Peter Schneider, 42 Drury Lane
Leo McManus, 14 Montvale Rd.
Joe Toomey 240 Salisbury Street
Bruce Bunke, 3 Montvale Rd.
Mary "Sid" Callahan, 4 Massachusetts Ave.
Henry Dewey, 8 Fenimore Road
Tay Ann Jay, 770 Salisbury Street
Richard McManus
Roy Hegedus, 11 Montvale Road
Patricia Hegedus, 11 Montvale Road
Margaret Gifford, 21 Monadnock Road
Paul Giorgio, 11 Monadnock Road
Attorney Joe Boynton, 34 Cedar Street
Connie Crowley, 23 Waconah Road
Diane Ghalibaf, Whitman Road
Nancy Pappas, 9 Montvale Road
Attorney Bernie Conlin, 84 Park Avenue
Robert Bartelson, 248 Salisbury St.
Maureen Lambert, 90 Park Ave.
Ed Harris, V.P. American Antiquarian Society
Attorney Robert Longdon
Ellen Dunlap, President American Antiquarian Society
Deborah Packard, Executive Director, Preservation Worcester
Councilors viewed tennis court from 3 Montvale Road back deck for lighting
Councilor Smith asked what impact on the neighborhood, if accepted would this cause. A certificate of appropriateness must be issued and the Commission can deny such a request if not with historic guidelines.
The right of way to be relocated to tennis court from Park Avenue adjacent to the Lambert's driveway.
The (Goddard House) Carriage house to be renovated for classroom/office space. Footprint of building to be enlarged.
Boundary line follows tennis court rear fence to Montvale.
Councilor Rushton asked if there was any historical significance to the tennis court. Esterbrook owned it in the 1860's and sold to Briggs in 1938.
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