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| 17a. | COMMUNICATION of Michael V. O'Brien, City Manager, recommending City Council's confirmation of the Appointment of David Lapierre to the Election Commission.
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| | Confirmed on a roll call vote of 11 Yeas and 0 Nays | |
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| 17b. | COMMUNICATION of Michael V. O'Brien, City Manager, transmitting informational communication relative to the City's Snow Storm of October 29-30, 2011.
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| | Referred to Public Service and Transportation Committee | |
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| 17c. | Motion Petty @ #17b CC - Request City Manager request NGrid to report to City Council what needs to be invested to stabilize the city's infrastructure. This report should include where the weak spots are in the infrastructure, plans for tree trimming around power lines, do they have enough employees to handle a storm and a plan for future installations such as placing lines underground. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17d. | Motion Eddy @ #17b CC - Request City Manager request NGrid detail what investments have been made in the three key distribution sub stations in the west side (Tatnuck, Cooks Pond/Tory Fort Lane and Assumption). | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17e. | Motion Eddy @ #17b CC - Request City Manager contact other surrounding towns and jointly send a letter to the State DPU and request them to ask NGrid to prove what investments they've made in infrastructure, show their return on their investments and to make a firm commitment to proactively address their aging infrastructure. (Eddy) | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17f. | Motion Toomey @ #17b CC - Request the School Administration find a better plan to inform the public of any emergency situations concerning school operations and have them become more involved in emergency operations. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17g. | Motion Rushton @ #17b CC - Request the Committee on Public Service and Transportation explore the feasibility of the long term benefits in creating a Worcester municipal utility for electrical power generation and distribution. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted and Referred to Public Service and Transportation Committee for informational purposes. | |
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| 17h. | Motion Rushton @ #17b CC - Request City Manager conduct a study of municipal utility operations in other communities that includes learning when and why they chose to supply their own electrical power. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17i. | Motion Lukes @ #17b CC - Request the Mayor invite the city's Central Massachusetts Delegation to discuss legislation that would make available tax incentives for capital improvements to utility infrastructure. Further, request the delegation to pursue pending legislation that would make it easier for municipalities to provide their own utilities. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17j. | Motion Lukes @ #17b CC - Request City Manager request NGrid to provide City Council with their plan to address utility outages and further, request a report as to how many outages have occurred in the last two years. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17k. | Motion Palmieri @ #17b CC - Request City Manager request NGrid provide a proposal that identifies the areas where trees can be cut to prevent the future outages and have NGrid fund the cutting of these trees by foresters. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17l. | Motion Haller @ #17b CC - Request City Manager provide City Council with a report concerning how the alert notifications, that were put in place after the 2008 ice storm, where effective, the means they were employed and why, how these alerts penetrated the community as well as the languages that where used in communicating information. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17m. | Motion Lukes @ #12a CC - Request City Clerk provide City Council with the Strengthening Our Schools amendment to the state casino legislation. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17n. | Motion Toomey @ #12a CC Request City Clerk ensure that back up be provided to City Council whenever a reference in a petition or order is made to a document or legislation, etc… | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17o. | Motion Clancy @ #8h CC - Request City Manager request the City Solicitor report what role the City Council would have in an investigation as requested in calendar item #8h. Further, request guidance from the Secretary of State concerning this petition. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17p. | Motion Smith @ #11a CC - Request City Manager provide City Council with a six month progress report regarding the implementation of ESCo that is being conducted by Honeywell. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17q. | PETITION - Scott Ricker request handicap parking spaces in the south side of Foster St. adjacent to the parking garages be relocated to the north side of Foster St. adjacent to the DCU to the due to the lack of a curb cuts in Foster St. | Attachments |
| | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee | |
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| 17r. | Motion Rushton - Suspension of Rules - Request City Manager remove the storm debris in Howatson Way so the street may be opened to traffic. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17s. | Motion Rushton - Suspension of Rules - Request City Manager provide a report concerning the appropriateness of eighteen wheeler trucks driving on the residential portion of Pleasant Street. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17t. | Motion Rushton - Suspension of Rules - Request City Manager report to City Council as to whether 25 Ellis Drive has complied with orders issued by the Conservation Commission. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17u. | PETITION - Councilor Frederick C. Rushton on behalf of Jane Boggs request sidewalk repair in front of 45 Circuit Ave East. | Attachments |
| | Referred to Public Works Committee | |
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| 17v. | Motion Palmieri - Suspension of Rules - Request City Manager investigate the problem concerning a developer not plowing LaSalle Avenue. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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| 17w. | PETITION - Mayor Joseph C. O'Brien request a crosswalk be installed in Prouty Lane and Bailey Street at Spillane Field. | Attachments |
| | Referred to Traffic and Parking Committee | |
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| 17x. | Motion O'Brien - Suspension of Rules - Request City Manager have the problem properties team investigate the code enforcement concerns at 37 Tirrell Street and report to City Council the results of the investigation and any police actions that may have occurred. | Attachments |
| | Order adopted | |
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