CITY OF WORCESTER | JOURNAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL | Tuesday, July 21, 2020 | Levi Lincoln (North) Chamber | Convened: 6:00 P.M. |
Recessed: 7:39 P.M.
Reconvened: 8:01 P.M.
Recessed Due to Technical Difficulties: 10:25 P.M.
Reconvened From Technical Difficulties: 11:10 P.M.
Adjourned: 11:35 P.M. |
Mayor Joseph M. Petty | | Acting City Manager Edward M. Augustus, Jr.
City Auditor Robert V. Stearns | Councilors | Morris A. Bergman | Donna M. Colorio | Khrystian E. King | Candy Mero-Carlson | Sarai Rivera | Sean M. Rose | City Clerk Nikolin Vangjeli | Gary Rosen | George J. Russell | Kathleen M. Toomey | Matthew E. Wally |
| City Hall - 455 Main Street Worcester, Massachusetts | |
2. | ROLL CALL - All present with the Mayor as the Chair, except for Councilor Toomey, who arrived at 6:27 P.M. | |
| | | | | | | | | 3a. | MOMENT OF SILENCE in memory of Congressman John Lewis and Edna Spencer. Congressman John Lewis passed away on July 17, 2020 and Edna Spencer passed away July 7, 2020. | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 3b. | Mayor Petty read a PROCLAMATION declaring July 21, 2020 as Americans with Disabilities Day in the city of Worcester. | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 4a. | Order - That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby approves the minutes of the City Council Meeting of June 23, 2020. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 5a. | Mayor Petty recognized the following speakers:
1. Alexander Tarr, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
2. Dianna Biancherria, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to Item #11f CC
3. Emma Narcowitz, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
4. Anne Clayborne, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
5. James (no last name given), Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
6. Benjamin Mart, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Items #8e CC, #8f CC, #8g CC, 8h CC, #8i CC and #11f CC
7. Dan Keating, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
8. Rose Pocaro, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition of Item #11f CC
9. Brett Iarrobino, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Items #8f CC, #8g CC, 8h CC, #8i CC and #11f CC
10. Michael Scaglione, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition of Item #11f CC
11. Lori Abernathy, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11d CC
12. Carly Dillis, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #8f CC, #8g CC, 8h CC, #8i CC and #11f CC
13. Em Quiles, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #12f CC
14. Devon Arthur, Worcester resident, in favor of Items #8f CC, #8g CC and #11f CC
15. Kevin Mercadante, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to Items #11f CC, #11l CC, #11u CC and #11v CC
16. Elena Cruz, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
17. Eliza Lawrence, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #8f CC
18. Allegra Martin, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #8f CC
19. Emily Ritterhaus, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #8e CC
20. Paul Matthews, Worcester resident, spoke in favor Item #17a CC
21. Wihiya Wolfpaw aka Rhonda Hicks, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
22. Fred Taylor, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of items #11d CC, #11s CC, #11x CC, #11y CC and #11z CC
23. Ronald Waddell, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Items #11d CC and #11s CC
24. Alex Rothfelder, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
25. Sophie (no last name given), Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
26. Gretta Cox-Gorton, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Items #11f CC
27. Roberto Solis, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Items #8f CC, #8g CC and #11f CC
28. Sua Im, Worcester resident, spoke in opposition to Items #11l CC, #11u CC and #11v CC
29. Molly Bond, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC
30. Asa Needle, Worcester resident, spoke in favor of Item #11f CC | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 6a. | Hearing: NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: HARLOW ST.
Granting permission to NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: HARLOW ST. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to take the Item collectively with #6b CC and open the hearing. Mayor Petty’s motion was approved on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent).
Mayor Petty asked if any abutters wished to be heard on the item. Hearing no speakers, Mayor
Petty moved for a roll call vote to close the hearing. Mayor Petty’s motion was approved on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent).
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to approve the items. Hearing held and Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent). | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 6b. | Hearing: NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: BIGELOW ST. and ENDICOTT ST.
Granting permission to NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: BIGELOW ST. and ENDICOTT ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing held and Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent) (See Item #6a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7a. | Leonid Turchinsky request to amend the Worcester Zoning Map to include 84 Lamartine St., 90 Lamartine St. and 91 Lamartine St. within the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District. | Attachments | | | Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved for a roll call vote to refer items #7a CC through #7c CC collectively to Planning Board. Referred to Planning Board on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Petty absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7b. | Anne Baier request the road abutting 434 Plantation St. to 514 Plantation St. known as Wigwam Hill Dr. and Unnamed Rd. be renamed Espresso Dr. | Attachments | | | Referred to Planning Board on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Petty absent) (See Item #7a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7c. | Anne Baier request the road abutting 434 Plantation St. to 514 Plantation St. known as Wigwam Hill Dr. and Unnamed Rd. be converted from a private road to a public road. | Attachments | | | Referred to Planning Board on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Petty absent) (See Item #7a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7d. | Councilor Matthew E. Wally request Columbus St. be repaved. | Attachments | | | Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio read the item and moved for a roll call vote to refer items #7d CC through #7i CC collectively to Public Works Committee. Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7e. | Margarita Morales request abatement of street betterment assessment #25602 in the amount of $15,000.00 for Hilma St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7f. | Paul Filippone request sidewalk repair along both the Burncoat St. and Thorndyke Rd. sides of 237 Burncoat St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7g. | Natalie Turner request Parker St. between Park Ave. and Mayfield St. be repaved, with the installation of a speed dip or hump taking place during said repaving. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7h. | Natalie Turner request sidewalk repair on both sides of Parker St. between Park Ave. and Mayfield St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7i. | Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson on behalf of Carl Gomes request installation of “Dog Owners: Please Leash & Clean Up After Your Dog” signage at the Community Teaching Garden, located at 68 West Boylston Dr. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7d CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7j. | Samuel Perez request removal of the handicap parking space in front of 51 Perry Ave. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to refer items #7j CC through #7s CC collectively to Traffic and Parking Committee. Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7k. | Councilor Gary Rosen and Councilor Sean M. Rose on behalf of the homeowner request the bus stop at 20 Mountain St. East be moved further down the street in either direction. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7l. | Councilor George J. Russell on behalf of Hal Bersani request installation of a weight restriction of large tractor trailer trucks on Upland St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7m. | Councilor Sean M. Rose on behalf of Maureen Preston request the intersection of Tyson Rd. and Burncoat St. be assessed for increased safety precautions. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7n. | Councilor George J. Russell on behalf of Michael Carbonneau request installation of a crosswalk on Greenwood St. at its intersection with Ekman St. in the vicinity of the bus stop. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7o. | Annette Novia request installation of two children advisory signs on Scandinavia Ave. before 47 Scandinavia Ave. and after 34 Scandinavia Ave. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7p. | Thao Le request removal of "No Parking Anytime" restrictions in the vicinity of 141 Cambridge St. to allow for parking on both sides of the street. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7q. | Thao Le request removal of the handicap parking space in front of 141 Cambridge St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7r. | Migdalia Fairbanks request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 44 Mendon St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7s. | Mary Maki on behalf of Jason A. Maki request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 9 Hartshorn Ave. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #7j CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7t. | CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location at: PAYSON ST. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to collectively set hearing for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. for items #7t CC through #7z CC. Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays.
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7u. | CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location at: SOUTHBRIDGE ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #7t CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7v. | NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: CANAL ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #7t CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7w. | NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: GRAFTON ST. and HALE ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #7t CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7x. | NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: MAIN ST. and WOODLAND ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #7t CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7y. | NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: MAYWOOD ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #7t CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 7z. | NATIONAL GRID for a conduit location at: NORFOLK ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #7t CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8a. | NATIONAL GRID and VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. for a jointly-owned pole location at: PULLMAN ST. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to collectively set hearing for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. for items #8a CC through #8d CC. Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays.
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8b. | CROWN CASTLE NG EAST, LLC for a conduit location at: MCKEON RD. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #8a CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8c. | CROWN CASTLE NG EAST, LLC for a conduit location at: OAK AVENUE. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #8a CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8d. | CROWN CASTLE NG EAST, LLC for a conduit location at: MAYWOOD ST. | Attachments | | | Hearing set for August 11, 2020 at 6 p.m. on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. (See Item #8a CC).
Note: Hearing time changed from 6 p.m. to 5 p.m. following a change in the City Council Meeting Schedule. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8e. | Samantha Martin et al. request City Council hold an emergency meeting regarding the increase to the Worcester Police Department's budget of $254,320.00. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized the petitioner, who spoke in favor of the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Toomey, who moved to place the item on file.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor King.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Colorio, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the City Solicitor, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Colorio.
Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Colorio.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote on Councilor Toomey’s motion to file.
Placed on file on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 1 Nay (Nay – King) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8f. | Eliana Stanislawski et al. request the City Council to acknowledge that despite rapid implementation across the country, police body cameras have been documented to have had no consistent or significant effect on police officer behavior. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized the petitioner, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Colorio, who moved to place the item on file.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote on Councilor Colorio’s motion to file.
Placed on file on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 1 Nay (Nay – King) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8g. | Eliana Stanislawski et al. request City Council to commit to obtaining any funding for a police body camera program from within the Worcester Police Department budget, rather than taking it from other departments. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized the petitioner, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Colorio, who moved to place the item on file.
Placed on file on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8h. | Nathan Cummings request the City Council take no binding votes regarding the implementation of a new police body camera program until the Worcester Police Department provides its full report on the body camera pilot program, which ended in October of 2019, and time is allowed for robust public debate on the merits of the new program. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Colorio, who moved to place the item on file.
Placed on file on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 8i. | Nathan Cummings request the most recent report(s) summarizing performance measures and statistics for the Worcester Police Department (WPD), and those same reports for the preceding five (5) years, be made prominently available on the WPD page of the website of the City of Worcester. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to Table the Item Under Privilege.
Tabled Under Privilege - Petty | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.1 | APPOINTMENTS
Non-City Council Confirmation | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the reappointment of Scott Cashman to the Parks Commission with a term to expire on April 30, 2023. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to place the item on file. Placed on file on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent) | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.2 | APPOINTMENTS
City Council Confirmation | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend the reappointments of Pamela Stolz and Arline Rosario to the Community Development Advisory Committee. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to confirm the appointment. Confirmed on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and o Nays (Toomey absent) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication regarding the National League of Cities and whether or not they can assist in providing racial equity training to Worcester's elected and appointed city, school and public safety officials, among others, through that agency's highly regarded Race, Equity And Leadership (REAL) program | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to take Items #9.3A CM, #9.5A CM and #9.5B CM, #9.8A CM, #9.22A CM, #9.23A CM, #10a CC, #11a CC through #11z CC, excluding #11f CC, #11x CC and #11z CC, #12a CC through #12l CC, #13a CC and #13b CC, #15a CC and #15b CC, #16a CC, #17a CC and #22a CC collectively and postpone the items until the August 11, 2020 agenda.
Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
| |
Administration Division | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to DigSafe Markings on or near Veterans Memorials. | Attachments | | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the CSX Vegetation Management Yearly Operational Plan. | Attachments | | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | | |
Engineering and Architectural Services Division
| |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend adoption of Orders of Taking for the Lamartine Street Reconstruction Project. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
Operations Division
| |
Parks Division
| |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the Crompton Park Skate Park Design Review. | Attachments | | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to a report regarding information on the Body-Worn Camera Pilot Program. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to refer the item to Public Safety Committee. Referred to Public Safety Committee on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (King abstained).
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who moved to reconsider the item.
Reconsideration denied on a roll call vote 5 Yeas and 6 Nays (Yeas - King, Rose, Russell, Wally, Petty) (Nays - Bergman, Colorio, Mero-Carlson, Rivera, Rosen, Toomey). | | | | | | |
Administration | |
Building and Zoning Division
| |
Housing and Health Inspections Division
| |
Division of Public Health | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to a report and presentation on the COVID-19 Equity Task Force. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized the City Manager, who provided an overview of the item and discussed the creation of the COVID-19 Equity Task Force.
Mayor Petty recognized the various members of the COVID-19 Equity Task Force, including Eric Dickson, Eric Alper, Cheryl Lapriore, Jeanne Shirshac and the Commissioner of Health and Human Services, who presented its findings to the City Council.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized various members of the COVID-19 Equity Task, who responded to questions raised by Councilor King.
Councilor King then moved, “That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support targeted accessibility or availability of the vaccine for COVID-19, when it’s available, to the populations at the highest risk of contracting the virus.”
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to adopt Councilor King’s motion.
Councilor King’s motion adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Toomey and Councilor Rivera, who both spoke concerning the items.
Mayor Petty recognized various members of the COVID-19 Equity Task, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Rivera.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Russell, who moved to, “Request City Manager work with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services to determine how schools in neighborhoods at higher risks of contracting COVID-19 will be treated differently in comparison to schools in neighborhoods at lower risks of contracting COVID-19.”
Councilor Russell then moved to, “Request City Manager consider providing outreach regarding safe practices for guarding against contracting COVID-19 at churches and other places of worship in neighborhoods at higher risks of contracting COVID-19.”
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Rose, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized various members of the COVID-19 Equity Task, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Rose.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Colorio, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized various members of the COVID-19 Equity Task, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Rose.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Rosen, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized various members of the COVID-19 Equity Task, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Rose.
Mayor Petty moved to amend Councilor Russell’s first motion to provide said information to the School Committee.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to adopt Councilor Russell’s motions and refer the item to Public Health and Human Services Committee, the Board of Health and School Committee.
Councilor Russell’s motions adopted as amended and adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Colorio absent).
Referred to Public Health and Human Services, Board of Health and School Committee on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Colorio absent). | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Transmitting informational communication relative to the best practices on reducing litter created from small liquor bottle (nips) such as putting a deposit on the bottles. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to refer the item to Public Health and Human Services Committee.
Referred to Public Health and Human Services Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | C. | Transmitting informational communication relative to a Syringe Services report furnished by AIDS Project Worcester (APW) | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Rivera, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized representatives from AIDS Project Worcester, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to refer the item to Public Health and Human Services Committee.
Referred to Public Health and Human Services on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
Division of Elder Affairs | |
Division of Human Rights and Disabilities | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend adoption of an amendment to the Organizational Ordinance relative to the Disability Commission and the Disability Division. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to advertise the proposed Ordinance. Voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
Division of Veterans Services | |
Division of Youth Services | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend approval of Conflict of Interest forms for WPS staff to be hired through DYO's Recreation Worcester Program. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.22 | WORCESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to a change in fines for Worcester residents at the Worcester Public Library. | Attachments | | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | | |
Division of Urban Innovation | |
| | | | | | | A. | Transmitting informational communication relative to an update of the work by the Division of Urban Innovation. | Attachments | | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | | |
Election Commission Division | |
| | | | | 9.25 | PUBLIC SCHOOL DEPARTMENT | |
Assessing Division | |
Budget Office Division | |
Energy and Asset Management | |
Purchasing Division | |
Treasury and Collections Division | |
| |
| | | | | 9.32 | FINANCE ITEMS
Capital Transfers | |
| | | | | 9.33 | FINANCE ITEMS
Grants and Donations | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to file, accept and expend a Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Edward J. Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant under the FY2020 Local Solicitation in the amount of One Hundred Sixteen Thousand Thirty Seven Dollars and Zero Cents ($116,037.00). | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved to take item up items #9.33A CM through #9.33E CM, #9.34A CM through #9.34F CM, excluding #9.34B CM and #9.35A CM through #9.35C CM collectively and to adopt the items. Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to accept with gratitude a donation of one (1)previously owned automobile with an approximate monetary value of Seven Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($7,000.00), from the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB). | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted with gratitude on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | C. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to apply for, accept, and expend a grant of up to Three Hundred Eight Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($308,000.00) from the Department of Public Health/Substance Addiction Services for the Access to Recovery Program. | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | D. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to apply for a grant from the CDC Foundation in the amount of Two Hundred Ninety Five Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($295,000.00) for staff surge capacity to support COVID-19 response. | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | E. | Recommend adoption of a resolution to file, accept and expend a grant in the amount of Ninety Five Thousand Dollars And No Cents ($95,000.00) from MA Attorney General's Office under the Local Consumer Aid Program. | Attachments | | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.34 | FINANCE ITEMS
Operational Transfers | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend that Thirty Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars And No Cents ($36,500.00) be transferred from Account #250-92000, Police Ordinary Maintenance, to Account #250-93000, Police Capital Outlay for emergency replacement of hot water heater. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Recommend that Eighty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety Two Dollars And Three Cents ($89,492.03) be transferred from Account #330-08 ,Reserve for Appropriation on Loans , to Account #660-92000, Treasurer's Office Ordinary Maintenance, to fund the costs associated with the issuance of the $75,340,090.00 General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes dated June 4, 2020.. | Attachments | | | | Mayor Petty read the item and recognized Councilor Wally who moved to be recused from the item and left the room.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to adopt the item. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Wally recused). | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | C. | Recommend that One Thousand Seventy Nine Dollars And Eighty Seven Cents ($1,079.87) be transferred from Account #29-33007, Law Department Damage Settlement, to Account #2602-92201, Worcester Fire Automotive Supplies. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | D. | Recommend that One Million Five Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Dollars And Eighty Eight Cents ($1,587,770.88) be transferred as indicated to provide sufficient funding for the Cable PEG Program for the 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | E. | Recommend City Council's Approval of Fiscal Year 2020 Year-End transfers. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | F. | Recommend City Council's authorization to increase the spending limit for Account #41S508, Ballard Street Drop Off Revolving Fund Account, In Fiscal Year 2020-2021 spending, by One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Six Dollars and No Cents ($1,666). | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | 9.35 | FINANCE ITEMS
Prior Year | |
| | | | | | | A. | Recommend Prior Year Invoice in the amount of One Thousand Three Hundred Sixty-Four Dollars and Eighty-Eights Cents ($1,364.88) from Account #043-92126 be paid with FY20 funds. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | B. | Recommend that Eight Hundred Dollars And Eighty Three Cents ($800.83) be approved to allow for prior year obligations be met with current fiscal year funds. These funds will allow for Water Filtration Employee reimbursements for renewal of their drinking water operators licenses that needed to completed electronically with credit card payments. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | C. | Recommend that Two Thousand One Hundred Forty Two Dollars and Forty Cents ($2,142.40) be authorized from Account #280-92144 for payment of prior year invoice from vendor Taking Flight Goose Control. | Attachments | | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.33A CM) | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 10a. | FROM THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS - Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks review paving done as a result of utility work to ensure all repairs on roads not planned for full resurfacing were completed to the proper standards, including paving done in the Upsala St. neighborhood. | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11a. | Request City Manager request Police Chief provide increased speed enforcement on Mill St. between White Birch Dr. and Swan Ave. (Wally) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11b. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the progress that has been made since the City Council in 2015 voted to support a needle-exchange program. The City Council's support of a resolution to back a Department of Public Health and Board of Health Response to the Opioid Epidemic plan included lifting a moratorium on allowing intravenous drug users to turn in used hypodermic needles in exchange for clean needles. (Rosen) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11c. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report relative to actions required to permanently allow for the easing of outdoor dining restrictions in the city after COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11d. | Request City Manager work with the City Solicitor, Director of Human Resources and appropriate union representatives to take permanent steps to ensure Juneteenth be made an official City holiday in Worcester beginning in 2021 and for years to come. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11e. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the feasibility and actions required to provide antibody testing for COVID-19 to the general public as soon as possible. (Rivera, King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11f. | Request City Manager work with the Italian American community in the city to remove the Christopher Columbus statue, located at Union Station, 2 Washington Sq., and replace said statue with an appropriate statue or memorial to honor the many contributions of Worcester's Italian community. (Rivera) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item moved to recuse himself from the item, left the room and vacated the Chair to Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Rivera, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the item.
Councilor Mero-Carlson then moved to place the item on file.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Rose, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Toomey, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Russell, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor King, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the City Clerk, who responded to questions raised by Councilor King.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor King.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the City Solicitor, who responded to questions raised by Councilor King.
Councilor King then moved to, “Request City Manager work with the Italian American Community in Worcester, along with other impacted community groups, to address concerns related to the Christopher Columbus statue.” (See Item #25f CC).
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote on Councilor Mero-Carlson's motion to place the item on file. Placed on file on a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 2 Nays (Petty recused). (Yeas - Bergman, Colorio, Mero-Carlson, Rose, Rosen, Russell, Toomey, Wally) (Nays - King, Rivera) (Petty recused).
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor King, who moved for reconsideration on the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Rivera, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized the City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Rivera.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Rosen, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Russell, who spoke concerning the item.
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote on Councilor King’s motion for reconsideration. Reconsideration denied on a roll call vote of 0 Yeas and 10 Nays (Petty recused).
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio moved for a roll call vote on Councilor King’s motion regarding the Christopher Columbus statue. Order denied on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 7 Nays (Yeas – King, Rivera, Rose) (Nays – Bergman, Colorio, Mero-Carlson, Rosen, Russell, Toomey, Wally) (Petty recused).
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who moved for reconsideration on Councilor King’s motion regarding the Christopher Columbus statue.
Reconsideration on Councilor King’s motion regarding the Christopher Columbus statue denied on a roll call vote of 0 Yeas and 10 Nays (Petty recused). | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11g. | Request City Manager work with the Commission on Disabilities to solicit feedback on where to place a tactile street map downtown to assist Vision Impaired Persons. (Petty) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11h. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report at the August 2020 City Council meeting concerning the feasibility of expanding and developing additional rectangular and/or other athletic field configurations at both Foley Stadium and Beaver Brook Park. (Rosen, Rose) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11i. | Request City Manager review the city’s noise ordinance, determine whether its language needs to be strengthened and then suggest ways it can be better enforced. (Rosen, Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11j. | Request City Manager install security cameras in the garage underneath City Hall. (Colorio) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11k. | Request City Manager review the city’s policies relating to trash pickup to determine whether it would be appropriate to allow for trash in city bags to be put out inside barrels. (Colorio) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11l. | Request City Manager initiate a permanent body camera program for the Worcester Police Department to be put in place by January 1, 2021. Funding for said program should be prioritized and consider all funding mechanisms, including new growth monies. (Rose, Rosen, Russell, Mero-Carlson, Bergman, Colorio, Petty, Wally, Toomey, Rivera) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11m. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing the number of anonymous calls received by the fireworks tip line, arrests, and actions taken to decrease the use of illegal fireworks, as well as any other data collected since the tip line was established. (Colorio) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11n. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing the motions for summary judgements, plaintiffs response to the motions of summary judgement, judges opinions and order granting summary judgement for the following cases: US District Court No. 16-CV-40039-TSH, CV-40133-TSH Suffolk Superior No. 1994CV02628E US District Court No. C.A. 17-CV-40055-TSH. Said cases are referenced as favorable decisions in the City Manager's FY20 Accomplishments. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11o. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning the Worcester Police Department's field interrogation and observation data. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11p. | Request City Manager work with the Police Chief to restrict the use of chemical crowd control agents and kinetic impact weapons. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11q. | Request City Manager amend the hiring processes associated with civil service requirements in promotional exams of public safety officers, in an attempt to further diversify the positions. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11r. | Request City Manager create and provide City Council with a city-wide Comprehensive Parking Master Plan. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11s. | Request City Manager create a Gentrification Mitigation Plan, with related Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces being create to oversee said plan. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11t. | Request City Manager create a COVID-19 Equity Recovery Plan, which would include information relating to demographics and neighborhood hot spots for the virus. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11u. | Request City Manager fund and pilot public safety and public health enhancement initiatives in FY21, including but not limited to Alternative Deployment Policy Development/Negotiations, full funding and implementation of the use of body cameras for the Worcester Police Department and a City of Worcester Transparency Improvement Plan. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11v. | Request City Manager negotiate a Worcester Police Department Body Camera memorandum of understanding (MOU) and immediately resume the Body Camera pilot program with leeway for incremental expansion. Said MOU would terminate upon successful negotiation and permanent implementation of the Police Body Camera Program. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11w. | In light of the fact that across the nation drug overdose deaths are surging amid the coronavirus pandemic, driven by increased substance use due to anxiety, social isolation and depression, request City Manager and the Director of Public Health report to City Council concerning what Worcester is doing to address an expected uptick in demand for addiction services. (Rosen) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11x. | Request City Manager provide City Council with an update concerning a previous request relative to creating a strategic, affirmative action plan as it relates to the succession of BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) to cabinet and high level positions within the city. (King) | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to take the item up collectively with Item #11z CC.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor King, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor King.
Mayor Petty recognized Councilor Colorio, who spoke concerning the item.
Mayor Petty recognized the City Manager, who responded to questions raised by Councilor Colorio.
Mayor Petty moved for a roll call vote to adopt the items. Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11y. | Request City Manager work towards establishing a Leadership and Business Development program for Black Youth. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 11z. | Request City Manager explore the establishment of an Office of Community and Civic Life through potential reorganizations of city agencies. (King) | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #11x CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12a. | Request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks provide City Council with a response as to whether the city’s regulations relative to Shade Tree Protection During Construction, Repairs and Utility Work outlined in the city’s Revised Ordinances of 2008, Chapter 12, Section 28(h) were followed during the repaving process for Havelock Rd. Further, request City Manager request Commissioner of Public Works and Parks provide in said response information as to how many permits (and associated tree protection plans) under Chapter 12, Section 28(h) have been issued by the Tree Warden in the last two years. (Wally) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12b. | Request City Manager identify potential funding to be used to resurface and renew the Newton Square tennis courts, including striping for pickleball, by the spring of 2021. In dire need of updating, these courts are used by tennis players from Doherty Memorial High School, the local neighborhood and the Tenacity Summer Tennis and Reading Program, among others. (Rosen, Wally) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12c. | Request City Manager create a plan for improved communication concerning closures to Indian Lake due to bacteria so that all parties involved are able to properly disseminate the information, in the interest of public safety. (Rose, Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12d. | Request City Manager conduct consistent bacteria testing at the beaches and all inlets of Indian Lake from May through September as a means to analyze the data collected and pinpoint potential bacteria issues throughout the entire lake. (Rose, Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12e. | Request City Manager identify the responsible party or parties to initiate correcting all signage referring to Major Taylor Blvd. as Worcester Center Blvd. Said street was renamed Major Taylor Blvd. in 2006 and multiple signs have not been updated to reflect its appropriate name. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12f. | Request City Manager ensure any threats or acts of vandalism against the recently created Black Lives Matter (BLM) Mural at the intersection of Mayor Taylor Blvd. and Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. are condemned and reported to the appropriate authorities. (Rose) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12g. | Request City Manager provide City Council with an update concerning the city’s TIF Agreement with Unum. (Wally) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12h. | Request City Manager work with the Police Chief to provide City Council with a report relative to actions necessary to require all police officers take out liability insurance throughout their employment. (Rivera) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12i. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report as to when district City Councilors will be able to select the streets where speed humps will be installed in their district as part of the previously approved Speed Hump Pilot Program. Further, request City Manager include in said report a date for when the Speed Hump Pilot Program will be initiated. (Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12j. | Request City Manager provide City Council with a report updating City Council concerning what has been done at the State level in relation to finalizing the funds available to the city for FY21. Further, request City Manager include in said update information relative to what potential impact being level funded by the State would have on the city. (Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12k. | Request City Manager provide City Council with an action plan to address the disproportionality of Black and Latino residents contracting COVID-19 at numbers higher than white residents. (Rivera) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 12l. | Request City Manager use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to level 151 Plantation St., which previously had a demolition order issued, as soon as possible. (Mero-Carlson) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 13a. | That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support designating Juneteenth as a municipal holiday in the city of Worcester, and urges its appointed officials to work towards ensuring said holiday be celebrated as such on June 19, 2021 and for years to come. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 13b. | That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support H.R. 7120, George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020, co-sponsored by Massachusetts Representatives Katherine M. Clark, Joseph P. Kennedy, III., Stephen F. Lynch, James P. McGovern, Richard E. Neal, Lori Trahan, Seth Moulton, Ayanna Pressley and William R. Keating, along with the companion bill S. 3912, the Justice in Policing Act 2020 co-sponsored by Massachusetts Senators Edward J. Markey and Elizabeth A. Warren. (King) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
14. | RECESS TO FINANCE COMMITTEE - No items pending | |
| | | | | | | | | 15a. | Transmitting the audited Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the Worcester Retirement System (WRS) for the system's year ending December 31, 2019. | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 15b. | Transmitting the actuarial valuation of the Worcester Retirement System (WRS) as of January 1, 2020, as prepared by Segal. | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 16a. | Transmitting an update concerning the changes to the Massachusetts State Election Laws for the 2020 Election Season in response to COVID-19. | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 17a. | Paul Matthews, Executive Director and CEO of Worcester Regional Research Bureau, transmitting, "Broadening Broadband: Considering Municipal Ownership as a Solution to Worcester’s Internet Challenges." | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18a. | REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Paul J. Demoga, Esq., on behalf of Arts & Business Council Real Estate, LLC. request to amend the Zoning Map of the city of Worcester to change the zoning designation of 2 Ionic Ave. and 661 Main St. from the current zoning designation of BG-3 to BG-6, as shown on the plan attached hereto. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to collectively refer items #18a CC through #18c CC to their appropriate committees. Referred to Economic Development Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18b. | REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Jonathan Finkelstein, Attorney, on behalf of Paul Giorgio and Junction Development LLC request amendment of the zoning map by designating the properties at 134 Gold St., 5 Sargent St. and adjacent streets to be included in an Adaptive Re-Use Overlay Zoning District (AR). | Attachments | | | Referred to Economic Development Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #18a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 18c. | REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Relative to Right of Way Alterations and the public layout of Lunelle St., Langdon St. and Lamartine St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Public Works Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 19a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager Transmitting informational communication relative to the Resurfacing Program for FY21 and FY22: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to take items #19a CC, #19b CC and #20a CC through #20d CC collectively and to accept and adopt and advertise proposed Ordinances, respectively. Accepted and adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays. | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 19b. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager Transmitting informational communication relative to the FY20 Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. | Attachments | | | Accepted and adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Joanne Simoncini request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 11 Reeves St.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. | Attachments | | | Voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #19a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20b. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councilor Donna M. Colorio on behalf of Gjergji Zdruli request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 48 Fruit St.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. | Attachments | | | Voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #19a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20c. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councilor Donna M. Colorio on behalf of Gordon Duncan request installation of a three way stop sign on Beechmont St. where it intersects with Bancroft Tower Rd.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. | Attachments | | | Voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #19a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 20d. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Felix Garcia request installation of a handicap parking space in front of 61 East Central St.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. | Attachments | | | Voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #19a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21a. | Amending Article III Of The Worcester Zoning Ordinance Adopted April 2, 1991 Relative To Extension Of The RL-7 Zoning Districts In The Vicinity Of Brooks Street And Mount Avenue. | Attachments | | | Mayor Petty read the item and moved for a roll call vote to take items #21a CC through #21c CC collectively and to Ordain the items. Ordained on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21b. | Amending Article III Of The Worcester Zoning Ordinance Adopted April 2, 1991 Relative To Extension Of The Ml-0.5 Zoning Districts In The Vicinity Of Granite Street And Southwest Cutoff. | Attachments | | | Ordained on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #20a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 21c. | Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group A - Administrative and Supervisory Relative to Regional Public Health Stipend.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group A - Administrative and Supervisory Relative to Supervisor of Administration, Fire.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group AA – Legislative Relative to Secretary to Mayor, Assistant Secretary to Mayor.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group A - Administrative And Supervisory Occupational Group B – General Administrative Relative to Customer Service Manager.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group EM – Executive Management Occupational Group A - Administrative and Supervisory Relative to Deputy Assessor.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group A - Administrative And Supervisory Occupational Group S – Custodial Relative to Plant Engineer Police.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group C - Information Services Relative to New Titles in Technical Services.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group E – Fiscal Relative to Payroll Manager.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group EM – Executive Management Relative to Chief Information Officer.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group EM – Executive Management Relative to City Assessor.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group GA – Public Health Nursing Services Relative to Deputy Chief Nurse.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group L – Social Services Relative to Veterans Service Specialist.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group NA – Fire Relative to Program Manager, Fire.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group X Human Services, Law Enforcement and Public Health Relative to Project Coordinator, Public Health.
Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 Occupational Group X Human Services, Law Enforcement and Public Health Relative to Regional Community Health Coordinator. | Attachments | | | Ordained on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #21a CC) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 22a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FINANCE Upon the Order of Councilor Khrystian E. King, Mayor Joseph M. Petty and Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey - Request City Manager consider revising the Financial Integrity Plan for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) to allocate excess New Growth above budgeted to: 1) The High School Building Fund; and 2) The City Manager Capital Campaign Fund, to prepare for the capital costs for the South Division Fire Station and the city wide Financial Management System: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Tabled Under Privilege - Bergman June 16, 2020 and June 23, 2020) | Attachments | | | Postponed until the August 11, 2020 agenda on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.3A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23a. | RESOLUTION of Councilor Konstantina B. Lukes – That the City Council go on record in favor of supporting the Worcester Bravehearts as they plan for the future. (Tabled Under Privilege - Lukes August 21, 2018 and Tabled Under Privilege - Petty September 12, 2018 and Tabled - Lukes September 25, 2018) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23b. | ORDER of Councilor George J. Russell, Councilor Sarai Rivera, Councilor Gary Rosen, Councilor Konstantina B. Lukes, Councilor Khrystian E. King and Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson - Request City Council have the City Council Standing Committees on Public Works and Municipal Operations conduct a joint meeting about the future recommended staffing of the City Council office as well as logistics for office space for staff and City Council. Further, request the joint committee discuss potential recommendations regarding the job description and role of the City Council staff persons and further, encourage other City Councilors who are not members of the joint committee to attend and be included in the conversation. (Tabled - Petty February 26, 2019) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23c. | COMMUNICATION of the City Manger transmitting informational communication relative to a legal opinion as to the jurisdiction of office space and facilities within City Hall. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson March 12, 2019; Tabled Under Privilege - Petty March 19, 2019 and Tabled - Petty March 26, 2019) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23d. | ORDER of Councilor Konstantina B. Lukes - Request City Manager request City Solicitor provide City Council with a legal opinion regarding the process of instituting a residential rent control program and the resulting impact of implementing such a program. (Tabled Under Privilege - Lukes September 17, 2019 and September 24, 2019 and Tabled - Lukes October 15, 2019) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23e. | ORDER of Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey - In light of recent events, request City Manager consider establishing a process to inspect rental apartments, which would help to confirm structural changes are done to the standards set by Inspectional Services, in the interest of public service. Further, request City Manager provide City Council with a recommendation as to how often these inspections should take place. (Tabled - King December 17, 2019) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23f. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS' MEMORIALS, PARKS AND RECREATION Upon the Petition of Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson request restoration and relocation of the Sullivan Memorial located in Melrose St. to a location approximately 50 feet north of its current location: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Tabled Under Privilege - Mero-Carlson April 21, 2020 and April 28, 2020 and Tabled - Mero-Carlson May 5, 2020) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23g. | RESOLUTION of Councilor Morris A. Bergman, Councilor Sean M. Rose and Councilor Candy Mero-Carlson - That the Worcester City Council urges our State Delegation and others to pursue the naming in 2020 of the Worcester District Courthouse the “Sarah E. Wall Courthouse”. (Tabled Under Privilege - Bergman June 2, 2020 and June 9, 2020 - Petty and Tabled - Russell June 16, 2020) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 23h. | COMMUNICATION of Stephen Herzog, Project Manager at Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., on behalf of CSX Transportation, Inc. transmitting an informational communication relative to the application of herbicide on the railroad. (Tabled Under Privilege - Petty June 9, 2020 and Tabled - Russell June 16, 2020) | Attachments | | | No action taken | | | | | |
24. | BUSINESS UNDER SUSPENSION OF RULES - Items brought forth under suspension at the June 30, 2020 City Council meeting. | |
| | | | | | | | | 24a. | REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Donald J. O'Neil request release an unused Drainage and Utility Easement on property located at Avery Path and Brookline Street now owned by Norcross Development, LLC (0 Brookline Street), granted by Avery Investment Properties, LLC to the City of Worcester dated November 30, 2006 and recorded in Worcester District Registry of Deeds Book 40555, Page 317: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. – Item #19a CC Accepted and Adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24b. | ORDER of Councilor Khrystian E. King – Request City Manager provide City Council with a presentation from a Board of Health meeting, which outlined points of emphasis for the Worcester Police Department, including establishing a Citizen Review Board. – Item #19b CC Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24c. | ORDER of Councilor Khrystian E. King – Request City Manager provide City Council as soon as possible with a referenced independent review of the police action taken by the Worcester Police Department on June 1, 2020. – Item #19c CC Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24d. | ORDER of Councilor Khrystian E. King – Request City Manager provide City Council with a demographic breakdown of the top one-hundred wage earners in the City of Worcester, including information as to how many people are women and how many are people of color. – Item #19d CC Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24e. | ORDER of Councilor George J. Russell – Request City Manager provide City Council with a report detailing what would be included in the creation of a Black community cultural hub. – Item #19e CC Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24f. | ORDER of Councilor Matthew E. Wally – Request City Manager provide City Council with clarification as to how the FY21 budget was adjusted in order to eliminate/reduce the charge for assigned police officers on the Worcester Public Schools Budget in the amount of $120,000.00 in order to determine the appropriateness of utilizing potential savings. – Item #19f CC Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 24g. | ORDER of Councilor Sarai Rivera – Request City Manager look at the feasibility of providing facilities for homeless individuals in the city to allow for a cooling area and portable showers, especially during the summer months. – Item #19g CC Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | |
| | | | | |
25. | NEW BUSINESS UNDER SUSPENSION OF RULES - Items brought forth under suspension at the July 21, 2020 City Council meeting. | |
| | | | | | | | | 25a. | Motion King – Suspension of Rules – Request City Manager have the city fly the flag outside of City Hall at half-mast in honor of Congressman John Lewis, who passed away on July 17, 2020. | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25b. | Motion Petty – Suspension of Rules – That the City Council does hereby suspend its rules to allow for the public participation section of the agenda on July 21, 2020 to occur beyond the typically allotted thirty (30) minutes. | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Toomey absent) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25c. | Motion King @ #9.17A CM – That the City Council of the City of Worcester does hereby support targeted accessibility or availability of the vaccine for COVID-19, when it’s available, to the populations at the highest risk of contracting the virus. | Attachments | | | Resolution adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays (See Item #9.17A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25d. | Motion Russell @ #9.17A CM – Request City Manager work with the Commissioner of Health and Human Services to determine how schools in neighborhoods at higher risks of contracting COVID-19 will be treated differently in comparison to schools in neighborhoods at lower risks of contracting COVID-19. | Attachments | | | Order read and Mayor Petty moved to amend the item to provide said information to the School Committee.
Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Colorio absent) (See Item #9.17A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25e. | Motion Russell @ #9.17A CM – Request City Manager consider providing outreach regarding safe practices for guarding against contracting COVID-19 at churches and other places of worship in neighborhoods at higher risks of contracting COVID-19. | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Colorio absent) (See Item #9.17A CM) | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25f. | Motion King @ #11f CC – Request City Manager work with the Italian American Community in Worcester, along with other impacted community groups, to address concerns related to the Christopher Columbus statue. | Attachments | | | Order denied on a roll call vote of 3 Yeas and 7 Nays (Yeas – King, Rivera, Rose) (Nays – Bergman, Colorio, Mero-Carlson, Rosen, Russell, Toomey, Wally) (Petty recused) (See Item #11f CC)
Vice Chairperson Councilor Colorio recognized Councilor Mero-Carlson, who moved for reconsideration on the item.
Reconsideration denied on a roll call vote of 0 Yeas and 10 Nays (Petty recused). | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25g. | Motion Petty – Suspension of Rules – That the City Council does hereby amend its meeting schedule to begin the August 11, 2020 City Council Meeting at 5 p.m. | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25h. | Motion Toomey – Suspension of Rules – Request City Manager work with the Police Chief and the Director of Engineering to provide speed enforcement monitors and explore options to reduce speed on Westborough St., especially at its intersection with Pioneer St. | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25i. | PETITION – Councilor Kathleen M. Toomey on behalf of David Lamusta request installation of a handicap parking space in the vicinity of 7 Creston St. | Attachments | | | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | 25j. | Motion Toomey – Suspension of Rules – Request City Manager work with the appropriate agencies to rectify the transposed Coast Guard and Navy Seals at the WWI Monument at Billings Square. | Attachments | | | Order adopted on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | | | | | |