– SEPTEMBER 20, 2005
7:00 P.M.
Convened: 7:00 P.M.
Adjourned 9:40 P.M.
1. INVOCATION – Pastor David Pope
Bethlehem Covenant Church
CALL – All present
Mayor Murray read and presented two Resolutions for the
East Side and West Side Babe Ruth Baseball teams. A second presentation was
made to the Worcester Tornados owner Alan Stone and Manager Rich Gedman.
4. Request City Manager request the Police Chief to provide the City Council with information on how the taxi owners/operators serve the non-English speaking populations. (Attachments)
5. Request City Manager provide the City Council with a draft of the proposed new rules and regulations and enforcement plans for owners/operators of taxis in the City of Worcester. (Attachments)
6. Request City Manager request the Police Chief consider recommending to City Council new Rules and Regulations for taxi licensing that includes the following issues of public interest:
1. that
there be a mandatory driver photo identification,
2. that
there be unannounced inspections,
3. that
a reduction in the age allowed for taxis to be on the road from 7 years to 6½
this year and then down to 6 next year so as to ease into a newer fleet rather
than hit the owners with a one year change all at once,
4. that
the posting of rates inside cabs be required,
5. that
the name and phone number of the taxi owner be displayed on the exterior of
each cab,
6. that
issues of taxi cleanliness is required,
7. that
a review of the criminal record (including sex offenders) of drivers be
required before they are licensed to drive,
8. that
an annual review of the number of hours each taxi is on the road in a given
month is required so as to guarantee that the public is adequately served,
9. that
no bumper stickers or window stickers be allowed on taxis because they are not
private vehicles but public conveyances,
10. that
drivers should be clean and uniformed as they are ambassadors of the city to
visitors, and
11. that
taxi license rules and regulations also apply to liveries.
7. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to Regulation and Penalties applicable to livery vehicles: recommend adoption of accompanying Order or passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)
Nelson Ambosh of 5 Suburban Rd spoke.
10. Attorney Mark Donahue on behalf of W.B. Realty, LLC request the
City Council of the City of Worcester change the zone classification of Lot 2,
256 Sunderland Rd., consisting of 76,390 square feet of land from RS-7 to RL-7.
11. Councillor Frederick C. Rushton request Columbine Rd. be
repaved. (Attachments)
12. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Charlton St. (Attachments)
13. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Chatham St. (Attachments)
14. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Crompton St. (Attachments)
15. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Dewey St. (Attachments)
16. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Gold St. (Attachments)
17. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Heath St. (Attachments)
18. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Hollis St. (Attachments)
19. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Illinois St. (Attachments)
20. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Lagrange St. (Attachments)
21. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of sidewalks on
Lunelle St. (Attachments)
22. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Chestnut St. (Attachments)
23. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Clapp St. (Attachments)
24. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Clay St. (Attachments)
25. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Clement St. (Attachments)
26. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of College St. (Attachments)
27. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Colton St. (Attachments)
28. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Cristy St. (Attachments)
29. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Crompton St. (Attachments)
30. Councillor
Barbara G. Haller request repaving of D St. (Attachments)
31. Councillor Barbara G. Haller request repaving of Davis St. (Attachments)
31a. Councillor Frederick C. Rushton on behalf of Richard Stewart request
repaving of Wayne St. from Gates Ln. to Baker St. (Attachments)
31b. Councillor Frederick C. Rushton request sidewalk repair on Main
St. from Harrington Corner past 418 Main St. to Commerce Bank parking lot. (Attachments)
32. Pamela Herbin request resident only parking at 89-87 Endicott
St. only. (Attachments)
33. Janet Shea request handicap parking at corner of Strathmore Rd.
& Cargill Ave. (Attachments)
34. Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Betty Ruffo request
handicap parking in front of 87 Plantation St. (Attachments)
35. Peter McKone request directional signs for Bancroft School on
Shore Dr., Norton Dr. and South Frontage Rd. (Attachments)
36. Daniel Leland request installation of a mirror at the end of
Rosamond St. so that he will be able to see vehicles coming around corner. (Attachments)
37. Arthur & Gertrude Brown request handicap parking in front of
109 Lakewood St. (Attachments)
38. William Mitchell, Jr. request a transfer of Medfield St., a
private street to property at 18 Lanesboro Rd., beginning at Lanesboro Rd. and
continuing easterly 170' to westerly line of Kenmore St. (Attachments)
39. William Coleman III request City Council honor the life of
Howard Gleason by naming part of a park in his honor. (Attachments)
40. Request City Manager request the City Solicitor report to the City Council on the pre-existing staircase at 2 Rena St., and how ADA standards affect the City’s ability to repair it, replace it or remove it. (Attachments)
41. Request City Manager consider recommending to the City Council the funding for a separate capital improvement project to reconstruct the hand railings on the stairways in the median on Hamilton St. (Attachments)
42. Request City Manager request Mass. Electric to clean their property at 13 Saybrook Rd. (Attachments)
43. Request City Manager request the Commissioner of Public Works to report to the City Council concerning the five-way intersection of Quinsigamond Ave., Lafayette St., and Lamartine St. (Attachments)
44. Request City Manager request the Commissioner of Public Works to provide the City Council with the final designs for the Cristoforo Colombo statue and the pocket park at the corner of Shrewsbury St. and Mulberry St. (Attachments)
45. Request City Manager provide the City Council with a report on the relocation of office space within City Hall. (Attachments)
46- FROM
46. Request that Monica Rd. be converted to a public street. (Attachments)
47. Request City Manager to request the Police Chief to assign personnel to enforce the existing truck traffic prohibition and speed limits in Ludlow St. in the interest of small children living in this residential neighborhood. (Attachments)
48. Request City Manager to request the Commissioner of Public Works to provide the City Council with costs associated with opening the median in Foster St. at the north end of Norwich St. (Attachments)
49. Request City Manager to request the Police Chief to assign personnel to monitor corner clearances in side streets off May St. from Park Ave. westerly. (Attachments)
50. Request City Manager to request the Executive Director of the Worcester Housing Authority to request his personnel not park in a manner that blocks traffic signage and signals in the vicinity of 11 Lake Ave. (Attachments)
51. Request City Manager request the Department of Public Works consider installing a tripping device in the existing traffic signal in front of 11 Lake Ave. that will be activated by vehicular traffic exiting the parking tower parking lot. (Attachments)
52. Request City Manager contact newly created nonprofit corporation specializing in marketing the City of Worcester as to how it plans on coordinating with City’s Economic Development Office in promoting the City. (Perotto, Palmieri, Irish) (Attachments) Adopted
53. Request City Manager provide the City Council with a report concerning a “Signature Event” for the City of Worcester. (Perotto) (Attachments) Adopted
54. Request City Manager report to the City Council concerning the safety of wiring from streetlights that has been exposed as a result of traffic accidents or vandalism. (Irish) (Attachments) Adopted
55. Request City
Manager provide the City Council with guidelines that are followed within the
Administration whenever a planned traffic detour is implemented, including
advance notice to affected businesses, site visits, updates, complaint
processing, etc. Said reports to recommend improvements in the current plan so
that businesses are not adversely affected. (Petty, Irish, Rushton, Haller) (Attachments)
Councillor Clancy moved to amend: Further, request who, within the
Administration and Departments, reviews the implementation process and who is
responsible for implementing the plan and also suggest that work be done at
night so as not to interfere with businesses affected by the detour. Adopted,
as amended
56. Request City Manager formulate and provide the City Council with a comprehensive plan to address and solve the longstanding problem of a lack of cleanliness across the City of Worcester. Said plan to consider current and future resources within various departments, current and future capital equipment needs, seasonal issues that affect the allocation of precious personnel resources and various approaches for residential and business districts that might incorporate resident and/or business education, organization and involvement on an ongoing basis. (Petty) (Attachments) Adopted
57. Request City Manager provide the City Council with an updated City of Worcester Emergency Response Plan that takes into consideration the lessons learned as a result of the hurricane catastrophe along the Gulf Coast. (Petty) (Attachments) Adopted
58. Request City Manager report to the City Council concerning third party recovery efforts when municipal property, including, but not limited to signage, streetlights and trees, is damaged as a result of a traffic accident. (Irish) (Attachments) Adopted
59. Request City Manager report to the City Council concerning the status of the reuse proposals for the Vocational School properties at Wheaton Square as well as the North Main infrastructure improvements. (Murray) (Attachments) Adopted
60. Request City Manager formulate a Master Plan for the Lincoln St. corridor in conjunction with neighborhood organizations, East Side Community Development Corporation, UMASS-Memorial Medical Center. (Palmieri) (Attachments) Councillor Palmieri moved to amend: Further, request to include the Planning Board. Adopted, as amended.
61. Request City Manager explore the idea of creating a privately owned off-street parking facility with the owner of private property that was formerly the Sacred Heart Academy. Said facility to be available to neighborhood residents & school staff, thereby relieving on-street congestion & safer pass and repass. (Palmieri) (Attachments) Adopted
62. Request City Manager establish a food and hunger policy council. (Murray, Irish) (Attachments) Adopted
63. Request City Manager consider the feasibility & cost of securing professional assistance in developing strategies to facilitate timely expansion of commuter rail to and from Worcester. (Murray, Petty, Palmieri) (Attachments) Adopted
64. Request City Manager, in conjunction with City's federal delegation, convene a meeting with CSX officials concerning issues related to the Worcester/Framingham line. (Murray, Petty, Palmieri) (Attachments) Councillor Irish moved to amend: Further, request the Framingham legislative delegation and the town council be included in the discussions pertaining to expense issues. Adopted, as amended.
65. Request City Manager consider naming a high ranking administrative official to lead a reconvened City Manager's Enforcement Team to coordinate the day-to-day efforts of Health, Code, Police, Fire & Law Departments, etc. in developing a strategic and comprehensive approach to problem properties. (Murray, Haller, Irish, Petty, White, Clancy) (Attachments) Mayor Murray moved to amend: Further, request that it's reported back to the City Council within thirty days. Adopted, as amended.
66. Request City Manager furnish the City Council with a report on ranking of institutions located within the City that Are subject to community Re-Investment Act obligations. (Irish) (Attachments) Adopted
67. Request City Manager recommend to the City Council how the City might make available resident parking stickers to renters whose primary residence, and therefore the address on their driver's license, is outside the relevant resident parking area. (Irish) (Attachments) Councillor Haller moved to amend: Further, request the report include how to assist people who are working on properties and need to park in areas where resident stickers are required. Adopted, as amended.
68. Request Administration report whether there has been an increase in gun permit applications and to include the number of said requests in the past 5 years. (Lukes) (Attachments) Adopted
69. Request Administration report on locations of all establishments that sell arms & ammunition and what security measures are required in the event of a disaster/looting. (Lukes) (Attachments) Adopted
70. Request Administration forward to the City Council an updated School Dept 5 year capital plan. (Lukes) (Attachments) Adopted
71. Request
Administration report on the feasibility of quarterly inspections required by
taxis be conducted by an independent third party. (Gomez) (Attachments) Tabled Under Privilege (Gomez)
72. Request Administration report to the City Council on increasing the number of taxi medallions from 108 to 158. (Gomez) (Attachments) Tabled Under Privilege (Gomez)
73. Request Administration report on the feasibility that all
vehicles in the taxi fleet be no older than 7 years by July 2006 and 6 years by
July 2007. (Gomez) (Attachments) Tabled Under Privilege (Gomez)
74. Request City Council go on record opposing the bill proposed by
one of the members of our state delegation calling for up to $5,000 for
liveries operating as taxis. (Gomez) (Attachments) Tabled Under Privilege (Gomez)
75. Request the Administration post on the city web site in a readily accessible/visible manner a local emergency preparedness plan which includes:
1. evacuation strategies and including on the web site; maps for evacuation for those with cars; plans for those without cars, including plans for nursing homes, shelters, hospitals, schools, the elderly and handicapped
2. assistance plans for victims from other communities requiring relocation to Worcester, including what resources will be used to transport, house, feed, clothe, provide medical treatment and placement of evacuees. (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Petty) (Attachments) Adopted
76. Request the Administration provide annual educational forums on emergency preparedness for the general public including but not limited to neighborhood crime watch groups, social service agencies, business, religious and educational institutions. (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Petty) (Attachments) Adopted
77. Request the
Administration request that the Worcester Regional Research Bureau study the
state of public transportation in the Worcester area, including bus, cab and
livery services. (Lukes) (Attachments) Adopted
77a. Request City Manager request the City Solicitor provide the City Council with a report relative to existing ordinances or new ordinances pertaining to taxi cab rules and regulations, legality of ordinances (new and existing ones), how they interact with each other, and whether or not there are constitutional and/or privacy issues that are going to be impacted. Motion Lukes @ #5 CC – Adopted (Attachments)
77b. Request Administration report to the City Council on whether the current police recruit list could be designated as a reserve list. Motion (Murray, Clancy, Rushton, Petty Perotto) – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)
77c. Request City Manager request the Parks and Recreation Commission to review their Rules and Regulations concerning the conditions for reserving and renting ball fields with an eye towards improving them in light of the myriad of complaints received during the past season. Motion (White, Murray, Palmieri, Irish) – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)
77d. Request Administration request the Department of Public Works address the water overflow problems on the property adjacent to Blithewood Playground. Motion Clancy – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)
79. Michael V. O'Brien, City Manager, transmitting communication relative to the WRTA providing fixed route service into Lincoln Plaza. (Attachments) Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee
80. Michael V. O'Brien, City Manager, transmitting communication relative to public school's energy cost projections received from Dr. James A. Caradonio, Superintendent of Public Schools. (Attachments) Referred to Municipal Operations Committee
81. That the City Council of the City of Worcester go on record reaffirming it’s commitment to religious freedom and in opposition to any form of abridgement to the freedom of religion, free unobstructed association and in opposition to racial profiling. (White, Murray) (Attachments) Adopted on a roll call 10-1 (Gomez-No) – Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-11
82. That the City Council recognizes and congratulates the East Side 13 year old Babe Ruth team for winning the 2005 State Championship. (Murray, Clancy, Palmieri) (Attachments) Adopted on a roll call 11-0
83. That the City Council recognizes and congratulates the West Side 15 year old Babe Ruth team for winning the 2005 State Championship and being Runner-up in the New Englands. (Lukes) (Attachments) Adopted on a roll call 11-0
83a. That the City
Council of the City of Worcester request that the Administration work with Charter
Communications as part of their ongoing negotiations and to include as a
discussion point, the issue of 24 hour maintenance on cable services. (Rushton,
Petty) (Attachments)
Adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Haller absent) and referred to Public Service
and Transportation Committee for informational purposes only.
83b. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Mark Lindstrom requesting to rezone land at 7 Riley St. from RG-5 back to MG-2.0 so owner of said lot can erect a commercial metal building for storage use: recommend passage of the accompanying Ordinance. (Attachments)
84. REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Leo & Joan Bernard request to extend adjacent BL 1.0 zone to include 110 West Mountain St. in its entirety. (Attachments)
85. REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Yetvart Penbeyan request to extend RG-5 zoning area to include entire parcel of land located at 120 Lincoln St. Currently lot is split between RG-5 & BL-1.0 (Attachments)
86. REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Ellen Gardner request removal of Macwaboc St. from the Official Map. (Attachments)
87. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Order of Councillor Paul P. Clancy Jr., requesting City Council through it’s Standing Committee on Public Works consider naming the north chamber in honor of Levi Lincoln, Jr., Worcester first mayor and former Governor of the Commonwealth for nine consecutive terms and further, consider naming the south chamber in honor of Esther Howland, innovator and entrepreneur, who is regarded as the mother of the valentine industry and who, with an assembly line comprised entirely of woman laid the foundation for the world’s largest greeting card company, based in downtown Worcester; recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
88. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Anna Lefner requesting to change name of Hadwen Lane Walk to either Gingerbread Rd. or Sugar Plum Rd.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
89. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Francis Doe requesting guardrail be installed in front of 96 Heywood St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
90. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Wayne Griffin requesting Public Works Department to reconstruct sunken granite curbs in front of 994-996 Pleasant St. at the corner of Dellwood Rd. so as to disallow motor vehicles from driving up onto and across sidewalk area and endangering pedestrians waiting at the Bus Stop: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
91. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Todd Ostrokolowicz requesting the City approve the installation of 400' of trunk sewer in Buckley Rd. to replace a collection of private connections in the public way. Said work to include the installation of 4 catch basins and the restoration of surface roadway. All work to be done in accordance with a prior agreement and in conformance with standards set by the Commissioner of Public Works: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
92. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of Donald Bondzie request to make public Gediminas St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
93. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board Upon the Petition of David & Grace Drake and Christopher & Jennifer Schule request sewers at 3 & 9 Belcourt Rd.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
Petitions requesting sidewalk repair: recommend
adoption of the accompanying Orders.
94. Robert Jarvis request sidewalk repair at corner of Astrid Ave. & Providence St. (Attachments)
95. Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalk repair along Austin St. between Quincy & Oxford Sts. (Attachments)
96. Tom & Rene Manos request repair of curb and land damaged by snow plow at 14 Bay Edge Lane. (Attachments)
97. Mayor Timothy Murray & Councillor Thomas White on behalf of Gail Randall request sidewalk repair on Berwick St. (Attachments)
98. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair at 24 Beverly Rd. (Attachments)
99. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair from 48-66
Beverly Rd. (Attachments)
100. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair at 70 Beverly
Rd. (Attachments)
101. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair at 84 Beverly
Rd. (Attachments)
102. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair at 88 Beverly
Rd. (Attachments)
103. Richard Casey et al request sidewalk repair in front of 108, 109, 113 & 111 Brookline St. (Attachments)
104. Michael Kosiba, Sr. request sidewalk repair at end of driveway at 184-186 Canterbury St. (Attachments)
105. Joan Daughney request sidewalk repair in front of 2 Cardinal Rd. (Attachments)
106. Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalks on both sides of Chandler St. between Piedmont St. and Main St. be repaired where needed. (Attachments)
107. Rodger Comeau, Worcester Historical Museum request sidewalk repair on Chestnut St. across from 10 Chestnut Place. (Attachments)
108. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair at in front of 3, 7 & 10 Clearview Ave. (Attachments)
109. Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair on Clearview Ave. adjacent to 108 Burncoat St. (Attachments)
110. Karen Carreiro request sidewalk repair on Cottage St. at corner of
16 West St. (Attachments)
111. Ronald Hale request sidewalk and driveway berm repair in front of
31 Delawanda Dr. damaged during water pipe repair. (Attachments)
112. Sebouh & Ani Mardirossian request sidewalk repair on Edgewood
St. (Attachments)
113. Dan
Cutroni request sidewalk repair at 12 Ellsmere St. (Attachments)
114. Catherine Duca et all request sidewalk repair in front of 31 &
25-27 Eureka St. (Attachments)
115. Dat Huynh request sidewalk repair at 69 Fairfax Rd. (Attachments)
116. Douglas Hinerfeld request sidewalk repair or replacement on Hadwen
Rd. from South Flagg St. to Chandler St. (Attachments)
117. Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalk repair the length of Hammond St. (Attachments)
118. Mary Covello et al request sidewalk repair on both sides of Hanna
Rd. (Attachments)
119. Donna Grasseschi request sidewalk repair at 272 Highland St. (Attachments)
120. Kevin Taylor request sidewalk repair on Hillcroft Ave. side of 6
Bluehill Rd. (Attachments)
121. Henry Flynn request sidewalk repair in front of 91 Hillcroft Ave. (Attachments)
122. Norma Flanders request sidewalk repair at 24A & B Holcombe St.
123. Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalk repair on Illinois St.,
Crystal St. to Grand St. (Attachments)
124. Joseph Prestes request sidewalk repair in front of 30 Indian Hill
Rd. (Attachments)
125. Virginia Moran request sidewalk repair in front of 10 Intervale
Rd. (Attachments)
126. Councillor Joseph Petty request sidewalk repair in front of 19 Judson Rd. (Attachments)
127. Felix Mercado request replacement of sidewalk at 16 Lowell St. and
widen curb. (Attachments)
128. Rebecca Johnson, Property Manager, 600 Main St. request sidewalk
repair in front of 600 Main St. and along Austin St. side of building. (Attachments)
129. Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Marble St. Apartment
Residents and Management request sidewalk repair on Marble St. (Attachments)
130. Douglas Hinerfeld request sidewalk repair or replacement on May
St. from Hamill Rd. to May St. School. (Attachments)
131. Ana Herrera request repair of sidewalk and front of driveway at 5
Merrick St. (Attachments)
132. Councillor Frederick Rushton request sidewalk and curbing repair surrounding Midland St. School at Huntley St. (Attachments)
133. Grace & Henryk Staniewski request sidewalk repair at corner of
5 Monticello Dr. and Wyola Dr. (Attachments)
134. Leo McManus request sidewalk repair in front of 14 Montvale Rd. (Attachments)
135. Timothy Loew request sidewalk repair along Nebraska St. to corner
of Envelope Terrace in front of new Biscuit Lofts Condominiums at 1 Envelope
Terrace. (Attachments)
136. Peter & Patricia Rugg request repair/replacement of sidewalk
at 26 Otsego Rd. (Attachments)
137. William Donahue request sidewalk repair at 1 Perrot St. (Attachments)
138. Mayor Timothy Murray & Councillor Michael Perotto request
sidewalk repair at 1102 Pleasant St. (Attachments)
139. Councillor Frederick Rushton request repavement of sidewalk on
even side of Pompano Rd. from corner of Longmeadow Ave. to 10 Pompano Rd. (Attachments)
140. Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalks along entire length of
Preston St. be resurfaced. (Attachments)
141. Douglas Hinerfeld request sidewalk repair or replacement on South Flagg St. from Barr St. to Hadwen Rd. (Attachments)
142. Stanford Strogoff request repair of sidewalk, driveway entrance and street walkway entrance at 28 South Flagg St. (Attachments)
143. Michael Arakelian request replacement of sidewalk at 41 South
Lenox St. (Attachments)
144. Juxhin Miraka request sidewalk repair in front of 31 Valley Hill
Dr. (Attachments)
145. Jon Latino request sidewalk repair in front of 82 Vincent Circle. (Attachments)
146. Basil Richards request repair of sidewalk and end of driveway at
236 West Mountain St. (Attachments)
147. Steven McCrohon request sidewalk repair at 19 Wetherell St. (Attachments)
148 – 177 ACCEPTED
COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City
Manager: recommend Communications be placed on file.
148. Relative to snow removal budget account for FY 2005. (Attachments)
149. Relative to snow removal expenses incurred during January 22-23, 2005 snowstorm. (Attachments)
150. Relative to opening public parking lots during declared parking bans. (Attachments)
151. Relative to final DPW summary of winter storm costs for FY 2005. (Attachments)
152. Relative to Beaver Brook Culvert & Park improvements. (Attachments)
153. Relative to I-290 viaduct bridge rehabilitation project – Phase II. (Attachments)
154. Relative to scheduled hours of operation for City’s residential yard waste drop-off sites & residential bulk waste drop-off site. (Attachments)
155. Relative to Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District Upgrade Project. (Attachments)
156. Relative to water pressure on Cheever St. (Attachments)
157. Relative to opportunities for re-allocation of office space within City Hall to best serve our citizens and improve/enhance efficiency & effectiveness of City government. (Attachments)
158. Relative to Spring Street Sweeping program. (Attachments)
159. Relative to Construction Progress Report for quarter ending March 31, 2005. (Attachments)
160. Relative to status of a 2000 agreement with URS Corporation for engineering services associated with Washington Sq. Transportation Improvement Project. (Attachments)
161. Relative to City’s shut-off policy for overdue water & sewer fees. (Attachments)
162. Relative to placement of the Cristoforo Colombo statue. (Attachments)
163. Relative to total cost of land takings at Cambridge St. & Southbridge St. intersection. (Attachments)
164. Relative to Grease Control Program for City’s sewer system. (Attachments)
165. Relative to Environmental Protection & Sanitary Sewer Overflows in the City. (Attachments)
166. Relative to Keep Worcester Clean October 2004 activity. (Attachments)
167. Relative to Keep Worcester Clean November and December 2004 activity. (Attachments)
168. Relative to Keep Worcester Clean January, February, and March 2005 activity. (Attachments)
169. Relative to Keep Worcester Clean April 2005 activity. (Attachments)
170. Relative to March 2005 Monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)
171. Relative to April 2005 Monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)
172. Relative to May 2005 Monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)
173. Relative to June 2005 Monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)
174. Relative to July 2005 Monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)
175. Relative to Abandoned Vehicle Status Report through February 2, 2005. (Attachments)
176. Relative to Abandoned Vehicle Status Report through March 23, 2005. (Attachments)
177. Relative to Abandoned Vehicle Status Report through June 2, 2005. (Attachments)
178 – 188 ACCEPTED
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions: recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.
178. Robert Lynch request sidewalk repair on the corner of 39 Beaver St. and Clement St. (Attachments)
179. Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalk repair at 52 Beverly Rd. (Attachments)
180. Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalk repair at 266 Beverly Rd. (Attachments)
181. Mayor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Thomas P. White request sidewalk repair at 26 Bullard Ave. (Attachments)
182. Aram and Suraki Bezdegian request sidewalk repair in front of 34 Burncoat Terrace. (Attachments)
183. Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes request sidewalk repair at corner of 19 Howland Terrace and Wetherell St. (Attachments)
184. Ann Costello request sidewalk repair at 766 Pleasant St. (Attachments)
185. Manuel Zax et al request replacement of sidewalks on South Flagg St. between Sherwood Rd. and Barr St. (Attachments)
186. Yvette Leventhal request sidewalk repair at 19 Wetherell St. (Attachments)
187. Mark Chase request pipelike handrail be placed from street level over two stairs to sidewalk at 2 Rena St. (Attachments)
188. Thomas Whalen request private street betterment on Monica Rd. (Attachments)
189 & 190
189. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Donald Pham requesting Ten Minute Parking sign at 124 Shrewsbury St.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)
190. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Peter Mancini requesting No Parking before and after 5 DeMarco Terrace: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)
191. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Fred Geddes, Lincoln Park Tenant's Association and Raymond Mariano of the WHA request signs be placed on Lake Ave. in vicinity of 11 Lake Ave. and Lincoln Park Towers that ask motorists to slow down and indicate that there are elderly residents in area: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
192. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request the installation of one 30-MPH sign facing southbound traffic in Alvarado Ave. between Wigwam Ave. and Lake View St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
193. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Alfred Simoncini request No Parking on Adams St. 20' from corner of Adams St. and Belmont St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)
194 – 198 ACCEPTED
COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions: recommend
Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.
194. Stephen Burwick request to make Norwich St. two-way. (Attachments)
195. Walid Alnahas request handicap parking in front of Gourmet Donuts, 338 Park Ave. (Attachments)
196. Joyce Hanson request handicap parking sign in front of 62 Abbott St. (Attachments)
197. Lydia LaBree Admissions/Marketing Coordinator, Autumn Village Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center request two directional signs be located on Lincoln St. on the island in front of Oriol Dr. and one off Route 290 on Exit 21 ramp at island entering Worcester for Autumn Village Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, 25 Oriol Dr. (Attachments)
COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Barbara G.
Haller on behalf of Matt Atanian request that recently installed "No
Parking" zone on Fairfield St. near corner of May St. be rescinded: recommend
Petition be denied. (Attachments)
199. That the sum of Four Million Ninety Thousand Dollars
($4,090,000.00) be appropriated to Account #91C711 Building Rehabilitation for
the purpose of remodeling, reconstructing or making extraordinary repairs to
public buildings owned by the City. (Attachments)
200. That the sum of Three Million One Hundred Thousand Dollars
($3,100,000.00) be appropriated to Account #91C780, City Wide Capital
Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing departmental equipment. (Attachments)
201. That the sum of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) be
appropriated to Account #91C741 Street Construction or reconstruction and
surfacing or the resurfacing of streets, ADA improvements, and sidewalks. (Attachments)
202. Order – Request City Council to vote its opposition to any raises
for City Council for the 2006 term. (Lukes) (Tabled January 18, 2005) (Attachments)
203. DECREE TO MAKE PUBLIC: MIAMI ST. (Tabled April 12, 2005) (Attachments)
204. Communication – Relative to the Abatements and Exemptions for Fiscal 2003 through Fiscal 2005. (Tabled July 19, 2005) (Attachments)
19, 2005 7:00 P.M. |
3, 2005 6:00 P.M. |
3, 2005 6:00 P.M. |
11, 2005 5:30 P.M. |