Economic Development Committee Meeting

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Esther Howland (South) Chamber

Convened: 6:07 P.M.

Adjourned: 6:48 P.M.

Konstantina B. Lukes


Clerk of the City Council
David J. Rushford

Committee Members

Chairperson Philip P Palmieri
Councilor Paul P Clancy Jr.
Councilor Barbara G Haller

City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts

Present Were:Chairperson Councilor Philip P Palmieri
Councilor Paul P Clancy Jr.
Councilor Barbara G Haller
Also:Assist City Manager Julie Jacobson
Business Assistant Director Paul Morano
Assistant City Clerk Susan M. Ledoux, clerk

Communication of the City Manager


Recommending adoption of the attached resolutions relative to the Certified Project Application and Site Specific Economic Opportunity Area (EOA) Designation for Sedler Corporation and Beechwood Inn, Inc.
# 7.4A CM August 11, 2009


Recommend Adoption of Two Resolutions on a roll call vote of 3-0

Dr. & rs. Birbara, Owner of Beechwood Inc. Inc.
Mark Waxler, Executive Vice President & General Manager of Beechwood Inn, Inc.
Attorney Todd Rodman