Youth, Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Levi Lincoln (North) Chamber

Convened: 5:30 P.M.

Adjourned: 6:04 P.M.

Joseph M. Petty


Clerk of the City Council
Susan M. Ledoux

Committee Members

Chairperson Gary Rosen
Vice Chairperson Khrystian E King
Councilor Sean M Rose

City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts

Present Were:Chairperson Councilor Gary Rosen Vice Chairperson Councilor Khrystian E King Councilor Sean M Rose
Also:DPWP Assistant Commissioner of Parks, Recreation and Cemetery Robert C. Antonelli; DPWP Staff Person Jeff Tomaino; DPWP Staff Person Cesar Valiente; Project Manager Che Anderson; Director of Youth Opportunites Raquel Castro-Corrazini; Assistant City Clerk Stephen A.J. Pottle, clerk

Miscellaneous Item


Order of Councilor Gary Rosen - Request the Committee on Youth, Parks and Recreation hold a public hearing on the progress being made in discussions between the city administration and the local skateboarding community as both parties work together to find an acceptable, affordable and safe site for a new skate park. # 9a CC October 02, 2018


1. Chris Matthews, Worcester resident
2. John Powers, Worcester resident
3. Michael Quinlavin, Worcester resident

Recommend Hold

Chairman's Orders

Request Parks Commission consider holding a public hearing for the purposes of constructing a skate park at Crompton Park and reporting to City Council a final recommendation.