7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:05 P.M.

Adjourned:  12:16 A.M.



1.       INVOCATION – Rev. Richard Whitefleet Smith

                                     Quinsigamond United Methodist Church




3.       ROLL CALL – All present except Councillor Patton who arrived at 7:10 P.M.


Mayor Murray requested suspension of the rules to read a Resolution adopted by the City Council on October 7, 2003 relative to Climate Protection Campaign.  Ned Reynolds, Representative of the International Council for Environmental Initiatives was present and spoke.




4 – Hearing held – Ordinance Committee voted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Abraham absent) to accept the Report of the Planning Board and recommend approval of the Petition


4.      REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Donald O’Neil on behalf of Ariana Kadiu request to remove a portion of Fox St. from the Official Map. (Attachments)


5 – Hearing held – Ordinance Committee voted on a roll call vote of 10 Yeas and 0 Nays (Abraham absent) to accept the Report of the Planning Board and recommend the Petition be denied


5.      REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Steve & Karen Ripsz et al request extension of BL-1 zone to include properties located directly on Grafton St. and reside between Arcadia St. & Progressive St. (Attachments)


          6 – Hearing opened – recessed one week


6.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Elaine Baltas on behalf of Luis Santiago request zone change at 128 Piedmont St. from one-half RG-5 and one-half BG-3 to BG-3. (Attachments)


     7 – Hearing held – Ordinance Committee voted on a roll call vote of 9 Yeas and 0 Nays (Abraham, Lukes absent) to accept the Planning Board and recommend the Petition be Denied for a zone change and passage of an Ordinance to create an Adaptive Reuse Overlay District in lieu of the zone change to BG-6.0


7.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of Beacon St., LLC request zone change for land at 64-79 Beacon St. from MG-2.0 to BG-6.0. (Attachments)


          8 – Recommend file


8.       Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to #64-79 Beacon Street Rezoning. (Attachments)




          9 – Hearing held


9.       NSTAR for gas main location on: COBURN AVE. (Attachments)




9a.     Granting permission to NSTAR for gas main location on: COBURN AVE.










11.     Robert Stake request to relocate Stake Sq. Veterans Memorial from corner of Ames and Stockton Sts. across the street diagonally to grassy plot next to park.  Petitioner to pay relocation costs.





12.     Mirick Perkins request to make public Waycross St.  (Attachments)


13.     Christi McQuade et al request to make public Gaylord St. (Attachments)


14.     Peter and Denise Farnsworth et al request to make public Diana St. (Attachments)


15.     Attorney Samuel DeSimone request to amend the City of Worcester Zoning Ordinance to allow by Special Permit in the Adaptive Reuse Overlay District the following uses:  restaurants, health clubs and retail sale. (Attachments)




16.     William Poillucci, Proficient Remodeling request upgrade/replacement of existing 6” and 2” water mains at 39-41 Shelby St. at City’s expense. (Attachments)


17.     Councillor Joseph M. Petty on behalf of Henry Brennan request that Henshaw St. be repaved. (Attachments)


18.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request repaving of Arlington St. between Pattison St. and Jefferson St. (Attachments)


19.     Raymond Kary et al request resurfacing of St. Nicholas Ave. (Attachments)


20.     Raymond Kary et al request sidewalk repair on St. Nicholas Ave. (Attachments)


21.     Michael Hennessy et al request sidewalk repair on Lincoln St. from Green Hill Parkway to Orne St. (Attachments)


22.     Sylvia Lubowitz request sidewalk repair in front of 39 Westwood Rd. and around corner on Kinnicutt Rd. (Attachments)


23.     Christine Parcher request City repair original brick sidewalk on Brownell St. side of 76 June St. (Attachments)


24.     Mary L. Navickas request abatement of sewer assessment #30830 in the amount of $3,743.76 on Lanesboro Rd. (Attachments)


25.     Richard P. and Jean R. Adamowicz request abatement of sewer assessment #30896 in the amount of $3,800.00 on Teddy Rd. (Attachments)


26.     Edward J. Pietrewicz, Jr. request abatement of sewer assessment #30901 in the amount of $1,900.00 on Teddy Rd. (Attachments)


27.     Ronald W. Lorusso request to extend sewer line from Rockdale St. to Lot 4 A & B on Woburn St. and to extend water line from Mount Ave. to Lot 4 A & B on Woburn St.  To be done at Petitioner’s expense. (Attachments)


28.     Mayor Timothy P. Murray request private street maintenance on Mayfield St. from Parker St. to Chandler St. (Attachments)


29.     Councillor Juan A. Gomez on behalf of Scott Eovacious request the sidewalk at 1 West Lake St. be repaired. (Attachments)


30.     Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Howard Siam request sidewalk repair at 42 Evers St. (Attachments)


31.     Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of E. S. Rich request sidewalk repair at 996 Pleasant St. (Attachments)




32.     Lydia Medina request handicap parking space in front of 130 Dorchester St. (Attachments)


33.     Grace C. Mero request handicap parking sign in front of 19 Wilson St. (Attachments)


34.     Patricia Wester request handicap parking space at 56 Esther St. (Attachments)


35.     Raymond Mariano, Executive Director, Worcester Housing Authority on behalf of residents of Booth Apts. request handicap parking designation at 84 and 89 Haven Lane be removed. (Attachments)


36.     Richard Gentile request removal of handicap parking at 41 Upsala St. (Attachments)


37.     Patricia Hawkins request removal of handicap parking signs at 20 North Woodford St. (Attachments)


38.     Councillor Barbara G. Haller request removal of handicapped parking sign in front of 11 Hancock St. (Attachments)


39.     Mattie Mae Hathaway request removal of handicap parking in front of 5 Maple Tree Lane. (Attachments)


40.     Dawn Johnson et al request resident only parking on Downing St. between Park Ave. and Florence St. (Attachments)


41.     Patricia A. Hawkins request to lift parking ban on dead end of North Woodford St. (Attachments)


42.     Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Esther Levitt request review of traffic and parking at South Flagg St. and Pleasant St. (Attachments)


43.     Joe Marrone, Northworks Bar & Grille and Mitch Terricciano, Tianno’s Restaurant request removal of parking meters at 1050 and 1051 Grove St. and replace with No Parking Commercial Loading Zone (7:00 am – 5:00 pm) (Attachments)


44.     Councillor Dennis L. Irish on behalf of Joseph Capone request installation of speed bumps in Emerson St. (Attachments)


45.     David Vitols request Stop sign at intersection of Emerson Rd. and Randall St. (Attachments)


46.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request Caution signs for Victoria Ave. and Forsberg St. adjacent to Greenwood Park. (Attachments)


47.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request Traffic Engineer to review signage along Greenwood St. from Millbury St. to Rte. 20 for posting of Caution and Speed Limit signs. (Attachments)


48.     Francisco Paulino request two directional signs to Sonia’s Used Cars, Inc., 1239 Millbury St. at the following locations: 1) on Rte. 146 south almost to intersection with Providence St.  2) on Rte. 146 north after sign for Blackstone River. (Attachments)


49.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Mary Marzo request the installation of Resident Sticker Parking on both sides of entire length of Dustin St. (Attachments)


50.     Vincent Fricker request resident permit parking on Rockland Rd. (Attachments)


51.     Vincent Fricker request resident permit parking on Duxbury Rd. (Attachments)


52.     Evelyn Cardona request removal of handicap parking space from in front of 12 Stoneland Rd. (Attachments)


53.     Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Dora Henry request “Go Slow” signs and handicap/wheelchair signs at 11 Shirley St. (Attachments)


54.     Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Kathleen Dunley request four-way stop at intersection of Coolidge Rd. and Copley Rd. (Attachments)


55 Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 9-0 (Abraham absent) Hearing set for November 25, 2003 – 7:00 P.M.


55.     MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on BELMONT ST. (Attachments)













A.      Notification of the reappointments of Robert T. Cronin, Ann D. Walsh, Beatrice A. Haddad, Francis S. Harvey Jr., and Lucille S. Corbett, to the Elder Affairs Commission. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Notification of the appointment of Daniel J. McAuliffe, James C. Savage, III, and Reynaldo Rodriguez, to the G.A.R. Memorial Hall Board of Trustees. (Attachments)


          Placed on file





A.      Notification of the reappointment of Paul J. Giorgio, to the Worcester Housing Authority, subject to City Council confirmation. (Attachments)


          Reappointment confirmed on a roll call 11-0








A.      Communication relative to Fiscal Year 2004 Tax Rate Options. (Attachments)


          Held to November 25, 2003


B.      Communication relative to Possible Additional Fiscal Year 2004 Tax Rate Options. (Attachments)


Held to November 25, 2003


C.      Request adoption of an order relative to the Double Elderly Abatement. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


D.      SUPPLEMENTAL – The attached information from Robert Allard, City Assessor is forwarded to you as additionally requested for the Tax Classification Hearing.  (Attachments)


          Held to November 25, 2003




A.      Communication relative to the Early Retirement Program. (Attachments)

          Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to the various budget actions that are needed to finalize the City of Worcester’s FY2004 Budget and to allow the City to submit the appropriate Tax Rate Recapitulation documents to the Department of Revenue for approval of the City’s tax rates. (Attachments)


          Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to Worcester Vocational High School – Progress Report November 2003. (Attachments)


Referred to Education & College/University Relations Committee


B.      Communication relative to Proposed Zoning Ordinance. (Attachments)


          Referred to the Planning Board






A.      Communication relative to North Main Street Charette. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Demolition of Two Ramps over and along Worcester Center Boulevard. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to the successful negotiation of an amendment to the Union Station tax credits with Wachovia Securities providing payments totaling $5,798,306.00 into New Worcester Associates. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


D.      Communication relative to Remaining Build Out Costs – Union Station. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


E.      Communication relative to CBL Discussions. (Attachments)


Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to Requests for Proposals for Vacant Parcels of Land Located at the Worcester Airport Industrial Park. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee










13. FIRE:


A.      Request City Council accept with gratitude a donation to the Worcester Fire Department Equipment Fund, from Deborah A. Floyd in the amount of $50.00. (Attachments)


          Order adopted with gratitude




A.      Communication relative to Fallon Senior Plan. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Top 250 Highest Paid City Employees. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


          C.      Communication relative to Monthly Report – Importing Drugs

                   from Canada. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


D.      Communication relative to Quarterly Report on Self-Funded Health Insurance. (Attachments)


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


15. LAW:


A.      Communication relative to Ordinance Governing Veterans Memorials – Highway Projects. (Attachments)


          Referred to Military Affairs Committee


B.      Communication relative to Taxicabs. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


C.      Communication relative to Library Board of Directors – Removals. (Attachments)


Placed on file


D.      Communication relative to Agreement with MEA. (Attachments)


Placed on file


E.      Communication relative to Charter Communications. (Attachments)


Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to First Place Honors received by the City of Worcester Government Access Channel at the Alliance for Community Media-Northeast regional competition for the Access Channel’s video presentation, “Worcester Tornado”, which chronicles the 1953 tornado. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


G.      Request City Council accept with gratitude a gift from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. (Attachments)


Order adopted with gratitude






A.      Communication relative to City Qualifies for HUD HOPWA Grant (July 2004). (Attachments)


Referred to Health Committee


B.      Communication relative to Latest U.S. Census Estimates. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to the Two-Part Zoning Ordinance Revision Process. (Attachments)


Referred to the Planning Board


D.      Communication relative to Rezoning Alternatives for the Vernon Hill Institutional Hospital Zone. (Attachments)




E.      Communication relative to a Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Saint Francis Home. (Attachments)




F.      Communication relative to the extension of the BL-1 Zone. (Attachments)


Placed on file


G.      Communication relative to the Earned Income Tax Credit Campaign. (Attachments)


Placed on file


H.      Communication relative to unexpended balances in the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG). (Attachments)


Placed on file


I.       Communication relative to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) public hearings. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


J.       Communication relative to the latest United States Census Bureau Population Estimates. (Attachments)


Placed on file


K.      Request adoption of an order relative to the transfer of a vacant parcel located at 187 Beacon Street to the Main South CDC. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


L.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept a Grant with the Governor’s Highway Safety Bureau 2004 Statewide Bicycle Helmet Program. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


M.     Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept a Grant with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency for the FY2003 Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) Program. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


N.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept Fiscal Year 2003 Federal Emergency Management Agency Assistance to Firefighters Fire Prevention and Safety Program Grant. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


O.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept an FY04 U.S. Department of Justic3e Office on Violence against Women – The President’s Family Justice Center Initiative Grant. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


P.      Request adoption of an Order that the foreclosed tax title property of 197 Dewey Street (FTT#4848,0603900010), having been offered for sale through Request of Proposals (RFP) under the provisions of Chapter 30B for a minimum bid price of $100,000, and having not received any bids at the price. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-11




          A.      Privatization/Lease of Hope Cemetery. (Attachments)


          Referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee




A.      Communication relative to the appointment of Gerald J. Vizzo as Worcester’s next Police Chief. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Cruisers Supplied with Laptop Computers. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.      Communication relative to Crime Statistics for the Area Surrounding the Public Inebriate Program. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


D.      Communication relative to Purchasing Additional Radar Guns. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


E.      Request that City Council accept with gratitude a gift of $10,000.00 to the Worcester Police Department Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education Program donation account from Allmerica Financial Charitable Foundation. (Attachments)


Councillor Petty recused on a roll call 9-0 (Abraham absent)

Order adopted with gratitude


F.      Communication relative to Events of July 30, 2003 regarding the distribution of hypodermic needles and syringes on Main Street. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


G.      Communication relative to the acceptance of the Federal Universal Hiring Grant, which will employ fifty new police officers in the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


H.      Communication relative to Parking Ordinance Regarding Overnight Parking of commercial vehicles on residential streets. (Attachments)


Placed on file


I.       Communication relative to October 2003 – Monthly report on the categories of complaints made on the complaint line. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee




A.      Communication relative to the appointment of James Gardiner as the new Director of the Worcester Health Department. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


          B.      Communication relative to MMRS Program. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


          C.      Communication relative to Flu Clinics. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee




          A.      Communication relative to USA Patriot Act. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee






A.      Request adoption of a resolution relative to House Bill 1468. (Attachments)


          Resolution adopted


B.      Communication relative to Conversion of Pearl Street to a Two Way Street. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee for Nov. 19,

2003 meeting


C.      Communication relative to Program of Free On-Street Parking on Water Street. (Attachments)


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


D.      Communication relative to Status Report #5 – Street Resurfacing Projects. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


E.      Communication relative to Grimewatch Program – September 2003 Activity. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee












A.      Recommend that the sum of Two Million Five Hundred Seventy Three Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Five Dollars and Forty Cents ($2,573,835.40) be appropriated from Free Cash to specifically reduce the tax rate and eliminate the snow removal deficit in the amount of $2,573,835.40 incurred by the City of Worcester from last year’s snow removal operations. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


B.      Recommend that the sum of One Million Nine Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Seventeen Dollars and Sixty Cents ($1,928,917.60) be appropriated from Free Cash to specifically reduce the tax rate.  This funding is being used to finance the increased appropriation recommended on July 1, 2003 that effectively restored the 20 police officer and 20 firefighter positions and provided funds to the Worcester Public Schools to mitigate the increased budget deficit generated by the loss of $1.4 million in charter school reimbursements. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


C.      Recommend that the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) be reduced from Account #172-92000, Unemployment Compensation to reduce the FY2004 Budget for the City of Worcester as a result of lower unemployment benefits being paid by the City.  This action will allow the City to compensate for the lower than anticipated Free Cash amount. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


D.      Recommend that the sum of Two Hundred Seventy Two Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Nine Dollars ($272,289.00) be raised by taxation and appropriated to Account #500-92000, Worcester Public School Ordinary Maintenance, to provide funds to the School Department as a result of the increase in State Aid for Charter School Tuition Reimbursements. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


E.      Recommend that the sum of Seventy One Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Seven Dollars and Forty Seven Cents ($71,677.47) be raised by taxation and appropriated to the following accounts for the programs identified:






Firefighters Contractual Equip.



Reactivating Traffic Signals



Holiday Lighting



Holiday Lighting



Regional Library Aid







          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


F.      Recommend that the sum of Two Hundred Nineteen Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Three Dollars and Thirteen Cents ($219,873.13) be raised by taxation and applied to the FY2004 Overlay Reserve Account to provide funding to institute the Double Elderly Abatement Program for FY2004. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


G.      Recommend that the sum of Twelve Million Two Hundred Thirteen Thousand One Hundred Ninety Nine Dollars ($12,213,199.00) be reduced from Account #500-92000, Worcester Public Schools, to properly account for the $11,356,947.00 to be assessed the City of Worcester for Charter School Tuition payments and $856,252.00 for School Choice Tuition payments. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


H.      Recommend that the sum of Forty Four Thousand Three Hundred Sixteen Dollars ($44,316.00) be appropriated from Account #2G-33100, Golf Retained Earnings to specifically reduce the tax rate and eliminate the remainder of the Golf Enterprise Fund deficit from last year’s golf course operations. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


I.       Recommend that Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) be raised by taxation and appropriated to Account #040-92000, Economic Development Office Ordinary Maintenance, to provide funding to proceed with an Economic Development Action Plan as presented to Council on October 14, 2003. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


J.       Recommend that the sum of One Million Three Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Three Dollars ($1,334.923.00) be raised by taxation and that:


          a.       An amount of $100,000.00 of said sum be appropriated to Account #663-96000, Citywide Health Insurance Account, to provide funds necessary to pay for the health insurance benefit costs for the employment of 50 new police officers under the Federal Universal Hiring Grant.


          b.       An amount of $1,234,923.00 of said sum be appropriated to Account #04T803, Public Safety Stabilization Fund as allowed under MGL Section 14 of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 2003 to be used as the local match necessary to finance the police officers hired under the Federal Universal Hiring Grant in FY 2005. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


K.      Recommend that Five Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand Dollars ($587,000.00) be raised by taxation and appropriated to Account 900-92000, City Manager’s Contingency Account, to provide funding to proceed with an Economic Development Action Plan as presented to Council on October 14, 2003. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


L.      Recommend that One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C739, Lateral Sewers, and appropriated to Account #44C750, Lateral Sewers, for the payment of contractual obligations related to various sewer projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


M.     Recommend that Four Million Six Hundred Thirty Five Thousand Six Hundred Eighteen Dollars and Three Cents ($4,635,618.03), be transferred from Account #91C790 School Construction, and appropriated to Account #28C717, Vocational School Construction, to provide funds for the purpose of payment of contractual obligations related to the construction of the Worcester Vocational School, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


N.      Recommend that Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C745, Sewer Construction, and appropriated to Account #44C744, Sewer Reconstruction, to allow for the payment of current and future obligations for various citywide sewer reconstruction projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


O.      Recommend that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741, Street Construction, and appropriated to Account #41C770, Airport Drive Reconstruction, for the payment of contractual obligations related to improvements at Airport Drive, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


P.      Recommend that Forty Thousand Forty Eight Dollars ($40,048.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #28C701, Code Enforcement Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital:


                   (1)     2004 Ford Taurus Sedan           $14,203.00

                   (1)     Photocopier                              $  8,570.00

                   (10)    Portable Radios                        $15,475.00

                   (1)     Snow Blower                            $  1,800.00

                   TOTAL                                             $40,048.00


          for Code Enforcement, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Tabled under privilege (Perotto)


Q.      Recommend that Twenty Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($22,500.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #26C704, Fire Department Building Rehabilitation, for the payment of contractual obligations related to the Southbridge Street Fire Station second floor renovation and the Plantation Street Station renovation. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


R.      Recommend that One Hundred Seventy One Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Six Dollars ($171,466.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C731, Water Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #45C703, Water Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:


                   (2)     ¾ Ton Pickup Trucks               $  55,688.00

                   (2)     Hybrid Sedans                          $  42,851.00

                   (1)     Crew Cab                                 $  36,241.00

                   (2)     ½ Ton Pickup Trucks               $  31,786.00

                   (1)     Hose Pump Assembly               $    4,900.00

TOTAL                                             $171,466.00


for Water Department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


S.      Recommend that One Hundred Twenty Six Thousand Ninety Two Dollars ($126,092.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C734, Sewer Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #44C704 Sewer Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing:


                   (1)     Utility Truck                              $  64,203.00

                   (1)     2 ½ Ton Pickup Truck              $  34,176.00

                   (1)     4 WD ¾ Ton Pickup Truck       $  27,713.00

                   TOTAL                                             $126,092.00


          for Sewer Department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


T.      Recommend that Sixty Seven Thousand Ten Dollars ($67,010.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #41C703, DPW Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing:


                   (2)     ½ Ton Trucks (Engineering)               $32,786.00

                   (1)     4 WD Crew Cab (Streets Division)      $34,224.00

                   TOTAL                                                       $67,010.00


          for the Department of Public Works, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Tabled under privilege (Perotto)


U.      Recommend that Two Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Six Dollars and Twenty Six Cents ($2,256.26) be transferred from Account #91C790, School Construction, and appropriated to Account #28C719, Forest Grove Equipment, to provide funds for the purpose of payment of capital equipment for the Forest Grove Middle School, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


V.      Recommend the current apportionment from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the amount of Two Million Fifty One Thousand Three Hundred Forty Two Dollars ($2,051,342.00) be appropriated to Account #41C440, DPW Street Resurfacing, to provide funding for current and future street resurfacing obligations. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


W.     Recommend that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #41C703, DPW Capital Equipment, for the purchase and payment of traffic signal equipment at the Greendale Fire Station (West Boylston Street), as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


X.      Recommend that Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #72C703, Parks Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to design services for the Aquatic Facility Assessment of the cities (9) pools and (5) beaches, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


Y.      Recommend that Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C784, Park Site Improvements, and appropriated to Account #72C702, Parks Site Improvements, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to design services and project management expenses associated with the Phase I of the Bell Hill Playground, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10


Z.      Recommend that the following revolving accounts be approved for use again in the FY04 at the limits listed below:






Technology Revolving Acct.

$  50,000.00


Yard Waste Processing



Composting Bins

$  10,000.00


D.P.W. Store

$  25,000.00


Ballard St. Drop Off Center

$  55,000.00



          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-10




A.      Communication relative to pending merger of Fleet and Bank of America. (Attachments)


Placed on file






57.     Request City Manager provide City Council with a range of prices that the City would incur if it was required to remove from a parcel in the City of Worcester approximately 100,000 tons of acceptable Brownfields materials and deposit it at a site outside the city.





58.     Request the Administration provide an update on the Master Plan for Institute Park. (Attachments)




59.     Request Administration update Council on illegal dumping investigations. (Murray) (Attachments)




60.     Request Code Commissioner, Planning Board and other appropriate administrative staff review and enforce any and all conditions for development at the Ridgewood Rd. sub-division. (Abraham)   (Attachments)



61.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the steps he will take at polling places, including special instructions to police officer on duty, to ensure the public’s safety entering and exiting from voting in those instances where no outside lighting is provided, as is the perennial problem at Gates Lane School. (Petty) (Attachments)


Adopted – Request report in 30 days


62.     Request City Manager forward to City Council a copy of the 25% design for Washington Sq. (Clancy) (Attachments)




63.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the status of the widening of Winthrop St. and Providence St. intersection.  (Clancy) (Attachments)




64.     Request Administration report on the cost, process and timeline (i.e. lead-time) to place a non-binding referendum question before registered voters on the question of casino gambling siting within City limits as required by State Law as a prerequisite to any such siting. (Irish, Murray, Haller, Abraham, Clancy, Palmieri) (Attachments)


Adopted on a roll call 8-2 (No-Lukes, Patton) (Abraham absent)


65.     Request City Manager communicate with area colleges and universities to initiate a program to involve undergraduate students in the staffing of polls on election days.  Such a program would introduce majors in Political Science, Public Administration, American History and Urban Studies to the political process, assist in filling all positions at the polls that have been a perennial problem, infuse the polling environment with young voters who have a demonstrated interest in the democratic process.  The City Manager is asked to report back to Council on the feasibility of having such a program operational for the 2004 Presidential Pre-primary.  (Petty)





66.     Request Administration explore the feasibility and cost comparisons to include labor costs of existing leaf collection program with one requiring bagging of leaves. (Murray) (Attachments)




67.     Request Administration report on feasibility of implementing a “Prostitution Mapping” program, similar to the program in Miami, Florida, to address target areas of prostitution in the city. (Murray)  (Attachments)




68.     Request City Manager to provide increased police presence in the Pleasant St. area for the purpose of public safety. (Perotto, Irish) (Attachments)




69.     Request City Manager to provide increased police presence in the Wildwood Ave. area for the purpose of public safety. (Perotto) (Attachments)




70.     Request Police Department to address speeding traffic problem in the upper Brattle St. area for the purpose of public safety. (Perotto) (Attachments)




71.     Request Administration provide City Council with a listing of the 50 highest personal property taxpayers and amounts of taxes paid by each taxpayer in the present and previous fiscal year and including whether any tangible property of any such taxpayer is exempt from such taxes due to any reason, including a TIF agreement. (Lukes) (Attachments)




72.     Request Administration provide City Council with a listing of the 50 highest real estate taxpayers and amount of taxes paid by each taxpayer in the present and previous fiscal year. (Lukes)  (Attachments)




73.     Request City Manager report what entities or individuals have contacted Administration regarding proposals for use of the Greenwood St. Landfill. (Lukes) (Attachments)


Placed on file


74.     Request Administration develop a process and policy to foster, encourage and support movie and film production in the City of Worcester as an economic development goal. (Lukes) (Attachments)




75.     Request Administration to establish a Main Streets initiative pilot program (Murray, Clancy, Perotto, Palmieri, Patton, Petty) 





75a.   Request Health and Code Department  to report as to any complaints or violations that may have occurred at 128 Piedmont St.  Motion-Irish @ #6CC – Adopted



75b.   Request Administration to provide a more accurate description of properties in the area of 128 Piedmont St.  Motion-Patton @ #6CC – Adopted (Attachments)


75c.   Request City Manager to provide City Council with a copy of pending legislation relative to tax rates for residential and commercial properties.  Motion-Lukes @ #4B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75d.   Request City Auditor to report as to what the increase in City’s tax levy budget was from last year to this year and what increase the taxpayer’s are being asked to pay.  Motion-Lukes @ #4B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75e.   Request City Manager once legislation is passed relative to tax rates for residential and commercial property that it be forwarded to the City Council immediately.  Motion-Perotto @ #4B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75f.    Request City Manager to report as to whether engineering currently exists that we know of that would allow piercing of the base of the landfill to allow for any type of piers to be built to sustain a development, has CBL contacted Liberty Properties at any time, and is Mr. Mancuso who is listed as the Vice President of CBL the same individual who was the director of the mall project in Shrewsbury and is there a connection between Pyramid Properties and CBL.  Motion-Clancy @ #8E CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75g.   Request City Manager to provide City Council with a chronology of all communications to the Administration relative to the Greenwood St. Landfill site since the beginning of 2003.  Motion-Gomez @ #8E CM – Adopted



75h.   Request City Manager to report what specific steps have to be gone through by MEA in order to fulfill its obligations according to the contract.  Motion-Lukes @ #73CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


75i.    Request City Manager report as to MEA’s ability to proceed and a time schedule for completion of the Greenwood St. Landfill project.  Motion-Patton @ #15D CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75j.    Request City Manager to report if contract with MEA could be renegotiated if tipping fees change.   Motion-Patton @ #15D CM – Adopted (Attachments)


75k.   Request City Manager to provide City Council with a copy of the report from the City’s consultant or carriers relative to self funded health insurance.  Motion-Patton @ #14D CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75L.   Request City Manager to provide a report on the public need to increase the number of taxicabs in the City of Worcester. Motion-Lukes @ #15B CM – Adopted on a roll call 10-1 (Lukes)  (Attachments)


75m.  Request City Manager to report on the status of the RFP for the Library parking lot.  Motion-Perotto @ #15C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75n.   Request City Manager to report on what was learned at the colloquium “Using the Internet for Municipal Citizen Service Requests:  Current Practice and Future Dissemination” to be attended by three City employees at the Connecticut Policy and Economic Council in Hartford, Connecticut on December 4-5, 2003.  Motion-Petty @ #15G CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75o.   Request City Manager to provide City Council with a layman’s interpretation of the Petition submitted requesting to amend the Zoning Ordinance to allow the Planning Board to waive dimensional controls set forth in Table 4.2 of the Ordinance in Adaptive Reuse Overlay Districts.   Motion-Clancy @ #16D CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75p.   Request City Manager to consider applying the unexpended balance in the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant towards Police dogs.  Motion-Murray @ #17H CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75q.   Request City Manager to report as to why there is a reference to 185A Beacon St. in Item #17K of the City Manager’s Calendar of November 18, 2003 and if there is any impact on the City Council’s vote.  Motion-Lukes @ #17K CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75r.    Request City Auditor to review Personal Services accounts in the Police Department and reconcile those figures with the Budget Director.   Motion-Murray @ #19G CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75s.   Request City Manager to include previous months in the monthly report of complaints made on the complaint line at the Police Department.  Motion-Haller @ #19I CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


75t.    Request City Manager to try and find the $7,000.00 necessary  to convert Pearl St. to a two-way street.  Motion-Perotto @ #23B CM – Adopted (Attachments)


75u.   That the City Council hereby suspends Rule 27 of the City Council rules to continue the City Council meeting after midnight.  Motion-Murray @ midnight



75v.   Request Administration, in conjunction with the Worcester Area Chamber of Commerce and Worcester Business Development Corporation, consider hosting a developers conference in early 2004 to highlight development opportunities within the City.  Murray, Petty, Irish, Abraham, Lukes, Perotto, Clancy, Patton, Palmieri, Gomez Haller – Suspension of Rules – Adopted



75w.  Request Traffic Engineer to  report  on the number of motor vehicle accidents at the intersection of Highland St./Salisbury St./Main St. in the past two years.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)




76.     Roberta Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting Education Reform & Collective Bargaining: C for Compatibility. (Attachments)


Placed on file


77.     Barry Walsh, Executive Director, The Bridge of Central Mass., Inc. transmitting Annual Report for 2003.  (Attachments)


Placed on file


78.     Roberta Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting Benchmarking Economic Development in Worcester: 2003. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


79.     David J. Rushford, City Clerk transmitting Revenue Report for the City Clerk Department for the first three months of Fiscal Year 2004.



Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


80.     Craig A. J. Manseau, Executive Director, Election Commission transmitting official results of the Municipal Election conducted on November 4, 2003. (Attachments)


          Placed on file






81.     That the City of Worcester preserve all development options, including industrial and commercial uses for the former Greenwood Street Landfill site in addition to any other considerations, including active and/or passive recreation. (Attachments)




82.       That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby endorses the City’s involvement in the Earned Income Tax Credit program for the citizens of Worcester. (Murray) (Attachments)


Resolution adopted on a roll call 11-0

IRS Representative William Smith spoke


83.     That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby congratulates Seven Hills Foundation on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. (Murray) (Attachments)


          Resolution adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Abraham, Palmieri absent)


83a.   That the City Council take up as an issue the establishment of a policy as it relates to attaching non-binding referendums on municipal election ballots.  Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Referred to Rules & Regulations Committee







            85-91 ACCEPTED


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


85.     Relative to proposal from Mass Environmental Associates, Inc. (Attachments)


86.     Relative to previous reports on use of Greenwood St. Landfill for disposal of street sweepings and catch basin cleanings.  (Attachments)


87.     Relative to copy of the re-use guidelines for landfills.  (Attachments)


88.     Relative to the selection of a proposed contractor for the development and reconfiguration of the Greenwood Street Landfill Project. (Attachments)


89.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Report of the Committee on Public Works upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to sale of the Greenwood Street Landfill: recommend Report and Communication be placed on file. (Attachments)


90.     REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to Greenwood St. Landfill Project: recommend Communication be placed on file. (Attachments)


91.     REPORT OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to latest inspection report from Camp Dresser and McKee relative to the Greenwood Street Landfill:  recommend Communication be referred to the Public Works Committee. (Attachments)




92.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of Ledle, Inc. request to amend official zoning map to change the zoning district classification for a parcel of land off Plantation St. from RG-5 to ML-0.5. (Attachments)


93.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney John Burke on behalf of St. Francis Home request to amend City of Worcester Zoning Ordinance to allow by Special Permit a nursing or convalescent home/institution/facility in an RS-7 zone by substituting the words Special Permit for the word “No” on line 12 of the column designated RS-7 in Table 4.1, Permitted Uses by Zoning Districts, General Use. (Attachments)


94.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Samuel DeSimone request to amend the Zoning Map by establishing an Adaptive Reuse Overlay District over a portion of that area of the City presently zoned Institutional Medical (IN-H) at or near the intersection of Providence and Vernon Streets. (Attachments)


95.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of    Attorney Samuel DeSimone request to amend the Worcester Zoning Ordinance to allow the Planning Board to waive dimensional controls set forth in Table 4.2 of the Ordinance in Adaptive Reuse Overlay Districts. (Attachments)


96.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Paula Lapomardo request that the City of Worcester add Flower Hill Dr. from Salisbury St. to terminus, a distance of approximately 875.72’ to the Official Map. (Attachments)


97 & 98 ACCEPTED


97.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Raymond and Lorraine Jason request to remove a portion of Wauwinet Rd. from the Official Map. (Attachments)


98.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Leslie May et al request to reconsider not building 68 unit development on Randolph Rd. (Attachments)




99.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. and Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Joseph DiPersia request extension of sewer line to property at 496 Hamilton St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order and refer Petition to Planning Board. (Attachments)


100 &101 ACCEPTED


100.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Philip P. Palmieri and Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Joseph DiPersia request approval of a trunk sewer to connect to property at 496 Hamilton St.: recommend Petition be placed on file.  (Attachments)


101.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to RFQ process for the Greenwood St. Landfill: recommend Communication be placed on file.  (Attachments)





Upon the Petition of Joanne Ethier, Principal, St. Peter-Marian Central Catholic Jr. High School request school zone signage for St. Peter Marian Central Catholic Jr. High School at 751 Grove St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


103.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Daniel Dick et al request two “Children” signs, two speed limit signs, one Dead End sign on Iroquois St. and two 90 degree curve signs where Quissett & Iroquois Streets join:  recommend adoption of the accompanying three Orders.  (Attachments)


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions relative to crosswalks:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


104.   Mayor Timothy P. Murray request painting of crosswalks on Harlow St. (Attachments)


105.   Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Thomas Vincent request that the crosswalk on Grove St. at the intersection of Lansing Ave. be repainted. (Attachments)


106.   Joanne Ethier, Principal, St. Peter-Marian Central Catholic Jr. High School request crosswalk be installed from Drummond Ave. across Grove St. (Attachments)




107.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Jody & Gary Myers et al request speed limit and “Children” signs on Stockholm St.  Further, request stop sign at end of Cornhill St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order and passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)




REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting handicap parking: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


108.   Donna Audette request handicap parking sign in front of 17 Ellsmere St. (Attachments)


109.   Donald Bergstrom request handicap parking on Whittier St. across from #10. (Attachments)


110.   Marian Poreda request handicap parking in front of 27 Perry Ave. (Attachments)


111.   Joanne Rochette request handicap parking in front of  17 Clarkson St. (Attachments)


112.   Jarvis Gresham request handicap parking across from 18 Elizabeth St. (Attachments)


113.   Dorothy & Timothy Corner request handicap parking sign at 2 Lodi St. (Attachments)


114.   Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Richard O’Malley request handicap parking sign at 125 Plantation St. (Attachments)


115.   Edythe Daly request to extend handicap parking in front of 21 Preston St. to allow another handicap space. (Attachments)


116.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Maria Cabrera request handicap parking sign be removed from 105 Sterling St. and install handicap parking sign across from 41 Kingsbury St.: recommend passage of the accompanying two proposed Ordinances. (Attachments)


117.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Michael C. Perotto and Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request No Parking in Harrington Way and North High School area: recommend passage of the accompanying two proposed Ordinances. (Attachments)


118.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Jonathan Lapin request Stop sign be reinstated at the corner of Moreland Green Dr., Greenview Lane and Greenside Lane in the interest of public safety: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.



119.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Dorothy Galkowski request installation of resident sticker parking on the northerly side of Spurr St. from the corner of Vernon St. a distance of 180 ft.: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)


120.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of George Bogoian request Resident Permit Parking on the entire west side of Florence St. from Charlotte St. to Downing St.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.





REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


121.   Mayor Timothy P. Murray and Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request crosswalk painting on Upland St. (Attachments)


122.  Gina DeAngelis Romeo request handicap parking at 45A Pilgrim Ave.

Recommitted to Traffic & Parking Committee (Attachments)


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


123.   Lino Osorio et al request residential parking for the entire length of Elizabeth St. (Attachments)


124.   Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Representative Robert P. Spellane request reinstatement of Stop sign at corner of Moreland Green Dr., Greenside Lane and Greenview Lane. (Attachments)


125.   Norbert Arce request to re-install handicap parking sign in front of 113 Southgate St. (Attachments)




126.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH, PARKS & RECREATION Upon the Communication of the City Manager requesting adoption of an Order which would accept the offer of Worcester Fire Fighters Memorial, Inc. to construct and donate a memorial to the Worcester Fire Fighters who lost their lives in the Worcester Cold Storage Warehouse Fire of December 3, 1999:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)




127.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH, PARKS & RECREATION Upon the Order of Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes requesting Youth, Parks and Recreation Committee look at stronger language and add a threshold of money to be established as a minimum endowment for the maintenance of the Fire Fighters Memorial to be constructed next to Fire Department Headquarters: recommend Order be placed on file. (Attachments)






128.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the north side of Cambridge St. from Haynes St. westerly for a distance of 250’. (Attachments)


Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the north side of Cambridge St. from Haynes St. to a point 250’ east of Haynes St.  (Attachments)


Amending Section 71 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to reserve the left lane for northbound traffic on Waller Ave. at Cambridge St. to turn left onto Cambridge St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 71 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to reserve the left lane for southbound traffic on Haynes St. at Cambridge St. to turn left onto Cambridge St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 71 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to reserve the left lane for westbound traffic on Cambridge St. at Waller Ave. to turn left onto Waller Ave. (Attachments)


Amending Section 71 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to reserve the right lane for northbound traffic on Waller Ave. at Cambridge St. to turn right onto Cambridge St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 71 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to reserve the right lane for eastbound traffic on Cambridge St. at Waller Ave. to turn right onto Waller Ave. (Attachments)


Amending Section 70 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit left turns on Cambridge St. eastbound into Haynes St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 30 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for flashing red signals for southbound traffic on Haynes St. and Cambridge St. and for northbound traffic on Waller Ave. at Cambridge St. (Attachments)




            129-140 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 9-0 (Abraham, Palmieri absent)


129.   Amending Article IV of the Worcester Zoning Ordinance relative to off street parking requirements, setbacks, buffers, and landscaping. (Attachments)


Amending Article IV, Section 7(1) of the Worcester Zoning Ordinance relative to drive-through service. (Attachments)


Amending Article IV, Table 4.2 of the Worcester Zoning Ordinance relative to permitted dimensions by district. (Attachments)


Amending Article V of the Worcester Zoning Ordinance relative to uses requiring site plan approval. (Attachments)


130.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide handicap parking in front of 38 Woodford St. (Attachments)


131.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide handicap parking in front of 112 Stanton St.



132.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide handicap parking on Deering Dr. adjacent to 312 June St. (Attachments)


133.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide handicap parking in front of 11 Caroline St. (Attachments)


134.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind No Parking Anytime on the north side of Castle St. from Main St. to Alden St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 43 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to install a Winter Parking Ban on Castle St. from Main St. to Alden St. on the odd numbered side. (Attachments)


135.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the east side of Oriol Dr. (Attachments)


136.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the east side of Winfield St. opposite 98 Winfield St. (Attachments)


137.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to revise the winter parking ban on Oread St. from Main St. to Beacon St. from declared to permanent.  (Attachments)


138.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the east side of Washington St. northerly to its terminus. (Attachments)


139.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the west side of Benson Ave. from Knight St. to the dead end. (Attachments)


140.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind handicap parking at 50 Ludlow St. (Attachments)





          141 Taken off the Table and placed on file


141.   Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the personal services account for the Worcester Police

Department (Attachments)






         5:30 P.M.                   DEVELOPMENT