7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:07 P.M.

Adjourned:  10:26 P.M.



1.                 INVOCATION – Rev. Ronald Parker

                                     Lighthouse Assembly of God




2.                 ROLL CALL – All present except Councillor Gomez who arrived at 7:24 P.M.










5.       Nancy Bianco, President, TGL, Inc. request the private portion of Trahan Ave. be removed from the Official Map. (Attachments)


5a.     Councillor Stephen Abraham request a street light at dead end of Knowles Rd.  Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee – Suspension of Rules  (Attachments)




6.       Susan Benoit et al request private street maintenance on Swan Ave. from Passway One to Amber St. (Attachments)


7.       Deborah Monahan request sidewalk repair in front of 46 Summerhill Ave. (Attachments)


8.       Raquel Ramos et al request private street maintenance on Brookline St. (Attachments)


8a.     Councillor Philip Palmieri request resurfacing of North Parkway.  Referred to Public Works Committee – Suspension of Rules (Attachments)




9.       Ann Marie Ramsey request handicap parking at 8 Everard St. (Attachments)


10.     Wendy Normandin et al request Caution sign be placed on lower end of Kingsbury St. near Bancroft St. to warn drivers of sharp curve at bottom of hill. Also request speed bumps or other traffic slowing device in that area. (Attachments)


11.     Andrea Esteves et al request resident permit parking for lower half of Channing St. behind Memorial Hospital. (Attachments)


12.     Paul Aquino et al request Children sign on Woodman Rd. (Attachments)













A.      Notification of the appointment of Michelle B. Currie and Kallin A. Johnson, to the Cultural Commission. (Attachments)


          Placed on file












A.      Communication relative to Parking Fine Increases. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to FY2002 Certified Free Cash. (Attachments)


          Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to Copies of State Building Code – Pertaining to Group Residences and Group Dwelling Units. (Attachments)


          Referred to Land Use Committee

          Also referred to Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee for informational purposes






A.      Communication relative to Complaint Regarding the Cancellation of the Bus Route from Lakeside Apartments to Webster Square Plaza. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


B.      Communication relative to stART on the Street Festival. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to Environmental Justice/Brownfields Redemption. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


D.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept a Grant for Banners and Interpretive Markers. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


E.      Communication relative to Marketing Corporation Update. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


F.      Communication relative to Worcester County Convention & Visitors Bureau Report. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


G.      Communication relative to the Status of the Microloan Program. (Attachments)


Councillor Gomez recused on a roll call 9-0 (Petty absent)

Recommitted to the City Manager










13. FIRE:




A.      Communication relative to Handicap Parking Monitor Program. (Attachments)


          Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee




16. LAW:




A.      Communication relative to the practice of 18 PLUS Events held at establishments that serve liquor. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


B.      Communication relative to Parking Lit Licensing Approval Process and the Annual License Renewal Process. (Attachments)


          Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee




A.      Communication relative to Update on the Chestnut Street Housing Project. (Attachments)


          Referred to Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee


B.      Communication relative to the City’s Weed & Seed Official Recognition Application to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.      Communication relative to the RKG City Wide Housing Market Study. (Attachments)


          Referred to Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee




A.      Communication relative to Grant Award – Mass ReLeaf Tree Planting Project for the Columbus Park Neighborhood. (Attachments)


Referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee


B.      Communication relative to Open Space Acquisition of the Knights of Columbus (Alahambra Council), Columbus Park Neighborhood. (Attachments)


Referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee


C.      Communication relative to Tree Planting Ceremony – Crown Hill Neighborhood. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


D.      SUPPLEMENTAL - I respectfully request City Council Accept with Gratitude a Donation from JFM and Son Laser Grading, Inc. of over $50,000.00 of Professional Sitework/ Landscaping Services (Labor, Materials, Equipment and Supplies) Required to Re-grade and Restore the Jesse Burkett Little League “A” Field, Rockwood Field, Chandler Street for Safe Play. (Attachments)


Councillor Petty recused on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent)

Resolution adopted with gratitude on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent)




A.      Communication relative to Speeding and Traffic Problems on Hadwen Road. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Citations Issued for Excessive Noise during This Summer. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to Violations Issued for Parking in Handicap Parking Spaces for Fiscal Year 2002. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


D.      Communication relative to Breaking and Entering Crimes. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


E.      Communication relative to Number of Citations issued for each of the past three years. (Attachments)


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


F.      Communication relative to Black Bear Attacks in the western part of the state and in Connecticut. (Attachments)


Placed on file


G.      Communication relative to Options for Taking Authority over People Who are Taken into Protective Custody. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


H.      Communication relative to Truck Ban on Mulberry Street. (Attachments)


          Placed on file




A.      Notification of the appointment of Sworn Weighers for  Goldstein Scrap Metal.(Attachments)


          Placed on file








A.      Communication relative to Grimewatch Program – September 2002 Activity. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to What Constitutes a Legal Driveway for a Commercial Establishment. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to Road Improvement Plan for Briar Lane. (Attachments)


Placed on file


D.      Communication relative to the Railroad Bridge on West Boylston Street near Kendrick Field. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


E.      Communication relative to Fall Leaf Collection Program. (Attachments)


Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to Traffic Improvement on Millbrook Street at Intersection of Burncoat Street. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


G.      Communication relative to Traffic Master Plan. (Attachments)


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee












A.      Recommend that Seventy Six Thousand Six Hundred Forty Three Dollars ($76,643.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #41C703, DPW Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing various pieces of Traffic Signal Equipment, (1) Crew Cab Pickup Truck and (1) ½ Ton Pickup Truck for Traffic Engineering, as approved in the Fiscal 2003 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


B.      Recommend that Six Thousand Two Hundred Eleven Dollars and Seventy Five Cents ($6,211.75) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #44C704, Sewer Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:


                   (1)     Laser Jet Printer                        $2,398.00

                   (1)     Fixed Deck Mower                   $2,364.75

                   (1)     Air Compressor                        $1,449.00


for the Sewer Department, as approved in the Fiscal 2002 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


C.      Recommend that Seven Thousand Five Hundred Twenty Dollars ($7,520.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #45C703, Water Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing (1) Digital Copier, as approved in the Fiscal 2002 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


D.      Recommend that One Hundred Fifty One Thousand One Hundred Fifteen Dollars ($151,115.00) be transferred from Account #91C737, Water Meters, and appropriated to Account #45C794, Water Meters, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various water meter installation projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


E.      Recommend that Forty One Thousand One Hundred Forty One Dollars ($41,141.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C734, Sewer Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #44C704, Sewer Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:


          (1)     ¾ Ton 2WD Pickup Truck        $23,628.00

          (1)     ½ Ton Pickup Truck                 $17,459.00


for the Sewer Department, as approved in the Fiscal 2003 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


F.      Recommend that One Hundred Ninety Thousand Eight Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($190,818.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C731, Water Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #45C703, Water Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing the following pieces of capital equipment:


                   (2)     4X4 Utility Vehicle          $61,584.00

                   (2)     4X4 ½ Ton Pickup Truck                   $41,262.00

                   (2)     ½ Ton Pickup Truck 8 ft.                   $34,618.00

                   (2)     ½ Ton Pickup Truck 6.5 ft.       $32,628.00

                   (1)     Hybrid Sedan – Toyota Prius    $20,726.00


          for the Water Department, as approved in the Fiscal 2003 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


G.      Recommend that Three Hundred Forty Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Seven Dollars and Forty Eight Cents ($345,287.48) be transferred from the following accounts:


          ACCOUNT           DESCRIPTION                       AMOUNT

          330-01                   Pearl Elm Reserves                   $191,526.48

          330-02                   Federal Plaza Reserves                  92,645.25

          330-03                   Off Street Reserves                       49,080.00

          330-04                   Parking Meter Reserves                 12,035.75

                                                Total                               $345,287.48


          and appropriated to the following accounts:


          ACCOUNT           DESCRIPTION                       AMOUNT

          46S501                  Pearl Elm Ord. Maint.               $191,526.48

          46S502                  Federal Plaza Ord. Maint.              92,645.25

          46S503                  Off Street Ord. Maint.                   49,080.00

          46S504                  Parking Meter Ord. Maint.             12,035.75

                                                Total                               $345.287.48


This appropriation provides sufficient operating funds for the Off Street Parking Program for the Second Quarter of Fiscal 2003. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


H.      Recommend that Five Hundred Sixty Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($560,600.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #25C702, Police Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide the funding necessary to proceed with the replacement of the elevator system at Police Headquarters. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


I.       Recommend that Five Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($586,500.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #75C702, Civic Center Building Rehabilitation, for the purpose of payment of contractual obligations for the Centrum roof replacement project, as approved in the Fiscal 2002 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


J.       Recommend that Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #72C701, Parks Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing a Backhoe for the Cemetery division, as approved in the Fiscal 2003 Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


K.      Recommend that Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #72C706, Worcester Common Rehabilitation, for the purpose of payment of contractual obligations related to the rehabilitation of the Worcester Common, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


L.      Recommend that Thirty Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Fifty Two Cents ($36,500.52) be transferred from Free Cash and be appropriated into Account #260-93000, Fire Department Capital Outlay. At the end of FY02 this balance remained in the account and was used to close the books; the City is contractually obligated to return any year end unused balance back to the account for the purpose of purchasing fire department safety equipment. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


M.     Recommend that Three Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Five Dollars and Forty Eight Cents ($3,875.48) be transferred from Free Cash and be appropriated into Account #900-91000, City Manager’s Contingency Account to be used for unforeseen expenses. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


N.      SUPPLEMENTAL - Recommend that Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #72C702, Parks Department Building Rehabilitation, for the purpose of payment of contractual obligations relative to improvements to Rockwood Field’s Jesse  Burkett “A” Field. This transfer represents the City’s matching share towards the rehabilitation of the above mentioned facilities. (Attachments)


          Councillor Petty recused on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent)

          Order adopted on a roll call 9-0 (Gomez absent)




A.      Communication relative to the Restoration of the City Hall Rostrum. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Detail Regarding “Dawson’s Creek” Recent Filming of an Episode at Worcester’s Centrum Centre. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


C.      Request for an Executive Session on November 12, 2002 to discuss Collective Bargaining. (Attachments)


          Placed on file – Executive Session to be held at the close of the City Council meeting on November 12, 2002




          14-17 FROM ELDER AFFAIRS - Adopted


14.     Request City Manager to consider all future funds from co-locators and additional build-out at the Senior Center be identified for Senior Center services only. (Attachments)


15.     Request City Solicitor provide a legal opinion on the ability of the City Council to earmark funds for a specific department as opposed to the City Manager coming in with his budget. (Attachments)


16.     Request Municipal Operations Committee forward to Elder Affairs Committee the Elder Affairs and Senior Center section of the quarterly report from the City Manager. (Attachments)


17.     Request Administration to provide quarterly reports relative to the Homeland Security grant as administered by the Office of Elder Affairs. (Attachments)


          18 FROM FEES & CHARGES - Adopted


18.     Request that any increase in the parking fine schedule exempt those areas of downtown that have been traditionally targeted in the annual holiday “free parking” program. (Attachments)


          19-24 FROM HEALTH - Adopted


19.     Request Administration to provide City Council with an update on the following topics:  staffing at school health centers, including volunteers and outside workers, a list of the schools that have centers and the programs offered there, with detail, with particular emphasis on the oral health initiative. (Attachments)


20.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report detailing the type of complaints received in the past year concerning animals, including rabies incidences. (Attachments)


21.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report and recommendation on the animal control ordinance regulating dogs in city parks, including enforcement and any further recommended action by City Council. (Attachments)


22.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report concerning the PIP, including any and all action taken with regard to addressing safety concerns in the neighborhood,  the photo identification system and screening system at the PIP, any action concerning other service providers at the center and an update from the Neighborhood Impact Committee. (Attachments)


23.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report concerning the latest commitment of funding for the City of Worcester tobacco control personnel. (Attachments)


24.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report detailing services available in and/or provided by the city for victims of sexual abuse. (Attachments)


          25-31 FROM LAND USE - Adopted


25.     Request Administration to provide City Council with an explanation of the discrepancies between the map included in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance Review and the Official Map of the City of Worcester, especially concerning streets off Lake Ave. North. (Attachments)


26.     Request the Standing Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization review the concept of establishing a master waiting list for housing as opposed to the current situation wherein tenants place their names on the lists at many different agencies for housing. (Attachments)


27.     Request Administration review and recommend concerning Section 2, #5 and Section 3, #6 of the proposed zoning text. (Attachments)


28.     Request Administration when wording the cluster housing references in the proposed zoning text, that all or some of the bonus be affordable housing. (Attachments)


29.     Request Administration review and recommend to City Council a certain number of reasonable services for inclusion in Continuing Care Retirement Community permitting in the proposed zoning text. (Attachments)


30.     Request Administration not to recommend a change to the time limit allowed for acting on site plan approval from one year to two years as shown in Section 4, #6 of the proposed zoning text and further, request an explanation of the recommended time change. (Attachments)


31.     Request Administration review the 15% slope review and approval process being relegated to the Conservation Commission and whether the authorization is appropriate. (Attachments)


          32-34 FROM PUBLIC WORKS - Adopted


32.     Request Administration perform one last sweep of the area of Coburn Ave. that creates a passage through Lake Park before temporary closing. (Attachments)


33.     Request Administration report on what type of signs the City has relative to littering and fines for littering. (Attachments)


34.     Request Administration to provide more enforcement of speed regulations on Lake Ave. in the vicinity of the former ITAM Club. (Attachments)




35.     Request Administration to report on status and amount of City Hospital Trust Fund and how said trust is administered and funds disbursed.  (Murray) (Attachments)




36.     Request City Manager report on Route 290 travel lane line markers:  how often maintained and what triggers a repainting.  (Haller) (Attachments)




36a.   Request City Solicitor to provide a legal opinion as to the  legal basis for exempting downtown from any parking fines as opposed to exempting downtown from an increase in parking fines.  Motion-Lukes @ #46CC - Adopted (Attachments)


36b.   Request City Manager to make a recommendation with regard to 15 minute parking meters as to whether 15 minute parking continues to be appropriate in some areas of downtown.  Motion-Haller @ #46CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


36c.   Request City Manager to report on the status of filling the additional three Parking Control Officer positions budgeted in FY 2003.  Motion-Haller @ #46CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


36d.   Request Administration to provide recommendations with regard to the downtown parking exemption and whether or not it will have an economic impact on the downtown area.  Motion-Petty @ #46CC – Adopted  (Attachments)


36e.   Request City Manager to report if the State Building Code pertaining to group residences and group dwelling units also relate to group residences as far as student occupation of  three unrelated people in one dwelling unit.  Further, if the State Building Code does cover group residences as far as three unrelated people in a dwelling, is the owner of that dwelling unit then required to have a license in order to have any occupancy of that dwelling.  Motion-Clancy @ #6A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36f.    Request Administration to provide City Council with that section of law that defines why group homes are allowed by right in all zones.  Motion-Patton @ #6A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36g.   Request Administration to translate the definitions of R-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 within the State Building Code pertaining to Group Residences and Group Dwelling Units and recommend how this language might be incorporated into the existing Zoning Ordinance.  Motion-Patton @ #6A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36h.   Request Administration to provide an update relative to  people from Lakeside utilizing the Elder Shopping Service to Webster Sq. Plaza. Motion-Petty @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36i.    Request Administration to contact Mary MacInnes, Administrator of the WRTA relative to increasing the number of trips from Lakeside Apartments to Webster Square Plaza.  Motion-Perotto @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36j.    Request  Administration to request the WRTA report why  service was stopped from Lakeside Apartments to Webster Square Plaza and the cost effect of this stoppage of service on the WRTA.  Motion-Abraham @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36k.   Request City Manager to contact the owner of Webster Square Plaza relative to a possible partnership to restore bus service from Lakeside Apartments to Webster Square Plaza.  Motion-Haller @ #8A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36L.   Request City Manager to report as to when the Housing Market Study was requested, when was the interim report reviewed and by whom, where did the emphasis of the report come from and the Administration’s views on CDC’s.  Motion-Patton @ #18C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36m.  Request City Manager to report at the November 12, 2002 City Council meeting on the details of the November 18, 2002 meeting relative to the housing study.  Motion-Murray @ #18C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36n.   Request City Manager to report at the November 12, 2002 City Council meeting on the amount of units each CDC has renovated, approximately how much money has been used, the ratio of how many units have been sold to first time property owners and how many are being rented.  Motion-Perotto @ #18C CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36o.   Request City Manager to report describing the collection function relative to microloans and what litigating authority the City might have to remedy collections.  Motion-Irish @ #8G CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36p.   Request City Manager to come back to City Council with a policy as to whether the City will be providing loans or grants relative to the microloan program.  Motion-Perotto @ #8G CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36q.   Request City Manager to provide a list as to what businesses who were provided microloans spent the money on and how much of that is property that might be reclaimed as part of the loan payment.  Motion-Clancy @ #8G CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36r.    Request City Manager to report clarifying into what account microloan payments are deposited.  Motion-Murray @ #8G CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36s.   Request City Manager to provide a listing of programs that received funding for the façade program, were they loans or grants and what programs or improvements were provided through those funds.  Motion-Patton @ #8G CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36t.    Request City Manager to look into a way for people to report violations of handicap parking spaces.  Motion-Patton @ #14A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36u.   Request City Manager to report itemizing the $6.5 million in City and State funds for the Chestnut St. Housing Project.  Motion-Perotto @ #18A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36v.   Request City Manager to report showing the City’s commitment to the Chestnut St. Housing Project and of the total cost of the project what funding sources would there be, who finances tax exempt bonds and other funding vehicles.  Motion-Patton @ #18A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36w.  Request City Manager to report on the City’s investment in the Burwick building and the use of HOME funds.  Motion-Patton @ #18A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36x.   Request City Manager to report in two weeks on the source of HOME funds, how this program works, allocation of HOME funds over the past three years and what commitments have been made in the current year.  Motion-Patton @ #18A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36y.   Request City Manager to report on all housing projects that the City is involved with and the funding sources.  Motion-Petty @ #18A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36z.   Request City Manager to prepare some type of chart that describes the different loans and programs available to the City that have been used and that the City will continue to use to develop housing, to purchase property, and to develop projects in conjunction with private developers.  Motion-Abraham @ #18A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36aa.  Request City Manager to report on the issue of the garage relative to the Chestnut St. Housing Project to include parking issues, how many spaces are necessary for the project, what is the bottom line cost of the garage and whether or not the Pearl Elm garage could be accommodating with any type of agreement that could be bridged with a developer to make up the difference.  Motion-Clancy @ #18A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36bb. Request City Manager to report as to when the City might expect to hear whether the City is selected for the Weed & Seed Program.  Motion-Haller @ #18B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)




36cc. Request City Manager report as to how many of the excessive noise citations issued during the summer were for water craft on Lake Quinsigamond and/or Indian Lake.  Motion-Irish @ #20B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36dd. Request City Manager report as to how many citations for parking in handicap parking spaces were issued in 2000, 2001 and year to date.  Motion-Irish @ #20C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36ee.  Request City Manager to report at the November 12, 2002 City Council meeting relative to traffic improvements on Millbrook St. as to the funding source for the short term improvements and when they will be done.  Motion-Murray @ #24F CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36ff.   Request City Manager to provide a detailed report within thirty days on who in the private sector has been contacted and the status of the amount of money being raised by the private sector for rehabilitation of the Worcester Common.  Motion-Perotto @ #29K CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36gg. Request City Manager to report on membership of the committee that makes the decisions as to how funds are spent that are allocated annually per the contract with Local 1009 and why the entire allocation was not spent.  Motion-Murray @ #29L CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36hh. Request Superintendent of the Worcester Public Schools to report as to what monies are needed to film the restoration of the City Hall Rostrum.  Motion-Clancy @ #30A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


36ii.   Request City Auditor to have the appropriate representatives present at the Executive Session on November 12, 2002 relative to litigation that is under way with the public safety retirees. Motion-Murray @ #30C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


36jj.   Request City Manager report to City Council on the feasibility of relocating some City offices in City Hall to available space at the Worcester Public Library.   Clancy, Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


36kk. Request City Manager to request the Department of Public Works to clean up the vacant lot on Abbott St.  Abraham – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


36LL. Request City Manager to request the Department of Public Works to replace the No Parking sign at 20 Garland St.  Abraham – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


36mm Request Administration to report relative to the top of Putnam Lane as to whether there is any funding to resolve issues before the street collapses.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


36nn. Request City Manager to request the Traffic Division to monitor truck traffic on Melrose St.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


36oo. Request City Manager to provide City Council with a list of contacts for NSTAR, Massachusetts Electric and the Community Action

Council in order to assist Worcester residents who may need help during the winter months.  Petty – Suspension of Rules – Adopted



36pp. Request Administration to report on its recommendations regarding the establishment of a Community Housing Trust Fund within thirty

days.  Murray, Irish – Suspension of Rules


Councillor Gomez moved to amend: Further, request report include how the City might fund said trust fund.


Adopted, as amended  (Attachments)


36qq. Request Administration to report on the status of pending federal legislation to fund existing Community Housing Trust Funds.  Murray, Irish – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)




37.             James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting certified Free Cash as of July 1, 2002 from the Mass. Department of Revenue. (Attachments)


Placed on file




          38 FROM PUBLIC WORKS – Adopted on a roll call 11-0


38.     That the Public Works Committee go on record that if a pumping station is necessary for the area of Whisper Dr. and Salisbury St. that it be built in the Town of Holden. (Attachments)




38a.   That the City Council of the City of Worcester go on record in support of requesting Preservation Worcester to include the

          former Common Council Chamber on its list of most endangered historical places.  Clancy, Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted on a roll call 11-0  (Attachments)


38b.   That the City Council of the City of Worcester hereby recognizes Mr. Don  Mallett and his team Expo Bound from the Pool League P.A.T. playing out of London Billiards who the weekend of October 26, 2002

          appeared at the First National P.A.T. Pool Tournament that took place in Las Vegas, Nevada and took home second place and a check for $3,000.00, competing with teams from all over the country.  Gomez, Palmieri, Petty, Perotto, Clancy, Lukes, Haller, Patton, Abraham, Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)






          40-42 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ELDER AFFAIRS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


40.     Relative to addenda to benchmarking Worcester’s future entitled Elder Services. (Attachments)


41.     Relative to report on Elder Services Network. (Attachments)


42.     Relative to benchmark figure to compare City of Worcester to other communities with Senior Centers and support other communities have for their Senior Centers. (Attachments)




43.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the Petition of Michael Galvin et al requesting Fees and Charges Committee in the course of reviewing parking fines consider raising the fines for handicapped parking from $100 to $200:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)


          44-59 ACCEPTED EXCEPT 46


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


44.     Relative to Home Rule Petitions relative to the ability to increase our parking fines. (Attachments)


45.     Relative to proposed Parking Fine Schedule Adjustment. (Attachments)



          46 - Vote to accept Committee recommendation 3-8 (Yes-Lukes, Palmieri, Patton)

(No-Abraham, Clancy, Gomez, Haller, Irish, Perotto, Petty, Murray) – Recommendation denied


          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 11-0


          Council voted to advertise proposed Ordinance on a roll call 8-3

          (Yes-Abraham, Clancy, Gomez, Haller, Irish, Perotto, Petty, Murray) (No-Lukes, Palmieri, Patton)


46.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication requesting City Council adopt an Ordinance amending Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to Fines for Parking Violations:  recommend proposed Ordinance amendment be denied. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON HEALTH Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


47.     Relative to number and types of dog complaints. (Attachments)


48.     Relative to Dog Ordinance Education Report. (Attachments)


49.     Relative to current staffing in the Worcester Public Schools and at school based health centers. (Attachments)


50.     Relative to funding for school based health centers. (Attachments)


51.     Relative to outlining what actually are the services that are provided in the public schools through school based health centers. (Attachments)


52.     Relative to recruitment plan/School Nurse Staffing. (Attachments)


53.     Relative to medically involved students per nurse in the Worcester Public Schools. (Attachments)



54.     Relative to enforcement of Non-Smoking in public buildings. (Attachments)


55.     Relative to Tobacco Control Program. (Attachments)


56.     Relative to regional expansion Tobacco Control Program. (Attachments)


57.     Relative to Tobacco Control Program. (Attachments)


58.     Relative to enforcement to reduce the incidence of the sale of tobacco to minors in the City. (Attachments)


59.     Relation to legislation – Fluoride Process. (Attachments)




60.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Vincent Gianfriddo requesting abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24441 in the amount of $18,477.90 on Orton St.: recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to abate to $1,526.27. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessments:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders:


61.     Paul & Linda Hazelhurst request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50114 in the amount of $4,211.42 on Surrey Lane (abate to $3,356.76). (Attachments)


62.     Jean Hilliker request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50120 in the amount of $7,391.78 on Westwood Circle (abate to $3,973.14). (Attachments)


63.     Adrian & Lillie Bom request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50148 in the amount of $4,303.38 on Westwood Dr. (abate to $884.74). (Attachments)


64.     Linda Haddad request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50064 in the amount of $5,439.40 on Jeffrey Rd. (abate to $2,020.76). (Attachments)


65.     James Kenary, 3rd request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50161 in the amount of $4,218.94 on Westwood Dr. (abate to $800.30). (Attachments)


66.     William & Maureen Gasko request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50090 in the amount of $11,492.44 on Old Colony Rd. (abate to $8,073.80). (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Reports of the Planning Board upon Petitions requesting streets be made public:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


67.     Jonathan Finkelstein on behalf of Smallwood Village Associates, Inc. requesting City of Worcester make Arborwood Dr. public. (Attachments)


68.     Jonathan Finkelstein on behalf of Smallwood Village Associates, Inc. requesting City of Worcester make Travis St. public. (Attachments)


69.     Robert L. Moylan, Jr., Commissioner of Public Works requesting to make public private portion of Burncoat Terrace. (Attachments)


70.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Michael Falish et al to install sanitary sewer from Sunderland Rd. to 1110 Grafton St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


          71-109 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting street resurfacing:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


71.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request resurfacing of Jefferson St. (Attachments)


72.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request resurfacing of Dana Ave. (Attachments)


73.     Councillor Stephen Patton request emergency repair of Briar Lane. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting sidewalk repair:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


74.     Nicolina Puccio request sidewalk repair at 111 Beeching St. (Attachments)


75.     State Representative John Fresolo on behalf of Bill Moore request sidewalk repair in front of 17 Jefferson St. (Attachments)


76.     Antonio & Simone Oliveira request sidewalk repair at 43 Huntington Ave. (Attachments)


77.     Anthony & Michael Trippi request sidewalk repair at 19 Caro St. (Attachments)


78.     Pedro & Gloria Toro request sidewalk repair at 81-83 Chandler St. (Attachments)


79.     Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Edward Bilzerian request sidewalk replacement at 25 Rittenhouse Rd. (Attachments)


80.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on Strathmore Rd. (Attachments)


81.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on Cargill Ave. (Attachments)


82.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on Sterling St. from Fairfax Rd. to Harlem St. (Attachments)


83.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalk repair on even side of North Parkway. (Attachments)


84.     John Rondeau request repair of concrete steps in front of 381 Lovell St. (Attachments)


85.     Dr. Felix & Anne Cataldo request replacement of sidewalk in front of 493 Salisbury St. (Attachments)


86.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalks be repaired/replaced on both sides of entire length of Wakefield St. (Attachments)


87.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalks be repaired/replaced on both sides of entire length of Dixon Ave. (Attachments)


88.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalks be repaired/replaced on Lincoln St. between Gorham St. and I-290. (Attachments)


89.     Mr. & Mrs. Darragh Ksaskoff request sidewalk in front of 7 Saxon Rd. be replaced. (Attachments)


90.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Thomas Horgan request sidewalk repair in front of 26 Fairfax Rd. (Attachments)


91.     Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair on both sides of Belvidere Ave. (Attachments)


92.     Donna Provost request sidewalk repair in front of 47 Channing St. (Attachments)


93.     Louis Zompetti, Jr. request permanent cement stairs with railing on city property  and sidewalk repair on Bowker St. side of 5 Stratfield St. (Attachments)


94.     Councillor Konstantina B. Lukes on behalf of Virginia Kingsbury request repair of sidewalk on westerly side of Barber Ave. from Higgins Armory to the Greendale Post Office. (Attachments)


95.     Sharon Poulin request sidewalk repair at 37 Whipple St. (Attachments)



96.     Amoret Zamarro Beiter request sidewalk repair at 15 Dean St. (Attachments)


97.     Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalk repair on Ormond St. (Attachments)


98.     Charles & Marie Scouras request sidewalk repair at 5 Saxon Rd. (Attachments)


99.     James Tierney request sidewalk repair in front of 16 Dayton St. (Attachments)


100.   Mary Wood Chiavaras request sidewalk repair on Eastham St. (Attachments)


101.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request sidewalk repair from 189-215 Harding St. (Attachments)


102.   Clara & Laszlo Leb, Ellen & Udo Benz & Mary Jane Healy request sidewalk repair at 108, 110 & 112 Newton Ave. North. (Attachments)


103.   Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Roger Martell request sidewalk repair in vicinity of 62 Arlington St. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting guard rails:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


104.   Everett Person requesting guard rail at 79 Hadwen Rd. (Attachments)


105.   Frank & Jessie Wychorski requesting barrier be placed on both sides of driveway at 69 Heywood St. (Attachments)


106.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting repair of catch basin on West Upsala St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


107.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Greg Pike requesting to extend water line on Heard St. to house lot #24 in Auburn:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


108.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Order of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. requesting City Council consider changing the name of the reconfigured Kane’s Square to Veteran’s Square:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


109.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Rescha Chekani et al requesting City of Worcester temporarily block access to that section of Coburn Ave. that creates a passage through Lake Park:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order to temporarily close this section of Coburn Ave. from December 1 to March 30. (Attachments)




110.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager requesting adoption of a Sewer Capacity Fee Ordinance Amendment:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)


          111-144 ACCEPTED


111.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of H.R. Moore requesting reconfiguration of entrances and exits to Central St. Post Office at Central St. and Summer St.:  recommend Petition be referred to Traffic and Parking Committee. (Attachments)


112.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Paul Simmarano requesting City of Worcester to install approximately 350’ of sanitary and surface drain on Shannon St.:  recommend Petition be referred to the Planning Board. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


113.   Councillor Stephen Abraham requesting Foxmeadow Dr. be added to the Department of Public Works salting and sanding list. (Attachments)


114.   Councillor Stephen Abraham requesting Wedgewood Rd. be added to the Department of Public Works salting and sanding list. (Attachments)


115.   Councillor Stephen Abraham requesting Westmoreland Dr. be added to the Department of Public Works salting and sanding list. (Attachments)


116.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Order of Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. requesting City Council to review the policy for time allowed utilities to repair trenches and to look at any potential changes to that time span:  recommend Order be placed on file. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend  Communications be placed on file. 


117.   Relative to Grimewatch Program – June 2002 Activity. (Attachments)


118.   Relative to Grimewatch Program – July 2002 Activity. (Attachments)


119.   Relative to Progress Report/Public Works Construction Projects. (Attachments)


120.   Relative to tentative agreement between the Upper Blackstone Water Pollution Abatement District and the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the discharge permit and plan implementation. (Attachments)


121.   Relative to permitting and inspection process regarding road construction by utilities. (Attachments)


122.   Relative to Ballard St. Recycling Drop-off Center. (Attachments)


123.   Relative to potholes on Hamilton St. between Commonwealth Ave. and Boston Ave. (Attachments)


124.   Relative to Status Report #2 – Street Resurfacing Projects. (Attachments)


125.   Relative to Status Report #3 – Street Resurfacing Projects. (Attachments)


126.   Relative to various concerns regarding the Private Street Conversion of West Chester St. (Attachments)


127.   Relative to Coes Pond Reservoir Dam Status. (Attachments)


128.   Relative to structural strength of the Coes Pond Dam. (Attachments)


129.   Relative to update on Coes Pond Dam Project. (Attachments)


130.   Relative to proposed pumping station corner of Whisper Dr. and Salisbury St. (Attachments)


131.   Relative to Kenberma Rd. status. (Attachments)


132.   Relative to 5 year sewer rehabilitation program. (Attachments)


133.   Relative to permitting for sewers. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


134.   Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Roger Martell request a catch basin in the vicinity of 62 Arlington St. to abate water and icing problems.    (Attachments)


135.   Mayor Timothy Murray on behalf of Robert Golden request Public Works reconstruct/repair sidewalk in front of 42 Ellis Dr. (Attachments)


136.   Councillor Stephen Abraham on behalf of Dr. Thaddeus & Agnes Jankowski request sidewalk repair in front of 106 Beeching St. (Attachments)


137.   Kevin O’Connell request sidewalk repair at 215 Canterbury St. (Attachments)


138.   Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Mary Chiavaras request sidewalk repair on both sides of Eastham St. (Attachments)


139.   Katherine O’Hara request sidewalk repair in front of 68 Venus Dr. (Attachments)


140.   Peter Leasca request “No Littering” sign be posted on street lamp post across from Forest Grove Middle School. (Attachments)


141.   Councillor Philip Palmieri request East Park Terrace be resurfaced. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Petitions requesting abatements of Private Street Betterment Assessments:  recommend Petitions be denied.


142.   Yi Hua & Maria Ma request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50117 in the amount of $7,179.14 on Surrey Lane. (Attachments)


143.   Janet Birbara request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50115 in the amount of $3,760.50 on Surrey Lane. (Attachments)


144.   Charles & Elizabeth O’Connor request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50097 in the amount of $4,614.82 on Paul Revere Rd. (Attachments)




          145 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


145.   Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 relative to Occupational Group K – Library – Library Division Head. (Attachments)


Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 relative to Occupational Group R – Laborers and Craftsmen – Working Foreman, Motor Equipment Repairman, Parks. (Attachments)


Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 relative to Occupational Group A – Administrative and Supervisory – Supervisor of Hope Cemetery, Supervisor of Administration-Parks, Supervisor of Forestry. (Attachments)


TABLED ITEMNo Action Taken


146.   Communication of the City Manager relative to Average Assessments and Tax Bills.  (Tabled October 15, 2002) (Attachments)





OCTOBER 28, 2002              TRAFFIC &             COUNCIL CHAMBER

        6:00 P.M.                        PARKING




      6:00 P.M.




NOVEMBER 12, 2002           HEALTH                 COUNCIL CHAMBER

      5:30 P.M.

Presentation by Dr. Dale Magee & Infant Mortality Task Force



NOVEMBER 14, 2002         LAND USE               COUNCIL CHAMBER

         7:00 P.M.

Re:  Proposed Zoning Ordinance

       Design Review, Conservation



NOVEMBER 18, 2002         TRAFFIC &               COUNCIL CHAMBER

        6:00 P.M.                       PARKING           



DECEMBER 3, 2002            HEALTH                   COUNCIL CHAMBER

      5:30-7:00 P.M.

Presentation by Health Foundation of Central Mass.



DECEMBER 17, 2002          HEALTH                   COUNCIL CHAMBER

     5:30-7:00 P.M.

Presentation by Dr. John Sullivan & HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C Task Force



              STATE ELECTION DAY