7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:10 P.M.

Recessed to go into Executive Session:  8:25 P.M.

Reconvened in City Council to adjourn:  9:58 P.M.


1.       INVOCATION –  Rev. Richard Jakubauskas

St. Casmir Church




3.       ROLL CALL – All present except Councillors Lukes & Palmieri who arrived at 7:14 P.M.




          4 - Councillor Haller recused on a on roll 8-0 (Lukes, Palmieri absent)


          Hearing held


4.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  SOUTHBRIDGE ST.  (Attachments)


          4a – Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 8-0 (Lukes, Palmieri absent)  Order adopted


4a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  SOUTHBRIDGE ST.










6.       Jerome Galvin request to make public private portion of Cataline St. (Attachments)




7.       Anna Hargrave et al request private street maintenance on Beaver Brook Parkway.  (Attachments)


8.       Susan Lupisella et al request private street maintenance on Emile St. (Attachments)


9.       Mary Levine request sidewalk repair in front of 10 Havelock Rd. (Attachments)


10.     Sylvia Epstein request sidewalk repair in front of 10 South Flagg St. (Attachments)


11.     Michael Revelli, M.R. Real Estate, Inc. request to extend water main on Rydberg Terrace to Rydberg Terrace Extension in Auburn, Mass.





12.     Deborah Cary, Director, Broadmeadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary & Conservation Center request to place 10 to 12 “Lead In” signs directing the public to the “Sanctuary in the City”, the Broadmeadow Brook Wildlife Sanctuary & Conservation Center located on Massasoit Rd. (Attachments)


13.     Tracie & David Waller request resident only parking from #2-11 McKinley Rd.  (Attachments)


14.     Raymond McLaughlin request handicap parking in front of 10 Healy Rd.  (Attachments)


15.     Gloria Allen request handicap parking in front of 71 Fox St. (Attachments)


16.     Clancy Pittman et al request resident only parking on Rodney St. (Attachments)


17.     Barbara White on behalf of Autumn Woods Housing Community request Traffic Division conduct a traffic study on Upland Gardens Dr. between Upland St. and Spofford Rd.  (Attachments)


18.     Abraham Rodriguez on behalf of Josefina Rodriguez request handicap parking across from 193 Tacoma St.   (Attachments)


19.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Frank Bartkus request Caution Children sign on Halmstad St.  (Attachments)


20.     Frederick Taylor, Sr. request removal of handicap parking in front of 11 Hancock St.  (Attachments)




          21-25 FROM HEALTH - ADOPTED


21.     Request Administration to review the four recommendations of the Infant Mortality Reduction Task Force and provide an implementation plan.  (Attachments)


22.     Request City Manager to provide an update as to what is presently being done in the Worcester Public Schools relative to oral health.



23.     Request City Manager to provide an update on the Oral Health Initiative of the Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts in the City of Worcester and surrounding communities.  (Attachments)


24.     Request City Manager to provide an update on the findings of the HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Task Force.  (Attachments)


25.     Request City Manager to provide a report on the number of drug overdose deaths in the City of Worcester and whether that number is increasing.  (Attachments)




26.     That the crosswalk approved for installation on Ionic Ave. at the Worcester Boys and Girls Club be given the same priority as that of school zones, playgrounds and places of worship. (Attachments)


27.     Request City Manager report to City Council the inventory of crosswalks that need repainting.  (Attachments)


28.     Request the Director of Traffic Engineering to meet with the Massachusetts Highway Department to discuss installation of appropriate additional signage at I-190 that will control/direct truck traffic away from the residential neighborhood on Ararat, Brattle and Holden Sts.   (Attachments)


29.     Request City Manager to update City Council concerning the approved installation of diagonal parking on the north end of Main St. (Attachments)


30.     Request City Manager to update City Council concerning the approved conversion of Pearl St. to a two-way street. (Attachments)


31.     Request Police Chief to install surveillance vehicles at the following locations and for the following reasons:  51 Ingleside Ave.-parking within the driveway clearance violations, 8 & 10 Whittier St.-parking on the sidewalk violations, Ararat, Brattle & Holden Sts-“Not a Truck Route” violations and Whitmarsh Ave.-speed violations. (Attachments)


32.     Request City Manager report to City Council regarding installation of a traffic signal on Grove St. (State Route 122A) at the intersection of Drummond Ave. (Attachments)


33.     Request City Manager to inform City Council how he is coordinating information between the City Solicitor and the Worcester Police Department concerning motorized scooters in the public ways of the City. (Attachments)




34.     Request Benson Ave. from Lincoln St. to Knight St. be made a public street.  (Attachments)




35.     Request City Manager to be involved in the DEP/Massachusetts Environmental Associates discussions concerning Greenwood St. Landfill capping and leachate control measures.  (Attachments)


36.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with an outline of the types of development parcels that might be realized at the Greenwood St. Landfill site so that valuations might be determined. (Attachments)


37.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the potential re-use of the Greenwood St. Landfill site.  (Attachments)


38.     Request City Manager report to City Council concerning the details of the landfill closure agreement, including independent oversight and Saturday operations.  (Attachments)


39.     Request City Manager report to City Council an outline of the DEP/DEM permitting process for the Greenwood St. Landfill Project. (Attachments)



40.     Request Administration develop improvement plan for Indian Lake Beach at the top of Clason Rd. and for the parking lot, to include fencing, lighting and appropriate security gates so as to deter illegal activity.  (Murray, Palmieri, Irish, Perotto)  (Attachments)




41.     Request Administration report stating run time percentage of MBTA’s Worcester-Framingham Commuter Line as compared to other lines around the state.  (Murray)   (Attachments)


          Councillor Haller moved to amend to add after “state”: and goals of the MBTA


          Adopted, as amended


42.     Request Administration report on steps to reduce speed on Ararat St. in the Kendrick Field area.   (Murray, Patton)  (Attachments)




43.     Request Administration to formulate an updated Master Plan for the City of Worcester to span the next 10 years by holding mini-charrettes/hearings and setting goals and priorities in the various neighborhoods in Worcester, including downtown Worcester, and included in this process, an estimation of  the costs of those goals and priorities  and a plan to determine how those costs would be paid. This process requires as a mandatory part of the process of each neighborhood charrette a thorough study of municipal finances and projected city budgets for the next 10 years.  A city-wide review, collaboration, coordination and consensus after development of all the separate neighborhood agendas would follow the neighborhood charrettes to craft the city-wide master plan which will then be submitted to the City Administration for recommendation to the Council.  (Lukes, Haller, Abraham, Gomez)  (Attachments)


          Councillor Petty moved to amend: Further, request Administration provide an update on the status of zoning issues to be addressed by WPI


          Adopted, as amended


44.     Request Administration to submit to City Council a report on tax levy and ceiling projections and ten year revenue and expenditure projections, including an analysis of sources of revenue and costs, both fixed and variable, of operating municipal government, excluding enterprise funds, public schools or grants operations. (Lukes, Haller) (Attachments)




45.     Request Administration to submit a listing of the 250 highest paid City employees.    (Lukes)  (Attachments)




45a.   Request City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion as to whether there are any escape clauses in the contract with MEA. Motion-Lukes @ #46CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


45b.   Request Administration to provide a report to reconcile figures in the Worcester Regional Research Bureau Report:  Benchmarking Municipal and Neighborhood Services in Worcester: 2003 as to funds expended for road rehabilitation with what was requested by the City Council in the Fiscal Year 2003 budget. Also, request clarification  as to the difference between road reconstruction and road rehabilitation.

          Motion-Murray @ #48CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


45c.   Request Administration to report if there are any additional recommendations that might be made with regard to increasing applications to Boards and Commissions.   Motion-Haller @ #48CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


45d.   Request City Manager to consider re-alignment of capital projects in order to spend more dollars on rehabilitation of streets and sidewalks. Motion-Perotto @ #48CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


45e.   Request Planning Director to provide City Council with a written explanation as to the rationale for the zone change Petition requesting extension of the BL-1 zone to include properties located directly on Grafton St. and reside between Arcadia St. and Progressive St.  Clancy – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


45f.    Request City Manager to provide City Council with the Mass. Department of Public Health’s report regarding their study of drug overdose deaths.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


45g.   Request City Manager to report on the status of the restoration of the City Hall rostrum and any recommendations as to its completion and relocation.   Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


45h.   Request City Manager to report as to the cost to properly rehab the City Hall rostrum.  Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


45i.    Request Administration to report on stormwater run-off from Hadwen Lane, across Pleasant St. and onto property at 769 Pleasant St.  Irish – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


45j.    Request City Manager report as to the projected surpluses in the Police Department Salary Account for 2003.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


45k.   Request City Manager report as to projected surpluses in the Police Department regular overtime account for 2003.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


45L.   Request City Manager report as to the projected surpluses in the Police Department court overtime account for 2003.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


45m.  That the City Council hereby recesses into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing  the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property.   Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)




46.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting latest inspectional report from Camp, Dresser & McKee relative to the Greenwood St. Landfill.  (Attachments)


          Referred to Joint Public Works Committee and Commerce & Development Committee meeting of October 23, 2003


47.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to a Bonding Program for Infrastructure Improvements. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


48.     Roberta Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting Benchmarking Municipal and Neighborhood Services in Worcester:  2003.  (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee






          50-70 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON HEALTH Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


50.     Relative to water testing services.  (Attachments)


51.     Relative to transmission of Hepatitis B through human excrement. (Attachments)


52.     Relative to HIV/AIDS funding issues.  (Attachments)


53.     Relative to HIV/AIDS funding.   (Attachments)


54.     Relative to HIV/AIDS funding.  (Attachments)


55.     Relative to HIV/AIDS funding.  (Attachments)


56.     Relative to debriefing meeting for the HIV/AIDS Program. (Attachments)


57.     Relative to number of drug overdose deaths in the City. (Attachments)


58.     Relative to drug injection packages.   (Attachments)


59.     Relative to neighborhood impact remediation measures – PIP Shelter. (Attachments)


60.     Relative to a draft policy on the use of surveillance cameras prior to activation of the camera installed at 701 Main St.  (Attachments)


61.     Relative to waterfowl Elm Park Pond.  (Attachments)


62.     Relative to Smallpox vaccinations.  (Attachments)


63.     Relative to control and extermination of wild animals. (Attachments)


64.     Relative to complaints received in the past year concerning animals. (Attachments)


65.     Relative to funding for the City of Worcester Tobacco Control Program.  (Attachments)


66.     Relative to revenues collected during FY 2002 in the Public Health Department.  (Attachments)


67.     Relative to financial needs for any city regarding control measures against West Nile Virus. (Attachments)


68.     Relative to “Steps for a Healthier U.S.” program.  (Attachments)


69.     Relative to Health Foundation of Central Mass. with regard to the Oral Health Initiative.  (Attachments)


70.     Relative to oral health measures in effect in Worcester Public Schools in September.   (Attachments)




71.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Hope Abisamra requesting to make public Sunderland Terrace. (Attachments)


72.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Eugene Novak, Jr. requesting to make public Rosita Rd. (Attachments)


73.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of John MacKoul requesting to make public Laurelwood Dr.  (Attachments)


74.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Mark DeMauro et al requesting to make public Longmeadow Ave. from Monomoy St. to end.  (Attachments)


75.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petitions of Robert Moylan, Jr., Commissioner of Public Works and Charles Bibaud et al requesting to make public Birmingham Rd. (Attachments)




76.     REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Steve & Karen Ripsz et al requesting extension of BL-1 zone to include properties located directly on Grafton St. and reside between Arcadia St. and Progressive St.  (Attachments)




          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting signage:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


77.     Nayda Viruet request Deaf Child signs be posted at and near 28 Great Brook Valley Ave.  (Attachments)


78.     Councillor Barbara Haller request Caution Pedestrian Crossing signs or similar be placed on Hammond St.,  north side just past Beacon St., between Beacon St. and 12 Hammond St.  (Attachments)


79.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Gina Alubavicius request Caution Children signs on Indiana St. near intersection of Brightwood Ave.   (Attachments)


80.     Mayor Timothy Murray request installation of Deaf Child signage along Bailey St. as well as the rotary near the entrance of Bailey St. (Attachments)


81.     Councillor Barbara Haller request Go Slow Park Activity signs on Crystal St.  (Attachments)


82.     Jaime & Shirley Fuentes et al request Deaf Child sign on or about 49 Circuit Ave. North.  (Attachments)


83.     Khamiya Richardson et al request Children sign in the area of Boys & Girls Club, 2 Ionic Ave.  (Attachments)


84.     Councillor Philip Palmieri request installation of a Children sign in the mid section of Sherbrook Ave.  (Attachments)


85.     Chris Weber request installation of fluorescent Playground signs in both directions on Chandler St. at the Jesse Burkett Field. (Attachments)


86.     James Broderick, MacKoul Sign & Lighting request to install 9 directional signs for the purpose of directing the public to the American National Red Cross Donation Center , 381 Plantation St.



          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting crosswalks:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


87.     Councillor Michael Perotto on behalf of Albert Ritacco request crosswalk at 60 Plantation St., adjacent to bus stop.  (Attachments)


88.     Khamiya Richardson et al request crosswalk in front of Boys & Girls Club, 2 Ionic Ave. be repainted.  (Attachments)


89.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Leo Rossi requesting No Parking from 365 Lake Ave. to corner of Randolph St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to install Corner Clearance sign on Lake Ave., northwesterly corner of Randolph St.   (Attachments)


90.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Alice Lombardi, Bean Counter Coffee Bar request to eliminate the Commercial Loading Zone around 117 Highland St. and to install parking meters in its place:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


91.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of Worcester Supermarket, LLC requesting to enter into a prior agreement with the City of Worcester to install a new traffic signal at the intersection of Pullman St. and West Mountain St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.   (Attachments)


92.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Dr. Sam Tanoglu et al requesting Bus Stop be moved from in front of 191 Burncoat St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


93.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Alice Lombardi, Bean Counter request Bus Stop be removed and parking meters be installed to create more parking for customers of the Bean Counter at 113 Highland St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)




          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting handicap parking:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


94.     James Whalen request handicap parking in front of 38 Woodford St. (Attachments)


95.     Leone Milan request handicap parking in front of 112 Stanton St. (Attachments)


96.     Councillor Stephen Abraham request handicap parking at 312 June St. at corner of Deering Dr.  (Attachments)


97.     David Douglas on behalf of Cecile Douglas request handicap parking at 11 Caroline St.  (Attachments)


98.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to handicap parking – 50 Ludlow St.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting No Parking:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances. 


99.     Mayor Timothy Murray on behalf of Earl Massey request No Parking sign be placed between Plymouth St. and driveway of 50 Washington St.   (Attachments)


100.   Daniel Sullivan, National Glass Works, Inc. request No Parking Zone at our existing driveway edge at 103 Winfield St. and extend 15’. (Attachments)


101.   Carlos Fuget & Stephen Beatty, Best Western Executive Inn & Suites et al request No Parking between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday-Friday be posted on the west side of Oriol Dr. for first quarter mile beginning at Lincoln St.  (Attachments)


102.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Barbara Haller request removal of No Parking Zone on Castle St.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


103.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Paul Chapdelaine request permanent winter parking ban on Oread St. from Main St. to Beacon St.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


104.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Mayor Timothy Murray on behalf of Joseph Pearson & Donald Bradway request that parking be allowed only on one side of Benson Ave. year round:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


          105-124 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


105.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request No Parking at 51 Ingleside Ave. (Attachments)


106.   Councillor Barbara Haller request No Parking Zone on even side of street from Plymouth St. past gate at 50 Washington St. (Attachments)


107.   Don Bergstrom request No Parking on Sidewalk sign at property line between 8 and 10 Whittier St.  (Attachments)


108.   Mayor Timothy Murray request double yellow lines on Chester St. from Parkton St. to Bjorklund St.  (Attachments)


109.   John Bartosiewicz, Vice President, PNI Club request removal of the No Parking Zone on Harding St. at the side door of the PNI Club, 290 Millbury St. and installation of on-street parking spaces. (Attachments)


110.   Councillor Barbara Haller request establishing a 10 MPH zone on Camp St. in the area from Cambridge St. to end of street, running past South Worcester Neighborhood Center.  (Attachments)


111.   Councillor Barbara Haller request Not a Truck Route signs on Crystal St.  (Attachments)


112.   Mayor Timothy Murray on behalf of David Teneza request crosswalk be painted on Ionic Ave. in front of the Boys & Girls Club. (Attachments)


113.   Edward Sullivan request Not a Truck Route sign and a directional sign to Holden be installed at the bottom of Ararat St. where it meets Brattle St. and one at the fork of Brattle and Holden Sts.  (Attachments)


114.   Vincent & Monica McLeod et al request a Blind Driveway sign be placed close to 38 Upland St.  (Attachments)


115.   Chris Weber request to remove diagonal parking spaces on Chandler St. at the Jesse Burkett Field that may be blocking driveway access. (Attachments)


116.   Councillor Barbara Haller request removal of No Parking Zone on King St.  (Attachments)


117.   Mayor Timothy Murray & Councillor Stephen Patton request Traffic Engineer consider changing the policy of routing traffic through Whitmarsh Ave. as the cut-through from Burncoat St. to West Boylston St.   (Attachments)


118.   Mayor Timothy Murray & Councillor Stephen Patton request Traffic Engineer consider lowering the speed limit on Whitmarsh Ave. from 30 MPH to 20 MPH.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


119.   Relative to traffic control on Murray Ave.  (Attachments)


120.   Relative to approved traffic signage.  (Attachments)


121.   Relative to proposed traffic signal deactivations.  (Attachments)


122.   Relative to the “Get Tough Policy”.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


123.   Antonio Corapi request one-hour parking limit in front of 281 Shrewsbury St.  (Attachments)


124.   Councillor Barbara Haller request installation of 30 minute parking meters along both sides of Main St. from Madison St. to Charlton St.  (Attachments)





      5:00 P.M.



OCTOBER 23, 2003                          JOINT                       

                                         COMMERCE & DEVELOPMENT


                                                  PUBLIC WORKS




                                         15 UPLAND GARDENS DR.



OCTOBER 28, 2003            TRAFFIC &                  COUNCIL CHAMBER

      5:00 P.M.                        PARKING       




      6:45 P.M.




      5:30 P.M.                       RECREATION



NOVEMBER 12, 2003            HEALTH                   COUNCIL CHAMBER

      6:00 P.M.

Re: Smoking in public places and work places