7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:02 P.M.

Adjourned:  10:00 P.M.



1.       INVOCATION – Imam Hafiz Hamid Mahmood

                                      Islamic Society of Greater Worcester




3.       ROLL CALL – All present




          4 – Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 10-0 – Hearing held


4.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  MARION AVE.  (Attachments)


          4a Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 10-0 – ORDER ADOPTED


4a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  MARION AVE.










6.       Attorney Donald O’Neil on behalf of Ariana Kadiu request to remove a portion of Fox St. from the Official Map.  (Attachments)


7.       Robert Picking request to change RS7 zoning part of property at 442 Southwest Cutoff to ML-0.5.  (Attachments)


8.       Michael Moossa et al request St. Marks Rd. from Blue Bell Rd. to Prudential Rd. be removed from the Official Map.  (Attachments)




9.       Anthony Papagni, Girls, Inc. of Worcester request to allow the Camp Kinneywood site on Stonehouse Hill Rd. in Holden to connect into the City of Worcester’s water and sewer mains that exist in front of the site.  (Attachments)


10.     Lawrence Moses Hammond request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30887 in the amount of $2,574.12 on Stoneham Rd.  (Attachments)


11.     Michael Galvin request revision of Department of Public Works “Permit Manual” by adding instructions for contractors to provide clear, unobstructed paths of travel for wheelchairs at construction sites and where necessary, require temporary ramps with proper slope.





12.     Councillor Stephen Abraham request that the No Parking prohibition that exists on the even side of Hadwen Rd. between Chandler and South Flagg Sts. be extended to June St. so that no parking is allowed along the entire even numbered side of the road.  (Attachments)


13.     Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Paul Chapdelaine request a permanent winter parking ban on Oread St. from Main St. to Beacon St.  (Attachments)


14.     Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Alice Lombardi, Bean Counter Coffee Bar request to eliminate commercial loading zone around 117 Highland St. and to install parking meters in its place.  (Attachments)


15.     Jarvis Gresham request handicap parking across from 18 Elizabeth St. (Attachments)


16.     James Broderick, MacKoul Sign & Lighting request to install 8 directional signs for the purpose of directing the public to the American National Red Cross Donation Center at 381 Plantation St.



17.     Mayor Timothy Murray request No Parking sign be placed between Plymouth St. and the driveway of 50 Washington St.  (Attachments)


18.     Nayda Viruet request Deaf Child signs be posted at and near 28 Great Brook Valley Ave.  (Attachments)


19.     Dr. Sam Tanoglu et al request Bus Stop be moved from in front of 191 Burncoat St.  (Attachments)


          20 & 21 Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 10-0 – HEARINGS SET HEARINGS FOR JUNE 3, 2003 – 7:00 P.M.


20.     MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  MAIN ST.   (Attachments)


21.     MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  PLANTATION ST.     (Attachments)




          22-28 FROM COMMERCE & DEVELOPMENT - Adopted


22.     Request City Manager to request the Worcester County Convention and Visitors Bureau provide City Council with a list of their membership and Board of Directors.  (Attachments)


23.     Request Administration to look carefully to it’s revenue side of the City’s equation and with Spectacor Management Group and the Worcester County Convention and Visitors Bureau with an eye towards identifying funds for the purpose of attracting more hotel-related business to the City of Worcester.  (Attachments)


24.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a timeline for the Central St. Hotel.  (Attachments)


25.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report detailing the Central St. Hotel lender’s personal loan guarantees. (Attachments)


26.     Request Administration report to City Council relative to any subsequent transfer of real estate of the Central St. Hotel.



27.     Request Administration to consider adding language that requires room set-asides at the Central St. Hotel for convention-attendees. (Attachments)


28.     Request Administration report to City Council concerning the process for approval of the design of the Central St. Hotel.  (Attachments)


          29-32 FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - Adopted


29.     Request Administration work closely with the Southeast Asian Coalition of Central Massachusetts to investigate a position of Executive Director.  (Attachments)


30.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a detailed report of services provided by the Henry Lee Willis Center, Inc. (Attachments)


31.     That a strong benchmarking program be implemented if an additional Year XXIX CDBG appropriation is made to the Green Island Canal District CDC.  (Attachments)


32.     Request Administration to formulate a collaborative effort to obtain more money to purchase or provide service for a new fire escape ladder for YWCA/Daybreak.  (Attachments)


          33 FROM MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS - Adopted


33.     That the City Council approves the format and procedures for the evaluation of the City Manager.  (Attachments)




34.     Request Administration report to City Council on the designation of a City Bus Day that would encourage public elected and appointed officials to utilize only public transit services on a specific date for their transportation needs.  (Attachments)


35.     Request Administration report to City Council the number of taxi cabs that are handicap accessible.  (Attachments)


36.     Request Administration to forward a videotape of the Public Service & Transportation Committee meeting to the Office of Governor Romney so that his administration better understands the plight of transit users in Central Massachusetts.  (Attachments)


37.     Request City Solicitor to advise City Council if WRTA labor agreements are public information and if they are, to provide copies of same to the City Council.  (Attachments)


38.     Request Worcester Regional Transport Authority  to consider installing a late-night bus.  (Attachments)


39.     Request Administration report to City Council the marketing program of the WRTA.  (Attachments)


40.     Request Administration to request the WRTA report to City Council whether the use of smaller buses would be a means of cutting costs while maintaining transit service.  (Attachments)


41.     Request Administration report to City Council concerning the feasibility of initiating a corporate sponsorship of regional transit services.  (Attachments)


          42 FROM TRAFFIC & PARKING - Adopted


42.     Request City Manager to include $7,000.00 in funds in the Fiscal Year 2004 budget for the conversion of Pearl St. from one-way to two-way traffic.  (Attachments)




43.     Request City Manager report back on whether the Universal Fund as described in Section 211 of the 1996 Telecommunication Act is something that could be implemented in the City of Worcester. (Petty)  (Attachments)


          Councillor Petty moved to amend to delete “1996 Telecommunication Act” and insert “FCC rules and regulations”


          Adopted, as amended


44.     Request Administration to provide a report on plans to repaint/restore crosswalk markings and how locations will be prioritized.   (Haller)





45.     Request Administration include a condition in future Tax Increment Financing Agreements so that upon any sale or transfer of the subject real estate during the lifetime of the TIF, that the total amount of the tax savings enjoyed by the grantee be returned to the City from the sale of the property at the time of the transfer.   (Abraham) (Attachments)


          Councillor Lukes moved to amend:  Further, request review from Law Department as to what legislative changes would be required to implement this kind of condition


          Adopted, as amended


46.     Request that a contribution be made to the Save Our Summer fund through the proposed Fiscal Year 2004 budget.   (Abraham)





47.     Request Administration recommend and report on the feasibility, cost and use of trained dogs to control the water fowl problem at city parks similar to what is being done in the Boston parks.   (Lukes) (Attachments)


          Councillor Abraham moved to amend:  Further, request previously requested reports be incorporated with current report


          Adopted, as amended


48.     Request Administration report on what plans and strategy are being developed to mitigate city traffic congestion during the redecking of I-290.   (Lukes)  (Attachments)


          Councillor Clancy moved to amend:  Further, request report as to whether redecking will happen this year or be delayed


          Adopted, as amended


49.     Request City Manager consider making recommendation to City Council on the preferred developer for the School Department Maintenance Building R.F.P.    (Palmieri, Clancy)  (Attachments)


          Mayor Murray moved to amend:  Further, request report from the Superintendent of Schools as a timeline for moving the contents of the building


          Councillor Irish moved to amend: Request report include status of RFP for storage of present contents of building


          Councillor Lukes moved to amend:  Request report include if part of move included cooperation with St. Gobain to a building under their jurisdiction and whether that is still available and if not, why not


          Adopted, as amended


50.     Request City Manager report to Council on those measures that can be taken to allow inspectional sweeps of the exterior of residential and commercial properties to insure proper visual maintenance in neighborhoods.   (Clancy, Palmieri)  (Attachments)




51.     Request City Manager to consider reinitiating Worcester’s Development Committee for the purpose of economic development.                                    (Perotto)  (Attachments)




52.     Request City Manager to provide portfolio package prepared for Mayor’s Brownfield Conference, to property owners with 21E or brownfield concerns.   (Perotto, Murray)    (Attachments)




53.     Request City Manager to contact federal and state delegation concerning clean air and water mandates concerning the Upper Blackstone Valley District.   (Perotto)   (Attachments)




53a.   Request Administration pursue parking garage designs for the Parcel Post Building and continue to explore the feasibility of additional decked parking east of 290 as proposed in 25% road design.  Motion-Murray, Clancy, Perotto, Palmieri, Patton, Gomez, Haller, Petty, Abraham, Irish, Lukes @ #128CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


53b.   Request City Manager to report on the effects, negative and/or positive that the reconfiguration of the Greenwood St. Landfill project will have on the Greenwood St. neighborhood.  Motion-Abraham @ #127CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


53c.   Request Administration to update City Council in thirty days relative to the Rogers Kennedy Memorial.  Motion-Lukes @ #131CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


53d.   Request Administration  to provide an update on HIV/AIDS funding issues.  Motion-Lukes @ #54CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


53e.   Request Administration to provide City Council with copies of the three applications to the State for HIV/AIDS testing and counseling funding.  Motion-Lukes @ #54CC – Adopted (Attachments)


53f.    Request Administration to use the presentation made before the Education and College/University Relations Committee concerning the new North High School on the City’s public access channel and/or other media outlets in order to communicate more information to the citizens of Worcester.  Patton – Suspension of Rules – Adopted



53g.   Request City Manager to provide an update on the Locobazooka concert relocation efforts.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted



53h.   Request Administration to report on whether Charter Cable offers “tier buythrough” options and how that service is being advertised.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


53i.    Request Law Department to report relative to what ramifications may result from the sale of certain divisions of  Charter Communications.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


53j.    Request Administration to report as to how much wood from a small carpentry project would require a dumpster.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted   (Attachments)




54.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to the status of Worcester’s HIV/AIDS counseling and testing program.  (Attachments)


          Referred to Health Committee






a)                 #7 CC  January 14, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to Preliminary Budget Analysis for Fiscal 2004. (Attachments)


          b)      #5C CM  January 28, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to framework for a Local and State Fiscal Recovery. (Attachments)


c)       #27 CC  February 4, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to Governor’s State budget cuts to the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


d)                #26 CC  February 4, 2003

James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting City of Worcester’s 2002 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. (Attachments)


          e)       #10 CC  February 11, 2003

                   James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting schedule of revenues for the first six months of Fiscal 2003 compared to the same period in Fiscal 2002 and indicates revenues to be received for the entire year and revenues received for all of Fiscal 2002. (Attachments)


f)       #4C CM  February 11, 2003

                   Communication of the City Manager relative to using $11,000,000.00 of the unused tax levy. (Attachments)


g)                 #4A CM  March 4, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to the impact of $9,000,000 increase to the tax levy and the lowest residential rate scenario. (Attachments)


h)                 #5A CM  March 4, 2003

Communication of the City Manager analyzing Governor Romney's FY04 budget. (Attachments)


i)                   #5A CM  March 18, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to decision solving the 2004 budget.  (Attachments)


j)                   #13CC  March 18, 2003

James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting computation of the legal debt margin for the City of Worcester as of February 28, 2003.   (Attachments)


k)                 #5B CM  April 15, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to proposals prepared and issued by the Metropolitan Mayor’s Coalition. (Attachments)


l)                   #5A CM  May 20, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to the FY 2004 Municipal Budget.  (Attachments)






56.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to Central St. Hotel:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Land Disposition and Development Agreement between Fargo Management LLC and the City of Worcester.   (Attachments)


          57-60 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


57.     Relative to Worcester County Convention & Visitors Bureau Report.



58.     Relative to Worcester County Convention & Visitors Bureau Quarterly Convention Department Update.  (Attachments)


59.     Relative to the Central St. Hotel Development.  (Attachments)


60.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of James DelSignore, City Auditor relative to review conducted concerning the proposed Convention Center Hotel:  recommend Communication be placed on file.   (Attachments)


          61-63 RESOLUTIONS & ORDERS ADOPTED ON A ROLL  CALL 10-0 (Patton absent)


61.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to three Resolutions relative to Year 29 funding recommendations from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program and Emergency Shelter Grant:  recommend adoption of the accompanying three Resolutions.



62.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication regarding funding recommendations for Year 29 under the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program and Emergency Shelter Grant:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.   (Attachments)


63.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to three appropriation orders that pertain to Year 29 funding recommendations from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program and Emergency Shelter Grant:  recommend adoption of the accompanying three Orders.



          64-67 ACCEPTED – Patton recused on a roll call 10-0


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


64.     Relative to funding applications received but not recommended for funding for Year 29 from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program and Emergency Shelter Grant.  (Attachments)


65.     Relative to Year 29 Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program and Emergency Shelter funding proposals.  (Attachments)


66.     Relative to using Community Development Block Grant money for Brownfields Remediation.   (Attachments)


67.     Relative to Year 28 monitoring and evaluation report for funds allocated from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Program and Emergency Shelter Grant.  (Attachments)




68.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to Comprehensive Reorganization Plan involving various Boards and Commissions of the City:  recommend adoption of the accompanying two Orders and passage of the accompanying Ordinance. 





69.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to re-write of Chapter 9, Section 1 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to Disorderly Behavior:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


          70-84 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


70.     Relative to a city ordinance prohibiting disorderly conduct.



71.     Relative to impact of proposed revisions to the Disorderly Behavior Ordinance.  (Attachments)


72.     Answering Municipal Operations Committee questions regarding the proposed reorganization of Boards and Commissions.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


73.     Relative to number of missed trips by month by the WRTA. (Attachments)


74.     Relative to WRTA report regarding notification as to when bus routes are changed.  (Attachments)


75.     Relative to complaint regarding bus route from Lakeside Apartments to Webster Square Plaza.  (Attachments)


76.     Relative to WRTA budget reductions.  (Attachments)


77.     Relative to WRTA report regarding ridership statistics.  (Attachments)


78.     Relative to WRTA issues.  (Attachments)


79.     Relative to details of purchasing monthly ridership tickets. (Attachments)


80.     Relative to WRTA report regarding number of wheelchair trips provided.  (Attachments)


81.     Relative to copy of minutes from WRTA public hearings. (Attachments)


82.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the Petition of Mayor Timothy Murray and Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Nick Zwirblia requesting bus shelter be replaced in front of 1050 Main St.:  recommend Petition be placed on file.   (Attachments)


83.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the Communication of Roberta Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester   Regional Research Bureau transmitting Worcester Regional Transit Authority:  Problems and Options:  recommend Communication be placed on file.



84.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the Petition of Khalilah Atkinson requesting a law in Worcester that smoking inside bus stops be prohibited and penalized with a public fine:  recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.   (Attachments)


          85-88 ORDERS ADOPTED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting abatement of Sewer Assessments:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders to abate in full.


85.     Alan & Rachel Rossi request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30859 in the amount of $3,106.88 on Danvers St.  (Attachments)


86.     Richard & Constance Bombard request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30866 in the amount of $1,140.00 on Utah St. (Attachments)


87.     Richard & Constance Bombard request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30867 in the amount of $1,485.80 on Utah St. (Attachments)


88.     Harry & Sonia Dodakian request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30860 in the amount of $4,387.86 on Danvers St.  (Attachments)


          89-93 ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon Reports of the Planning Board upon Petitions requesting streets be made public:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


89.     Jerry Galvin request to make public private portion of Miami St. (Attachments)


90.     Robert Gallo, President, Eagle Development Corp. request acceptance of Highrock Lane in Phases IX and X of the Villages of Moreland Green Subdivision.  (Attachments)


91.     Edward Carrigan, P.E., Director of Engineering, DPW request to accept as public Modred Court (from Wrentham Rd. easterly).



92.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Philip Palmieri et al request private street betterment on Risso Court:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


93.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Jan Desrosiers request guardrail in front of 23 Cliff St., corner of Cliff and Granite Sts.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


          94-99 ACCEPTED


94.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of John Sposato et al request to make public private portion of Trent Rd.:  recommend Petition be placed on file.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be denied.


95.     Richard & Constance Bombard request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30875 in the amount of $2,280.00 on Duluth St. (Attachments)


96.     Richard & Constance Bombard request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30862 in the amount of $4,957.48 on Duluth St. (Attachments)


97.     Donald & Eleanor Burlingame request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30863 in the amount of $3,420.00 on Utah St. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


98.     Angela Consiglio request private street betterment on Pine View Ave. (Attachments)


99.     Representative John Fresolo on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Austin Cannon request hydrant in front of 54 Olean St. be moved to better accommodate entering and exiting of driveway.  (Attachments)


          100-106 ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting signs:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


100.   Councillors Haller and Abraham on behalf of Dorrina Russell request Children signs in area of 30 Apricot St.  (Attachments)


101.   Councillor Palmieri request installation of an oversized sign directing motorists onto Shrewsbury St. be added to existing Downtown directional sign located at the intersection of Belmont, Shrewsbury and Aitchison Sts.  Also on existing Downtown sign on Belmont St. at intersection of Belmont St. and Shrewsbury St.  (Attachments)


102.   Councillor Palmieri request installation of Blind Person sign at corner of McKinley Rd. and Lincoln St.  (Attachments)


103.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Sean Archadi, Clearview Auto request relocation of newly installed traffic signal in front of 618 Lincoln St. so that it does not obstruct sidewalk:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


104.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Stephen Abraham request installation of a commercial loading zone on the east side of Walworth St. between Chandler St. and Courtland St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


105.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of R.K. Worcester Realty Associates, LLC request City of Worcester enter into a prior agreement with R.K. Worcester Realty Associates, LLC and/or other necessary parties for installation of a new traffic signal on Greenwood St. near the intersection of Greenwood St. and Route 20, at Petitioner’s sole cost and   expense:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.   (Attachments)


106.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Representative John Fresolo request the Commissioner of Public Works recommend to the Traffic and Parking Committee any improvements that might be made to improve the safety of motorists entering and exiting the Twin Oaks Condominium buildings at 1199-1203 Grafton St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying two Orders.   (Attachments)




107.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Jesus Morfe, MX Computer Services request removal of the Commercial Loading Zone on the west side of Water St. in front of 96-96A Water St. and in place thereof install a 15 minute parking zone for two vehicles:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order and passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.   (Attachments)


108.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of William Bibaud et al request to restrict parking to “Residents Only” on the east side of Harding St. from Franklin St. to Canton St. from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying two Orders and passage of the accompanying two proposed Ordinances.   (Attachments)




          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting handicap parking:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


109.   Karen Ludington & Thomas Millott, Children’s Friend, Inc. request two handicap parking spaces in front of 20 Cedar St.  (Attachments)


110.   John Adjami request handicap parking on Fern St. side of 488 Park Ave.   (Attachments)


111.   Joan Desautels request handicap parking at 4 Harlow St.  (Attachments)


112.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Thomas Gannon & Chris Brown request removal of taxi stand from in front of 1008 Main St. to provide parking for tenants of building: recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


113.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of William Bibaud et al request to have the winter parking ban switched from permanent to declared on Harding St. from Franklin St. to Canton St. or from Harrison St. to Kelly Sq.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.



114.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Stephen Abraham request installation of diagonal parking spaces along the 300’ of frontage of the southerly side of Chandler St. in front of the home field of the Jesse Burkett Little League, 540 Chandler St.:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.   (Attachments)


115.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Joseph Borbone, Director, Traffic Engineering, DPW request to change traffic pattern on Plum St. so as to accommodate two-way traffic at the southerly end of the street and to extend the No Parking area on the west side of the street:  recommend passage of the accompanying two proposed Ordinances.



116.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to the feasibility of making Pearl St. a two-way street:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


          117-125 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


117.   Michael Galvin request diagonal pavement stripes in the Passenger Zone located on Worcester Center Blvd. in front of the Centrum Centre.  (Attachments)


118.   Nancy Allen, Commission for the Blind on behalf of Claude Collier request handicap parking in front of 113 Merrifield St. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


119.   Relative to 15 minute parking meters.  (Attachments)


120.   Relative to parking on Park View Dr.  (Attachments)


121.   Relative to tagging illegally parked vehicles.  (Attachments)


122.   Relative to traffic light timing on Lincoln St. at Beverly Rd. (Attachments)


123.   Relative to Shrewsbury St. parking enforcement. (Attachments)


124.   Relative to how many officers are doing traffic enforcement. (Attachments)


125.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Michael Galvin request strict parking enforcement for the Passenger Zone located on Worcester Center Blvd. in front of the Centrum Centre which is now the handicap drop-off zone due to construction at the Foster St. entrance:  recommend Petition be placed on file.   (Attachments)




126.   Communication of the City Manager relative to Union Station Update.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy)  (Attachments)


Taken off the Table and referred to Commerce & Development Committee


127.   Communication of the City Manager relative to the selection of a proposed contractor for the development and reconfiguration of the Greenwood St. Landfill.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy) (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table and referred to Commerce & Development Committee


128.   Communication of the City Manager relative to an Order authorizing the City to file a petition with the Great and General Court for the current legislative session allowing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to convey the Parcel Post building behind Union Station to the City of Worcester.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy) (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table - Order adopted


129.   Communication of the City Manager relative to Year 29 CDBG funding recommendations and suggested amendments requested by the Community Development Committee.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy)  (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table


Councillor Patton recused on a roll call 10-0

Councillor Petty recused as relates to Centro Las Americas on a roll call 9-0

Councillor Gomez recused as relates to Accion on a roll call 8-0

Councillor Haller recused as relates to demolition on a roll call 7-0

Mayor Murray recused as relates to Centro Las Americas on a roll call 6-0

Councillor Lukes recused as relates to Green Island/Vernon Hill CDC on a roll call 10-0

Councillor Irish recused as relates to Family Health Center, Worcester Common Ground and Oak Hill CDC on a roll call 10-0


Placed on file


130.   Request the sum of Five Million, Seven Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars ($5,730,000.00) be accepted from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for the Twenty-Ninth Year Community Development Block Grant Program and appropriated when received to the following accounts in the amounts shown to provide financing for projects and progress as described:








Neighborhood Serv. Sal. & Fr.



Neighborhood Serv. OM



Economic Develop. Sal. & Fr.



Economic Develop. OM



Finance Dept. Sal. & Fr.



Finance Dept. OM



1% Federal Indirect Charge



Worcester Common Ground






Neighborhood Revitalization Fund



Centro Las Americas



Project Light



Operation Clean City



Henry Lee Willis Center



Centro Las Americas Bus. Assistance



Economic Develop. Assistance Program



Great Brook Valley Health Center



Parks Improvements



MLK, Jr. Bus. Empowerment Center



Central Mass. Housing Alliance



HMIS Match



Pleasant Street Network Center



Youth Center



South Worc. Neighborhood Housing



Quinsigamond Neighborhood Services



Mass. Vet. Inc. Economic Development



Building Renovations/Mass. Vets.



Family Health Center



Grime Watch









Daybreak Rehab.



S.E. Asian Coalition of Central Mass.



Home Imp./Home Opportunity Center






Pub. Safety–Matching (Serv.JAIBG, Grants)



South Worcester Neighborhood Center



Worc. Community Housing Resources



Friendly House



Lead Paint Program



Main South CDC



Worc. Comm. Housing Res. – Economic



Employment & Training



Code Enforcement



Center for Women & Enterprise



Green Island/Vernon Hill CDC



Main South CDC – Economic



Oak Hill CDC



Oak Hill CDC – Economic



East Side CDC



East Side CDC – Economic



Habitat for Humanity





          (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy) (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table


Councillor Patton recused on a roll call 10-0

Councillor Petty recused as relates to Centro Las Americas on a roll call 9-0

Councillor Gomez recused as relates to Accion on a roll call 8-0

Councillor Haller recused as relates to demolition on a roll call 7-0

Mayor Murray recused as relates to Centro Las Americas on a roll  call 6-0

Councillor Lukes recused as relates to Green Island/Vernon Hill CDC on a roll call 10-0

Councillor Irish recused as relates to Family Health Center, Worcester Common Ground and Oak Hill CDC on a roll call 10-0


Order adopted by the following roll calls:


14SSNS29 – Neighborhood Serv. Sal & Fr. - $563,442.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14SNOM29 – Neighborhood Serv. OM - $86,491.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14SSED29 – Economic Develop. Sal. & Fr. - $219,177.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14SEOM29 – Economic Develop OM - $49,143.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14SSFD29 – Finance Dept. Sal. & Fr. - $152,756.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14SFOM29 – Finance Dept. OM - $17,691.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14SS-29 – 1% Federal Indirect Charge - $57,300.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S40329 – Worcester Common Ground - $125,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Irish, Patton recused)


14S40829 – YouthNet - $24,119.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S41129 – Neighborhood Revitalization Fund - $550,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S41229 – Centro Las Americas - $97,060.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Patton, Petty, Murray recused)


14S41329 – Project Light - $33,884.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S41429 – Operation Clean City - $45,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S41929 – Henry Lee Willis Center - $148,808.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S42229 – Centro Las Americas Bus. Assistance - $24,000.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Patton, Petty, Murray recused)


14S42329 – Economic Develop. Assistance Program - $254,287.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Patton recused, Murray absent)


14S42529 – Great Brook Valley Health Center - $29,618.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Patton recused, Murray absent)


14S42629 – Parks Improvements - $350,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Patton recused, Murray absent)


14S43429 – MLK, Jr. Bus. Empowerment Center - $40,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Patton recused, Murray absent)


14S43629 – Central Mass. Housing Alliance - $69,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Patton recused, Murray absent)


14S43929 – HMIS Match - $7,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S44029 – Pleasant Street Network Center - $5,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S44429 – Youth Center - $7,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S44529 – South Worc. Neighborhood Housing - $41,500.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S44729 – Quinsigamond Neighborhood Services - $57,603.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S44929 – Mass. Vet. Inc. Economic Development - $29,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S45029 – Building Renovations/Mass. Vets. - $50,000.00

                   10-0 (Patton recused)


14S45129 – Family Health Center - $15,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Irish, Patton recused)


14S45329 – Grime Watch - $34,163.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S42429 – YMCA Park - $5,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S45529 – Accion - $15,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Gomez, Patton recused)


14S45629 – Daybreak Rehab. - $4,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S45929 – S.E. Asian Coalition of Central Mass. - $5,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S46329 – Home Imp./Home Opportunity Center - $249,578.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S47229 – Demolition - $116,600.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Haller, Patton recused)


14S47529 – Pub. Safety-Matching (Serv. JAIBG Grants) - $10,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S47629 – South Worcester Neighborhood Center - $184,015.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S47729 – Worc. Community Housing Resources - $198,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S47929 – Friendly House - $171,230.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48029 – Lead Paint Program - $285,754.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48229 – Main South CDC - $138,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48329 – Worc. Comm. Housing Res. – Economic - $21,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48429 – Employment & Training - $40,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48529 – Code Enforcement - $628,282.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48729 – Center for Women & Enterprise - $21,000.00

                   Roll Call – 10-0 (Patton recused)


14S48829 – Green Island/Vernon Hill CDC - $104,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Lukes, Patton recused)


14S49029 – Main South CDC – Economic - $22,000.00

                   Roll Call – 9-0 (Patton recused, Lukes absent)


14S49129 – Oak Hill CDC - $154,924.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Irish, Patton recused, Lukes absent)


14S49229 – Oak Hill CDC – Economic - $26,000.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Irish, Patton recused, Lukes absent)


14S49329 – East Side CDC - $109,250.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Irish, Patton recused, Lukes absent)


14S49429 – East Side CDC – Economic - $22,000.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Irish, Patton recused, Lukes absent)


14S49529 – Habitat for Humanity - $16,325.00

                   Roll Call – 8-0 (Patton recused, Irish, Lukes absent)


131.   Communication of the City Manager relative to status report on the Rogers Kennedy Memorial.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy) (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table and referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation



132.   Communication of the City Manager relative to status – research and recommendations for the privatization of Hope Cemetery.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy)  (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table and referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation



133.   Communication of the City Manager recommending that Five Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($5,700.00) be transferred from Veterans Services Department’s Ordinary Maintenance Account #370-92000 and appropriated to Veterans Services Department’s Personal Services, Account #370-91000.  These funds will supplement the department’s FY03 budget.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy)  (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table and Order adopted on a roll all 11-0


134.   Communication of the City Manager recommending that Seventy Six Thousand Six Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($76,619.00) be transferred from Health Insurance Fringe Benefits Account #663-96000 and appropriated to Workers Compensation Fringe Benefits, Account #171-96000.  These funds will supplement the department’s FY03 budget.  (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy)  (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table and Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


135.   Communication of the City Manager recommending that Four Thousand Fourteen Dollars and Seventy Five Cents ($4,014.75) currently available in Account #470-92000, Worcester Regional Airport Ordinary Maintenance be appropriated and used for the purpose of making a diesel excise tax payment to the State of Massachusetts extending back to December 1, 1999 for the diesel fuel purchased and used by the Worcester Regional Airport.


Furthermore, I respectfully recommend that Thirty Two Thousand Three Hundred Three Dollars and Ninety Seven Cents ($32,303.97) available in the following accounts be transferred to the accounts identified for this purpose of making a diesel excise tax payment to the State of Massachusetts extending back to December 1, 1999 for diesel fuel purchased and used as identified in report prepared by Mr. John P. Pranckevicius, Budget Director.

















Court Judgments































          (Tabled May 20, 2003 – Clancy)  (Attachments)


          Taken off the Table and Order adopted on a roll call 11-0




136.   Communication of the City Manager relative to CIGNA – Letter – Worcester Common Outlets.  (Tabled December 17, 2002) (Attachments)


137.   Motion Lukes as amended by Abraham – Request Administration to contact CIGNA relative to the feasibility of linking up Front St. with Washington Sq. and Shrewsbury St. and explore financial incentives that might facilitate that.  (Tabled December 17, 2002)  (Attachments)








  5:30 P.M.                                       REVITALIZATION    




JUNE 4, 2003                      TRAFFIC & PARKING              COUNCIL CHAMBER

  6:00 P.M.



JUNE 5, 2003                        PUBLIC WORKS                      ROOM 310

     6:00 P.M.                                                                           CITY HALL


JUNE 18, 2003                       STRATEGIC                            COUNCIL CHAMBER

     6:00 P.M.                          PLANNING



JUNE 25, 2003                           HEALTH                               COUNCIL CHAMBER

     6:00 P.M.





  GENERAL GOVERNMENT                              FINANCE

TUESDAY, MAY 27, 2003                               TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2003

              4:00 P.M.                                                             4:00 P.M.


City Council                                                     Auditing

Mayor’s Office                                                 Assessing

City Clerk                                                         Purchasing

Employment & Training                                    Pensions

Election                                                                 Contribution

License Commission                                              Non Contributory

Veterans                                                                Other Pensions

Zoning Board of Appeals                                  Technical Services

Neighborhood Services                                     Treasury

Elder Affairs                                                     Debt Services

Law                                                                  Pension Obligation

Building Insurance                                             Human Resources

Court Judgement                                                Workers Compensation

Economic Development                                    Police/Fire – I.O.D.

Marketing                                                         Health Insurance

City Manager’s Office                                      Contingency

                                                                        Capital Campaign


EDUCATION & PUBLIC WORKS                               PUBLIC SAFETY

TUESDAY, June 10, 2003                                  TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 2003

            4:00 P.M.                                                             4:00 P.M.


Public Schools                                                  Police

Library                                                              Fire

Regional Library                                                Emergency Management

Public Works                                                    Communications

Parks                                                                 Health

Messenger                                                         Code



Centrum Centre