Convened: 5:36 p.m.
Adjourned: 7:07 p.m.
Paul P. Clancy, Jr.
Michael C. Perotto
Barbara G. Haller
Also: Director
of Planning Joel Fontane
City Solicitor Michael Traynor
Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk
1. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Samuel DeSimone request to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Worcester by establishing an Adaptive Reuse Overlay District over a portion of that area of the City presently zoned MG-2 at or near the intersection of Millbrook St. and Highway Route I-190.
#109 CC February 7, 2006
Held In Committee March 8, 2006 – Recessed
Held In Committee September 26, 2006 – Recessed
Held In Committee October 24, 2006 – Recessed
Recommend Deny
2. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Michael Lussier, President of the Webster First Credit Union, request to amend the City of Worcester Zoning Map from RS-7 and ML-0.5 zones to BL-1 zone in the area of 275 Greenwood Street.
#16c CC November 14, 2006
Recommend Hearing to be Recesssed (for January 9, 2007 Land Use
3. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Parul Patel request to amend the City Zoning Map from ML-2 to BL-1 along the northerly side of Lewis Street by extending the existing BL-1 zone line to include the parcels 6, 8, 14, 18, 20, 24, 30 Lewis Street in their entirety and portions of 34 Lewis Street and 13 Southgate Place, along Lewis Street.
#16d CC November 14, 2006
Recommend Approval as amended
4. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Parul Patel request to amend the City of Worcester Zoning Map from ML-2 to RG-5 by extending northerly the existing RG-5 zone to include the parcels located at 24 and 30 Lewis Street in their entirety, and the portion of 34 Lewis Street currently zoned ML-2.
#16e CC November 14, 2006
Recommend Deny
5. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Attorney Joe Boynton on behalf of Kathy Asquith request that the City Zoning Map be changed on 3 parcels located on Redfield Road on the Worcester City/Leicester Town Line from it’s current designation A-1 to RL-7.
#16f CC November 14, 2006
Zoning Ordinance Book
6. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of John Shea,
Chairman of the Planning Board request to consider the attached Omnibus Zoning
Ordinance Amendment.
CC October 11, 2005
Recommend Approval with notes
7. Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational
communication relative to the Planning Board’s June 14, 2005 Omnibus Zoning
Ordinance Amendment.
CM November 22, 2005
8. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Communication of the
City Manager relative to Proposed Zoning Ordinance.
CC May 3, 2005
9. Communication of the City Manager relative to the
recommendation not to adopt the proposed Zoning Ordinance.
CM May 3, 2005
In Committee July 12, 2005 – Held
In Committee November 21,
2005 – Held
10. Communication of the City Manager relative to the June 14, 2005,
Omnibus Zoning Ordinance Amendment petition.
CC June 28, 2005
In Committee November 21,
2005 – Held
HEARING ITEM –Zoning BOOK Amendment
11. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of John Shea on
behalf of the Planning Board request to amend the City of Worcester Zoning
Ordinance by adding the following limitation to Article IV Sec. 8 (III) (A):
External activities, such as deliveries, noise, etc. shall be prohibited prior
to 9:00 A.M. and after 5:00 P.M.
#105 CC November 1, 2005
Held In Committee November 21, 2005 – Recessed
Hearing Held
In Committee December 7, 2006 - Recessed
Recommend Approval with notes
Relative to the timelines for
conducting hearings on proposed zoning ordinance amendments referred to the
Land Use Committee.
#15A CM March 8, 2005
In Committee July 12, 2005 – Held
Recommend Hold