Convened: 6:09
Adjourned: 6:25
Present were: Chairperson Councilor Frederick C. Rushton
Councilor Michael
C. Perotto
Councilor Paul P.
Clancy, Jr.
Also: Planning
Director Joel Fontane
Director of Neighborhoods and Housing Dennis Hennessy
City Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk
RECESSED hearing – zone change
1. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Samuel DeSimone request to amend the Zoning Map of the City of Worcester by establishing an Adaptive Reuse Overlay District over a portion of that area of the City presently zoned MG-2 at or near the intersection of Millbrook St. and Highway Route I-190.
#109 CC February 7, 2006
Committee March 8, 2006 – Hearing Recessed
Committee September 26, 2006 – Held
Recommend Hold Item and Recess Hearing
2. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Robert Norsigian request to amend the City of Worcester Zoning Map from RL-7 zone to BG-2.0 zone in the area of Maywood St. & Beaver Brook Parkway.
#192 CC August 29, 2006
Recommend Accept the Recommendation of the
Planning Board and Deny the Petition
3. Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Samuel Rosario, Representative for TGL, Inc request zoning change for 1367-1369 Grafton St. from currently BL-1.0 & ML-0.5 to entirely BL-1.0
#194 CC August 29, 2006
Recommend Accept the Recommendation of the
Planning Board as amended at the request of the Petitioner to reduce the area
requested for a zone change.
4. Relative to an update of Economic Development
Initiatives Report – June 2005.
#8A CM June 14, 2005
Recommend File
5. Relative to an update of
Economic Development Initiatives Report– July 2005.
#8A CM July 19, 2005
Recommend File
6. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – August 2005.
#8A CM August 16, 2005
Recommend File
7. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – September 2005.
#8A CM September 6, 2005
Recommend File
8. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – October 2005.
#8A CM October 11, 2005
Recommend File
9. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – November 2005.
#8A CM November 15, 2005
Recommend File
10. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – December 2005.
#8A CM December 6, 2005
Recommend File
11. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiative Report – January 2006.
#8A CM
January 10, 2006
Recommend File
Relative to an update of Economic Development Initiatives
Report– February 2006.
#8A CM
February 14, 2006
Recommend File
Relative to an update of Economic Development Initiatives
Report – March 7, 2006.
# 8A CM
March 7, 2006
Recommend File
14. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – April 2006
#8A CM April 4, 2006
Recommend File
15. Relative to an update of Economic
Development Initiatives Report – May 2006.
#8A CM May 2, 2006
Recommend File
16. Relative to the Economic Development
Initiatives Report – June 2006.
#2A CM June 13, 2006
Recommend File
17. Transmitting Economic Development Monthly
Report – July 2006.
#8A CM July 18, 2006
Recommend File
18. Transmitting Economic Development Report –
August 2006.
#8I CM August 29, 2006
Recommend File
19. Request adoption of an Order relative to
the Transfer of Jurisdiction of four foreclosed properties from the Office of
the City Treasurer to the Office of Neighborhoods and Housing Development.
#30B CM August 16, 2005
Recommend Approval to Adopt Order