7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:06 P.M.

Recessed:   11:30 P.M.

Reconvened:   11:33 P.M.

Adjourned:   11:34 P.M.



1.       INVOCATION – Sister Paula Kelleher, SSJ

                                     Vicar for Religious

                                      Diocese of Worcester




3.       ROLL CALL – All present




          4 – Ordinance Committee voted to recommend Report and Communication be referred to Land Use Committee


4.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to a Residential Building Moratorium within the Airport Environs Zone.  (Attachments)




          5 – City Clerk David J. Rushford elected to a two year term on a roll call vote 11-0 – See #54CC






          6 – Taken up with 8A of the City Manager’s Calendar


6.       Monthly status reports consistent with Standing Committees on the following economic development initiatives:  Union Station garage and tenancy, Massport’s partnership efforts at the Airport, downtown housing development, Mass. Highway road project schedules, Gateway Park grants and tenancy, Gardner-Kilby-Hammond project, SWIP project, brownfield initiatives, Coes Dam rehab, replacement and relocation of Central Garage, Visitor’s Center rehab, telecommunications contract, Wyman Gordon property reuse, Worcester Center tenancy, the Arts District and the Canal District project.










8.       Councillor Frederick Rushton on behalf of Maria Drosidis request street light between Tahanto Rd. and Maplewood Rd.  (Attachments)


          9 PLACED ON FILE


9.       Ana Navarijo request that the Mayor, City Manager and City Council respond to the attached letter as it pertains to the current public bus strike in the City of Worcester   (Attachments)




10.     Geoffrey & Valerie Banyai request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24468 in the amount of $8,466.07 on Dixfield St. (Attachments)


11.     Gervais & Virginia Larochelle request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50169 in the amount of $5,880.33 on Cotuit St. (Attachments)


12.     Mohammad Hatami request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50170 in the amount of $5,403.30 on Cotuit St. (Attachments)


13.     Richard & Rosemary Cipro request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50168 in the amount of $5,403.30 on Cotuit St.  (Attachments)


14.     Christine Johnson request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24494 in the amount of $4,313.71 on West Chester St. (Attachments)


15.     David & Sara Cormier request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24491 in the amount of $14,493.16 on West Chester St. (Attachments)


16.     John & Mary Griffin request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24492 in the amount of $10,111.84 on West Chester St. (Attachments)


17.     David & Joyce Burman request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24493 in the amount of $14,406.13 on West Chester St. (Attachments)


18.     Mario Romeo request extension of drainage utilities approximately 345’, extension of gravity sewer approximately 350’and extension of existing water line along Heath St.  (Attachments)


19.     Paul Gingras request to construct drainage utilities approximately 25’ and a force main sewer to connect to existing gravity sewer approximately 325’ on Toronita Ave.  (Attachments)


20.     Mayor Timothy Murray on behalf of Dora Henry request sidewalk repair on odd numbered side of Shirley St. between Park Ave. and Florence St.  (Attachments)


21.     Nicholas & Kathleen Stefanou request sidewalk repair in front of 12 Ivanhoe Rd.   (Attachments)


22.     Marie Madaio et al request sidewalk repair between 474-486 Grove St.   (Attachments)


23.     Vasil Duhani request repair of driveway abutting sidewalk at 95 Providence St.  (Attachments)


24.     Ray & Lisa Zimov request sidewalk repair in front of 77 South Flagg St.  (Attachments)


25.     Joseph Magliaro, Jr., President, Magliaro Bros., Inc. request a rate increase in snow plowing and sanding operations for the upcoming season.  Our last increase was 2000-2001 winter.  (Attachments)


26.     Michael & Susan Horan request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30924 in the amount of $4,346.82 on Burgess Rd.  (Attachments)


27.     Michael Eramo request repair/replacement of sidewalk along Lansing Ave. beside 716 Grove St.  (Attachments)


28.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request Apollo Rd. be repaired/resurfaced.  (Attachments)


29.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request 30-50 Hancock Hill Dr. be repaired/resurfaced.  (Attachments)


30.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request 16-38 Hapgood Rd. be repaired/resurfaced.  (Attachments)


31.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request Proctor St. be repaired/resurfaced.  (Attachments)


32.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request Indian Lake Parkway be repaired/resurfaced.   (Attachments)


33.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request sidewalk repair on Neptune Rd.  (Attachments)


34.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request sidewalk repair on Grove St. in vicinity of the Middle School.



35.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request sidewalk repair on Nelson Place.  (Attachments)


36.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request sidewalk repair on Indian Lake Parkway.   (Attachments)


37.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request sidewalk repair on Romola Rd.   (Attachments)


38.     Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Zylich request sidewalk repair on Apollo Rd.  (Attachments)


39.     Councillor Philip Palmieri request Oran St. be resurfaced. (Attachments)




40.     Peter Panagopoulos request handicap parking near 30 Wall St. (Attachments)


41.     Councillor Frederick Rushton on behalf of Eleanor Gilbert request “Not a Truck Route” sign at corner of Olean and Mower Sts. (Attachments)


42.     Councillor Barbara Haller request pedestrian crosswalk on Cambridge St. in vicinity of Salvation Army building.   (Attachments)


43.     Councillor Barbara Haller request posting a “Truck Route” sign by the PNA Club pointing to Quinsigamond Ave.   (Attachments)


44.     Councillor Barbara Haller request truck restriction from turning left from Millbury St. onto Lafayette St.   (Attachments)


45.     Kathleen Rice request handicap parking at 14 Dartmouth St. (Attachments)


46.     Mayor Timothy Murray request removal of “No Parking” signs at 22 Tampa St.   (Attachments)


47.     Robert Rudzinski request removal of resident only parking on north side of Alpine St. or install on both sides of street.  (Attachments)


48.     Robert Rudzinski request to make Seymour St. two-way. (Attachments)


49.     Kevin Cummings, Executive Vice President/COO, Worcester Ice Cats Hockey request to install signage advertising that Worcester is home to the Ice Cats at various locations; specifically at the main entrances to the City.  (Attachments)


50.     Councillor Michael Perotto on behalf of Cecilia Mason et al request to place signs of Slow, Children and Blind Person on the end and beginning of Monticello Dr. West and Shadybrook Lane. (Attachments)


51.     Councillor Michael Perotto on behalf of Paul Fenner request crosswalk be installed across Edward St. in front of the Edward St. Day Care Center at 10 Edward St.   (Attachments)


52.     Councillor Thomas White on behalf of Angela Tsetsos request Stop sign at the intersection of Ellis Dr. and Winifred Ave. Extension. (Attachments)











A.      Notification of Constable Appointment – Felix Rivera, Jr. (Attachments)


Placed on file














A.      Communication relative to Department of Code Enforcement Billboard Analysis Program. (Attachments)


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee






A.      Communication relative to July/August Report on Economic Development Initiatives. (Attachments)


                   Part I referred to Commerce & Development Committee

                   Part II referred to Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization


                   Part III referred to Public Service & Transportation


                   Part IV referred to Public Works Committee

Part IV, Section 16 (Citywide Master Plan) referred to Land Use and Strategic Planning Committees


          B.      Communication relative to stART Festival 2004. (Attachments)


                   Placed on File


C.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept a Tourism Grant with the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority. (Attachments)


                   Resolution adopted


D.      Communication relative to Department of Transportation grant for the airport. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


E.      Communication relative to Worcester Airport Industrial Research Park – Lease of 25 acres to NBC Second Corp. (TJX). (Attachments)


          Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to Deed for Acquisition of Parcel Post Building (255 Franklin Street). (Attachments)


                   Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (White absent)


G.      Communication relative to Wyman Gordon Site Redevelopment – Zoning Change Timeline. (Attachments)


                   Referred to Land Use Committee


H.      Communication relative to Economic Development Action Agenda. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee




A.      Communication relative to Un-Used Senior Center Building Space. (Attachments)


                   Referred to Elder Affairs Committee








13.  FIRE:




A.      Communication relative to the law firm of Collins, Loughran & Peloquin, P.C. to be the City’s negotiating counsel for police and fire contracts, and Mirick O’Connell to be negotiating counsel for civilian employee contracts. (Attachments)


Placed on file


15.  LAW:




A.      Communication relative to Criteria Utilized for Calling a Status Hearing on an all-alcohol license holder. (Attachments)


Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to Community Development Plan – Land Use Suitability Analysis. (Attachments)


Referred to Land Use Committee


B.      Communication relative to FY2004 Homeland Security Local Preparedness Grant Program. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to Green Island Zoning Alternatives Report Revision. (Attachments)


Referred to Land Use Committee


D.      Request adoption of the resolution to an FY05 Community Policing Grant. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


E.      Communication relative to CDBG Year 30 Economic Development Recommendations. (Attachments)


Referred to Community Development Committee


F.      Request approval of an application for an affordable housing fee waiver for the Beacon Street Housing Phase II project located within the Gardner-Kilby-Hammond Master Plan area. (Attachments)


Order adopted




A.      Request adoption of a resolution to accept a donation of $30,000.00 from Park Spirit Committee’s Annual Golf Tournament to benefit University Park (Crystal Park). (Attachments)


Resolution adopted with gratitude


B.      Request adoption of a resolution to accept a $15,000.00 Grant from Commonwealth of Mass. Executive Office of Economic Development for the Goddard Memorial. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted with gratitude


C.      Request adoption of a resolution relative to a donation of real property to benefit Parks Department and Columbus Park Neighborhood from the Greater Worcester Land Trust. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted with gratitude


19.  POLICE:


A.      Communication relative to Institution of an Affirmative Action Policy and Steps Taken to Recruit Minority Officers. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


B.    Request City Council accept with gratitude a donation to the Worcester Police Drill Team in the amount of $500.00 from the National Association of Government Employees. (Attachments)


Order adopted with gratitude


C.      Communication relative to whether there are a sufficient number of taxicab medallions in the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


D.      Communication relative to Results of June 2004 and June 2003 Inspection of the Fleet of Cabs in the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


E.      Communication relative to Second-hand Motor Licenses Issued Over the Most Recent Two Years. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


F.      Communication relative to Taxicabs Operating in the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee




A.      Request adoption of a resolution relative to the FY-04 Metropolitan Response System Program Continuation Grants. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted – Also referred to Public Safety Committee for informational purposes








A.      Communication relative to Policy for Massachusetts Electric to Site Transformers/Switch Gears. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


B.      Communication relative to Pearl Elm Garage. (Attachments)


                   Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


C.      Communication relative to Water Drainage Problems in the College Hill Section of the City. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


D.      Communication relative to DPW Electronic Permitting System. (Attachments)


Placed on file


E.      Communication relative to Keep Worcester Clean – July 2004 Activity. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


F.      Communication relative to FY’05 Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


G.               Communication relative to Oleum Court. (Attachments)


Placed on file








A.               Communication relative to status of foreclosed lot at 143 Eastern Avenue. (Attachments)


Referred to Land Use Committee


B.      Request adoption of an order Transferring Jurisdiction of Land – 17 Southgate Place, 25 Southgate St. from Tax Title Custodian to Executive Office of Economic Development. (Attachments)


                   Referred to Land Use Committee




A.      Communication relative to display of Neighborhood Memorial of Veterans being stored at Canterbury Street School. (Attachments)


                   Referred to Military Affairs Committee




A.      Recommend that One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) be transferred, when and as received, from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #67C701, Assessing Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing a Laser Fiche compatible optical scanner for the Assessing Department, as approved in the fiscal 2005 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


B.      Recommend that Five Hundred Twenty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars ($529,220.00) be transferred, when and as received, from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #25C701, Police Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:



8 marked and 3 unmarked police vehicles



1 motorcycle

$  19,000.00


Police recruit equipment



for the Police Department as approved in the fiscal 2005 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


C.      Recommend that Forty Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) be transferred, when and as received, from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #55C701, Public Library Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:



Safety Transmitter



Delivery Platform

$  9,000.00




for the Worcester Public Library, as approved in the fiscal 2005 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


D.      Recommend that Seventy Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($70,500.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #55C700, Public Library Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for payment of contractual obligations for windows replacement and parking lot expansion at the Frances Perkins Library, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


E.      Recommend that One Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand Five Hundred Five Dollars ($167,505.00) be transferred from Account #330-08, Reserve for Appropriation Premium on Loans, and appropriated to Account #660-92000, Treasury Department Ordinary Maintenance, to fund the cost associated with fiscal 2005 General Obligation Bond issuance. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


F.      Recommend that Two Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($2,450.00) be transferred, when and as received, from Account #91C731, Water Capital Equipment and appropriated to Account #45C703, Water Capital Equipment, to provide funds for the purpose of purchasing a chlorine residual analyzer for the Water Filtration Plant, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


G.      Recommend that Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) in unexpended Block Grant balances be transferred from the following account:









                   and appropriated to the following account:






Building Renovation



to fund the rehabilitation of a portion of the Chestnut Street Congregational Church for use by the New England Dream Center. (Attachments)


Referred to Community Development Committee


H.      Recommend that Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C713, Water Mains, and appropriated to Account #45C720, Water Mains, to allow for the payment of current and future obligations for various water main construction projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


I.       Recommend that Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741, Street Construction, and appropriated to Account #41C772, Goddard Memorial Drive Reconstruction, to allow for the payment of current and future obligations related to improvements to Goddard Memorial Drive, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


J.       Recommend that Four Thousand Forty Six Dollars and Twenty Five Cents ($4,046.25) be transferred, when and as received from Account #91C734, Sewer Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #44C704, Sewer Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing a GIS equipment for the sewer department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


K.      Recommend that One Hundred Eighty Eight Thousand Twenty Dollars ($188,020.00) in appropriated Block Grant Year 30 funding be transferred from the following account:






Economic Development Reserve



                   and appropriated to the following accounts:






Centro Las Americas – E.D.

$  19,200.00


Martin Luther King Center

$  40,000.00


MA Veterans – E.D.

$  29,000.00



$  11,000.00


Center for Women & Enterprise

$  21,000.00


Main South CDC – E.D.

$  17,820.00


Oak Hill CDC – E.D.

$  28,000.00


Worcester East Side CDC – E.D.

$  22,000.00





to fund Community Development Block Grant Year 30 Economic Development initiatives. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


L.      Recommend that Thirty Five Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Six Dollars and Seventy Two Cents ($35,966.72) be transferred from Account #91C797, Airport Improvements, and appropriated to Account #47C702, Airport Building Rehabilitation, for the payment of contractual obligations related to the completion of environmental mitigation projects at the Airport. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


M.     Recommend that One Hundred Thirty Thousand Seven Hundred Five Dollars ($130,705.00) be transferred, when and as received, from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #72C701, Parks Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:



3 ¾ Ton 4 Wheel/Drive w/pick up



1 Ton Dump 4 Wheel Drive w/plow



Software Program



for the Parks Department, as approved in the fiscal 2005 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


N.      Recommend that Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) be transferred from the following Account #91C784, Parks Improvements and appropriated to Account #72C702, Park Site Improvements, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to improvements and rehabilitation of Logan Field, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


O.      Recommend that Six Thousand Three Hundred Forty One Dollars ($6,341.00) be transferred, when and as received, from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #03C701, Mayor’s Office Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing a copy machine for the Office of the Mayor, as approved in the fiscal 2005 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0




A.      Communication relative to Revised Amendment to Vacation Ordinance. (Attachments)


Voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call 9-1 (No-Lukes) (Gomez absent)


B.      Communication relative to appointment of Julie Ann Jacobson to the position of Assistant City Manager. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.                Communication received from the Worcester Housing Authority relative to public safety efforts. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee




          54 - FROM MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS – Adopted on a roll call 11-0


54.     That the City Council hereby elects the current City Clerk for another two year term.  (Attachments)


          55-58 FROM MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS - Adopted


55.     Request City Manager to incorporate suggestions offered by the Worcester Regional Research Bureau in the Keep Worcester Clean group for inclusion in their activities in Grimewatch and Crimewatch. (Attachments)


56.     Request City Auditor report to the City Council cost to the City of Worcester to implement the HazMat arbitration award and project future costs over the next ten years.   (Attachments)


57.     Request City Solicitor to provide City Council with an opinion as to what legal means might be available to the City to inform the public of problem builders/developers/landlords.   (Attachments)


58.     Request City Manager to update City Council regarding parking violations accounts receivable operations and bid results and also concerning future operational location plans.   (Attachments)


          59 FROM PUBLIC WORKS - Adopted


59.     Request Commissioner of Public Works to provide City Council with a report regarding the ramifications of making Melrose St. one lane from Frothingham Rd. to near the island at Lincoln St. (Attachments)


          60-62 FROM TRAFFIC & PARKING - Adopted


60.     Request Administration to install signage on Ararat St. directing drivers heading to the Town of Holden to take a left on Brattle St. then a right onto Holden St.   (Attachments)


61.     Request Administration to provide enforcement of truck restriction on Ararat St.  (Attachments)


62.     Request Administration to provide a timetable for installation of chirping light signal at crosswalk on Lincoln St. near McKinley Rd. approved by the Traffic and Parking Committee, subject to funding. (Attachments)



63.     Request Administration report back to Council on what options and associated costs are identified by the Administration to end the problem at Cookson Park regarding illegal use of dirt bikes, to include vigorous enforcement of the noise ordinance.   (Haller)  (Attachments)




64.     Request City Manager to provide increased law enforcement on Malvern Rd. – both speeding and noise.  (Haller)  (Attachments)




65.     Request Administration to provide a report on options available to Massachusetts municipalities to protect elderly from being displaced from housing upon the sale of the property.  Report to include protection from lease non-renewal or prohibitive increase in rent. (Haller) (Attachments)



66.     Request Administration to add the following item to the monthly Economic Development Report to Council:  Keep Worcester Clean (KWC) effort.   (Haller)   (Attachments)


          Placed on file


67.     Request Administration to evaluate and report on the endowed Perpetual Care Fund which was established in 1854, including its present fund status and how these funds are expended.   (Haller) (Attachments)




68.     Request Administration provide Council with copies of the original purchase and perpetual care agreements which set out all the terms and conditions applicable to the purchase and care agreements for the Orlando Whitney Norcross and the James Atkinson Norcross plots and mausoleums at Hope Cemetery.    (Haller)  (Attachments)




69.     Request Administration report on the MDC sewer project that is in progress in the vicinity of Sacred Heart Church and expected completion dates.  Further, request Administration to facilitate a neighborhood meeting to discuss the report with those most impacted by the project.   (Haller)   (Attachments)




70.     Request Administration provide a report on the status of the “Four Corner” reconfiguration, that is the corner of Cambridge and Southbridge Sts.  Further, request report to include tasks, timelines and responsibilities for completion.   (Haller) (Attachments)




71.     Request City Manager to provide a status report on graffiti removal effort.   (Haller)  (Attachments)




72.     Request City Manager to provide a report explaining exactly what a Re-opener Clause is, how often this Clause has appeared in contracts the City signed with its Unions and the exact language that has been used in all contracts.  (Palmieri, Lukes, Clancy, Perotto, Irish, Petty, Haller, White, Murray, Gomez)  (Attachments)




73.     Request City Solicitor report on the role of the City Council regarding review of collective bargaining provisions and collective bargaining contract language.   (Lukes, Palmieri, Perotto, Clancy, Irish, Petty, Haller, White)  (Attachments)




74.     Request City Manager report concerning the anticipated sale of Medical Center to a for profit entity the following:  1) Under what circumstances the provisions of the current TIF agreement can be renegotiated, including a new requirement for increased job creation.  2) Whether an abatement in real estate taxes could be allowed if the fair market value of the Medical Center decreased during the term of the TIF.    (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Rushton, Gomez, Perotto, White) (Attachments)


          Councillor Irish recused on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent)



75.     Request City Manager report on what the stream of revenue would be generated from the Medical Center according to the provisions of the outstanding TIF in the remaining term in said TIF based upon the Medical Center’s current assessed value. (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Gomez, Perotto, White) (Attachments)


          Councillor Irish recused on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent) Adopted


76.     Request City Manager report concerning the anticipated sale of the Medical Center in the event that the Medical Center were sold to a tax exempt entity, what type of PILOT payments would be sought from the new owners. (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Rushton, Gomez, Perotto, White)



          Councillor Irish recused on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent)


          Mayor Murray moved to amend: If sale takes place what review mechanisms would exist for the community.


          Adopted, as amended


77.     Request City Solicitor report on the legality and process of developing a new department to be known as a Public Safety Department which would include the Police and Fire Departments headed by a Public Safety Commissioner. (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Rushton, Perotto, Clancy, Petty) (Attachments)




78.     Request  City Manager to request the Worcester Regional Research Bureau to prepare a report citing the advantages and disadvantages of forming a new Public Safety Department headed by a Public Safety Commissioner and to include a history of other cities that have such a department.   (Lukes, Palmieri, Haller, Rushton, Perotto)





79.     Request Administration provide Council with a report on the status and condition of the WRTA strike; what role the City of Worcester is playing in keeping the negotiations ongoing, the number of bargaining sessions to date (to include dates and places) and what options face the City for forcing a settlement or providing alternative transportation relief should the strike continue.  (Haller)





80.     Request Administration provide a list of the fourteen structurally deficient bridges in the City of Worcester as indicated by the Massachusetts Highway Department.   (Murray)   (Attachments)




81.     Request City Manager report concerning the problems of water fowl and geese in the City’s public parks and how to remove or reduce their population in the parks.   (Lukes)   (Attachments)




82.     Request Ethnic and Minority Affairs Committee develop a City policy on racial profiling.  (Lukes)   (Attachments) Adopted


83.     Request City Auditor report on the financial implications to the City of enforcing the retirement benefits provided by MGL Chapter 32, Section 90.   (Lukes)   (Attachments)




84.     Request the Budget Officer report on what sources of funding are available to pay additional benefits as provided by MGL Chapter 32, Section 90.   (Lukes)   (Attachments)




85.     Request City Solicitor report on what federal and state laws govern or restrict the investment of public funds in corporations that do business with rogue countries engaging in terrorism.   (Lukes)  (Attachments)




86.     Request City Manager provide a report on the range of social services available for victims of domestic violence, to include coordination between programs as well as emergency numbers available to the public.  (Perotto)   (Attachments)




87.     Request City Manager provide a report on the traffic conditions at the corner of Main St. and Airport Rd., to include reconfiguration of crosswalk for the purpose of public safety.  (Perotto) (Attachments)




88.     Request City Manager provide City Council with a report that delineates the criteria by which an incident is classified as a structure fire, who makes the determination if an incident is a structure fire and lastly, how many structure fires in the City of Worcester caused damage in excess of $5,000.00 during calendar 2003 and calendar 2004 to date.   ((Palmieri, Haller)   (Attachments)




89.     Request City Manager provide City Council with the history of permitting requests for development of parcels of land at the terminus of Brookline St., a project sometimes referred to as Waterview.  Said report to span the last ten years and include topographical plans, street layout, access and egress and the actions taken by various City Departments, Boards and Commissions.  (Petty, Rushton) (Attachments)




90.     Request City Manager to initiate the process to remove from Civil Service the positions of Police Chief, Deputy Police Chief, Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief.  (Petty, Murray)  (Attachments)


          Mayor Murray moved to amend to read: Request City Manager to consider the process


          Adopted, as amended


90a.   Request City Manager to schedule a  meeting with the South Worcester Industrial Park Task Force within the next month to six weeks in order to bring the community up-to-date.   Motion-Haller @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


90b.   Request City Manager to schedule a neighborhood meeting relative to the Wyman Gordon property to discuss zoning that currently exists on the site and what the proposed zoning options are.  Motion-Haller @ #8 ACM – Adopted  (Attachments)


90c.   Request City Manager to search out any available grant money for a telecommunications master plan and a consultant for one year.  Motion-Petty @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


90d.   Request City Manager to consider including a representative of the Police Department, Fire Department and Department of Public Works on the Telecommunications Committee.  Motion-Petty @ #8A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90e.   Request the heading under Part III, #12 in the monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report be changed from Telecommunications Master Plan to Telecommunications Technology Plan.  Motion-Petty @ #8A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90f.    Request City Manager to provide a report on the final plan for maintenance of the medians on Shrewsbury St.  Motion-Palmieri @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


90g.   Request Administration to pole the area businesses and neighborhood community as to whether they have been adversely impacted by the closing of the Shrewsbury St. I-290 ramp.  Motion-Palmieri @ #8A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90h.   Request City Manager to request the City’s Cultural Liaison to arrange for some art exhibits at the Farmer’s Markets conducted at various locations in the City.  Motion-Lukes @ #8A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


90i.    Request Administration to report on plans for senior housing that were pursued with a private developer to lease the un-used portion of the Senior Center building for 99 years and then gain ownership of a portion of the building.   Motion-Murray @ #9A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


90j.    Request the Administration to report relative to outlining of the number of minority officers, the number of woman officers and specifically, the City’s Affirmative Action Policy that is being implemented and what the City is doing to increase the number of minority and woman Patrolmen,  Sergeants, Lieutenants and Captains in the Police Department.  Motion-Gomez @ #19A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


90k.   Request City Manager to report on whether the City can cap the number of permits available for second-hand motor businesses.    Motion-Haller @ #19E CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90L.   Request City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion as to what purview the City Council or City has as it relates to Mass. Electric transformer and switch gear relocations.   Motion-Murray @ #23A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90m.  Request City Manager to provide an update relative to display of the WWI memorial located in the basement of the Canterbury St. School.  Motion-Murray @ #27A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90n.   Request City Manager to consider developing a registry of artifacts that are stored in City buildings, including School buildings.  Motion-Lukes @ #27A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


90o.   Request Administration to include in the monthly Grimewatch reports the monthly reports of the Keep Worcester Clean Committee.  Motion-Murray @ #66CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


90p.   Request City Manager to include the sale of  Medical City in the monthly Economic Development Initiatives Report.  Motion-Lukes @ #74, 75 & 76 CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


90q.   Request City Manager to include Code Enforcement in any review relative to forming a new Public Safety Department.  Motion-White @ #77CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


          91 ADOPT


91.     SEWER ASSESSMENT:  INMAN AVE. - Adopted  (Attachments)




92.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting additional information regarding potential MGL Chapter 32, Section 90A and C pension increases specific to former public safety employees.  (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


93.     James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting August 2004 Auditor’s Report.   (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


94      Roberta Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting:  Benchmarking Municipal and Neighborhood Services in Worcester:  2004.   (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




94a.   That the City Council hereby requests the  City Manager to communicate with Tenet that it is important to the City of Worcester that Medical City be sold to a proprietary or for-profit hospital.  Motion-Perotto @ #74, 75 & 76 CC – Adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Attachments)








95a.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to property conveyances in Gateway Park: recommend adoption of the accompanying three Orders.   (Attachments)




95b.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives transmitting Report to the Community 2004 Economic Development Impact of the Central Massachusetts Life Science Industry:  recommend Communication be placed on file. (Attachments)


          96 & 97 ACCEPTED


96.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of David J. Rushford, City Clerk transmitting his personal and departmental Fiscal Year 2004 Accomplishments and Fiscal Year 2005 Goals as City Clerk:  recommend acceptance and approval of the Accomplishments and Goals of the City Clerk as amended to request the City Clerk become involved in the space needs study of City Hall if amendable to the City Manager.   (Attachments)


97.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting Goals and Objectives of the Auditing Department for Fiscal Year 2005:  recommend acceptance and approval of the Goals of the City Auditor as amended to include an audit of the Police Paid Detail Module.   (Attachments)


          98 – ACCEPTED & ORDER ADOPTED ON A ROLL CALL 10-1 (Lukes-No)


98.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Order of Councillors Philip Palmieri and Paul Clancy, Jr. requesting the City Auditor to report on the number of public safety retirees below the $25,000 threshold, those that have not worked, the number of Public Safety people that participate and the cost to increase pensions in incremental levels to 40% of current salary.  Further, request Administration to send out notices relative to the September 1, 2004 Municipal Operations Committee meeting to Public Safety retirees that would be affected by the decision of the City Council:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order requesting the City Manager to recommend raising pensions for Public Safety retirees to the 50% level with a cap of $2,000.00 and an appropriation for funding such increases.  (Attachments)


          99-106 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


99.     Relative to denying permits to builders in non-compliance. (Attachments)


100.   Relative to accounts receivables for parking violations. (Attachments)


101.   Relative to building code requirements – handicap accessibility. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of James DelSignore, City Auditor:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


102.   Relative to pension benefit increases. (Attachments)


103.   Relative to schedule of pensions for retired Police Officers. (Attachments)


104.   Relative to decision issued by Suffolk County Superior Court involving James Richardson and the Worcester Retirement Board. (Attachments)


105.   Relative to May 2004 Auditor’s Report.  (Attachments)


106.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of Roberta Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting Citizen Satisfaction With Municipal Services:  2003 Survey: recommend Communication be placed on file.   (Attachments)




107.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of William Antonelli requesting to extend Residential zoning to both sides of Fay St.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.



108.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Attorney Todd Rodman on behalf of Kilby Gardner Hammond, LLC requesting the City of Worcester Zoning Map be amended by removing approximately 23,500 sq. ft. of land in the Hollis St., Gardner St. and Kilby St. area from the MG-2.0 District and establishing the same as an RG-5 District: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


109.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone on behalf of the Colvest Group requesting to change the Zoning Map from MG-2 to BL-1 by extending BL-1 zone on southerly side of Stafford St. at the intersection with Heard St., southerly to property of Boston & Albany Railroad, westerly 535.5’, northerly 102.4’ on Stafford St., easterly 594.65’ to the point of beginning: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.   (Attachments)




110.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Jonathan Finkelstein requesting the Zoning Ordinance be amended by adding Note 2 in Table 4.2: The designation 2+ indicates a maximum of 2 habitable stories with a non-habitable attic and garage underneath, if provided.  The story containing a garage is not considered habitable if the garage area occupies 50% or more of the entire story.  (Attachments)


          111-157 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting sidewalk repair:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


111.   Robert Piltzecker request sidewalk repair in front of 36 Atlanta St.(Attachments)


112.   Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Michael Madulka request sidewalk repair in front of 113 Beeching St.   (Attachments)


113.   Margaret Sohigian request sidewalk repair on Highland St. from Berkshire St. to West St.  (Attachments)


114.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalks in front of 34-42 Burncoat St.  (Attachments)


115.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalks in front of 42-78 Burncoat St.   (Attachments)


116.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalks in front of 160-188 Burncoat St.   (Attachments)


117.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalks in front of 200-214 Burncoat St.  (Attachments)


118.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalks in front of 214-224 Burncoat St.   (Attachments)


119.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalks in front of 205-227 Burncoat St.   (Attachments)


120.   Paul Giorgio request sidewalk replacement at 37 Caro St. (Attachments)


121.   Richard Kazarian request sidewalk repair in front of 221 Chandler St. (Keystone Plaza)   (Attachments)


122.   Patricia Bergeron request sidewalk repair in front of 35 Columbia St. (Attachments)


123.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair from corner of Dean and Salisbury Sts. to end of Church property.  (Attachments)


124.   Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Everett Stidsen request sidewalk repair at 66 Fairfax Rd.  (Attachments)


125.   Margaret Sohigian request sidewalk repair on Highland St. from back of Subway to 14 Berkshire St.  (Attachments)


126.   Councillor Joseph Petty on behalf of Lynn Gervais request sidewalk repair in front of 6 and 8 Howland Terrace.  (Attachments)


127.   Councillor Dennis Irish request sidewalk repair in front of 11 Jeppson Ave.   (Attachments)


128.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalk in front of 309-311 Lincoln St.  (Attachments)


129.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalk in front of 316 Lincoln St. to Nordgren Funeral Home.  (Attachments)


130.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalk in front of 320-326 Lincoln St.   (Attachments)


131.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalk in front of 323-325 Lincoln St.   (Attachments)


132.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request repair of sidewalk in front of 345-347 Lincoln St.   (Attachments)


133.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair in front of 349-359 Lincoln St. to corner of Wakefield St.   (Attachments)


134.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair in front of 359-369 Lincoln St. to corner of Dixon Ave.  (Attachments)


135.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair in front of 368 Lincoln St.  (Attachments)


136.   Paula Czepiel & Terrance Barnicle request sidewalk repair on Nevada St. behind 33 Monroe Ave.   (Attachments)


137.   Jack Kochian request sidewalk repair in front of 130A Newton Ave. North.  (Attachments)


138.   Kirk Johnson, M.D., P.C. request sidewalk repair at 33 Oak Ave. (Attachments)


139.   Gerald Sjogren, Safety Director, E.L. Harvey & Sons, Inc. request sidewalk repair at 25-29 Perkins St.  (Attachments)


140.   Ann Forget request sidewalk repair at 77 Perry Ave.  (Attachments)


141.   Councillor Frederick Rushton on behalf of Mary Jane Michaud request sidewalk repair at 539 Pleasant St.  (Attachments)


142.   Melissa Kanaracus request sidewalk repair at corner of 2 St. Elmo Rd. and Pleasant St.  (Attachments)


143.   Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Deborah Dymek request sidewalk repair on odd side of South Stowell St. from Heywood St. to Derby St.  (Attachments)


144.   Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Deborah Dymek request sidewalk repair on odd side of South Stowell St. from Derby St. to Granite St.  (Attachments)


145.   Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalk repair on Winfield St. from Dewey St. to Mason St.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting street resurfacing:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


146.   Rosemary Small et al request resurfacing of Arbutus Rd. (Attachments)


147.   Michele Sloan et al request resurfacing of Pullman St. and marking lanes from Brooks St. to 40 Pullman St.  (Attachments)


148.   Edward Murphy request resurfacing at 34 Clark St. (Attachments)


149.   Dan Abraham request resurfacing from 1-46 Copperfield Rd. (Attachments)


150.   Dan Abraham request resurfacing from 47-86 Copperfield Rd. (Attachments)


151.   Dan Abraham request resurfacing from 87-133 Copperfield Rd. (Attachments)


152.   Melissa Kanaracus request repair of dip in road in vicinity of 12 St. Elmo Rd.   (Attachments)


153.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request resurfacing of Shaffner St. (Attachments)


154.   Annette Gonzalez request repavement for Tower St. (between Huntington St. and Hastings St.)  (Attachments)


155.   Adam Smalcuga request resurfacing of blacktop  next to 34 Westfield St. to alleviate water run-off.  (Attachments)


156.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Francis Kelleher requesting to extend sewer main approximately 70’ and a surface drain approximately 60’ from existing manholes in Emery St. north on to Lachappelle St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


157.   REPPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Attorney Jonathan Finkelstein on behalf of 97 Coburn Realty, LLC requesting to extend surface and sanitary sewers in Grafton St. to service a four lot subdivision at 1300 Grafton St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


          158-184 ACCEPTED


158.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Joseph Petty on behalf of David Freeman requesting DPW clear brush obstructing sidewalk in vicinity of 60 Walworth St.: recommend Petition be placed on file.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


159.   Relative to land owned by Mass. Electric Co. across from 100 Grove St.   (Attachments)


160.   Relative to Grimewatch Program – January 2004 Activity. (Attachments)


161.   Relative to Grimewatch Program – February/March 2004 Activity. (Attachments)


162.   Relative to Grimewatch Program – May 2004 Activity. (Attachments)


163.   Relative to City of Worcester’s Snow Removal Budget. (Attachments)


164.   Relative to I-290 Construction Project – Detour Update. (Attachments)


165.   Relative to Construction Progress Report – Quarter Ending March 31, 2004.   (Attachments)


166.   Relative to renovations and improvements to Shrewsbury St. medians/necessary tree removals.   (Attachments)


167.   Relative to closing of two I-290 ramps.  (Attachments)


168.   Relative to Abandoned Vehicle Status Report.  (Attachments)


169.   Relative to status of curb cut funding.   (Attachments)


170.   Relative to tax revenue if the City could tax properties at Millbury and Granite Sts.   (Attachments)


171.   Relative to upgrading signage, lane markings and crosswalk enhancements in Grafton St. at Washington Sq.  (Attachments)


172.   Relative to April Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)


173.   Relative to May Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)


174.   Relative to June Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)


175.   Relative to July Economic Development Initiatives Report. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


176.   Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting repair of pot holes in Ingleside Ave. either through regular maintenance or through the long patch program.   (Attachments)


177.   Morrie Johnson requesting sidewalk repair at 168 Beacon St. (Attachments)


178.   Robert Scott requesting to install sidewalks on the even side of Paradox Dr. from the beginning to #44.   (Attachments)


179.   Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting repair of sidewalk on easterly side of Windsor St. from Catharine St. to Green Hill Parkway. (Attachments)


180.   Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting repair of sidewalk on westerly side of Windsor St. from Catharine St. to Green Hill Parkway. (Attachments)


181.   Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting repair of sidewalk on westerly side of Windsor St. from Green Hill Parkway to Duxbury Rd. (Attachments)


182.   Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting repair of sidewalk on easterly side of Windsor St. from Green Hill Parkway to Duxbury Rd. (Attachments)


183.   Fernando DoLago requesting City of Worcester extend sanitary sewer main to property at 550 Sunderland Rd. (Attachments)


184.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Report of the Committee on Public Works upon the Petition of Heather Nejaimey requesting private street conversion of Tracy Place from Southbridge St. westerly 300 ft. to public portion: recommend Petition be denied. (Attachments)


          185-189 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


185.   Mayor Timothy Murray and Councillor Thomas White on behalf of William Fleming requesting posted speed limit signs on Holden St. between Ararat St. and Shore Dr.  (Attachments)


186.   Mary Hunter requesting Blind Child sign on McKinley Rd. and Ashton St.  (Attachments)


187.   Edward Sullivan requesting “Not a Truck Route” sign for Brattle St. at fork of Holden and Brattle Sts.  Also, a directional sign at the intersection of Ararat and Brattle Sts. stating Holden on left.  Also, a directional sign at the intersection of Holden and Brattle Sts. for directions to Holden and “No Trucks on Brattle St.”.   (Attachments)


188.   Monica Polanco requesting installation of a new crosswalk on Lincoln St. at the intersection of Green Hill Parkway.   (Attachments)


189.   Mary Hunter requesting chirping light signal at crosswalk on Lincoln St. near McKinley Rd.   (Attachments)




          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


190.   Eliza Haffty requesting handicap parking at 35 King Philip Rd. (Attachments)


191.   Paula Jacevicius on behalf of Linda Jacevicius requesting handicap parking at 19 Barclay St.   (Attachments)


192.   Councillor Thomas White on behalf of Dorothy O’Leary requesting handicap parking at 4 Gunnarson Rd.  (Attachments)


193.   Councillor Joseph Petty on behalf of Norman Vincent requesting handicap parking at 1357 Main St.  (Attachments)


194.   Calvin Power requesting handicap parking at 17 Reeves St. (Attachments)


195.   Alexandra Xanthopoulos requesting removal of “No Parking” signs in front of 123 Plantation St.  (Attachments)


196.   Councillor Philip Palmieri requesting No Parking at 123 Lake Ave. 7 ft. from driveway in a northerly direction.   (Attachments)


197.   Councillor Frederick Rushton on behalf of George Valeri requesting removal of one handicapped parking space across from 51 Wall St. (Attachments)


198.   Joseph Borbone, Director, Traffic Engineering requesting to modify parking restrictions on Goldsberry St. near Police Headquarters to allow unlimited parking on both sides of the street from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and No Parking Tow Zone from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. (Attachments)




          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


199.   Councillor Michael Perotto requesting crosswalk at corner of Putnam Lane and Shrewsbury St.  (Attachments)


          200-203 ACCEPTED


200.   Councillor Frederick Rushton requesting an appropriate caution sign and/or crosswalk from Union Station to all adjoining parking lots. (Attachments)


201.   Mayor Timothy Murray on behalf of Dora Henry requesting “Go Slow” signs and handicap/wheelchair signs at 11 Shirley St. (Attachments)


202.   Councillor Joseph Petty requesting No Parking on both sides of driveway at 123 Lake Ave.  (Attachments)


203.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Leon Mallette et al requesting diagonal parking in front of 27-29 Boardman St.: recommend Petition be denied. (Attachments)




          204 TABLED


204.   That the sum of $9,000,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C752, Union Station Parking Garage for the purpose of paying for the construction of the Union Station Parking Garage, including site remediation, engineering, design, demolition, project management and incidental costs thereof.   (Attachments)




          205 & 206 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 7-0 (Gomez, Irish, Lukes, Rushton absent)


205.   Amending the Salary Ordinance relative to the salary of the City Manager.   (Attachments)


206.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind No Parking Anytime on the West side of Lake Ave. from Nonquit St. to Coburn Ave.  (Attachments)


          Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind No Parking Anytime on the east side of Lake Ave. from Nonquit St. to Coburn Ave. (Attachments)




          207 Taken off the Table and placed on file


207.   Communication of the City Manager requesting adoption of an Ordinance amendment relative to Vacation Credits.  (Attachments)





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SEPTEMBER 13, 2004

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SEPTEMBER 14, 2004

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SEPTEMBER 22, 2004

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SEPTEMBER 27, 2004

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