7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:05 P.M.

Adjourned:  10:43 P.M.



1.                 INVOCATION –  Rev. Henry G. Bowen

                             St. Charles Borromeo Church




3.       ROLL CALL – All present except Councillor Patton who

                                    arrived at 7:16 P.M.




          4 & 5 Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 9-0 (Patton absent)

          Hearings held     


4.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for cable and conduit system in:  PROVIDENCE ST. (Attachments)


5.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for cable and conduit system in:  VERNON ST. (Attachments)




4a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for cable and conduit system in:  PROVIDENCE ST.


5a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for cable and conduit system in:  VERNON ST.




          Ordinance Committee accepted the report of the Planning Board

          and recommend approval of Petition


6.       REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Nancy Dworman requesting City of Worcester Zoning Ordinance and Map be amended to create an Adaptive Reuse Overlay District.












8.       Councillor Barbara Haller on behalf of Brenda Payne request installation of street light in front of 34 Somerset St. (Attachments)




9.       Resha Chekani et al request City of Worcester temporarily block access to southern section of Coburn Ave. that creates a passage through Lake Park. (Attachments)


10.     David & Maria Pietrowicz request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24449 in the amount of $7,504.00 on Orton St. (Attachments)


11.     Ben Ogunjobi request to extend water line from Apricot St. approximately 120’ to service Lot 4 on Goddard Memorial Dr. To be done at Petitioner’s expense. (Attachments)


12.     Derek Lundstrom on behalf of Clark University request improvements to water main on Shirley St. (Attachments)


13.     Mayor Timothy Murray request sidewalk repair in front of 316 Main St. (Attachments)


14.     Thomas Holden request sidewalk repair at 15 Chadwick St. (Attachments)


15.     Bradford Hebert request sidewalk repair in front of 32/34 Dean St. (Attachments)


16.     Dorothy Bowse request sidewalk repair at 2 Intervale Rd. (Attachments)


17.     Craig Stevens request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50153 in the amount of $4,210.74 on Westwood Dr. (Attachments)


18.     Paul Simmarano request City of Worcester to install approximately 350’ of sanitary and surface drain on Shannon St. (Attachments)


19.     David Bonardi request sidewalk repair in front of 25 Gates Lane. (Attachments)


20.     John Giangregorio request to extend sewer/sanitary line approximately 200’ from 80 Ernest Ave. to the center of the last buildable lot on the street. (Attachments)


21.     Councillor Paul Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Dominica Zui request sidewalk repair on Kendig St. at corner of 99 College St. (Attachments)




22.     Christine Francoeur request road mirror on North Lake Ave. across from 4 Nana Trial to assist  traffic with blind driveway and traffic  exiting/entering Nana Trail and adjoining Natural History Rd.  (Attachments)


23.     Councillor Stephen Abraham on behalf of Rev. Aved Terzian request installation of two additional handicap parking spaces 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the west side of Dean St. adjacent to the Church of Our Savior. (Attachments)


24.     Councillor Stephen Abraham on behalf of Syrian and Lebanese American Association of Worcester request installation of a crosswalk in the vicinity of 104-108 Plantation St. in the interest of public safety. (Attachments)


25.     Gordon Ward et al request Thorne St. become a one-way street. (Attachments)


26.     Gordon Ward et al request resident parking on Thorne St. (Attachments)


27.     Councillor Stephen Abraham request installation of a commercial loading zone on the east side of Walworth St. between Chandler St. and Courtland St. (Attachments)


28.     Sheila Fuller request handicap parking in front of 94 Sterling St. (Attachments)


29.     Henry Krawczynski request handicap parking or No Parking be placed in an area fronting 10 Deepdale Rd. at the rear of the Norrback School. (Attachments)


30.     John Poske request handicap parking in front of 51 Fairfax Rd. (Attachments)


31.     Frances Gorman request handicap parking in front of 27 Enfield St. (Attachments)


32.     Randy Crompton on behalf of Betsy Hubbard request handicap parking in front of 21 Clement St. (Attachments)


33.     Edward Cote request handicap parking on Exeter St. at side entrance to 151 Fremont St. (Attachments)


34.     Lino Osorio et al request resident parking entire length of Elizabeth St. (Attachments)


35.     Councillor Stephen Abraham on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mackintire request inbound and outbound bus stops on Prouty Lane at the intersection of Brewster Rd. (Attachments)


36.     Priscilla Underwood request to change sign from Right Turn Only to Right and/or Left Turn at exit on Burncoat St. for Quinsigamond Community College to allow vehicles to turn left toward the summit. (Attachments)


37.     Robert Rano request Stop sign at corner of Sever St. and Cedar St. (Attachments)


38.     Robert Rano request Stop sign at corner of Merrick St. and Cedar St. (Attachments)


39.     Anthony Maciag et al request resident parking on both sides of Rankin St. (Attachments)


39a.   Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Harlow St. Crime Watch request crosswalks be painted at Norton St. and Duxbury Rd.  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee – Suspension of Rules (Attachments)


39b.   Councillor Philip Palmieri on behalf of Harlow St. Crime Watch request right turn only at corner of Lincoln St. and Catharine St.  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee – Suspension of Rules (Attachments)


          40 HEARING SET FOR OCTOBER 1, 2002 – 4:00 P.M.

          Councillor Haller recused on a roll call 9-0 (Patton absent)


40.     MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC COMPANY for a pole relocation on:  PLANTATION ST. (Attachments)
















A.      Notification of the appointments of Maureen B. Schwab and Anthony B. Linn, to the Citizens Advisory Council. (Attachments)


Appointments confirmed on a roll call 9-0 (Palmieri, Patton absent)










A.      SUPPLEMENTAL – Communication relative to Impact of the Early Retirement Program. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee

          Also referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee for

          informational purposes






A.      Communication relative to Worcester Common Outlet, Tax Escrow Payment. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


B.      Communication relative to Proposed Development at Assumption College. (Attachments)


Referred to Land Use Committee


C.      Communication relative to Gateway Park LLC. (Attachments)


Placed on file


D.      Communication relative to Prioritizing Brownfield Locations for the $1 Million Dollar Cleanup Fund. (Attachments)


Placed on file


E.      Communication relative to Status of Airport Activities. (Attachments)


Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to Manufacturing Zones. (Attachments)


          Referred to Land Use Committee


G.               SUPPLEMENTAL – Communication relative to Marketing Effort. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


H.               SUPPLEMENTAL – Communication relative to Abbott Bioresearch Center Expansion and Tax Increment Finance Request. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee for September 25, 2002 meeting






A.      Communication relative to the Training Manual utilized for election personnel. (Attachments)


          Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to Nuclear Waste. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee




12. FIRE:


A.      Communication relative to Fire Apparatus having no problems on Prioulx Street due to the condition of the road. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


B.      Communication relative to Fire Apparatus having no passage problems on King Philip Road. (Attachments)


          Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


C.      Request City Council accept with gratitude a donation in the amount of $500.00 from the Skylite Roller Skating Center. (Attachments)


          Order adopted with gratitude




A.      Communication relative to Health Insurance Negotiations – FY-04. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




15. LAW:


A.      Communication relative to Designating and Regulating Entertainment Districts. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Persons Responsible for Furnishing Alcohol to Minors, Targeting Keg Parties and Confiscating Kegs. (Attachments)


Referred to Education and College/University Relations



C.      Request City Council adoption of an ordinance amending Chapter Thirteen of the revised ordinances of 1966 relative to Fines for Parking Violations. (Attachments)


          Referred to Fees & Charges Committee

          (Reconsideration filed by Mayor Murray)








A.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept a Fiscal Year 2002 U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs Reducing Community Gun Violence: Project Safe Neighborhoods Grant. (Attachments)


          Resolution adopted


B.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept Fiscal Year 2003 Community Policing Grant with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


C.      Communication relative to an award from the Executive Office of Public Safety in the amount of $22,414.00 for the City of Worcester’s FY’02 Violence Against Women Program. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


D.      Communication relative to the United Way’s 9th annual “Day of Caring” held on September 11, 2002. (Attachments)


          Placed on file






A.      Communication relative to Policies and Procedures that trigger an investigation when an assault or bodily injury occur. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


B.      Communication relative to Prostitution Related Arrests. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.      Communication relative to Statistics for Worcester Residential Colleges and Universities by year. (Attachments)


Referred to Education and College/University Relations

Committee and to Public Safety Committee


D.      Communication relative to CORY Statute. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


E.      Communication relative to Policies Regarding Control & Extermination of Wild Animals in the City, Bear Incident, and Use of Tranquilizer Gun or Appropriate Equipment Concerning Wild Animals in the City. (Attachments)


          Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to Arrests – College Hill/Holy Cross. (Attachments)


          Referred to Education and College/University Relations

          Committee and to Public Safety Committee




A.      Communication relative to City Owned Buildings that have been demolished since May 2000. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to the Tobacco Control Program. (Attachments)


Referred to Health Committee


C.      Communication relative to Worcester Vocational High School – Monthly Report. (Attachments)


Referred to Education and College/University Relations



D.      Communication relative to Reorganization Plan for the Health and Code Enforcement Department. (Attachments)


          Placed on file








A.      Request City Council accept with gratitude, travel expenses to allow Robert L. Moylan, Jr., Commissioner of Public Works, to address the University of Wisconsin/Madison College of Engineering relative to snow and ice control for city streets. (Attachments)


          Order adopted with gratitude


B.      Communication relative to a Press Release, regarding West Chester Street Temporary Closing. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to Feasibility of Water and Sewer Operations Consolidation. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


D.      Communication relative to Ballard Street Recycling Drop-Off Center. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


E.      Communication relative to the Railroad Bridge on West Boylston Street near Kendrick Field. (Attachments)


Placed on file


F.      Communication relative to Developers Compliance with Subdivision Requirements. (Attachments)


          Referred to Land Use Committee












A.      Recommend that Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Two Dollars and Two Cents ($9,872.02) be transferred from Account #91C711, City Wide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #26C704, Fire Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations related to various rehabilitation projects for the Fire Department as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


B.      Recommend that Thirty Eight Thousand Fifty Six Dollars and Twenty Five Cents ($38,056.25) be transferred from Account #91C711 City Wide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #25C702, Police Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations related to invoices for outside lighting and cell room engineering expenses for the Police Department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


C.      Recommend that Four Hundred Sixty Thousand One Hundred Sixty Two Dollars ($460,162.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to account #25C701, Police Department Capital Equipment, to provide funds for the purpose of purchasing (4) Unmarked Police Vehicles and (11) Marked Police Vehicles complete with radio and computer packages, as approved in the fiscal 2003 Police Department Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


D.      Recommend that Two Thousand One Hundred Ninety Five Dollars and Sixty Eight Cents ($2,195.68) be authorized from the following account:


          ACCOUNT           DESCRIPTION                       AMOUNT

          4101-92000           DPW – Administration O.M.     $       11.50

          4103-92000           DPW – Streets O.M.                $  2,184.18

                                                Total                                        $  2,195.68


for the payment of prior year invoices for various DPW Administration and Street obligations. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)




E.      Recommend that One Thousand Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,950.00) be authorized from the Account #450-92000, Water Department Ordinary Maintenance for the payment of a prior year invoice for the Water Department. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


F.      Recommend that Sixty Dollars ($60.00) be authorized from the Account #440-92000, Sewer Department Ordinary Maintenance for the payment of a prior year invoice for Sewer Department. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


G.      Recommend that Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C745, Sewer Construction, and appropriated to Account #44C761, Surface Drainage, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various surface drainage projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


H.      Recommend that One Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($190,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C739 Sewer Drainage Construction, and appropriated to Account #44C750, Lateral Sewers, for the payment of contractual obligations related to various surface drainage projects for the Sewer Department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


I.       Recommend that Eighty Thousand Dollars ($80,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #41C704, DPW Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to DPW building rehabilitation projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


J.       Recommend that Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #45C704, Water Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various Water Department rehabilitation projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


K.      Recommend the establishment of a Special Revenue account as allowed under the State Revolving Fund Statute, Chapter 275 of the Acts of 1990, Ch. 44 Sect. 53 E ½, to deposit funds for the operation of the Ballard Street Drop Off Center. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


L.      Recommend that Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C745, Sewer Construction, and appropriated to Account #44C771, Infiltration/Inflow, for the payment of contractual obligations related to various sewer infiltration/inflow remedial projects for the Sewer Department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)




M.     Recommend that Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) be transferred from the following account:


          ACCOUNT           DESCRIPTION                       AMOUNT

          14SOM125            Year 25 OPCD OM                  $5,000.00


and be appropriated to the following account:


ACCOUNT           DESCRIPTION                       AMOUNT

14S44625              Columbus Park                         $5,000.00

Traffic Improvements


to provide funds for the installation of traffic and pedestrian safety improvements in the Columbus Park Neighborhood. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


N.      Recommend that One Hundred Eighty Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Two Dollars and Forty Two Cents ($180,232.42) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #72C701, Parks Capital Equipment, to provide funds for the purpose of purchasing various pieces of equipment for the Parks Department, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


O.      Recommend that Eighty Five Thousand Dollars ($85,000.00) be transferred from Account #330-07, Reserve for Appropriation Damage Settlement and appropriated to Account #41S508, Scenic Height Subdivision. This amount represent Bond Recovery funds, the balance of undisbursed project, to be used for specific purposes related to the Subdivision known as Scenic Heights –III-IV-&V. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


P.      Recommend that One Million One Hundred Ninety Four Thousand ($1,194,000.00) be transferred from Account #330-91000, Health ^ Code Department – Personal Services, and appropriated to Account #280-91000, Code Enforcement Department – Personal Services, to provide funds for personal services expenses related to the establishment of this new department per the Public Health & Code Department Reorganization Plan as approved by the City Council’s Municipal Operations Subcommittee on September 9, 2002.


          I also recommend that One Hundred Forty Three Thousand ($143,000.00) be transferred from Account #330-92000, Health & Code Department – Ordinary Maintenance, and appropriated to Account #280-92000, Code Enforcement Department – Ordinary Maintenance, to provide funds for ordinary maintenance expenses related to the establishment of this new department per the Public Health & Code Department Reorganization Plan as approved by the City Council’s Municipal Operations Subcommittee on September 9, 2002.


          I further recommend Council approval to separate the appropriated capital project and grant accounts currently in Department 330 to the new Department of Code Enforcement, Department 280, as determined by the Budget Office and reviewed by the City Auditor. Once these accounts have been transferred, I will forward to Council the appropriate authorization request. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 10-0 (Abraham absent)


Q.      Recommend that the table of organization for the Executive Office of Economic Development be amended by deleting three positions. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-11


R.      Recommend that the table of organization for the Department of Public Health and Code Enforcement as approved in the fiscal 2003 budget be deleted in its entirety. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-11


S.      Recommend that the table of organization for the newly formed Department of Public Health establishing 63 positions be approved by Council. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-11


T.      Recommend that the table of organization for the newly formed Department of Code Enforcement establishing 66 positions be approved by Council. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

          Reconsideration denied on a roll call 0-11




A.      Communication relative to the Placement of the Second City Hall Rostrum. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Works Committee




          42-45 FROM FEES & CHARGES COMMITTEE - Adopted


42.     Request Administration to provide City Council with copies of ordinances from other Massachusetts communities referencing the late fee charged for non-licensing of dogs. (Attachments)


43.     Request City Manager report to City Council the budgetary impact on the Fiscal Year 2003 budget as a result of a late enactment of a parking fine schedule. (Attachments)


44.     Request Code Commissioner to provide City Council with a schedule of the increases in their fees and how those increases were justified.



45.     Request Director of Traffic Engineering to meet with the Committee on Persons with Disabilities to discuss the status of handicap parking issues and report findings and recommendations to the City Council.



          46 & 47 FROM LAND USE COMMITTEE- Adopted


46.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report setting forth any timelines that need to be adhered to when considering zone changes referring to examples such as combining zones. Additionally provide a color-coded zoning map, including the overlay zones, and report if eliminating special permits from the ordinance altogether might be legally accomplished. (Attachments)


47.     Request Administration to provide City Council with an outline of how other Massachusetts communities have conducted a formal review of their zoning ordinances. (Attachments)




48.     Request Administration to consider additional wording in the proposed re-write of Chapter 9, Section 1 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to Disorderly Behavior as follows:  Insert after the words “legitimate purpose” the words “of the actor”. (Attachments)




49.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority to consider reviewing the layout of bus schedules and the public notifications of scheduled changes in service. (Attachments)


50.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority to consider repairing the broken air conditioning equipment in their fleet before the summer of 2003. (Attachments)


51.     Request City Manager to obtain information from communities in Silicon Valley, California concerning alternative supplemental funding opportunities for transit authorities. (Attachments)


52.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority report to City Council the concerns of citizens who have submitted their concerns to the transit agency. (Attachments)


53.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority report to City Council on the number of missed trips since January 1, 2002 and the reasons why they occurred. (Attachments)


54.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority report to City Council their policies and enforcement of policies surrounding smoking tobacco in and around Bus Shelters and Stops in their transportation system. (Attachments)


55.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority to address the concerns with Route 24 and the service for workers on the first and second shift. (Attachments)


56.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority to review the schedule and route of the Route 24W bus to determine if it might better accommodate the residents at Lakeside Apartments. (Attachments)


57.     Request Worcester Regional Transit Authority report on adding and using a bus stop at Franklin/Front Sts. for all routes that pass that corner of the Worcester Common. (Attachments)




58.     Request Administration report on the feasibility of developing or attracting a developer to construct assisted living or other complementary housing in the 1926 building at the site of the Worcester Senior Center.   (Gomez) (Attachments)




59.     Request Administration report relative to creating an entertainment district along the North Lake Ave. corridor beginning at Regatta Point which might possibly include construction of a boardwalk.   (Gomez)





60.     Request Administration to provide an update on the court house.  (Murray) (Attachments)




61.     Request City Manager report to City Council on sewer related issues and solutions on Nathaniel St.  (Clancy) (Attachments)




62.     Request City Auditor to prepare an estimate on the increase in pension assessment for Fiscal Year 2004 using third quarter stock market results as a basis.  Further, request that he include in said report the percentage return the pension system would need to realize during the last quarter to keep the pension assessment on budget for Fiscal Year 2004.  (Petty) (Attachments)




63.     Request Administration prepare for City Council a detailed report on projected revenues and expenses for Fiscal Year 2004 regarding the assumptions used to arrive at the reported figures, budgeted 2003 amounts for revenues and expenses taking into consideration the effects of early retirements and actual 2002 results for both revenues and expenses.  (Petty) (Attachments)




64.     Request City Auditor to provide the estimated cost of increasing pensions under Chapter 32, Sections 90A, D & E for Group 1 and Group 4 employees.  Report to show the estimated first year increase in pensions, annual cost to the City using 15 year level dollar funding, estimated increase in actuarial accrued liability and the number of retirees who would receive a pension increase.  Estimates would assume an increase to 50%, 45% and 40% of an active employee’s current salary without a cap and with a $4,000 cap.  (Petty, Murray)



Mayor Murray moved to amend to add Section C

Adopted, as amended


65.     Request City Manager prepare a status report on the following from the Indian Lake/Salisbury Pond Watershed Association:  1) Abandoned cars at: end of Smith Lane, 111 Holden St., Idala St., 2) Need more code enforcers for Conservation Commission to regulate wetland issues; 3) Assumption College potential clear cutting of 8 acres of open space.  Need to develop local bylaws similar to Town of Ipswich regulating clear cutting of trees; 4) Preserve and protect many areas of open space and educate public;  5) Redevelopment of abandoned industrial areas with large paved parking lots in between Grove St. and Route 190 near Brooks St. and West Mountain St. and Greendale Mall area; 6) Education of public through newsletters, local cable access, brochures of impacts people have on the environment. (Patton) (Attachments)



66.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the development package offered to hotel developers in the cities of Springfield and Boston for the newest hotel properties built. (Clancy) (Attachments)




67.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the development incentives that were given to the Crown Plaza Hotel (formerly Marriott) when it was constructed.  (Clancy) (Attachments)




68.     Request City Manager report to City Council on time line and schedule for resurfacing Lake Ave., including the feasibility of funding a pedestrian signal at the intersection of Sunderland Rd. and a traffic light with pedestrian signals at Bigelow-Davis Parkway. (Clancy) (Attachments)



Also referred to Public Works Committee for informational purposes


69.     Request City Manager report to City Council on the number of wet shelters that exist in the State of Massachusetts along with the number of clients that each serves.  (Clancy) (Attachments)




70.     Request City Administration report on the feasibility of using light rail opportunities with the MBTA to help facilitate increased commuter rail service between Worcester and Boston and/or Framingham. (Murray, Petty, Perotto, Gomez) (Attachments)


Mayor Murray moved to amend to add Councillor Palmieri as an



Adopted, as amended


71.     Request City Administration report on the feasibility of establishing an anti panhandling ordinance.  (Murray) (Attachments)




72.     Request Administration report on establishment of City Housing Trust Fund.   (Murray, Irish, Haller) (Attachments)




73.     Request Administration explore the feasibility of pursuing a State Urban Self-help Grant to facilitate the completion of Goddard Memorial Park.  (Murray, Abraham) (Attachments)




74.     Request Administration consider developing sponsorship opportunities for citywide pool rehabilitation so as to help facilitate the opening of our pools for the summer of 2003 and consider soliciting said sponsorship from area nonprofits. (Murray, Abraham) (Attachments)




75.     Request Administration report on what recommendations it will be making as it relates to the establishment of a planning unit to develop and implement citywide planning initiatives and policy.  (Murray, Patton, Palmieri) (Attachments)




76.     Request Administration to submit a report of the current zoning for Downtown Worcester, including the Arts District, a definition of “Downtown Worcester” and make recommendations for a Downtown Zone, with specific goals and objectives for economic development, including but not restricted to housing, arts, retail and commercial uses.   (Lukes) (Attachments)




77.     Request Administration report on the feasibility of including trash clean-up and removal mandates upon owners of real estate who apply for issuance and/or renewal of parking lot permits.   (Lukes) (Attachments)





77a.   Request City Manager to report as to how much money is in the Worcester Common Outlet tax escrow account, how many years money has been set aside in this account, when that money gets released, what that money gets released to, including any interest payments.  Motion-Clancy @ #7A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77b.   Request Administration be and is hereby requested to communicate with owners of the North High Condominiums along with the WBDC and submit a report concerning spot zoning and the non-conforming use issue.  Motion-Lukes @ #7C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77c.   Request Administration to provide clarification if zoning is changed in a particular district, property which is there that may be included and is being used for a specific use would not be considered a non-conforming use but grandfathered.  Motion-Gomez @ #7C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77d.   Request Administration to report as to whether property proposed for development by Assumption College is now Assumption College property, does that make this property an Institutional Zone.  Motion-Patton @ #7B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77e.   Request Administration to report whether an individual abutter can pave a private street.  Motion-Patton @ #7B CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77f.    Request City Manager to communicate with Assumption College as to a timeline for proposed development and inform City Council.  Motion-Murray @ #7B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77g.   Request City Manager to contact the President of Assumption College relative to proposed development plans.   Motion-Perotto @ #7B CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


77h.   Request Administration to establish a policy that the City notifies all owners of our top 10 targeted open space opportunities in the City and request that they contact the City prior to transfer of property.  Motion-Patton @ #7B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77i.    Request Administration to provide quarterly updates on who is applying for brownfield cleanup funds and how much money from an aggregate point of view is being used.   Further, request a report on the prioritization process for use of funds.  Motion-Perotto @ #7D CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


77j.    Request Administration to do some planning and inform City Council where the focus should be relative to the brownfield cleanup fund.  Motion-Lukes @ #7D CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


77k.   Request City Manager to report whether the Department of Public Works property is a brownfield  site and eligible for brownfield cleanup funding.  Motion-Palmieri @ #7D CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77L.   Request City Manager to report within 30 days as to how the Administration will proceed with marketing, processing and administering loan requests from the Brownfields Cleanup Fund.  Motion-Murray @ #7D CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77m.  Request City Manager to request MassPort to keep the City updated as to their plans and position on the progress of the Worcester Regional Airport.   Motion-Abraham @ #7E CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77n.   Request City Manager to contact MassPort to make it clear that the City needs them to run the Worcester Regional Airport.  Motion-Lukes @ #7E CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77o.   Request City Manager to report what it would cost the City of Worcester if the City  lost the litigation in Suffolk Superior Court relative to pension increases.  Motion-Petty @ #64CC – Adopted (Attachments)


77p.   Request City Manager to look into what the City’s rights are in limiting any and all transportation of nuclear waste through the City of Worcester.  Motion-Patton @ #10A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77q.   Request City Manager to report how many spills or public health threats on our country’s roadways have resulted in the past two years as a result of the federal government transporting hazardous waste.  Motion-Gomez @ #10A CM  (Attachments)


Councillor Lukes moved to amend:   Further, request report as to any difficulties the City may have had with transportation of contaminated soil from the Big Dig through the City of Worcester. 


Adopted, as amended


77r.    Request City Manager to report if the City has any control over the transportation of contaminated soil from the Big Dig through the City of Worcester.  Motion-Lukes @ #10A CM   (Attachments)


Councillor Petty moved to amend: Further, request a schedule from the Department of Energy as to how the City can affect their decision making process.


Adopted, as amended


77s.   Request City Manager to keep the City Council informed of the progress in the further regulation of the transportation of hazardous waste.   Motion-Perotto @ #10A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77t.    Request City Manager to contact  Congressman McGovern’s Office for updates on the regulations for the transportation of hazardous waste.  Motion-Perotto @ #10A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77u.   Request City Manager to intensify negotiations with employee unions and make them keenly aware of the financial difficulty that the City is in and that an immediate resolution is needed to the issue of health insurance coverage.  Motion-Lukes @ #13A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77v.   Request City Manager to report what the nine largest cities in New England are providing their employees for health insurance and what are the top ten employers in Central Massachusetts providing their employees and compare that to what the City is providing its employees.  Motion-Gomez @ #13A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77w.  Request City Manager to send a copy of #19C of the City Manager’s Calendar of September 24, 2002 with a cover letter to the Presidents of all colleges and universities in the City.  Motion-Clancy @ #19C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77x.   Request Administration to provide City Council with a breakdown of data received from the various university police forces relative to student arrests.  Motion-Patton @ #19C CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77y.   Request City Manager to report on the current philosophy for controlling the crime of prostitution in the City of Worcester.  Motion-Haller @ #19B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77z.   Request City Manager to report as to what steps, if any, the Animal Control Unit is going to take to be able to address the control and extermination of wild animals in the future.  Motion-Murray @ #19E CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77aa.  Request City Manager to provide City Council with a compilation of articles on black bear attacks in the western part of the state and in Connecticut.  Motion-Clancy @ #19E CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77bb. Request City Manager to report on any programs in place at the Worcester Regional Airport concerning the control of wild animals. Motion-Lukes @ #19E CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77cc. Request City Manager to contact the Town Manager of Holden relative to the use of Newell Rd. as an option to West Chester St.  Motion-Patton @ #23B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77dd. Request Traffic Engineer to report to City Council in three weeks indicating where, in fact, the traffic has been going and if there are any problems created from the closing of West Chester St.  Motion-Lukes @ #23B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77ee.  Request City Manager to update City Council on improvements being made to the railroad bridge on West Boylston St. near Kendrick Field.  Motion-Patton @ #23E CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77ff.   Request City Manager to report if it is legal to leave trains running on a railway, in the middle of the City, overnight, every night.  Motion-Patton @ #23E CM –Adopted  (Attachments)


77gg. Request City Manager to investigate the square footage of space used in the old Aldermen Chambers and the  square footage of space that is currently used in Room 410.  Motion-Clancy @ #29A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77hh. Request City Manager to look into the Mass. Historical Commission relative to funding for the restoration of the second City Hall Rostrum. Motion-Murray @ #29A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


77ii.   Request Administration to provide a full evaluation of  City departments use of space which would include City owned property and rental property and to make recommendations as to whether we could consolidate some of the City departments use of space, help to decrease expenses and help evaluate what would be the highest and best use of the properties.  Motion-Gomez @ #29A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


77jj.   Request Administration to undertake process to change the name of Middle River to Blackstone River pursuant to federal guidelines.  Murray, Clancy – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


77kk. Request City Auditor to report as to the number of vehicles in the School Department and use of said vehicles.  Patton – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


77LL. Request City Manager to provide City support in the clean up West    Boylston St. from approximately 190 to the intersection of Park Ave. Patton – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


77mm.Request City Manager to have trees trimmed in front of Stop sign on    Norton St.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


77nn. Request City Manager to provide a report on the amount of taxes paid by Crown Plaza and the other three premium hotels in the City as well as any other revenue that comes to the City as a result of their rental rates in the past three years.  Further, request City Manager to work with the Chamber of Commerce and the Convention and Visitors Bureau to provide an historical evaluation of room rentals, per season, for the City’s three premiere hotels for the past two years. Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


77oo. Request City Manager to make recommendations regarding updating the Environmental Tobacco Smoke Ordinance to address harmful effects of tobacco smoke for all work sites.  Haller – Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


77pp. Request Administration to furnish City Council with a copy of the parking grant received for the Washington Sq. area.  Irish –  Suspension of Rules – Adopted  (Attachments)


77qq. Request City Manager report to City Council on procedures used for determining layoffs at the Office of Employment and Training due to cuts in federal funds and further, to report on policies that exist for recall of employees who have many years service with the City.  Clancy, Palmieri, Patton – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


          78 ADOPTED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0






79.     Roberta R. Schaefer, Executive Director, Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting Downtown Worcester Office Occupancy:  2002 Survey. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee




          a)       #5B CM  June 25, 2002

Communication of the City Manager relative to questions raised regarding the budget for the Executive Office of Economic Development. (Attachments)



          81-85 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON FEES AND CHARGES Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


81.     Relative to Community Preservation Act, Borrowing – inside or outside of legal debt limit. (Attachments)


82.     Relative to $20.00 surcharge in recording or filing fees and revenue produced by the Community Preservation Act. (Attachments)


83.     Relative to real estate taxes under various surcharges of the Community Preservation Act, including exemptions. (Attachments)


84.     Relative to detailing the schedule of fines and methods of enforcement for illegal dumping. (Attachments)


85.     Relative to General Laws Chapter 40, Section 22F – Setting of Municipal Fees. (Attachments)









86.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to proposed reorganization plan for the Department of Health and Code Enforcement:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order and passage of the accompanying three proposed Ordinances. (Attachments)




87.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Petition of Ronal Madnick, Executive Director, Worcester County Chapter, American Civil Liberties Union of Mass. request City Manager clarify the right of City employees, including department heads, to speak out on public issues:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order requesting the City Manager propose a policy clarifying the rights of City employees to the City Council for review, if no policy already exists. (Attachments)


          88 ACCEPTED


88.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Order of Mayor Murray requesting Municipal Operations Committee in their discussion of the proposed reorganization of the Department of Health and Code Enforcement include some measures to determine the level of customer service.  Further, request discussion of employees education relating to customer service:  recommend Order be placed on file. (Attachments)




89.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of Acona Realty LLC requesting City Council amend the Worcester Zoning Map to change the zoning classification of the parcel of land located at 115 Southwest Cutoff and a 20.03 acre parcel of land off the easterly side of Southwest Cutoff from MG-2.0 to BL-1.0:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)




90.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Petition of Attorney Stephen Madaus on behalf of Gateway Park LLC by Worcester Business Development Corp. LLC et al requesting to amend the Official Zoning Map relative to 60 acres of land in the area of Lincoln Sq., Salisbury St., Institute Rd., Tuckerman St., Lancaster St., Grove St., Prescott St., Garden St. and Lincoln St. by changing the zoning district designations of BO-1.0, BG-2.0 and MG-2.0 to a designation of BG-6.0:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance. (Attachments)


          91-99 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


91.     Arthur Kevorkian & Claudette Danielson request that the route change voted by the WRTA Advisory Board on July 18, 2002 changing #24 Belmont route and to make U-turns on Park Ave. and back onto Lovell St. not be implemented. (Attachments)


92.     Arthur Kevorkian request to meet with the Public Service & Transportation Committee before January 19, 2002 to prevent cuts and stopping of bus service on Sundays to Lincoln Park Towers and other areas. (Attachments)


93.     P.A. Courtney et al request continued WRTA busing for elderly and disabled residents. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE AND TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


94.     Relative to recently asked City Council questions regarding the WRTA. (Attachments)


95.     Relative to air conditioning on WRTA buses. (Attachments)


96.     Relative to WRTA route changes and fare increases. (Attachments)


97.     Relative to redesignation of exchange point of WRTA stops from City Hall to Union Station. (Attachments)


98.     Relative to bus stop/shelter requests. (Attachments)


99.     Relative to WRTA FY 2003 budget. (Attachments)




          100 ADOPTED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


100.   That the sum of $580,000.00 be appropriated to Account 91C745, Sewer Construction to pay for costs of constructing sewer systems by conducting infiltration and inflow remedial work to the City’s sewerage system (Southbridge St. Sewer Separation). (Attachments)




          101-117 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


101.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking opposite 4 Veterans Ave. (Attachments)


102.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking on westerly corner of Reeves St. and Whipple St. (Attachments)


103.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 36 Sigel St. (Attachments)


104.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 105 Sterling St. (Attachments)


105.   Amending Section 29 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 providing for Stop sign on Tennyson St. at Whipple St. to face southbound traffic on Tennyson St. (Attachments)


106.   Amending Section 29 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 providing for Stop signs on Keen St. at Montello St. to face east and westbound traffic. (Attachments)


107.   Amending Section 29 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 providing for Stop sign on Park Villa Ave. at Ladybank Rd. to face eastbound traffic on Park Villa Ave. (Attachments)


108.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the south side of Whipple St. in front of 101 Whipple St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of

1996 to prohibit parking on the north side of Whipple St. on both sides of the intersection of Tennyson St. (Attachments)


109.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the east side of Lincoln St. from the corner of Gorham St. to I-290. (Attachments)


110.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking in front of 75 Ward St. (Attachments)


111.Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for two hour parking on the east side of Alvarado Ave. in front of St. Margaret Mary Church. (Attachments)


Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for two hour parking on the west side of Alvarado Ave. in front of 76 and 78 Alvarado Ave. (Attachments)


112.   Amending Section 33(f)(2) of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit Right Turn on Red from Main St. northbound into Hammond St. (Attachments)


113.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for 15 minute parking on the east side of Orient St. from the corner of Hamilton St. to the first driveway. (Attachments)


114.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for 15 minute parking in front of 52 High St. (Attachments)


115.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for one hour parking meters on the west side of Main St. from 664 to 700 Main St. (Attachments)


116.Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to install one hour parking meters on the east side of Main St. south of Federal St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to rescind 30 minute parking on the east side of Main St. between Franklin St. and Federal St. (Attachments)


Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to install one hour parking meters on the east side of Southbridge St. near Main St. (Attachments)


117.   Amending Section 68 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to make Harlem St. one way westbound from Vernon St. to Millbury St. (Attachments)


TABLED ITEMNo Action Taken


118.   Resolution – That the City Council go on record in support of state legislation that would address safety issues surrounding the use of hand-held telephones by people operating motor vehicles across the Commonwealth.   (Abraham)  (Tabled July 16, 2002) (Attachments)




SEPTEMBER 24, 2002             HEALTH           COUNCIL CHAMBER

          5:30 P.M.



        5:00 P.M.                   DEVELOPMENT


SEPTEMBER 30, 2002           LAND USE         COUNCIL CHAMBER

          7:00 P.M.

Re:  Proposed Zoning Ordinance

       Definitions, Table of Uses & Permitted Dimensions by District


OCTOBER 1, 2002                   HEALTH           COUNCIL CHAMBER

        5:30 P.M.



        6:00 P.M.                  & RECREATION


OCTOBER 10, 2002               LAND USE         COUNCIL CHAMBER

        7:00 P.M.

Re:  Proposed Zoning Ordinance

       Site Plan Approvals, Signs



        6:00 P.M.


OCTOBER 24, 2002               LAND USE         COUNCIL CHAMBER

        7:00 P.M.

Re:  Proposed Zoning Ordinance

       Cluster/Inclusionary Zoning, Density Bonuses, Continuing Care

       Retirement Communities


NOVEMBER 14, 2002           LAND USE           COUNCIL CHAMBER

          7:00 P.M.

Re:  Proposed Zoning Ordinance

       Design Review, Conservation