7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:07 P.M.

Adjourned : 8:41 P.M.


1.                 INVOCATION - Rev. Dr. Gary Shahinian

                                    Park Congregational Church




3.       ROLL CALL  - All present except Councillors Abraham, Gomez and Palmieri.  Abraham arrived at 7:10 P.M.  Gomez arrived at 7:13 P.M.  Palmieri arrived at 7:13 P.M.  Mayor was in the Chair.




          4 & 5  HEARINGS HELD


4.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. & VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. for a joint pole location on:  COBURN AVE.  Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 9-0  (Palmieri absent) (Attachments)


5.       FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS, L.L.C. to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities at:  INTERSECTION OF WEST BOYLSTON ST. AND ANDOVER ST. (Attachments)


          4a & 5a  ORDERS ADOPTED


4a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. & VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. for a joint pole location on:  COBURN AVE.  Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 9-0 (Palmieri absent)


5a.     Granting permission to FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS, L.L.C. to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities at:  INTERSECTION OF WEST BOYLSTON ST. AND ANDOVER ST.










7.       Sydney Levy request street lights on Monroe Ave. (Attachments)




8.       Statia Savage, Michael Savage & Paula Kelly request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24452 in the amount of $8,991.50 on Orton St. (Attachments)


9.       Swedish Cemetery Corp. request abatement of Sewer Assessment #30844 in the amount of $7,081.30 on Bernice St. (Attachments)


10.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Mary Winski  request repair of sidewalk and driveway damage done by plowing to property on Fifth Ave. side of 186 Vernon St. (Attachments)




11.     Michael Robinson on behalf of Angelina Braconnier request handicap parking on the Bridgeport St. side of 90-92 Granite St. (Attachments)


12.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Rev. Joseph Adamo request Dorchester St. from Vernon St. to Ward St. be made one-way westerly. (Attachments)


13.     Councillor Stephen Patton on behalf of Edward Bonsu request No Parking on Bjorklund Ave. during school hours. (Attachments)


14.     Councillor Barbara Haller request No Parking Zone on even side of street from Plymouth St. past gate at 50 Washington St. (Attachments)


14a.   Councillor Stephen Abraham request handicap parking at 312 June St. at corner of Deering Dr.  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee – Suspension of Rules  (Attachments)






15.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report regarding the supply and demand of universally designed housing  units in the City of Worcester and a comparison to the statistics from communities across the Commonwealth. (Attachments)


          16-20 FROM LAND USE  - Adopted


16.     Request Administration to evaluate the impact of closing the Registry of Deeds would have on the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


17.     Request Administration to consider relocating functions related to issuance of parking lot licenses and approval of projecting signs from the License Commission to a department with more expertise. (Attachments)


18.     Request Traffic Engineer to look at parking requirements for movie rental establishments and whether they under general business requirements have adequate parking. (Attachments)


19.     Request Administration to look at requirements for blasting within city limits and consider that there be  notification to neighbors. (Attachments)


20.     Request Administration to submit to City Council a revised proposed Zoning Ordinance to include recommended changes on the next City Manager's Calendar or next earliest possible date. (Attachments)


          21-25a FROM TRAFFIC & PARKING - Adopted


21.     Request Administration to consider opening the downtown garages and surface parking lots for overnight parking for residents in the downtown neighborhoods. (Attachments)


22.     Request Commissioner of Public Works install  "Not a Truck Route" signs and "Alternate Route" signs at corner of Plantation St. and Northboro St. (Attachments)


23.     Request Administration to consider allowing Walnut St. residents to park in the newly designated resident sticker parking area on the west side of Chestnut St. between Elm St. and Harvard St. (Attachments)


24.     Request Administration report to City Council on the use of Yield signs and/or the installation of advisory signage on Moreland St. for motorists entering into Brigham and Carter Rds. (Attachments)


25.     Request Administration to provide City Council with photographs of existing bike paths in the public streets. (Attachments)


25a.   Request Administration to communicate with the Worcester Regional Transit Authority to request that they install a bus shelter along Grafton St. at the entrance to the new Shaw’s Supermarket in the vicinity of the intersection of Penn Avenue and Waverly Street.  Suspension of rules  (Attachments)




26.     Request Traffic Engineer review Hope Ave. and Webster St. intersection to determine if a 3-way Stop will be more effective than the current Stop and Yield signs.  (Clancy, Abraham) (Attachments)




27.     Request City Manager to consider designating future hotel/motel tax proceeds from the proposed hotel development on Central St. and earmark them to fund a new fire station.  (Clancy, Murray)



          Councillor Perotto moved to amend:  Further, request City Manager consider setting aside funds for a repair fund for fire stations from hotel/motel tax receipts. 


          Adopted, as amended.


28.     Request Administration to study the advantages and disadvantages of requiring leaves to be bagged during the leaf collection period. (Murray) (Attachments)




29.     Request Administration to provide a description of all banking services and trust management for which the City contracts with various lending institutions.  Said report to include the lending institution currently providing the service, length of the contract and how said service was procured i.e., RFP, advertisement or other. (Murray) (Attachments)




30.     Request Administration report on how linkage might be used with development projects to assist with infrastructure and community development initiatives.  (Murray, Palmieri) (Attachments)




31.     Request Administration request Greater Media-Worcester provide City Council with a programming chart of their telecasts on Channels 11, 12 and 13 for the period January 1, 2003 through March 31, 2003. (Petty) (Attachments)


          Mayor Murray moved to amend to read Charter Communications rather than Greater Media Worcester.  Councillor Petty moved to further amend to insert:  “and ways to enhance programming on these stations.”


          Adopted, as amended.


32.     Request Administration report on the current zoning and appropriate regulatory compliance of home businesses located in the Chandler/June St. area.  (Lukes) (Attachments)




33.     Request Administration report on how many additional room nights would be required for the proposed new hotel on Commercial St. without impacting on the current occupancy rate of the other city hotels and what increase in overnight conventions/events would be necessary to generate the numbers of those additional room nights and further, what plan is in place to achieve those numbers.   (Lukes) (Attachments)


          Adopted on roll call 7-4 (Abraham, Gomez, Palmieri, Murray)


34.     Request City Manager report on what entity controls bookings for the Centrum and the Convention Center.   (Lukes) (Attachments)


          Adopted  on roll call 11-0


35.     Request Administration report on how many hotel rooms were actually "picked up" rather than just booked as to the 1,000 room night conventions held in the city in the past three years, such as the Tattoo Festival, Democratic Convention, Benny Hinn event and the Western Mass. Home Builders held in February.   (Lukes) (Attachments)


          Adopted on roll call 11-0


36.     Request Administration report on whether information is available regarding the number of drug overdose deaths in the city.   (Lukes) (Attachments)



37.     Request Administration provide City Council with information on billboard regulations, especially maintenance of obsolete signs that are ragged, dirty and unreadable.  Request that the information include suggestion on removing unkempt billboard blight from our City. (Haller) (Attachments)




38.     Request Administration provide City Council with the cost of our annual leaf pickup services, how other municipalities handle leaf pickup and to respond to the idea of charging for this service through a bag program or ending this service altogether.   (Haller) (Attachments)




38a.   Request City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion as to whether monies can be dedicated from the hotel/motel tax towards the construction of a new fire station.   Motion-Palmieri @ #27CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


38b.   Request City Manager to consider contacting the Chamber of Commerce relative to the formation of a task force to deal with the Worcester Common.  Motion-Perotto @ #42CC  (Attachments)


Mayor Murray moved to amend to add:  and/or other appropriate business leaders


Adopted, as amended


38c.   Request City Manager to report if the City is unable to secure the $1 million in private donations for the Worcester Common Rehabilitation Project how far can the City expect to go with the money that is in hand.  Motion-Lukes @ #42CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


38d.   Request Administration to consider seeking an open space preservation grant for the purpose of purchasing a parcel of land which abuts City of Worcester land and the Worcester Ecotarium on Harrington Way. Murray, Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38e.   Request Administration report on the problem with the City communication system and what steps are being taken to remedy the situation.  Murray, Perotto, Abraham, Clancy, Gomez, Haller, Irish, Lukes, Palmieri, Patton, Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38f.    Request City Manager to report if funding is available for replacement of Police radios. Perotto – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38g.   Request City Manager to provide to City Council off-calendar with an update as to the problems with the City’s communication system and when they will be resolved.   Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38h.   Request Administration to explore the feasibility of Streetscape improvements along Southbridge St. and anticipated costs for tree plantings, trash receptacles and benches.   Murray, Haller – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38i.    Request City Auditor to provide City Council with a report as soon as possible on additional bonding capability within the constraints of Proposition 2 ½.   Haller – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38j.    Request Administration to discuss with Charter Communications the need to support the expansion efforts of Worcester Community Cable Access to cover areas outside of Worcester proper and to report results within thirty days.  Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38k.   Request Administration to provide emergency pothole repair on Dalton St.   Clancy – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38L.   Request Traffic Engineer to review the traffic light at Cutler St. and Grafton St. to see if that light can be removed after study.  Clancy – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38m.  Request Administration to contact Charter Communications regarding the use of Social Security numbers for their security purposes.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


38n.   That the City Council will meet in Executive Session on March 18, 2003 at 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of discussing litigation involving land takings.  Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


          39-41  ADOPTED


39.     SEWER ASSESSMENT:  ARBUTUS ST. (Attachments)


40.     SEWER ASSESSMENT:  NORDICA ST. (Attachments)


41.     SEWER ASSESSMENT:  STONEHAM RD. (Attachments)




42.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to private donations for the Worcester Common Rehabilitation Project. (Attachments)


          Placed on file






a)                 #7 CC  January 14, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to Preliminary Budget Analysis for Fiscal 2004. (Attachments)


          b)      #5C CM  January 28, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to framework for a Local and State Fiscal Recovery. (Attachments)


c)       #27 CC  February 4, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to Governor’s State budget cuts to the City of Worcester. (Attachments)

d)                #26 CC  February 4, 2003

James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting City of Worcester’s 2002 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. (Attachments)


          e)       #10 CC  February 11, 2003

                   James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting schedule of revenues for the first six months of Fiscal 2003 compared to the same period in Fiscal 2002 and indicates revenues to be received for the entire year and revenues received for all of Fiscal 2002. (Attachments)


           f)      #4C CM  February 11, 2003

                   Communication of the City Manager relative to using $11,000,000.00 of the unused tax levy. (Attachments)


g)                 #4A CM  March 4, 2003

Communication of the City Manager relative to the impact of $9,000,000 increase to the tax levy and the lowest residential rate scenario. (Attachments)


h)                 #5A CM  March 4, 2003

Communication of the City Manager analyzing Governor Romney's FY04 budget. (Attachments)




          44-75 ACCEPTED


44.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON HOUSING & NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to RKG City Wide Housing Market Study:  recommend refer to Administration for revised housing policy document. (Attachments)


45.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Order of Councillor Stephen Patton requesting the zoning Ordinance be amended so that Table 4.1, Line 12 is changed so that semi-detached dwellings known as duplexes are no longer allowed by Special Permit in RS-10 and RS-7 zones and are instead designated as "not allowed":  recommend accept Planning Board recommendation. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


46.     Relative to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (Attachments)


47.     Relative to Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. (Attachments)


48.     Relative to draft copy of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. (Attachments)


49.     Relative to Definition of Group Homes. (Attachments)


50.     Relative to number of unrelated individuals living in a housing unit. (Attachments)


51.     Relative to Group Homes - Neighborhood Notification. (Attachments)


52.     Relative to law concerning unrelated persons occupying premises. (Attachments)


53.     Relative to "Item for Sale" lawn signs in a residential area/Yard Sales in a residential area. (Attachments)


54.     Relative to seasonal sidewalk sales and yard sales. (Attachments)


55.     Relative to protocol for maintaining dumpsters located on private property. (Attachments)


56.     Relative to copies of State Building Code pertaining to group residences and group dwelling units. (Attachments)


57.     Relative to developers compliance with subdivision requirements. (Attachments)


58.     Relative to manufacturing zones. (Attachments)


59.     Relative to taxable properties purchased by UMass Memorial. (Attachments)


60.     Relative to Main South CDC Properties (amount of real estate taxes paid). (Attachments)


61.     Relative to tax exempt comparison to other cities. (Attachments)


62.     Relative to exempt properties 1991 to 2001, also new construction on exempt properties. (Attachments)


63.     Relative to a letter sent to Worcester's college presidents and hospital CEO's regarding keeping any new property acquired on the City tax rolls. (Attachments)


64.     Relative to Indian Hill School Sale - Remaining Land. (Attachments)


65.     Relative to identifying social service and state non profit agencies taken from the list identifying all the City of Worcester's non-taxable properties. (Attachments)


66.     Relative to list of annual revenue lost from acquisition of taxable properties by exempt organizations. (Attachments)


67.     Relative to $5,008,260 in surcharges collected by the Worcester Registry of Deeds. (Attachments)


68.     Relative to the amount of revenue collected through the Worcester District Registry of Deeds (Community Preservation Act). (Attachments)


69.     Relative to Community Preservation Act, borrowing - inside or outside of debt limit. (Attachments)


70.     Relative to Community Preservation Act. (Attachments)


71.     Relative to real estate taxes under various surcharges of the Community Preservation Act, including exemptions. (Attachments)


72.     Relative to minimum allowable percentage that may be adopted for the Community Preservation Act. (Attachments)


73.     Relative to transferring jurisdiction of and authorizing the disposition of the foreclosed property at 380 Lake Ave. (Attachments)


74.     Relative to property located at 380 Lake Ave. (Attachments)


75.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LAND USE Upon the Report of the Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Committee upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to Article VII - Inclusionary Zoning and Density Bonuses to promote affordable housing:  recommend Report and Communication be placed on file. (Attachments)


          76-79 ACCEPTED &  ORDERS ADOPTED


76.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Konstantina Lukes on behalf of Bob Scott requesting study of speed and volume of traffic on Walter St. and for Stop signs at appropriate locations:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order requesting the Police Chief to install speeding surveillance on Walter St. (Attachments)


77.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Harlow St. Crime Watch requesting right turn only at corner of Lincoln St. and Catharine St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying two Orders to install merge sign on easterly side of Lincoln St. 25' north of Catharine St. and to relocate Bus Stop on Lincoln St. north of Catharine St. (Attachments)


78.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Stephen Abraham on behalf of Linda Casey et al requesting replacement of existing small advisory signs on Falcon St. with larger signs that state that Falcon St. is not a through way and any additional signage that will improve the safety of children in the residential neighborhood of Falcon St., Willvail St. and Healy Rd.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to install dead end sign on the westerly corner of Falcon St. and Stafford St. (Attachments)


78a.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert E. Longden on behalf of Charter Realty & Development Corp. request to enter into a prior agreement with the City of Worcester to install a new traffic signal on Grafton St. at it’s intersection with Waverly St. and Penn Ave. and to make certain other improvements to Grafton St. as set forth in a Site Plan Approval Decision of the Worcester Planning Board dated November 20, 2002:  recommend adoption of the accompanying order requesting the City Manager to enter into a prior agreement with Charter Realty & Development Corp. to install a traffic signal in Grafton St. at the intersection of Penn Ave. and Waverly St. and to make certain other improvements to this intersection as set forth in a site plan that maintains Waverly St. as a two-way street and allows access out of Penn Ave. into Grafton St. but that disallows access into Penn Ave. from Grafton St.   Suspension of Rules  (Attachments)


79.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Chairman's Order requesting the Director of Traffic Engineering to post "No Parking 20 ft. from Corner" sign on Dorchester St. near the intersection of Dorchester St. and Vernon St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)




          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting resident permit parking:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


80.     Anna Zavras request resident permit parking  for residents of Walnut St. on Walnut St. or Harvard St. (Attachments)


81.     Andrea Esteves et al request resident permit parking for lower half of Channing St. behind Memorial Hospital. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting handicap parking:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


82.     Larry Agnew requesting handicap parking in front of 18 Walnut St. or an area at the meter on Harvard St. closest to Walnut St. (Attachments)


83.     Ann Marie Ramsey requesting handicap parking at 8 Everard St. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting Stop signs:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinances.


84.     Richard White et al requesting Stop signs north and south junction of Monticello Dr. and Delawanda Dr. (Attachments)


85.     Mayor Timothy Murray requesting four way Stop sign at intersection of Moreland Green Dr. and Glenbrook Lane and Ledgewood Lane. (Attachments)


86.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Rev. Aved Terzian, Armenian Church of Our Saviour requesting one hour parking zone be installed on the south side of Salisbury St. from a point 20 ft. west of the driveway at 91 Salisbury St. easterly to the beginning of the existing passenger zone:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)


87.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the Petition of Laura DiBenedetto et al  requesting to remove existing parking meters and replace with Resident Only Parking at 1-3 Cedar St.  Also that "Emergency Artery" be removed from the presently metered side of the street:  recommend passage of the accompanying three proposed Ordinances. (Attachments)


          88-92a  ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


88.     Councillor Barbara Haller request Traffic and Parking Committee to install a 4-way Stop at the corners of Clifton and Oberlin Sts. (Attachments)


89.     Councillor Stephen Patton on behalf of Kendrick Neighborhood Association request signage be improved on bridge at Brooks St. and West Boylston St. to direct traffic correctly under bridge. (Attachments)


90.     Karen Ricardi request Gage St. from Eastern Ave. to Berkeley St. be made one way. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC AND PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


91.     Madeline Martin et al request to prohibit commercial trucks (excluding residents) over 2 1/2 tons on Northboro St. (Attachments)


92.     Councillor Philip Palmieri request installation of Stop signs for both north and southbound traffic on Channing St. at the intersection of Mt. Vernon St. (Attachments)


92a.   Attorney Robert E. Longden on behalf of Charter Realty & Development Corp. request to change Waverly St., a public street, from a two-way street to a one-way street running westerly from Waverly Street’s intersection with Grafton St. to it’s intersection with Coral St.  Suspension of rules  (Attachments)






93.     Amending Section 29 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind Stop sign on Moreland Green Dr. at the intersection of Greenside Lane and Greenview Lane facing east and westbound traffic on Moreland Green Dr. (Attachments)




94.     Communication of the City Manager recommending that One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation and appropriated to Account #72C706, Worcester Common Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to the improvements of Worcester Common, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Taken off the Table and Order adopted on roll call of 10–1 (Lukes)


TABLED ITEMS  -  No Action Taken


95.     Communication of the City Manager relative to CIGNA – Letter – Worcester Common Outlets.  (Tabled December 17, 2002) (Attachments)


96.     Motion Lukes as amended by Abraham – Request Administration to contact CIGNA relative to the feasibility of linking up Front St. with Washington Sq. and Shrewsbury St. and explore financial incentives that might facilitate that.  (Tabled December 17, 2002)  (Attachments)






       5:00 P.M.                        AFFAIRS



                                                                                      141 GROVE ST.

View Begins at 5:30 P.M. from South Division @ 180 Southbridge St., continues to Brown Square Station @ 676 Franklin St. and ends at Fire Headquarters @ 141 Grove St. where the Committee Meeting will convene.


MARCH 11, 2003           YOUTH, PARKS &        COUNCIL CHAMBER

   5:30-7:00 P.M.                RECREATION


MARCH 11, 2003        TRAFFIC & PARKING    ROOM 310

      6:30 P.M.                                                           CITY HALL


MARCH 12, 2003            ELDER AFFAIRS         COUNCIL CHAMBER

      5:30 P.M.


MARCH 19, 2003               HOUSING &              COUNCIL CHAMBER

      5:00 P.M.                  NEIGHBORHOOD

Re: Housing Study         REVITALIZATION

       Administrative Recommendations/Revised Document


MARCH 20, 2003              MUNICIPAL                COUNCIL CHAMBER

    5:30-7:00 P.M.              OPERATIONS



       6:00 P.M.                  TRANSPORTATION

Re:  Development of a Telecommunications Master Plan for the City


 APRIL 14, 2003               PUBLIC WORKS        COUNCIL CHAMBER

       7:00 P.M.

Re:  Renaming of Millbury St. and the ramifications to roadways in the                                    

        vicinity of the Blackstone Parkway