CITY OF WORCESTER | Health Committee Meeting | Tuesday, October 9, 2007 | Council Chamber | Convened: 3:57 P.M. | Adjourned: 5:31 P.M. |
Mayor Konstantina B. Lukes | |
Clerk of the City Council David J. Rushford | Committee Members | Chairperson Frederick C Rushton | Councilor Gary Rosen | Councilor Joffrey A Smith | |
City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
| Present Were: | Chairperson Councilor Frederick C Rushton arrived at 4:17 P.M.
Temporary Chairperson Councilor Gary Rosen
Councilor Joffrey A Smith Temporary Member Councilor Barbara G. Haller | | | | | Also: | Commissioner Department of Public Health Dr. Leonard Morse Director of Health James Gardiner Assistant Director of Health Derek Brindisi Police Chief Gary J. Gemme City Clerk David J. Rushford, Clerk | | | |
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| | | 1a. | Requesting that the report "Operation Yellow Box" be referred to the City Council's Standing Committee on Health.
#23B CM May 2, 2006
In Committee August 16, 2006 - Held
| Attachments | | | | | | | Recommend Hold
1. Stephen Jones, MD, CDC
2. Josiah Rich, MD, Brown University
3. Kevin Cranston, MDPH, Director HIV/AIDS
4. Steven Hughes, MDPH Director of the Center for Environmental Health
5. Peter Stefan, Graham, Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors, Worcester
6. Amaryllis Chavez, Willis Center
7. Keisha LaTulippe, Willis Center
8. Rona Ray, UMass Medical School
9. Caitlin Durum, UMass Graduate School of Nursing
10. Alan Linkevich, Worcester
11. Lara Jeramanus, UMass Medical School
12. Alan Maykel from the living Earth on Chandler Street
13. Paul Collyer, Worcester resident
14. Dr. Bruce Karlin
15. William Breault, Main South Alliance for Public Safety
16. Ronal Madnick, Director Worcester County Chapter ACLU
17. Ediberto Santiago, Worcester resident
The Chairperson requested Kevin Cranston from the MDPH provide the City Clerk with the locations of syringe disposal kiosks throughout the Commonwealth for distribution to the members of the City Council.
The Chairperson requested that Dr. Jones provide the City Clerk with the Web-Link for the RI program booklet for distribution to members of the City Council.
| | | | | | | | Chairman's Orders | | | | Request City Manager provide the City Council with a legal opinion whether or not retailers who sell syringes may be legally mandated to accept them for proper disposal.
| | | | Request City Manager arrange for a bus tour of syringe disposal sites in Boston and the State of Rhode Island.
| | | | Request City Manager request the Police Chief communicate with the Boston and Haverhill Police Chiefs concerning their experiences with syringe disposal sites.
| | | | Request City Manager request the City of Haverhill to inform the City Council how their local CVS retail store was convinced to participate in their local syringe disposal effort.
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