DECEMBER 13, 2001


Convened: 4:08 p.m.

Adjourned: 4:55 p.m.


Present were:      Chairman Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr.

Councillor Janice L. Nadeau


Also:                     Dennis E. Hennessy, Dir of Neighborhood Services

                             Paul V. LaCava, Asst City Manager Neigh Services

                             City Clerk David J. Rushford, clerk







1.       Transmitting communication relative to Balances Remaining in CDBG Accounts.

#19C CM  April 4, 2000

          In Committee April 10, 2000 – Held

            In Committee May 25, 2000 – Held

            In Committee December 11, 2000 – Held

            In Committee May 22, 2001

Recommend File


2.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Quinsigamond Village Community Center Food Pantry.

#18A CM  May 29, 2001

Recommend File


3.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication

relative to Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program Report.

                                                #18A CM August 21,2001

Recommend File


4.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the proposed Year 28 CDBG allocation process timetable.

#18K CM November 13, 2001

Recommend File


5.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to unexpended CDBG monies.

#18C CM November 13, 2001

Recommend File




6.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Monitoring the Yr 27 Community Development Block Grant Program.

#18H September 18, 2001

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration report to the City Council on issues addressed at a meeting with the leading social service agencies regarding funding for public services.




7.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to Gardner – Kilby Hammond Initiative Update.

#8CC  November 21, 2000

          In Committee December 11, 2000 – Held

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration provide the City Council with an update on progress with the Gardner/Kilby/Hammond Initiative.


8.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the Planning Initiative for the Columbus Park Neighborhood.

#8KK CM  August 22, 2000

Recommend File





9.       Transmitting communication relative to a Commission of Homelessness, Worcester Public Inebriate Program Task Force.

#30B CM  October 26, 1999

          In Committee December 1, 1999 – Held

            In Committee March 29, 2000 – Held

            In Committee April 10, 2000 – Held

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration report to the City Council on progress on the work being done by the PIP Center Task Force.


10.     Transmitting communication relative to Coes Knife Project Expenditures.

#8BB CM  August 22, 2000

          In Committee December 11, 2000 – Held

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration provide the City Council with an update on the work planned for the former Coes Knife property.


11.     Transmitting communication relative to a breakdown by job title in the Office of Planning and Community Development, also communication relative to what remains of the Office of Planning and Community Development.

#8C CM October 31, 2000

          In Committee December 11, 2000 – Held

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration apprise the City Council of the bidding efforts to re-locate the offices of the Economic Development Office and the Office Neighborhood Services.


12.     Communication of the City Manager recommending that $40,000.00 be transferred from CDBG year 24, account# 14S40424, Green Island Center Design, and appropriated to account# 14S40524, Senior Center, in order to provide matching funds in collaboration with the “Friends of the Senior Center”, for the rehabilitation of the balconies and the courtyard area of the Worcester Senior Center.

#28JJ CM July 17, 2001

In Committee for informational purposes

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration provide the City Council with an update on the status to date on the expenditure of $40,000 in matching funds for the balcony area at the Worcester Senior Center and whether the medical records storage area at the Senior Center might be relocated to accommodate another senior activity room.


Chairman’s Resolution request the City Council go on record recognizing the untiring efforts and imagination of Sona Hargrove in the establishment of the Worcester Senior Center and the Friends of the Senior Center.


13.     Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the Community Development Advisory Council.

#18E CM October 9, 2001

Recommend File


Chairman’s Order request the Administration provide an updated listing of membership on all City Boards and Commissions to each of the Councillors at the outset of the 2002-2003 term.