CITY OF WORCESTER | Finance Committee Meeting | Tuesday, June 3, 2008 | Council Chamber | Convened: 4:07 P.M. | Recessed: 6:40 P.M. Reconvened: 8:02 P.M. Adjourned: 8:53 P.m. |
Mayor Konstantina B. Lukes | |
Clerk of the City Council David J. Rushford | Committee Members | Chairperson Konstantina B Lukes | Councilor Paul P Clancy Jr. | Councilor William J Eddy | | Councilor Michael J Germain | Councilor Barbara G Haller | Councilor Philip P Palmieri | Councilor Joseph M Petty | Councilor Gary Rosen | Councilor Frederick C Rushton | Councilor Joffrey A Smith | Councilor Kathleen M Toomey |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | All committee members present with the Mayor in the Chair | | | | | Also: | City Manager Michael V. O'Brien Chief Financial Officer Thomas F. Zidelis Commissioner of Health & Human Services James G. Gardiner Assistant City Manager Julie A. Jacobson City Auditor James A. DelSignore City Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk
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1. | Health & Human Services Budget Hearings | |
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| | | 1a. | Public Health - XI-1 | View Budget | | | | | | | Motion Rushton @ #1a - Request to make the following cuts from the FY2009 Budget: 1) Cut in EM Incentive Pay for each department for a total cut of approximately $200,000 from various 91000 accounts, 2) Cut from City Manager's Ordinary Maintenance account 004-92000 the $12,000 increase in holiday productions and cut $5,000 from WRRB - Community Research for a total of $17,000, 3) Cut - $200,000 from City Manager's Contingency Account 900-91000, 4)Cut $100,000 from Worker's Compensation account 171-96000 because of the outsourcing, 5) Cut $100,000 from Union Station account 480-92000 with a reduction to janitorial services by $50,000 and a reduction in security by $50,000, 6) Cut $100.000 from the Department of Public Works & Parks account 4103-92000 a reduction from $190,000 to $90,000 within the streets long patch program and crosswalks. These cuts total $550,000-700,000 and request City Manager and apply these funds for health insurance relief and funds back to the taxpayer.
Motion Petty - Request to hold the cuts proposed by Councilor Rushton - Approved on a voice vote
Budget approved | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing the several places that Worcester Department of Public Health has engaged with to request that tobacco advertising be taken down from public viewing. (Palmieri) | | | | Request City Manager report to City Council the impact of the cuts proposed by Councilor Rushton (as enclosed). (Petty) | | | | Request City Manager report to City Council the reasons for the additional appropriation of $100,000 to Workman's Compensation budget considering the outsourcing of this function to a vendor as a cost savings measurer. (Germain) | |
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| | | 1b. | Human Services - Disability Commission, Human Rights, Veterans Services - XI-2 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 1c. | Elder Affairs - XI-3 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 1d. | Public Library - XI -4 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 1e. | Regional Library - XI-5 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
2. | Economic & Neighborhood Development Budget Hearings | |
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| | | 2a. | Economic Development - VII-1 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 2b. | Neighborhoods & Housing - VII-2 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 2c. | Worcester Redevelopment Authority/Union Station - VII-3 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 2d. | Planning & Regulatory Development - VII-4 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 2e. | Workforce Development - VII-5 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 2f. | Marketing Campaign - VII-6 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 2g. | Airport - VII-7 | View Budget | | | | | | | Motion Clancy @ #2g - Cut $1,479 million dollars from the Worcester Regional Airport budget.
Motion Rushton to amend Councilor Clancy's motion to add: minus debt service - Accepted
Motion Clancy to restate the dollar amount to his motion as $628,779.69 as a point of clarification
Motion Petty @ #2g - Request to hold Economic & Neighborhood Budget Hearing for Airport - Approved on a voice vote
| | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager provide City Council with an analysis of any legal impact should the cut to the airport budget pass. (Palmieri) | |
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| | | 2h. | Cable Services - VII-8 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
3. | Administration & Finance Budget Hearings | |
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| | | 3a. | Budget Office - XIV-1 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager report to City Council concerning the potential savings by procuring electricity through power aggregation. (Smith) | | | | Request City Manager report to City Council as to how the broker utilized for the purchasing of energy would be paid and estimated savings. (Lukes)
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| | | 3b. | Assessor's Office - XIV-2 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 3c. | Purchasing Division - XIV-3 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager consider speaking with our state delegation concerning an amendment to procurement legislation so that local companies may be given preference with the sanctioning of state law. (Haller) | |
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| | | 3d. | Technical Services - XIV-4 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 3e. | Treasurer and Collector - XIV-5 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget Approved | |
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| | | 3f. | Debt Service Principal & Interest - XIV-6 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
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| | | 3g. | Pension Obligation Bonds - XIV-7 | View Budget | | | | | | | Budget approved | |
4. | Capital Campaign Budget Hearing | |
5. | Line Item Budget Hearing | |
6. | Legislative Offices Budget Hearing | |
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| | | 6a. | City Clerk - IV-4
Held in Committee May 13, 2008
| View Budget | | | | | | | Motion Clancy - Request to hold for June 10th Finance Committee meeting. | |
7. | Communications of the City Manager | |
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| | | 7a. | Recommend City Council Approval of the Attached Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. # 8.30A CM May 06, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7b. | Transmitting the City's Five Year Capital Improvement Program and Recommend City Council's Review, Consideration and Approval to Advertise the Associated Loan Orders, City Council Agenda Numbers 8.31A through 8.31NN. # 8.30A CM July 17, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7c. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget. # 10.37C CM August 14, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7d. | Transmitting informational communication regarding the adoption and implementation of Chapter 32B, Section 18. # 8.6A CM August 28, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7e. | Transmitting informational communication relative to a Legal Opinion as to the City Council's Legal Jurisdiction and Powers regarding the City budget for FY 2008 which has been previously voted by City Council. # 8.28A CM August 28, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7f. | Ttransmitting informational communication regarding a Financial Update of the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget. # 5b CC September 25, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7g. | Transmitting informational communication regarding an Update on the City's Five Year Plan and Quarterly Report. # 8.30A CM December 03, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7h. | Transmitting informational communication regarding the Five Point January 2008 Financial Plan Update. # 13a CC January 29, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7i. | Transmitting informational communication regarding the Commonwealth's Proposed Fiscal Year 09 Spending Plan. # 10.30A CM February 12, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7j. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Mid-Year Review of Fiscal Year 2008 Health Insurance Reforms enacted for the City and School Department. # 10.30A CM February 26, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7k. | Transmitting informational communication relative to Historic Trends in State and Federal Funding. # 10.30B CM February 26, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7l. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Analysis of Outsourcing Certain City Trade Labor Services. # 10.31A CM February 26, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7m. | Transmitting communication relative to a Cost Comparison of the Expenditures of the Election Commission Prior to and Since its Merger with the City Clerk's Department. # 7.38A CM April 01, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 7n. | Submitting an amendment of the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. # 10p CC May 20, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
8. | Communications of the City Auditor | |
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| | | 8a. | Transmitting communication relative the City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2007. # 9a CC December 18, 2007 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8b. | Transmitting communication relative to the November 2007 Auditor's Report. # 16a CC January 08, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8c. | Transmitting communication relative to a financial analysis of the City's General Fund and Enterprise Funds. # 13b CC January 29, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8d. | Transmitting communication relative to the December 2007 Auditor's Report. # 13a CC February 12, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8e. | Transmitting communication relative to January 2008 Auditor's Report. # 13a CC February 26, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8f. | Transmitting communication relative to the February 2008 Auditor's Report. # 10b CC March 18, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8g. | Transmitting communication relative to a financial analysis of the City's General Fund and Enterprise Funds. # 5a CC March 25, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8h. | Transmitting communicaton relative to the March 2008 Auditor's Report. # 9a CC April 15, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8i. | Transmitting communication relative to a Comparison of Salaries between City and School Administrative Positions. # 10a CC May 27, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 8j. | Transmitting communication relative to April 2008 Auditor's Report # 10b CC May 27, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 9a. | Order of Councilor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. and Mayor Konstantina B. Lukes - Request City Council's Standing Committee on Finance meet with a representative from Sullivan & Rogers, LLC for an exit interview on latest audits. # 12b CC February 26, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |
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| | | 9b. | Order of Councilors Rushton, Toomey, Germain, Rosen, Smith and Eddy - Request the City Manager include the $250,000 realized as a result of new negotiations with MassPort in the Fiscal Year 2009 budget of the Worcester Public Schools for the purpose of reducing class size or increasing funding for instructional materials or for implementing new technologies. # 9a CC May 27, 2008 | Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold | |