7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:05 P.M.

Adjourned:  8:45 P.M.


1.       INVOCATION –  Rev. Michael Abdelahad

St. George Orthodox Church




3.       ROLL CALL – All present


Mayor Murray presented a Resolution to Jose Antonio Rivera




          4 – Hearing held – Ordinance Committee accepted the recommendation of the Planning Board and voted to recommend approval of the Petition


4.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Katherine Robertson, Project Manager, Gardner-Kilby-Hammond LLC requesting City of Worcester close, abandon and remove from the Official Map that portion of Ripley St. from the southeast lot line of #41 to its terminus with the current Tainter St. to facilitate construction of the proposed new Boys & Girls Club and Clark University athletic fields.  (Attachments)


          5 – Hearing held – Ordinance Committee accepted the recommendation of the Planning Board and voted to recommend approval of the Petition


5.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Katherine Robertson, Project Manager, Garner-Kilby-Hammond LLC request City of Worcester close, abandon and remove from the Official Map that portion of Tainter St. between #34 and #60 Tainter St. to facilitate construction of the proposed new Boys & Girls Club and Clark University athletic fields.  (Attachments)










7.       Geraldo Santos request to make public Tamar Ave. (Attachments)


8.       Ray Griffin request to make public Saybrook Rd. (Attachments)


9.       Roderick Morgan, Jr. request to make public Polito Dr. (Attachments)




9a.     Councillor Joseph Petty request street light be attached to pole at end of Wilbur St.  (Attachments)  Suspension of Rules




10.     Councillor Barbara Haller request the entire length of Preston St. be resurfaced.  (Attachments)


11.     Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalks along entire length of Preston St. be resurfaced.   (Attachments)




12.     Paul Cesaitis request resident parking on Earle St.  (Attachments)


12a.   Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Peter Mancini request No Parking before and after 5 DeMarco Terrace.   (Attachments)  Suspension of Rules




          13-18 - FROM LAND USE - ADOPTED


13.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with a report on the final disposition of 27 surplus tax title properties offered in an RFP in the Spring of 2005.  (Attachments)


14.     Request City Manager to request the City Treasurer report to City Council whether any additional opportunities have arisen for the sale of any of the 27 surplus tax title properties listed in the Communication of the City Manager dated March 1, 2005.



15.     Request City Manager to consider entering into a legally binding agreement that guarantees public accessibility onto and across an area of property known as 40-180 Ballard St.; said access would be for the express purpose of allowing recreational use along the extended portion of the bicycle/walking path along the Blackstone River/Canal.



16.     Request City Manager to request the appropriate City Board or Department to investigate a possible violation of lighting regulations at property recently developed at the corner of Millbury St. and Providence St. because it abuts residential properties.  (Attachments)


17.     Request the Planning Board to consider implementing changes in the Zoning Ordinance that would regulate the hours at retail establishments.  (Attachments)


18.     Request City Manager to communicate with Madison Worcester Holdings LLC to work together towards relocating existing tenants at 40-180 Ballard St. to other properties within the City of Worcester. (Attachments)




19.     Request City Manager to recommend that the placement of the Cristoforo Colombo statue be at the front of Union Station and  placement of the benches at the corner of Shrewsbury St. and Mulberry St.  (Attachments)




20.     Request City Manager to request the Commissioner of Public Works to review the intersection of Princeton and Lewis Sts. and recommend public safety improvements.  (Attachments)




21.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with crime statistics for the sector surrounding Quinsigamond Community College for the period January through March 2005 and report to City Council a comparison of those figures, by category, against those for the same period in calendar 2004.    (White)   (Attachments)  Councillor White moved to amend to delete “sector surrounding Quinsigamond Community College” and inserting for the northern quadrant of the City or whatever designation the Police Department would use when compiling statistics in that particular area - Order adopted, as amended


22.     Request City Manager and Mayor to communicate with the Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools to explore what possibilities might exist for siting of a public school facility for gifted students.  (Palmieri, Perotto, Murray, Petty, Rushton)  (Attachments)  Adopted


23.     Request City Manager report to City Council what steps will need to be taken to create a “Crosswalk Day” in the City whereby a trained group of volunteers work with City employees to repaint crosswalks in our urban neighborhoods on a pre-selected day in early Spring. (Haller)  (Attachments)  Adopted


24.     Request City Manager provide City Council with any and all Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA)/Main Streets applications received to date.   (Perotto, Palmieri, Murray) (Attachments)  Councillor Gomez moved to amend:  Further, request Sub-Committee ask that community partners be identified where appropriate – Order adopted, as amended


25.     Request Administration report on the residency of all employees in the past 5 years, listing by department the total number of employees and the number and percentage of Worcester and non Worcester residents.  (Lukes)   (Attachments)  Adopted


26.     Request Administration to consider establishing a residency requirement for all new employees mandating that new employees establish residency within six months after the new employee’s date of hire.  (Lukes)  (Attachments)  Mayor Murray moved to amend: Further, request City Manager make some recommendations as to incentives that the City might provide employees to keep them in the City.  Councillor Lukes moved to amend: Further, request report include whether contract negotiations play a part in requiring residency – Order adopted, as amended


27.     Request City Manager to report on the number of minority contractors participating in the Kilby/Gardner Project.  (Gomez)  (Attachments)  Adopted


28.     Request Administration report to City Council on the options that are available in working with the developer of the former St. Vincent Hospital site.   (Clancy)  (Attachments)   Adopted


29.     Request City Manager provide City Council with a report outlining the strategies that will be used to enforce the Noise Pollution Ordinance this Spring/Summer.  (Haller)  (Attachments)  Adopted


30.     Request City Manager report to City Council whether it is feasible to insert a conditional clause in all future Request-For-Proposals that the City of Worcester issues that would nullify the awarding of an RFP in the event the awarded entity was taken over by, bought by, or otherwise came under the eventual ownership or management of another entity.   (Murray)   (Attachments)  Adopted


31.     Request Administration report what kind of process for design standards/review are being planned for new construction or rehabilitation of older commercial buildings in the city and especially in the downtown area.  (Lukes)  (Attachments)  Adopted


32.     Request Administration report on whether the renovated fenced-in Worcester Common will be integrated and “knit” into the CitySquare project.   (Lukes)   (Attachments)  Adopted


33.     Request Administration report on whether any precautions or design changes are needed to the skywalk bridge to the Convention Center in order to prevent ice formation and falling ice from the cables similar to the Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge occurrence this winter season.      (Lukes)  (Attachments)  Adopted


33a.   Request City Manager report as to whether the heirs have been consulted relative to the relocation of the Cristoforo Colombo statue and whether there is a perpetual maintenance fund for the statue.  Motion-Lukes @ #19CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


33b.   Request City Manager to report whether there is legislation either pending in this jurisdiction or whether it has been passed in other jurisdictions that recognizes the needs of gifted children and whether the City can follow that model or expand on it.  Motion-Lukes @ #22CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


33c.   Request City Manager to consider hiring an actuary this year relative to health insurance expenses.  Motion-Lukes @ #41CC – Adopted



33d.   Request City Manager to report on the tax implications both on the telecommunications companies and other companies that could take advantage of telecommunications companies, such as cable companies and Mass. Electric.  Motion-Petty @ #42CC – Adopted



33e.   Request City Manager to contact Charter Communications to request a report as to why service fees went up so dramatically two months ago.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


33f.    Request City Manager to request Charter Communications to provide City Council with their service records for the past year.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)






35.     Michael V. O’Brien, City Manager transmitting communication relative to filing a Justice Assistance Grant for 2005. (Attachments)  Resolution adopted – Also referred to Public Safety Committee for informational purposes


36.     Michael V. O’Brien, City Manager transmitting communication relative to Ballard St. rezoning.   (Attachments)  Placed on file


37.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting February 2005 Auditor’s Report.   (Attachments)  Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


38.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting City’s Management Letter for year ended June 30, 2004.  (Attachments)  Referred to Municipal Operations Committee for April 12, 2005 meeting


39.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting City’s Single Audit for year ended June 30, 2004.  (Attachments)  Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


40.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting communication relative to potential increases under MGL Chapter 32, Sections 90A, C, D and E and request for information relative to January 1998 Retirement Board meeting minutes and how Retirement System assets are valuated.  (Attachments)  Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


41.     James DelSignore, City Auditor presenting an article as a possible solution to OPEB liability.  (Attachments)  Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


41a.   Thomas A. Hickey, III transmitting response to request made of City Auditor relative to the Retirement Board.  (Attachments)  Referred to Municipal Operations Committee – Suspension of Rules




42.     That the City Council hereby goes on record in favor of House Bill #1740 which, if passed, would eliminate the preferential tax treatment granted telecommunications companies in the Commonwealth. (Petty) (Attachments)  Adopted on a roll call 11-0


43.     That the City Council supports clean, renewable electricity generation. (Murray) (Attachments)  Adopted on a roll call 11-0.  Laura Hoke, Director, Mass. Interfaith Power & Light and Carissa Williams, Regional Environmental Council spoke






44.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to requesting City Council review, consider and adopt an Order requesting the transfer of jurisdiction of seven parcels of land:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order that foreclosed tax title property at 17 Kilby St., 7 Oread Place, 75 Hollis St., 143 Eastern Ave, 38 Providence St., 24 Norfolk St. and 15 Preston St. be transferred from the jurisdiction of the Tax Title Custodian to the Executive Office of Neighborhood Services and that the City Manager is authorized to dispose of the property through an RFP or direct sale under the provisions of MGL Chapter 30B and Chapter 40, Section 3.   (Attachments)




45.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone requesting to change the Zoning Map of the City of Worcester from MG-2 to BG-2 by extending the BG-2 zone from the northerly side of Ballard St. to the southerly side of Ballard St.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.





46.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone requesting to change to Zoning Map of the City of Worcester from ML-05 and RS-7 to BL-1 by extending the BL-1 zone from Grafton St. westerly exit to Rte. 20, Southwest Cutoff: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)


          47-50 - ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


47.     Relative to assessed values of properties located at 40-180 Ballard St. (Attachments)


48.     Relative to Ballard St. area rezoning assessment report. (Attachments)


49.     Relative to proposed zone change in vicinity of Saybrook Rd. and Southwest Cutoff.  (Attachments)


50.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Report of the Planning Board  upon the Petition of Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting that the Zoning Ordinance be amended as follows: To amend Table 4.1, Business Uses so that in a BG-2.0 district the uses listed in line 8 be allowed only by Special Permit and not by right:  recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.   (Attachments)




51.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of John MacKoul, Hidden Farms Estates, Inc. request to make public Blackhorn Dr.  (Attachments)


52.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of John MacKoul, Hidden Farms Estates, Inc. request to make public Chestnut Hill Dr.  (Attachments)


53.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of John MacKoul, Hidden Farms Estates, Inc. request to make public Hidden Farm Dr.   (Attachments)


54.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of John MacKoul, Hidden Farms Estates, Inc. request to make public Silver Spruce Circle.  (Attachments)


55.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of John MacKoul request to make public Tattan Farm Rd.  (Attachments)


          56-75 - ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


56.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Abby Rad, Pro Tech, Inc. requesting to accept Papagni Circle as a public street: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


57.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Ali Soffan on behalf of Indy Lake Trust requesting to make public Pickwick’s Circle:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.



          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting street resurfacing:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


58.     Mayor Timothy Murray & Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Mary Dionne request public portion of Elliott St. be paved in 2005. (Attachments)


59.     David Martin request resurfacing of Oriol Dr.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting sidewalk repair:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


60.     Jodi Oliver request sidewalk repair in front of 33 ½ Barclay St. (Attachments)


61.     Anyu Cai et al request sidewalk replacement in front of 21 Clearview Ave.  (Attachments)


62.     Mary Taubert request sidewalk repair in front of 71 Francis St. (Attachments)


63.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on the eastern side of Houghton St. at the corner of Heywood St.  (Attachments)


64.     Roger Hunt request replacement of cement sidewalk at 20 Kenilworth Rd.  (Attachments)


65.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Rita Moss request sidewalk repair at 17 Puritan Ave.   (Attachments)


66.     Elyse Levy request sidewalk repair between 17 & 19 Saxon Rd. (Attachments)


67.     Joseph Rossetti request sidewalk repair at corner of Shrewsbury St. and Henry St.  (Attachments)


68.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Joe Simone request sidewalk repair in front of 22 Wilson St.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting private street maintenance:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


69.     Raquel Ramos et al request private street maintenance on Brookline St.  (Attachments)


70.     Anna Maria Hackey & Anthony Matulaitis request private street maintenance on Wallingford Rd.   (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting paved private street maintenance:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


71.     Shirley Bates et al request paved private street maintenance on St. Anthony St.  (Attachments)


72.     Shirley Bourke et al request paved private street maintenance on St. Louis St.  (Attachments)


73.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Barbara Haller requesting a guardrail along west side of Newbury St. directly across from intersection of Congress St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.



74.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Anthony Popillo requesting to extend sanitary main on Franklin St., a distance of 278’ at owner’s expense:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


75.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone requesting City assume jurisdiction, ownership and control of an existing sanitary sewer system located on Plantation St. at its intersection with an access road leading to Plantation Towers and extending along said access road from Plantation St. to a point on the access road approximately 500 ft.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)




76.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager requesting adoption of an Order of Taking by which the City would acquire a watershed preservation restriction on 87 acres of land located within and adjacent to the Holden Reservoir #1 watershed:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.   (Attachments)


          77-86 -  ACCEPTED


77.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of David & Grace Drake and Christopher & Jennifer Schule request sewers at 3 and 9 Belcourt Rd.:  recommend Petition be referred to the Planning Board.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


78.     Relative to November 2004 Economic Development Initiatives Report.   (Attachments)


79.     Relative to December 2004 Economic Development Initiatives Report.  (Attachments)


80.     Relative to January 2005 Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)


81.     Relative to North Parkway.  (Attachments)


82.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Order of Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting the Commissioner of Public Works provide City Council with the most recent comprehensive traffic study of the area that encompasses Lincoln St., Burncoat St., Randolph Rd., North Parkway, Belvidere St., Melrose St. and Wakefield St. and also apprise the City Council of the initiatives by the Commonwealth to undertake a new comprehensive study of this area to enhance traffic flow and improve public safety:  recommend Order be placed on file.  (Attachments)


83.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Alan Gordon requesting acceptance of Tristan Court as a public way:  recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


84.     Debra Haddad request to cut guardrail across from Belcourt Rd. to access Lake Quinsigamond for the purpose of building a ramp. (Attachments)


85.     Carlos & Jean Ortiz request private street maintenance on Gediminas St.  (Attachments)


86.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Nelly Perez et al requesting installation of a guardrail at the corner of Princeton St. and Lewis St.: recommend Petition be denied. (Attachments)




          87-104 – ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


87.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 33 Canterbury St. (Attachments)


88.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 37 Canterbury St. (Attachments)


89.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 2 Rena St. (Attachments)


90.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 28 Esther St. (Attachments)


91.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking opposite 39 Wall St. (Attachments)


92.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking opposite 16 Channing St. (Attachments)


93.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 45 Arlington St. (Attachments)


          Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 91 Southgate St. (Attachments)


94.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to relocate handicap parking space from in front of 101 Kendig St. to opposite 100 Kendig St.  (Attachments)


95.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 7 Esther St. (Attachments)


96.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 81 Russell St. (Attachments)


97.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 1 Judson Rd. (Attachments)


98.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 95 Gage St. (Attachments)


99.     Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 5 Gilman St. (Attachments)


100.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 27 Malvern Rd. (Attachments)


101.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking on Fairmont Ave. adjacent to 516 Grafton St.  (Attachments)


102.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 7 Preston St. (Attachments)


103.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 7 Russell St. (Attachments)


104.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking in front of 41 Kingsbury St.







          105 – HEARING RECONVENED




          105a – ORDER ADOPTED


105a.  Granting permission to NSTAR for gas main location on CHANNING ST., GREEN HILL PARKWAY, UXBRIDGE ST., SHATTUCK ST., LINCOLN ST., FROTHINGHAM RD. and ORAN ST.




106.   Order – Request City Council to vote its opposition to any raises for City Council for the 2006 term.  (Lukes)  (Tabled January 18, 2005) (Attachments)  No Action Taken






MARCH 29, 2005

      5:30 P.M.






MARCH 30, 2005

      6:00 P.M.







APRIL 5, 2005

      5:30 P.M.






APRIL 12, 2005

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APRIL 13, 2005

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