MARCH 22, 2005


Convened: 5:35 p.m.



Present were:      Chairperson Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr.

                             Councillor Philip P. Palmieri

                             Councillor Frederick C. Rushton @ 5:39 p.m.

                             Councillor Barbara G. Haller


Also:                    DPW Commissioner Robert L. Moylan, Jr.

                             DPW Staff Joseph Borbone, Tim Reiner, Phil Guertin and Paul Moosey

                             City Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk











1.    Papagni Circle

Recommend Approval




2.    Pickwick’s Circle

Recommend Approval







3.       Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Alan Gordon requesting acceptance of

Tristan Court as a public way.                     

#16 CC 12/14/04

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


4.       Petition of David Martin request resurfacing of Oriol Dr.

#7 CC 1/18/05

Recommend Approval


5.       Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Mary Dionne request public portion of Elliot St. be paved in 2005.

          #9a CC January 4, 2005

Recommend Approval



                                                                   Item # & Date

          Petitioner’ Name                              Location                                  In City Council


6.       Raquel Ramos et al                             Brookline St.                            #8 CC 10/29/02

In Committee May 3, 2004 - Held

In Committee October 25, 2004 – Held

Recommend Approval


7.       Shirley Bourke et al                             St. Louis St.                             #9 CC 11/9/04

Recommend Approval


8.       Shirley Bates et al                               34-77 St. Anthony St.               #10 CC 11/9/04

Recommend Approval


9.       Anna Maria Hachey &                        Wallingford Rd.                        #12 CC 12/9/03

          Anthony Matulaitis

          In Committee October 25, 2004 – Held

Recommend Approval


10.     Carlos & Jean Ortiz                            Gediminas St.                           #23 CC 9/21/04

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


11.     Grace & David Drake                         Belcourt Rd.                             #13 CC 11/30/04

Recommend Hold




12.     Petition of David & Grace Drake and Christopher & Jennifer Schule request sewers at 3 & 9 Belcourt Rd.

          #14 CC November 30, 2004

Recommend Refer to the Planning Board


13.     Petition of Anthony Popillo request to extend sanitary main on Franklin St. a distance of 278’ at owner’s expense.

          #8 CC February 15, 2005

Recommend Approval subject to prior agreement and costs to be borne by the petitioner


14.     Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone request city assume jurisdiction, ownership and control of an existing sanitary sewer system located on Plantation St. at its intersection with an access road leading to Plantation Towers and extending along said access road from Plantation St. to a point on the access road approximately 500 ft.

          #16 CC November 30, 2004

Recommend Approval subject to prior agreement and costs to be borne by the petitioner



                                                                   Item # & Date

          Petitioner’s Name                            Location                                  In City Council


15.     Roger Hunt                                         20 Kenilworth Rd.                     #29 CC 11/23/04

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


16.     Mary Taubert                                      71 Francis St.                           #30 CC 11/23/04

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


17.     Joseph Rossetti                                  Corner Shrewsbury                   #11 CC 12/7/04

& Henry Sts.

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


18.     Councillor Clancy                               Houghton St.                            #12 CC 12/7/04

                                                                    at Corner of Heywood St.

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding.


19.     Councillor Clancy                               17 Puritan Avenue                     #13 CC 12/7/04

          on behalf of Rita Moss

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


20.     Elyse Levy                                          17 & 19 Saxon Rd.                   #7 CC 1/4/05

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


21.     Anyu Cai et al                                     21 Clearview Ave.                     #8 CC 1/4/05

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


22.     Jodi Oliver                                          33 ½ Barclay St.                       #9 CC 1/4/05

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


23.     Councillor Palmieri                              22 Wilson St.                            #9 CC 1/18/05

          on behalf of Joe Simone

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding




24.     Petition of Debra Haddad request to cut guardrail across from Belcourt Rd. to Access Lake Quinsigamond for the purpose of building a ramp.  We will clean and maintain the access area.

          #12 CC November 26, 2002

          In Committee May 21, 2003 – Held

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


25.     Petition of Nelly Perez et al request to install guardrail at the corner of Princeton St. and Lewis St.

          #6 CC November 16, 2004

Recommend Deny


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Commissioner of Public Works review the intersection of Princeton and Lewis Streets and recommend public safety improvements.


26.     Petition of Councillor Barbara Haller request guardrail along west side of Newbury St.

directly across from intersection of Congress St.

#6 CC February 8, 2005

Recommend Approval and placement on the list for future funding


Communications of the City Manager


27.     Request adoption of an Order of Taking by which the city would acquire a watershed preservation restriction on 87 acres of land located within and adjacent to the Holden Reservoir #1 watershed.

          #23C CM February 8, 2005

          In Committee February 15, 2005 – Held

Recommend Approval


28.     Relative to legislation concerning Illegal Dumping in Public Ways.

          #15A CM April 13, 2004

In Committee May 24, 2004 – Held

In Committee September 27, 2004 – Held

Recommend Hold


29.     Relative to cost of Trash Collection versus Fees Generated.

          #23D CM January 4, 2005

Recommend Hold


30.     Relative to Daylighting Beaver Brook Culvert.

          #23H CM June 1, 2004

In Committee September 27, 2004 – Held

Recommend Hold


31.     Relative to Worcester Common Restoration Update.

          #18I CM August 17, 2004

          In Committee September 13, 2004 – Held

Recommend Hold


32.     Relative to Pearl Elm Garage.

          #23H CM August 17, 2004

Recommend Hold


33.     Relative to the Abandoned Vehicle Status Report November 2004.

          #23C CM November 30, 2004

Recommend Hold


34.     Relative to Worcester’s Major Railroad Lines.

          #4A CM January 4, 2005

Recommend Hold


35.     Relative to Department of Public Works Construction Progress Report for the Quarter ending December 31, 2004.

#23C CM January 25, 2005

Recommend Hold


36.     Relative to FY’05 Snow Removal Budget.

          #23B CM February 8, 2005

Recommend Hold


DISCUSSION  - North Parkway Area Traffic Study.


1.     Nicholas Alexanian, 16 Melrose Street, Worcester

2.     William Bernier, 14 Melrose Street, Worcester

3.     Robert Haran, 41 Davidson Road, Worcester

4.     Larry Trust, 16 Davidson Road, Worcester

5.     Paul Brule, 40 North Parkway, Worcester


37.     Communication of the City Manager relative to North Parkway.

          #23E CM September 9, 2003

          In Committee September 30, 2003 - Held

          In Committee March 29, 2004 – Held

          In Committee August 30, 2004 – Held

Recommend File


38.     Communication of the City Manager relative to North Parkway Area Traffic Study.

#23J CM March 8, 2005

Recommend Hold


39.     Order of Councillor Philip P. Palmieri requesting the Commissioner of Public Works provide the City Council with the most recent comprehensive traffic study of the area that encompasses Lincoln St., Burncoat St., Randolph Rd., North Parkway, Belvidere St., Melrose St. and Wakefield St., and also apprise the City Council of the initiatives by the Commonwealth to undertake a new comprehensive study of this area to enhance traffic flow and improve public safety.

          In City Council June 8, 2004 Order Adopted #23 CC and also referred to Public Works Committee.

          In Committee August 30, 2004 – Held

Recommend File



DISCUSSION - The re-location of the Cristoforo Colombo statue and the access to the entryway to Union Station.



1.     Rev. Michael Bafaro, 53 East Central Street, Worcester

2.     Mario Giamei, 86 Boston Road, Sutton

3.     Dino Giamei, 206 St. Nicholas Avenue, Worcester



40.     Relative to Economic Development Initiative Report November 2004.

          #8A CM November 16, 2004

Recommend File


41.     Relative to Economic Development Initiative Report December 2004.

          #8A CM December 14, 2004

In Committee January 4, 2005 – Held

Recommend File


42.     Relative to Economic Development Initiative Report January 2005.

          #8A CM January 11, 2005

          In Committee January 24, 2005 – Held

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request recommend that the placement of the Cristoforo Colombo statue be at the front of Union Station, and that the placement of the benches at the corner of Shrewsbury Street and Mulberry Street.