CITY OF WORCESTER | Economic Development Committee Meeting | Tuesday, December 22, 2009 | Esther Howland (South) Chamber | Convened: 6:06 P.M. | Adjourned: 7:12 P.M. |
Mayor Konstantina B. Lukes | |
Clerk of the City Council David J. Rushford | Committee Members | Chairperson Philip P Palmieri | Councilor Paul P Clancy Jr. | Councilor Barbara G Haller | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor Philip P Palmieri Councilor Paul P Clancy Jr. Councilor Barbara G Haller | | | | | Also: | Director of Planning & Regulatory Services Joel Fontane Temporary City Clerk Susan Ledoux, clerk | | | |
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| | | 1a. | Communication of the City Manager transmitting a Proposed Wind Energy Amendment to the City's Zoning Ordinance. # 9.6B CM December 01, 2009 | Attachments | | | | | | | Having considered the Report of the Planning Board's recommendation to ordain the porposed Ordinance with corrections and amendments the Committee recommended approval on a roll call vote of 3-0
Councilor Clancy moved to reconsider - Approved on a roll call vote of 3-0
Director of Planning & Regulatory Services Joel Fontance submitted an amendment to Committee - Accepted
Chairman Palmieri moved to recommend approval of the Ordinance as amended by the Planning Board Report's corrections and amendments as well as the amendment accepted by the Committee on a roll call vote of 3-0
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2. | Reconvened Hearing - Expansion of the Montvale Historic District | |
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| | | 2a. | Communication of Peter Schneider, Chair of the Worcester Historical Commission transmitting communication relative to proposed expansion of the Montavale Local Historic District. # 11b CC March 11, 2008
In Committee March 24, 2008 - Held for View - Monday, March 31, 2008 at 12:00 Noon
In Committee December 15, 2009 - Councilor Palmieri reconvened the Hearing for public testimony. Recessed Hearing to December 22, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.
| Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Approval on roll call vote of 2 Yeas and 1 Nay (Clancy) | |
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| | | 2b. | Proposed Ordinance amending the Montvale Historic District by the adoption of a new map enlarging the District. (Tabled Under Privilege - Palmieri March 25, 2008) # 12f CC December 01, 2009
In Committee December 15, 2009 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File | |
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| | | 2c. | Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Proposed Expansion of the Montvale Local Historic District. # 9.6C CM December 01, 2009
In Committee December 15, 2009 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend File | |
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| | | 3a. | Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Lois Maraia, President of Goldthwaite Holdings LLC request to change the zone from RS-7 and RG-5 to RL-7 for property located in the area of Pierce St. and Goldthwaite Rd. # 15a CC April 28, 2009
In Committee June 30, 2009 Recessed Hearing for a View to take place March 31, 2009 at 12:00 PM In Committee December 15, 2009 Councilor Palmieri reconvened the Hearing for public testimony - Recessed Hearing to December 22, 2009 at 6:00 P.M.
| Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Deny on roll call vote of 0 Yeas and 3 Nays | |