |
| | | | | |
| | | 3a. | WINNIPEG ST.
ABUTTERS - 6 IN FAVOR 3 OPPOSED 1 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell took hearings 3a # 3b collectively and opened the hearings. The Chairperson requested Assistant Commissioner Mr. Adams to give the city’s recommendation. He stated there are no engineering difficulties; Winnipeg St. would be for 330’ at an estimated cost of $100,000 and St. Louis St. would be for 385’ at an estimated cost of $115,000; abutters are assessed at a cost of $1 per square foot (frontage times the depth of their frontage up to a 100’).
The Chairperson requested the votes from the Clerk. Chairperson Russell asked if anyone who was present was in opposition, seeing no one he asked if anyone present was in favor and invited them to come up to speak. Valerie Fleming spoke in favor but had a questions regarding a neighbors concern regarding a culvert and the condition of the street after construction. Commissioner Moosey addressed the questions. Paul Chambers also asked questions regarding the culvert. Chairperson Russell moved to approve the sewer construction. Motion approved on a voice vote. Recommend Approval | |
| | | | | |
| | | 3b. | ST. LOUIS ST.
ABUTTERS - 6 IN FAVOR 4 OPPOSED 1 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see #3a)
Recommend Approval
| |
4. | Abatement - Street Assessment Petitions | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4a. | Matthew Early request abatement of street betterment assessment #25659 in the amount of $14,000.00 for Westcott St.
# 8o CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended this petition be denied and stated there were no abatement rules that can be applied. The petitioner, Matthew Early requested consideration since this would be a hardship. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Deny | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4b. | Steven and Meredith Nordstrom request abatement of estimated street betterment assessments for Lots 33-019-164-4, 33-019-164-3 and 33-019-164-2 on Myrick Ave.
# 8l CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended this petition be denied and stated this street has not been assessed. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation and further made a Chairman’s Order to “Request City Clerk send a letter to the owner of 21 Myrick Ave. informing them that the petition requesting an abatement for a street assessment for 21 Myrick Ave. will be recommended given leave to withdraw because at this time no assessment has been assigned and that they may submit a new petition when the assessment has been issued”. Motions approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to WIthdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4c. | Lily H Nguyen and Pablo Murillo Jr. request abatement of street betterment assessment #25656 in the amount of $14,000.00 for Westcott St.
# 8f CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended this petition be approved and stated the corner lot rule can be applied. The petitioner was present but did not speak. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval of full abatement | |
| | | | | |
| | | 4d. | Erin Cahill request abatement of street betterment assessment #25646 in the amount of $11,250.00 for Navasota Ave.
# 8a CC June 18, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended this petition be denied and stated there were no grounds for an abatement. The petitioner was not present. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Deny | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5a. | Dafni Tsolakidis request the installation of guardrails at four corners of May St. and June St. intersection.
# 7a CC January 22, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams. He recommended to hold so they could reach out to an abutter. Councilor Wally had a question regarding the use of wooden guard rails which was responded to by Commissioner Moosey who stated wooden guardrails would not meet federal impact standards and cannot be used. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Hold | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5b. | Alan Pandiani, owner of National Glass Works, request installation of protective post/guardrail at corner of Park Ave. and Parker St.
# 7m CC February 26, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended to Approve the guardrail. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approve to install guardrail | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5c. | Hugo Luis Reyes Rodriguez request installation of a guardrail in front of 25 Tennyson St.
# 8i CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended to Approve the guardrail. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approve to install guardrail | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5d. | Evan Corrigan request the guardrail on Sears Island Drive bridge be repaired.
# 7g CC June 25, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended to Approve the guardrail. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approve to install guardrail | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5e. | Councilor Sarai Rivera request removal of the portion of the guardrail in front of 76 Malvern Rd. that is nearest to the property’s driveway.
# 8f CC August 13, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and stated this has already been done. The Chairperson moved to recommend the petition be given leave to withdraw. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 5f. | Bruce Silva request installation of a guard rail in front of 1511 Main St.
# 8c CC August 13, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and requested the city’s recommendation from Assistant Commissioner Adams and he recommended to Approve the guardrail. The Chairperson moved to accept the recommendation. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approve to install guardrail | |
6. | Sidewalk Repair Petitions | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6a. | Councilor George J. Russell request resurfacing of sidewalks on Woodford St.
# 8d CC September 24, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell took 6a – 6n minus 6f collectively and made a motion to add them all to the Sidewalk Repair List. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6b. | Theresa Gallagher request sidewalk repair in front of 30 Tatman St. and further that the water shut-off obstacle in sidewalk be leveled.
# 8a CC September 24, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6c. | Eric Rosenthal request sidewalk replacement in front of 29 Otsego Rd.
# 9b CC September 17, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6d. | Nataly Dernulc request sidewalk repair along the Perry Ave. and Harlem St. sides of 37 Harlem St.
# 9d CC September 17, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6e. | Donald Ichton request sidewalk repair in front of 86 Pine View Ave.
# 8m CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6f. | Matthew Nasif request sidewalk repair in front of 464 Salisbury St.
# 8p CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and invited the petitioner, Matthew Nasif, to speak. He spoke in favor of his request and informed the committee of his concerns regarding his sidewalk, an untrimmed tree and a street light on his property. The Chairperson made the following motion’s for Chairman’s Orders: “Request the Commissioner of Public Works & Parks ensure the tree in front of 464 Salisbury St. is trimmed as soon as possible” and “Request the Commissioner of Public Works & Parks assess the sidewalks in front of 464 Salisbury St. for any immediate trip hazards while it is waiting for reconstruction”. and further recommended the sidewalk be added to the Sidewalk List. Motion’s approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6g. | Alexander Hoppe request sidewalk repair in front of 25 and 27 Frothingham Rd.
# 8n CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6h. | Raul Navarro request sidewalk repair in front of 13 Norrback Ave.
# 8l CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6i. | Councilor Matthew E. Wally request sidewalk repair in front of 42 Wedgewood Rd.
# 8g CC August 13, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6j. | Daniel Voellings request sidewalk repair in front of 488 Mill St.
# 8h CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6k. | Gary Vecchio request to repave sidewalks on the even side of Caprera Rd., from Imperial Rd. to Granby Rd.
# 8g CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6l. | Nancy Wentworth request sidewalk repair on Airlie St., from its intersection with Granville Ave. to Hillcroft Ave.
# 8d CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6m. | Krysta Rossetti request sidewalk repair for the entire length of Airlie St.
# 8j CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 6n. | Mary Whalen requests sidewalk repair in front of 46 Monroe Ave.
# 8b CC June 18, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | (see 6a)
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
7. | Street Resurfacing and Repair Petitions | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7a. | Theresa Gallagher request street repair in front of 30 Tatman St.
# 8b CC September 24, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to give Leave to Withdraw at the owner’s request. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7b. | Joan Tedeschi request Morgan St. be resurfaced.
# 9c CC September 17, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7c. | Councilor Matthew E. Wally request Buckley Rd., between 20 Buckley Rd. and 37 Buckley Rd., be repaved.
# 8j CC September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7d. | Councilor Matthew E. Wally on behalf of Barbara Engwall request street resurfacing on Minthorne St.
# 8i CC August 13, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7e. | Councilor Matthew E. Wally on behalf of Barbara Engwall request street resurfacing on Vineyard St.
# 8h CC August 13, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7f. | Alexander Washington request street repair in front of 25 Friedel St.
# 8k CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to give Leave to Withdraw since it is a private street. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7g. | Councilor Sean M. Rose request Volkmar Rd. from West Boylston St. to Croydon Rd. be resurfaced.
# 8n CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to give Leave to Withdraw since it is already on the list. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7h. | Nancy Wentworth request Airlie St., from its intersection with Granville Ave. to Hillcroft Ave. be resurfaced.
# 8c CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7i. | Krysta Rossetti request street resurfacing for the entire length of Airlie St.
# 8i CC July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7j. | Evan Corrigan request Hastings Ave. be resurfaced.
# 7d CC June 25, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to give Leave to Withdraw since it is already on the list. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7k. | Evan Corrigan request Milton St. be resurfaced.
# 7c CC June 25, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7l. | Councilor Sean M. Rose request resurfacing of Barry Rd. from the intersection of Birchwood Rd. and Barry Rd. to 92 Barry Rd.
# 6c CC June 11, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7m. | Councilor Matthew E. Wally request Morningside Rd., from Morningside Terrace to Fiske St., be resurfaced.
# 6e CC June 4, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend approval. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Approval and add to list | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7n. | Joann Lee request Nelson Park Dr. be resurfaced.
# 6a CC June 4, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to give Leave to Withdraw since it is already on the list. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
| | | | | |
| | | 7o. | Johanna Moquin request the curbing be removed and driveway apron be repaired in front of 15 Marwood Rd.
# 7e CC May 28, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to give Leave to Withdraw since it is already on the list. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend Leave to Withdraw | |
8. | Communications of the City Manager | |
| | | | | |
| | | 8a. | Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Construction Progress Report for the month ending May 31, 2019.
# 9.7A CM June 18, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend the communication be placed on file. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend File | |
| | | | | |
| | | 8b. | Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Keep Worcester Clean (KWC) Six Month Activity Report from January - June 2019.
# 10.7A CM July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend the communication be placed on file. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend File | |
| | | | | |
| | | 8c. | Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Construction Progress Report for the month ending June 31, 2019.
# 10.7B CM July 23, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend the communication be placed on file. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend File | |
| | | | | |
| | | 8d. | Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Construction Progress Report for the month ending July 31, 2019.
# 10.5A CM September 3, 2019 | Attachments | | | | | | | Chairperson Russell read the item and moved to recommend the communication be placed on file. Motion approved on a voice vote.
Recommend File | |
| 1. | Request City Clerk send a letter to the owner of 21 Myrick Ave. informing them that the petition requesting an abatement for a street assessment for 21 Myrick Ave. will be recommended given leave to withdraw because at this time no assessment has been assigned and that they may submit a new petition when the assessment has been issued. | | | 2. | Request the Commissioner of Public Works & Parks ensure the tree in front of 464 Salisbury St. is trimmed as soon as possible. | | | 3. | Request the Commissioner of Public Works & Parks assess the sidewalks in front of 464 Salisbury St. for any immediate trip hazards while it is waiting for reconstruction. | |