CITY OF WORCESTER | JOURNAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL | Tuesday, June 7, 2022 | Esther Howland (South) Chamber | Convened: 7:02 P.M. |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | | City Manager Eric D. Batista
City Auditor Robert V. Stearns | Councilors | Morris A. Bergman | Donna M. Colorio | Etel Haxhiaj | Khrystian E. King | Candy Mero-Carlson | Thu Nguyen | City Clerk Nikolin Vangjeli | Sarai Rivera | Sean M. Rose | George J. Russell | Kathleen M. Toomey |
| City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
3. | ROLL CALL - All present with the Vice Chairperson as the Chair, except for Councilor King, Councilor Rose and Mayor Petty. Mayor Petty arrived at 7:17 P.M. | |
| | | | | | | | | 5a. | Order - That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby approves the minutes of the City Council Meeting of May 10, 2022. | Attachments | | | Vice Chairperson Councilor read the item and moved to adopt items #5a CC and #5b CC. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 5b. | Order - That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby approves the minutes of the City Council Meeting of May 13, 2022. | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #5a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 6a. | Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized the following speakers:
1. School Committee Member Susan Mailman, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of items #20a CC, #20b CC and #20d CC
2. David Slatkin, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to item #11b CC and spoke in favor of items #8a CC and #10h CC
3. School Committee Member Tracy O’Connell-Novick, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of item #20d CC
4. Greg Degermajian, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of item #9.10A CM
5. Steve O’Leary, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition of item #7b CC
6. Rhonda Hicks, Worcester resident, spoke in regards to an item not on the agenda
7. Matthew E. Wally, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of item #9.15A CM
8. Bruce Hoffner, Milford, NH resident, spoke in favor of item #11b CC
9. Emma Narcowitz, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to item #11b CC and in favor of item #12f CC
10. Emiliano Falcon-Morano, Boston resident, spoke in opposition to item #11b CC
11. Brawin Alfred, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of items #12f CC and #20d CC and in opposition to item #11b CC
12. Samantha Fried, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of item #20d CC and in opposition to item #20e CC | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7a. | Hearing: CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on: ELM ST.
Granting permission to CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on: ELM ST. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to take up the item up with items #7c CC through #7e CC and open the hearings. Mayor Petty’s motion was approved.
Mayor Petty asked if any abutters wished to be heard on the items. Hearing no speakers, Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to close the hearing. Mayor Petty’s motion was approved.
Mayor Petty moved to approve the items. Hearing held and Order adopted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7b. | Hearing: NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location on: DIX ST. and LANCASTER ST.
Granting permission to NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location on: DIX ST. and LANCASTER ST. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Petty | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7c. | Hearing: NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location on: BAY STATE RD. and ONTARIO ST.
Granting permission to NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location on: BAY STATE RD. and ONTARIO ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing held and Order adopted (See Item #7a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7d. | Hearing: NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location on: ONTARIO ST.
Granting permission to NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location on: ONTARIO ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing held and Order adopted (See Item #7a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7e. | Hearing: EVERSOURCE for a conduit location on: MONTICELLO DR.
Granting permission to EVERSOURCE for a conduit location on: MONTICELLO DR. | Attachments | | | Hearing held and Order adopted (See Item #7a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8a. | Saray Vega, on behalf of Community Health Link, request installation of trash cans in the vicinity of 199 Chandler St. and other areas with high underserved population. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to refer the item to the Department of Public Works and Parks. Referred to the Department of Public Works and Parks | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8b. | Mirick O'Connell, on behalf of Spectrum Health Systems, Inc., request the Zoning Map be amended by changing the zone designation of the property located at 105 Merrick St. and 29 Sever St. from the RL-7 Zoning District to the RG-5 Zoning District. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to refer items #8b CC and #8c CC to Planning Board. Referred to Planning Board | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8c. | Donald J. O'Neil, on behalf of Valk Properties Two, LLC., request the Zoning Map be amended by extending the ML-2.0 Zoning District boundary line bisecting the property located at 1 Brussels St. to include the entire 50,094 square foot parcel, designated on City of Worcester Assessor's Map as Parcel MBL-07-051-00007, within the ML-2.0 Zoning District by changing the portion of the parcel designated MG-2.0 to ML-2.0 | Attachments | | | Referred to Planning Board (See Item #8b CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8d. | Councilor Sean M. Rose request Whisper Dr. be resurfaced. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to refer items #8d CC through #8f CC to Public Works Committee. Referred to Public Works Committee | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8e. | John Simakauskas request sidewalk repair on the even-numbered side of Dorchester St. between Houghton St. and Arthur St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee (See Item #8d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8f. | Maria Rodriguez request sidewalk repair in front of 22 Crescent St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee (See Item #8d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8g. | Bruce Allard request installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Elm St. and Russell St. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to refer items #8g CC through #8n CC to Traffic and Parking Committee. Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8h. | Alexander Hoppe request lane indicators be painted at the intersection of Burncoat St. and Melrose St., coming from the off-ramp going east. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8i. | Pasquale Turano request installation of handicap parking space in front of 12 Somerset St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8j. | Andrew Martin et al. request installation of No Parking Anytime signage along with 15 minute loading zone signage at 48 Water St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8k. | Jeff Gaucher request the speed humps to not be re-installed on Squantum St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8l. | Donna Goranson et al. request installation of traffic merging signage on West Boylston St. in the vicinity of 317 West Boylston St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8m. | Dean Price request installation of handicap parking space in front of 47 Townsend St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8n. | Andrew Serrato request installation of No Parking Anytime signage in between the curb cuts from 7 Dewey St. garage door to parking lot, from parking lot to 15 Dewey St. and 15 Dewey St. to 17 Dewey St. curb cut at the expense of the petitioner. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee (See Item #8g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.1 | APPOINTMENTS
Non-City Council Confirmation | |
| | | | | 9.2 | APPOINTMENTS
City Council Confirmation | |
William Bagley, Jr., Director | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend adoption of an order to grant two exemptions for one (1) Youth Worker Coach who is also a Teacher for the City of Worcester Public Schools, and one (1) Artist Mentor who is also a Building Substitute for the Worcester Public Schools | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Recommend adoption of salary ordinance amendments necessary to implement the City’s recently completed collective bargaining agreement with Local 495-NAGE. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to advertise the nine (9) proposed Ordinances. Voted to advertise nine (9) proposed Ordinances on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) | | | | | | |
Peter Dunn, Chief Development Officer
| |
Eric D. Batista, Interim Chief Diversity Officer | |
Administration Division
Jay J. Fink, P.E., Commissioner | |
Engineering and Architectural Services Division
Jay J. Fink, P.E., Commissioner
| |
Operations Division
Jay J. Fink, P.E., Commissioner | |
Parks Division
Robert C. Antonelli, Jr., Assistant Commissioner
| |
| | | | | 9.10 | FIRE DEPARTMENT
Martin Dyer, Acting Fire Chief | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to fire station electrification with air-source heat pumps. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to place the item on file. Placed on file. | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.11 | POLICE DEPARTMENT
Steven M. Sargent, Chief | |
Charles R. Goodwin, Director | |
| | | | | 9.13 | LICENSE COMMISSION
Stephen S. Rolle, P.E., Assistant Chief Development Officer | |
| | | | | 9.14 | LAW DEPARTMENT
Michael E. Traynor, Esq., City Solicitor | |
Christopher P. Spencer, Commissioner | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend adoption of Two (2) Ordinances regarding joint programs of the Fire Department and Department of Inspectional Services with regard to a Rental Registry Program. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to take the item up with item #20f CC.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Russell, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to refer the items to Economic Development Committee. Referred to Economic Development Committee | | | | | | |
Building and Zoning Division
David Horne, Deputy Building Commissioner
| |
Housing and Health Inspections Division
Amanda M. Wilson, Director
| |
Dr. Matilde "Mattie" Castiel, M.D., Commissioner | |
Division of Public Health
Michael P. Hirsh, M.D., Medical Director
Karyn E. Clark, Director | |
Division of Elder Affairs
Amy Vogel Waters, Director | |
Division of Human Rights and Accessibility
Jayna L. Turchek, Esq., Director | |
Division of Veterans Services
Alex R. Arriaga, Veterans' Services Officer/Director | |
Division of Youth Services
Raquel Castro-Corazzini, Director | |
Jason L. Homer, Executive Director | |
Cultural Development Division
Erin Williams, Cultural Development Officer | |
Election Commission Division
Nikolin Vangjeli, City Clerk | |
Office of Urban Innovation
Eric D. Batista, Assistant City Manager / Director | |
Maureen F. Binienda, Superintendent | |
Assessing Division
Samuel E. Konieczny, City Assessor | |
Budget Office Division
Erin E. Taylor, Director | |
Purchasing Division
Christopher Gagliastro, Director | |
Treasury and Collections Division
Deanna P. Foster, Treasurer | |
Julie A. Lynch, Chief of Public Facilities | |
John W. Odell, Chief Sustainability Officer | |
Michael P. Hamel, Chief Information Officer
| |
| | | | | 9.36 | FINANCE ITEMS
Capital Transfers | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend that Three Hundred Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($300,000.00) be transferred from Loan Account #91C745B, Sewer Reconstruction, and be appropriated to Sewer Account #44C764, Sewer Pumping, to allow for contractual obligations associated with various sewer projects. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt items #9.36A CM, #9.37A CM through #9.37C CM, #9.38A CM through #9.38G CM and #9.39A CM collectively. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.37 | FINANCE ITEMS
Grants and Donations | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to accept and expend grant funds in the amount of Five Thousand Four Hundred Dollars And No Cents ($5,400.00) from the Grafton Job Corp to pay for cubicle space for one Grafton Job Corp Staff member to be located at the Worcester MassHire Office. | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to accept and expend grant funds in the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars And No Cent ($560,000.00) from the American Recovery Plan Act grant passed through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, MassHire Department of Career Services. | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | C. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to file, accept and expend a grant in the amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($30,000.00) from United Way of Central Massachusetts to support the Create508 program administered by the Executive Office of Health & Human Services, Youth Opportunities Division. | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.38 | FINANCE ITEMS
Operational Transfers | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend City Council's authorization of the following uses of the Revolving Fund Accounts in Fiscal Year 2023, at the limits in each account per M.G.L. Chapter 44 Section 53E 1/2. These Revolving Fund accounts were established so that revenue from a particular service is allowed to be used for associated program costs. These require annual Authorization for City Council. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Recommend that Thirty Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($30,000.00) be transferred from Account #720-91000, Parks Salaries, and be appropriated to Account #720-97000, Parks Overtime, to cover anticipated overtime costs through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2022. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | C. | Recommend that Three Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($3,000.00) be transferred from Account #1701-91000, Human Resources Personal Services, and be appropriated to #1701-97000, Human Resources Regular Overtime, to cover the cost of overtime related to the Open Enrollment Period. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | D. | Recommend that Twenty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($20,000.00) be transferred from Account #171-92000, Workers Compensation Ordinary Maintenance, and be appropriated to #1701-92000, Human Resources Ordinary Maintenance, to cover the cost of the invoices for Outside Legal Counsel related to Workers Compensation. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | E. | Recommend that Twenty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($20,000.00) be transferred from Account #170-91000, Human Resources Personal Services, and be appropriated to #1703-92000, Human Resources Ordinary Maintenance, to cover the cost of invoices for Outside Legal Counsel through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2022.
| Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | F. | Recommend that Fifty Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($50,000.00) be transferred from Parks Account #720-91000, Parks Salaries, and be appropriated to Memorial Auditorium Account #740-92000, Auditorium Ordinary Maintenance, to cover the cost of utilities through the remainder of Fiscal Year 2022. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | G. | Recommend that Thirty Eight Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Two Dollars And No Cents ($38,372) be transferred from Account #04T803, OPEB Trust Reserve, and be appropriated to Account #663-96000, Health Insurance, to provide funding for Fiscal Year 2022 health insurance expenses. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.39 | FINANCE ITEMS
Prior Year | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend that Three Hundred Thirty Six Dollars And Seventy Nine Cents ($336.79) be approved to allow for DPW&P prior year obligations to be met with Fiscal 2022 funds. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #9.36A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10a. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager work with the Superintendent of Public Schools to review data relative to student growth associated with standardized testing. (Colorio) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt items #10a CC through #10l CC. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10b. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Auditor provide City Council with a report concerning the feasibility of independently reviewing and auditing the city’s budgets against previous years as a means of providing City Council with recommendations as to ways the budget could be changed. (Russell) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10c. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the 110 inspections Standards of Operations Policy and Reference Guide. (King) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10d. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with an update concerning efforts made relative to safe work environments for employees, as it relates to operationalizing the duties of positions within the Inspectional Services Department. (King) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10e. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing a categorized list of complaints received by the Inspectional Services Department. (Colorio) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10f. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the Technical Services Department’s collaborative engagements with other city departments as it relates to cybersecurity initiatives. (King) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10g. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with a list of city buildings and other public spaces where free WiFi exists. (Haxhiaj) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10h. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager request Chief Sustainability Officer review ways the city can adopt practices from other TIF models in the state that go beyond the state’s minimum requirements relative to environmental sustainability. (Haxhiaj) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10i. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with a copy of sustainability scorecards once they are created, and include information as to how priorities on the scorecard are weighted. (Colorio) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10j. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning exploring opportunities to ensure joining the municipal aggregation program is beneficial to larger employers. (Toomey) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10k. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS - Request City Manager determine a trigger point at which City Council will be notified relative to reevaluating the allocation of funds to the DCU Special District Improvement Fund. | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10l. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning recommendations made by the outgoing Chief Diversity Officer. | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #10a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11a. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support the urgent need for the state legislature to adopt S.2811/H.4697 “An Act establishing the Massachusetts hunger-free campus initiative." | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11b. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY - That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support the implementation of city’s Unmanned Aircraft System Proposal. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Russell, who moved to, “Request City Manager provide City Council with a report clarifying the Worcester Policy Department’s unmanned aircraft system policy as it relates to its usage with the unhoused population.” (See Item #23a CC).
Mayor Petty recognized the Acting City Manager and Deputy Police Chief, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Russell.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Toomey and Councilor Rivera, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the Acting City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Rivera.
Councilor Rivera then moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Colorio, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the Deputy Police Chief, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Colorio.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Nguyen, who moved to “Request City Manager request Police Chief hold a meeting with representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to address concerns associated with the Police Department’s unmanned aircraft system policy as it relates to the system’s usage around unhoused individuals.” (See Item #23b CC).
Councilor Nguyen then moved to, “Request City Manager provide City Council with quarterly reports concerning the Police Department’s usage of unmanned aircraft systems/drones.” (See Item #23c CC).
Mayor Petty recognized the Acting City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Nguyen.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Bergman, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Toomey and Councilor Rivera for second times, who spoke concerning the item.
Tabled Under Privilege – Rivera | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12a. | Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks expeditiously address the dangerous issue created by motorists continuing to drive the wrong way down a one-way road, Airlie St. (Toomey) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Toomey, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12b. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report identifying standard operating procedures (SOP)'s for inspections and complaint responses to the following Section 236 communities: 1) Housing authorities; 2) State owned properties; and 3) Municipal properties. Further, request City Manager include in said report public education strategies related to same. (King) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege – Petty | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12c. | Request City Manager and all appropriate Public Safety departments review information regarding the new Rand toolkit, which helps guide efforts to prevent mass attacks. (Please see the following link: (Toomey) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Toomey, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12d. | Request City Manager work with the Police Chief to create a report of incidents of known usage of Rohypnol, also known as roofies and the date rape drug, including but not limited to number of incidents, locations and current practices and approaches to handling the criminal offence. (Nguyen) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Nguyen, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to add her name as a sponsor of the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12e. | Request City Manager work with the Chief Development Officer to shift culture, regulations and practices around safety regarding businesses and usage of drugs on premises particularly Rohypnol also known as roofies and the date rape drug. (Nguyen) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Nguyen, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to add her name as a sponsor of the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12f. | Request City Manager, Mayor and City Council organize for a flag raising in honor and recognition of June as Pride Month and its intersectional history of the Stonewall Riots led by LGBTQIA+ activists, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, who took to the streets to demonstrate against police raids and demanded the right to live openly and for queer liberation. Further, request use of the updated, inclusive Pride Flag, which includes Black, Brown and Trans communities, as a reminder of our ongoing commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (see attached for the updated Pride Flag). (Nguyen) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #20d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12g. | Request Standing Committee on Public Works conduct a meeting with the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks to discuss what policy, if any, exists in writing, which mandates any construction work completed by utility companies on city streets does not deteriorate. (Russell) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with item #12h CC.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Russell, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to refer the items to Public Works Committee. Referred to Public Works Committee | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12h. | Request Standing Committee on Public Works conduct a meeting with representatives from the utility companies servicing the city and the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks regarding damages done to city streets that are not repaired in a way to hold up over time. (Russell) | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee (See Item #12g CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12i. | Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks review Kendrick St. for a proper location to install a crosswalk. (Rose) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt the item. Order adopted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12j. | Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks review Forest St. for a proper location to install a crosswalk. (Rose) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt the item. Order adopted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12k. | Request City Manager request Police Chief provide increased speed enforcement on Mountain St. West. (Rose) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt the item. Order adopted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12l. | Request City Manager request Police Chief provide City Council with an analysis of which streets in District 1 are in most need of speed humps, based on speeding and traffic patterns. (Rose) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt the item. Order adopted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12m. | Request City Manager conduct a discussion with representatives from Spectrum relative to strategies available for reducing the waiting time for customers returning equipment at Spectrum locations. (Bergman) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Bergman, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12n. | Request City Manager request Parking Administrator provide City Council with a report concerning the number of tickets given out at or near college/universities during graduation weekend(s). (Bergman) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Bergman, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12o. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a detailed report as to all funds, including Federal funds, provided to or designated for Discover Central Massachusetts and/or the Chamber of Commerce, as well as what said funds are spent on or plan to be spent on. (Russell) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to take the item up collectively with item #12p CC.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Russell, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the items. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12p. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a detailed report as to all funds, including Federal funds, provided to or designated for the Worcester Regional Food Hub and/or the Chamber of Commerce, as well as what said funds are spent on or plan to be spent on. (Russell) | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #12o CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12q. | Request City Manager work with the Commissioner of Public Works and Parks to install a bronze plaque honoring General Josiah Pickett, who led a Worcester County-based regiment in the Civil War and later became the city’s postmaster. Said plaque should be prominently displayed in Pickett Plaza. (Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to add the entire City Council as sponsors of the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 13a. | Transmitting an informational communication relative to information regarding the process of making charter changes and placing ballot questions on a State Election ballot. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Russell, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to refer the item to Municipal and Legislative Operations Committee. Referred to Municipal and Legislative Operations Committee. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 14a. | Stephen Herzog, Senior Ecologist and Project Manager of Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., transmitting for CSX Transportation, Inc. its 2022 Yearly Operational Plan (YOP). | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to place the item on file. Placed on file. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager Transmitting informational communication relative to the Fiscal Year 2022 financial update, as of January 31, 2022: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to accept items #15a CC through #15f CC. Accepted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15b. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Fiscal Year 2022 financial update, as of February 28, 2022: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Accepted (See Item #15a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15c. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS Upon the Communcation of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the Fiscal Year 2022 financial update, as of March 31, 2022: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Accepted (See Item #15a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15d. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the certification of funds in the DCU Special District Improvement Fund: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Accepted (See Item #15a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15e. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to a summary of the FY23 health insurance procurement process and resulting premium rates: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Accepted (See Item #15a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15f. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL AND LEGISLATIVE OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to the transition plan of Eric Batista as he assumes the role of Acting City Manager: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Accepted (See Item #15a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 16a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to a presentation by Commissioner of Health & Human Services on updates related to COVID19: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to accept the item. Accepted. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to an Unmanned Aircraft System Proposal: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Rivera | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17b. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Communication of the City Manager Transmitting an informational communication concerning how the city’s recently passed ordinance relative to facial recognition technology applies to the use of drones: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Rivera | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17c. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication regarding the City Council’s role relative to the creation of departmental policies and in particular its role and authority relative to the police department’s proposed acquisition of an Unmanned Aircraft System: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Rivera | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17d. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Communication be placed on file. Transmitting informational communication relative to the use of aerial surveillance in the context of an unreasonable search under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 14 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights: recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Rivera | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17e. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to a report on follow up regarding Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS): recommend Communication be placed on file. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Rivera | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18a. | Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group A - Administrative and Supervisory for the Coordinator of Finance and Administration. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to ordain items #18a CC through 18f CC. Ordained on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18b. | Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group Q – Trade Inspection for the Principal Building Inspector and Civil Site Inspector.
Amending the Salary Ordinance Of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group SA – Security for the Library Security Compliance Officer.
Amending the Salary Ordinance Of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group S – Custodial for Assistant Plant Engineer and Plant Engineer, Meade and Sever Street.
Amending the Salary Ordinance Of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group N – Police for the Principal Crime Analyst.
Amending the Salary Ordinance Of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group M – Recreation for the Program Coordinator, Worcester Recreation.
Amending the Salary Ordinance Of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group EM – Executive Management for Multiple Positions.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group E – Fiscal for Multiple Positions.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group EM – Executive Management and Occupational Group A - Administrative and Supervisory for Coordinator of Employment.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group AA – Legislative for the Chief of Staff to City Council.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group A - Administrative And Supervisory for Multiple Positions. | Attachments | | | Ten (10) Ordinances ordained on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #18a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18c. | Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Relative to Members of Local 911, NEPBA (Police Officers). | Attachments | | | Ordained on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #18a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18d. | Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Relative to Members of Local 1009, IAFF International Association of Firefighters. | Attachments | | | Ordained on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #18a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18e. | Amending Chapter Five Section Twenty-Six of the Revised Ordinances of 2008 Relative to Sewer User Charge (FY 2023). | Attachments | | | Ordained on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #18a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18f. | Amending the Salary Ordinance Relative to the Salary of the City Manager. | Attachments | | | Ordained on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #18a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 19a. | That the amount of Seventy Three Million Ninety Two Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($73,092,000.00) be appropriated to various accounts to pay for costs approved as part of the Fiscal Year 2023 Capital Improvement Plan. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to adopt items #19a CC through #19c CC. Loan Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 19b. | That the sum of $100,000.00, One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents is hereby appropriated to Account #91C724B, Traffic Signal Improvements, to fund costs associated with the improvements to traffic signals, including the costs incidental and related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation the City Treasurer, with the approval of the City Manager is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents, $100,000.00, under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7, Clause (1) of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefor. That the sum of $150,000.00, One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents is hereby appropriated to Account #91C7242B, Street Light Improvements, to fund costs associated with the improvements to street lights, including the costs incidental and related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation the City Treasurer, with the approval of the City Manager is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents, $150,000.00, under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7, Clause (1) of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefor. | Attachments | | | Loan Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #19a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 19c. | That the sum of $100,000.00, One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents is hereby appropriated to Account #91C724B, Traffic Signal Improvements, to fund costs associated with the improvements to traffic signals, including the costs incidental and related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation the City Treasurer, with the approval of the City Manager is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents, $100,000.00, under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7, Clause (1) of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefor. That the sum of $180,000.00, One Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars and No Cents is hereby appropriated to Account #91C7242B, Street Light Improvements, to fund costs associated with the improvements to street lights, including the costs incidental and related thereto, and that to meet this appropriation the City Treasurer, with the approval of the City Manager is hereby authorized to borrow the sum of One Hundred Eighty Thousand Dollars and No Cents, $180,000.00, under and pursuant to Chapter 44, Section 7, Clause (1) of the General Laws, as amended and supplemented, or any other enabling authority, and to issue bonds or notes of the City therefor. | Attachments | | | Loan Order adopted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (King, Rose absent) (See Item #19a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20a. | CHAIRMAN'S ORDER FROM THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION - Request City Manager request City Solicitor provide City Council with a legal opinion as to the process of changing the City Charter as it relates to salaries for elected officials. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson May 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege for a second time. Tabled Under Privilege on a roll call vote of 5 Yeas and 3 Nays (Yeas - Bergman, Mero-Carlson, Russell, Toomey, Petty) (Nays - Haxhiaj, Nguyen, Rivera) (Colorio, King, Rose, absent).
Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20b. | CHAIRMAN'S ORDER FROM THE COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION - Request City Council work to ensure City Council and School Committee districts are parallel, so as to ensure public clarity. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson May 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who moved to Table the Item Under Privilege for a second time. Tabled Under Privilege on a roll call vote of 5 Yeas and 3 Nays (Yeas - Bergman, Mero-Carlson, Russell, Toomey, Petty) (Nays - Haxhiaj, Nguyen, Rivera) (Colorio, King, Rose absent).
Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20c. | ORDER of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing the status of completing improvements and/or the creation a Master Plan for Chandler Hill Park. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson May 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to adopt the item. Order adopted | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20d. | RESOLUTION of Councilor Thu Nguyen - That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby call upon the Great and General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to join with other states in the passage of so-called “sanctuary” laws to ensure trans individuals and their families have “the power of enjoying, in safety and tranquility, their natural rights and the blessings of life,” as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Commonwealth. (Tabled Under Privilege - Colorio May 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to take the item up with item #12f CC.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Nguyen, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved to add his name as a sponsor of the items.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Haxhiaj, Councilor Rivera and Councilor Russell, who moved to add their names as sponsors of the items.
Mayor Petty moved for a voice vote to adopt Item #12f CC. Order adopted.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 0 Nays (Colorio, King, Rose absent). | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20e. | COMMUNICATION of the City Manager transmitting informational communication relative to a report concerning an update regarding ShotSpotter Connect and studies related to ShotSpotter Technology. (Tabled Under Privilege - Petty May 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to refer the item to Public Safety Committee. Referred to Public Safety Committee | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20f. | COMMUNICATION of the City Manager recommend adoption of two (2) ordinances relative to a Rental Registry Program and an Inspection Initiative Program. (Tabled Under Privilege - Petty April 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Referred to Economic Development Committee (See Item #9.15A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20g. | ORDER of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey and Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson - That the Rules of City Council of the City of Worcester be and are hereby amended, to take effect at the next regular meeting of the City Council:
Rule 61. No Speaking for More Than Twenty Minutes During Finance Committee Meetings.
After being recognized by the chair no councilor shall speak for more than ten (10) minutes at a time nor more than twenty (20) minutes total on any agenda item, or a group of calendar items taken collectively. The chair may grant additional time to any councilor if comments made by the city manager or other individuals in response to questions have taken an unusual amount of time. The chair shall make note of the time each member is recognized. Whenever any member substantially exceeds ten minutes during their first time speaking on an item, the chair may rule that the member is being allocated their second ten minutes and the member shall be deemed to have waived their right to speak twice on an item. (Tabled Under Privilege - King May 24, 2022) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Russell, who moved to place the item on file.
Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Toomey, Councilor Rivera, Councilor Mero-Carlson, Councilor Bergman, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Nguyen, who moved to refer the item to Municipal and Legislative Operations Committee.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote on Councilor Russell’s motion to place the item on file. Councilor Russell’s motion failed on a roll call vote of 4 Yeas and 4 Nays (Yeas – Haxhiaj, Nguyen, Rivera, Russell) (Nays – Bergman, Mero-Carlson, Toomey, Petty) (Colorio, King, Rose absent).
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote on Councilor Nguyen’s motion to refer the item to Municipal and Legislative Operations Committee. Councilor Nguyen’s motion failed on a roll call vote of 4 Yeas and 4 Nays (Yeas – Haxhiaj, Nguyen, Rivera, Russell) (Nays – Bergman, Mero-Carlson, Toomey, Petty) (Colorio, King, Rose absent).
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order denied on a roll call vote of 4 Yeas and 4 Nays (Yeas – Bergman, Mero-Carlson, Toomey, Petty) (Nays – Haxhiaj, Nguyen, Rivera, Russell) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21a. | ORDER of Councilor Konstantina B. Lukes - Request City Manager request City Solicitor provide City Council with a legal opinion regarding the process of instituting a residential rent control program and the resulting impact of implementing such a program. (Tabled Under Privilege - Lukes September 17, 2019 and September 24, 2019 and Tabled - Lukes October 15, 2019) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21b. | RESOLUTION of Councilor Khrystian E. King - That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support Representative Rebecca Rauch and Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz’s SD 699 HD 1283, An Act effectuating equity in COVID-19 Vaccination Bill. (Tabled Under Privilege - Bergman February 9, 2021 and Tabled - Bergman February 23, 2021) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21c. | ORDER of Councilor Sarai Rivera - Request City Clerk research the feasibility of authorizing legal residents who have not been naturalized yet to vote in elections at the local level. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson October 26, 2021 and Tabled Under Privilege - Petty November 9, 2021 and Tabled - Rivera November 16, 2021) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21d. | ORDER of Councilor Sarai Rivera - Request City Manager consider prioritizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for REC Worcester’s capital project involving the development of the new REC Worcester headquarters and Center for Food Justice and Urban Agriculture (for Worcester and Central Massachusetts), in an effort to support community food security, as well as youth development and employment. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson October 26, 2021 and Tabled Under Privilege - Petty November 9, 2021 and Tabled - Rivera November 16, 2021) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
22. | BUSINESS UNDER SUSPENSION OF RULES - Items brought forth under suspension at the May 24, 2022 City Council meeting. | |
| | | | | | | | | 22a. | ORDER of Councilor Khrystian E. King – Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the current ordinances used in other communities, such as Boston, relative to inclusionary zoning. – Item #20a CC Order adopted | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 22b. | ORDER of Councilor George J. Russell – Request City Manager provide City Council with a report listing the homes purchased in the city in the last year that includes information relative to whether the purchaser is occupying the home or using the home as an investment property, as well as whether any investment owners are from the city or elsewhere. – Item #20b CC Order adopted | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 22c. | ORDER of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey – Request City Manager post information on the city’s website as to how residents can get trees planted on their properties. – Item #20c CC Order adopted | | | |
| | | | | |
23. | NEW BUSINESS UNDER SUSPENSION OF RULES - Items brought forth under suspension at the June 7, 2022 City Council meeting. | |
| | | | | | | | | 23a. | Motion Russell @ #11b CC – Request City Manager provide City Council with a report clarifying the Worcester Policy Department’s unmanned aircraft system policy as it relates to its usage with the unhoused population. | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #11b CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23b. | Motion Nguyen @ #11b CC – Request City Manager request Police Chief hold a meeting with representatives from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to address concerns associated with the Police Department’s unmanned aircraft system policy as it relates to the system’s usage around unhoused individuals. | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #11b CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23c. | Motion Nguyen @ #11c CC – Request City Manager provide City Council with quarterly reports concerning the Police Department’s usage of unmanned aircraft systems/drones. | Attachments | | | Order adopted (See Item #11c CC) | | | | | |