1. Relative to the matter of prescription
drug reimbursements for City of Worcester Medicare eligible retirees in
accordance with the Medicare Modernization Act of 2004.
#29B CM October 25, 2005
Recommend File
Communications of the City Auditor
3. Transmitting article as a possible solution to OPEB liability.
#41 CC March 29, 2005
4. Transmitting PowerPoint presentation from the Town of Wellesley relative to their plan for dealing with other post employment benefits (OPEB).
#52 CC CM April 12, 2005
Recommend File
5. Transmitting a copy of an article that recently appeared in the Wall Street Journal.
#29 CC November 29, 2005
1. Request the City Manager clarify for the City Council the rights of retirees to various levels of health insurance coverage.
2. Request
the City Manager report to the City Council under what legal auspices the
co-payments for health insurance coverage can be changed.
3. Request
the City Manager to continue working with the hired actuary, Segal Co., to
determine the post-employment benefit other than OPEB pension liability for the
City of Worcester and the annual funding requirement associated with this
4. Request
the City Manager, in conjunction with the assistance of the City Auditor and
the hired actuary, Segal Co., to provide a cost/benefit analysis associated
with utilizing federal Medicare Part D reimbursements to establish an
investment fund that will be designated solely for the purposes of beginning to
fund this liability.
5. Request
the City Manager, with assistance from the City Auditor, pursue with the local
State Delegation any special legislation that may be necessary to establish a
post employment benefit fund, other than pensions, that would allow the City to
maximize it’s investment opportunities.