AUGUST 30, 2005


Convened: 5:34 p.m.

Adjourned: 6:55 p.m.


Present were:      Chairperson Councilor Joseph M. Petty

                             Councilor Michael C. Perotto

                             Councilor Juan A. Gomez @ 5:50 p.m.

                             Councilor Barbara G. Haller


Also:                     Police Chief Gary J. Gemme

                             Deputy Police Chief Paul Campbell

                             DPW Assistant to the Commissioner Robert Fiore

                             Assistant City Solicitor John O’Day

                             City Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk




1.       Petition of Senad Sabotic et al request to install street light on telephone pole #2 on Belair Street.

          #6 CC September 28, 2004

          In Committee March 30, 2005 – Held

Recommend Approval as requested


2.       Petition of Mayor Timothy Murray and Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of the Shepard-King Neighborhood request the installation of additional street lighting, or increased lumens to existing street lighting, in the following streets:  King, Shepard, Kingsbury and Woodland Streets.

          #8 CC November 9, 2004

          In Committee March 30, 2005 – Held

Recommend Hold
Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Commissioner of Public Works to upgrade streetlights on poles #1 thru #5 on Kingsbury Street from 4000 lumen to 9600 lumen and upgrade streetlights on poles #1 thru #3 on Shepard Street from 4000 lumen to 9600 lumen.


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager request the Commissioner of Public Works to trim city shade trees in Shepard Street so that existing streetlights may better illuminate the streets and sidewalk areas.


3.       Petition of Mayor Timothy Murray and Councillor Paul Clancy request street light at 7 Commonwealth Avenue.

          #6a CC May 17, 2005

Recommend Leave to Withdraw


4.       Petition of Antonio Corapi request to install street light on pole #5 on Ansonia Road.

          #8 CC June 7, 2005

Recommend Approval as requested


5.       Petition of Grace DiBaro request streetlight on pole #11 on Greenfield Street.

          #13 CC July 19, 2005

Recommend Approval as requested




6.       Petition of Steven Karapatsas request bus shelter at 1001 Main Street be moved 10-12 feet easterly.

          #5 CC March 15, 2005

Recommend Approval and adoption of the accompanying order

Request the City Manager to request the Commissioner of Public Works to move the bus shelter in front of 1001 Main Street a short distance so that buses do not block the driveway to a new business; said cost to be assumed by the City of Worcester.


7.       Communication of the City Manager relative to Licensing Livery/Limousine Services.

          #19D CM September 28, 2004

          In Committee September 30, 2004 – Held

Recommend File



1.     Attorney Joseph D. Early, Jr., Worcester resident

2.     Antoinette Donovan, Millbury resident

3.     Dennis Sachs, Worcester resident

4.     Paul Abdella, Oxford resident

5.     Ted Kalinowski, Worcester resident


8.       Communication of the City Manager relative to Regulation and Penalties applicable to livery vehicles.

          #19A CM December 14, 2004

Recommend Approval of Items # 2 through 7 of this item. #1 and #8 not recommended for approval.
Chairman’s Order request the City Manager to request the Police Chief to consider recommending to City Council new Rules and Regulations for taxi licensing that includes the following issues of public interest:

1.      that there be a mandatory driver photo identification,

2.      that there be unannounced inspections,

3.      that a reduction in the age allowed for taxis to be on the road from 7 years to 6½  this year and then down to 6  next year so as to ease into a newer fleet rather than hit the owners with a one year change all at once,

4.      that the posting of rates inside cabs be required,

5.      that the name and phone number of the taxi owner be displayed on the exterior of each cab,

6.      that issues of taxi cleanliness is required,

7.      that a review of the criminal record (including sex offenders) of drivers be required before they are licensed to drive,

8.      that an annual review of the number of hours each taxi is on the road in a given month is required so as to guarantee that the public is adequately served,

9.      that no bumper stickers or window stickers be allowed on taxis because they are  not private vehicles but public conveyances,

10.  that drivers should be clean and uniformed as they are ambassadors of the city to visitors, and

11.   that taxi license rules and regulations also apply to liveries.


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager to provide the City Council with a draft of the proposed new rules and regulations and enforcement plans for owners/operators of taxis in the City of Worcester.


Chairman’s Order request the City Manager to request the Police Chief to provide the City Council with information how the taxi owners/operators serve the non-English speaking populations.




9.       Resolution of Councillor Barbara Haller – That the City Council hereby opposes United States Senate Bills 1504 and 1349 and House of Representatives Bill 3146 relative to the regulation of public access cable television.

          #138 CC August 16, 2005

Recommend Approval