4:00 P.M.


          The City Council will resume it's regular meeting  schedule beginning Tuesday, September 3, 2002.

        Convened:  4:05 P.M.

                                      Recessed to go into Executive Session:  9:30 P.M.

               Reconvened:  10:10 P.M.

             Adjourned:  10:10 P.M.



1.                 INVOCATION –    Rev. C. Barry Wood

                                        Epworth United Methodist Church


2.                 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE




                              ACCOMPANIED BY GEOFFREY KILLEBREW


4.                 ROLL CALL – All present except Councillor Palmieri who

                                    arrived at 4:12 P.M.




          5-16 Hearings held – 5, 6 & 7 Councillor Haller recused on a roll

                                              call 9-0 (Palmieri absent)


5.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. & VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. for a joint pole relocation on: HEARD ST. (Attachments)


6.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  SALISBURY ST. (Attachments)


7.       MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  DEAN ST. (Attachments)


8.       CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for conduit location on:  HILTON AVE. (Attachments)


9.       CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for conduit location on:  LARCH ST. (Attachments)


10.     FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities on:  VERNON ST. (Attachments)


11.     FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities at:  INTERSECTION OF VERNON ST. AND BALLARD ST. (Attachments)


12.     FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities on:  CAMBRIDGE ST. (Attachments)


13.     FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities on:  CAMBRIDGE ST. (Attachments)


14.     CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for conduit location on:  FEDERAL ST. (Attachments)


15.     NSTAR for gas main location on:  CHANDLER ST. (Attachments)


16.     NSTAR for gas main location on:  WEST BOYLSTON ST. (Attachments)


          5a - 16a ORDERS ADOPTED


5a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. & VERIZON NEW ENGLAND, INC. for joint pole relocation on:  HEARD ST.


6a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO. for cable and conduit system on:  SALISBURY ST.


7a.     Granting permission to MASSACHUSETTS ELECTRIC CO.  for cable and conduit system on:  DEAN ST.


8a.     Granting permission to CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for conduit location on:  HILTON AVE.


9a.     Granting permission to  CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for conduit location on:  LARCH ST.      


10a.   Granting permission to FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities on:  VERNON ST.


11a.   Granting permission to FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities at:  INTERSECTION OF VERNON ST. AND BALLARD ST.


12a.   Granting permission to FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities on:  CAMBRIDGE ST.


13a.   Granting permission to FIBER TECHNOLOGIES NETWORKS to install and maintain fiber optic telecommunications facilities on:  CAMBRIDGE ST.


14a.   Granting permission to CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for conduit location on:  FEDERAL ST.


15a.   Granting permission to NSTAR for gas main location on:  CHANDLER ST.


16a.   Granting permission to NSTAR for gas main location on:  WEST BOYLSTON ST.


17.             ELECTION – CITY CLERK – TWO YEAR TERM – City Council

elected David J. Rushford to a two year term as City Clerk on a

roll call 11-0










19.     William S. Coleman, III request City Council place before the voters in this upcoming November 2002 election:  The proposed citizen sponsored constitutional amendment to ban Same Sex Marriage.  I recommend this question appear on the Worcester Ballot as a non-binding, survey question. (Attachments)




20.     Delia R. Trainor request City tree at 99 Monadnock Rd. be cut down or trimmed for safety reasons. (Attachments)




21.     Sara Burtt & Glenn Seaver request to extend the RL-7 zone line to the northerly property line of 1 Redfield Rd. (Attachments)


22.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request removal from Official Map 200 foot section of the private portion on Nonquit St. between Coburn Ave. and Palisades St. (Attachments)





23.     Arthur Kevorkian & Claudette Danielson request that the route change voted by the WRTA Advisory Board on July 18, 2002 to change the #24 Belmont route and to make U-turns on Park Ave. and back onto Lovell St. not be implemented. (Attachments)


24.     Delia Trainor request installation of a street light in front of 99 Monadnock Rd. (Attachments)


25.     Kevin Daley et al request one additional street light be installed on Sherburne Ave. (Attachments)




26.     Everett Person request a guardrail at 79 Hadwen Rd. (Attachments)


27.     Pedro & Gloria Toro request sidewalk repair at 81-83 Chandler St. (Attachments)


28.     Anthony & Michael Trippi request sidewalk repair at 19 Caro St. (Attachments)


29.     Representative John Fresolo on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Austin Cannon request hydrant in front of 54 Olean St. be moved to better accommodate entering and exiting of driveway. (Attachments)


30.     James Kenary, 3rd request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50161 in the amount of $4,218.94 on Westwood Dr. (Attachments)


31.     Antonio & Simone Oliveira request sidewalk repair at 43 Huntington Ave. (Attachments)


32.     Steve & Michele Koller et al request private street betterment on Belcourt Rd. (Attachments)


33.     Mabel Monks et al request Dunbar St. be repaved from Heard St. to Pine View Ave. (Attachments)


34.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on Sterling St. from Fairfax Rd. to Harlem St., as needed. (Attachments)


35.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on Cargill Ave., as needed. (Attachments)


36.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request sidewalk repair on Strathmore Rd., as needed. (Attachments)


37.     Maria & Thomas Whalen request private street betterment for Monica Rd. (Attachments)


38.     Mr. & Mrs. Paul Healy et al request private street betterment for Ronald  Dr. (Attachments)


39.     Mary Wood Chiavaras et al request sidewalk repair on Eastham St. (Attachments)


40.     Linda Haddad request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50064 in the amount of $5,439.40 on Jeffrey Rd. (Attachments)


41.     Representative John Fresolo on behalf of Bill Moore request sidewalk repair in front of 17 Jefferson St. (Attachments)


42.     Jean Hilliker request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50120 in the amount of $7,391.78 on Westwood Circle. (Attachments)


43.     Attorney George Moore on behalf of Edward & Linda Hyder on behalf of George & Minnie Hyder request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24435 in the amount of $6,331.25 on Delmont Ave. (Attachments)


44.     Dr. Felix & Anne Cataldo request replacement of sidewalk in front of 493 Salisbury St. (Attachments)


45.     Adrian & Lillie Bom request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50148 in the amount of $4,303.38 on Westwood Dr. (Attachments)


46.     Pamela Bowler request City to uncover the portion(s) of sidewalk buried for 25 years at corner of Monterey & Thorndyke Rds. (Attachments)


47.     Nicolina Puccio request sidewalk repair at 111 Beeching St. (Attachments)


48.     Florence Okyere et al request private street maintenance on Gardner Terrace. (Attachments)



49.     James Tierney request sidewalk repair in front of 16 Dayton St. (Attachments)


50.     Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Robert Golden request Public Works reconstruct/repair sidewalk in front of 42 Ellis Dr. (Attachments)


51.     Janet A. Birbara request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50115 in the amount of $3,760.50 for Surrey Lane. (Attachments)


52.     Cynthia Granger request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50144 in the amount of $8,914.79 for Westwood Dr. (Attachments)


53.     Charles & Marie Scouras request sidewalk repair at 5 Saxon Rd.



54.     Charles & Elizabeth O'Connor request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50097 in the amount of $4,614.82 on Paul Revere Rd. (Attachments)


55.     William & Maureen Gasko request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50090 in the amount of $11,492.44 on Old Colony Rd. (Attachments)


56.     Shervin Jafarzadeh request permission to extend sewer line at intersection of Mower St. and Pleasant St. 150 feet northerly on Pleasant St. in vicinity of house #771 Pleasant St. at own expense. (Attachments)


57.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request Wawecus Rd. be resurfaced. (Attachments)


58.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Mary Chiavaras request Eastham St. be resurfaced. (Attachments)


59.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri on behalf of Mary Chiavaras request sidewalk repair on both sides of Eastham St. (Attachments)


60.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalk repair on the even side of North Parkway. (Attachments)


61.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request sidewalk repair on the even side of Belvidere Ave. (Attachments)


62.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request Blue Hill Rd. be resurfaced. (Attachments)


63.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request Rankin St. be resurfaced. (Attachments)


64.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request Park View Rd. be resurfaced. (Attachments)


65.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request Dustin St. be resurfaced. (Attachments)


66.     Thomas H.R.  Moore, et al request reconfiguration of entrances and exits to Central St. Post Office at Central and Summer Sts. (Attachments)


67.     Paul M. & Linda S. Hazelhurst request abatement of Private Street Betterment Assessment #50114 in the amount of $4,211.42 on Surrey Lane. (Attachments)


68.     Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Edward Bilzerian request sidewalk replacement at 25 Rittenhouse Rd. (Attachments)


69.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request to resurface Jefferson St. (Attachments)


70.     Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request to resurface Dana Ave. (Attachments)


70a.   Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request repair of catch basin on West Upsala St.  Referred to Public Works Committee – Suspension of Rules   (Attachments)


70b.   Councillor Barbara Haller request street repair on Ormond St.  Referred to Public Works Committee – Suspension of Rules (Attachments)


70c.   Councillor Barbara Haller request sidewalk repair on Ormond St.  Referred to Public Works Committee – Suspension of Rules (Attachments)




71.     Joseph Gallati request resident parking on Shelby St. – Dead End west of Mulberry St. for 17, 19 and 21 Shelby St. (Attachments)


72.     Thomas Gannon & Chris Brown request removal of taxi stand in front of 1008 Main St. (Longfellow Manor Apts.) to provide parking for tenants of buildings. (Attachments)


73.     State Representative John Fresolo on behalf of Virginia Varney request installation of Curve Warning sign facing westbound traffic in advance of 102 Blithewood Ave. (Attachments)


74.     Edward Kennedy  request “No Turn on Red” sign on Shrewsbury St. at the corner of Shamrock St., facing traffic turning onto East Central St.  (Attachments)


75.     Betty Cotto, et al request resident only parking on Lyon St. (Attachments)


76.     Mercedes Soto request handicap parking in front of 33 Cutler St. (Attachments)


77.     Councillor Barbara G. Haller on behalf of Ann Olsen request handicap parking in front of 16 Hitchcock Rd. (Attachments)


78.     Gladys Hartz request handicap parking in front of 16 Crystal St. (Attachments)


79.     Councillor Michael C. Perotto request Department of Public Works use "Enhancement Techniques" at the crosswalk at Stafford St. near Christo's Restaurant for the purpose of public safety. (Attachments)


80.     Bruce Christian request handicap parking in front of 48 Stockton St. (Attachments)


81.     Councillor Philip P. Palmieri request installation of stop sign for both north & southbound traffic on Channing St. at the intersection of Mt. Vernon St. (Attachments)


82.     Councillor Stephen G. Abraham request installation of diagonal parking spaces along the 300 feet of frontage on the southerly side of Chandler St. in front of the home field of the Jesse Burkett Little League, 540 Chandler St. (Attachments)


83.     Miles & Lois Walcott, et al request "No Commercial Vehicles Allowed" sign be placed on the cul-de-sac at Adelaide Circle. (Attachments)


84.     Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of John Canzano request handicap parking in front of 2 Cohasset St. (Attachments)


84a.   Councillor Barbara Haller request repainting of crosswalk in front of Murray Ave. Highrise, Murray Ave. in recognition of increased traffic due to Santiago’s Market.  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee – Suspension of Rules   (Attachments)


84b.   Councillor Stephen Patton request sign at intersection of Brooks St. and Ararat St. – No Entrance to Movie Theatre.  Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee – Suspension of Rules   (Attachments)



     AUGUST 27, 2002 MEETING


85.     Michael Galvin request City Council vote on August 20, 2002 that it is the preference of the Council for the final design of Washington Square to include pedestrian signals at all crossings. (Attachments)



                        COMMITTEE FOR SEPTEMBER 9, 2002 MEETING


86.     Ronal Madnick, Executive Director, Worcester County Chapter American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts request City Manager clarify the rights of city employees, including department heads, to speak out on public issues, etc. (Attachments)


87.     Ronal Madnick, Executive Director, Worcester County Chapter American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts request Chapter 9, Section 1 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 relative to Disorderly Behavior be changed. (Attachments)













A.      Notification of the reappointment of Steven Galkowski to the World War Memorial at Lincoln Square Board of Trustees. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Notification of the reappointment of Matthew J. Armendo to the Zoning Board of Appeals. (Attachments)


          Placed on file








A.      Request adoption of the resolution to file and accept a Security Enhancement Project Grant with the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission. (Attachments)


Two Resolutions adopted


B.      Request adoption of the resolution to file and accept a Reconstruction of General Aviation Ramp Grant with the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission. (Attachments)


          Two Resolutions adopted






A.      Communication relative to Fiscal 2003 Local Aid/Cherry Sheet Information. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee






A.      Communication relative to Peter Pan Bus Lines, Inc. regarding the Worcester Union Station intermodal terminal project. (Attachments)


          Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


B.      Communication relative to “Urban Design” component to the study for Washington Square. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


C.      Communication relative to Assumption College Development Plans. (Attachments)


          Recommitted to the City Manager


D.      Communication relative to Cigna-Commuter Rail Parking near Franklin Street. (Attachments)


Recommitted to the City Manager


E.      Communication relative to Convention Bureau Year-End Sales Report. (Attachments)


          Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


F.      Communication relative to Spirit of America Event August 2, 3, 4, 2002. (Attachments)


Placed on file


G.      Request adoption of the resolution accepting the award of a grant in the amount of $1,000,000.00 from the United States Environmental Protection Agency to establish a Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


H.      Request adoption of the resolution for a street easement for Roda Estates. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


I.       Communication relative to Telecommunications Services in Worcester. (Attachments)


          Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


J.       Request adoption of a resolution to Accept a Grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


K.      Communication relative to the submittal of an Amendment of the Economic Opportunity Areas and Application to the state’s Economic Assistance Coordinating Council for the elimination of the existing eight EOAs and for the retention of existing Certified Projects and all future Certified Project Applications as “Site Specific EOAs”. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


L.      Communication relative to Listing of the Tenants at Biotech II. (Attachments)


Placed on file


M.     Communication relative to Certified Projects (TIF) Report as of June 30, 2002. (Attachments)


Councillor Irish recused on a roll call 10-0


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


N.      Communication relative to Grant Application and Resolution to MassDevelopment. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


O.      Request adoption of the order authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed transfer property at 705 Southbridge Street. (Attachments)


Order adopted


P.      Communication relative to the Report on the Impact of FY03 MCC Cuts on Worcester. (Attachments)


Placed on file


Q.      Communication relative to Economic Development Website. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


R.      Communication relative to Union Station Update. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


S.      Communication relative to Gateway Park Update. (Attachments)


Placed on file


T.      Communication relative to WRTA – FY’03 Budget. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee




A.      Communication relative to Outreach to Afro-American Elders. (Attachments)


          Referred to Ethnic & Minority Affairs Committee


B.      Request adoption of a resolution to file and accept a Grant from the Greater Worcester Community Foundation for approximately $25,000.00. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


C.      Request adoption of a resolution to accept a donation in the amount of $10,000.00 from the Friends of the Worcester Senior Center, Inc. (Attachments)


          Resolution adopted


D.      Communication relative to Report on Elder Services Network. (Attachments)


Referred to Elder Affairs Committee


E.      Request adoption of the resolution for the Lease of Space at the Senior Center. (Attachments)


          Four Resolutions adopted




A.      Communication regarding Changes in Ward, Precinct and Polling Places relative to redistricting. (Attachments)


          Placed on file






A.      Communication relative to Youth and Young Adult Job Fair 2002 (Attachments)


Placed on file


12. FIRE:


A.      Communication relative to Number of Fires and the Number of Firefighters working for the Worcester Fire Department for the last five years. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


B.      Communication relative to In-Service Inspections. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.      Communication relative to recognition given to our local fire fighters and community personnel. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


D.      Request that City Council accept with gratitude, a donation of $50.00 from Ellen J. Longvall, to be used toward the purchase of firefighting equipment. (Attachments)


          Order adopted with gratitude




A.      Communication relative to Placing a Cap on Paid Detail for Police Officers. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


B.      Communication relative to Comparison of City of Worcester Health Premiums to Other Worcester Employers. (Attachments)


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee


C.      Communication relative to Highest Paid Wage Earners in Public Safety. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


D.      Communication relative to Summary – Open Enrollment 2002. (Attachments)


Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




15. LAW:


A.      Communication relative to Removing Alcohol from Keg Parties. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to a Letter from Charter Communications Responding to Council’s Request for a Listing of Locations Throughout the City where Charter’s Service is Determined Less than Optimal. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee


C.      Communication relative to quarterly status report regarding the construction and deployment of digital cable and Internet access services (Attachments)


Referred to Public Service & Transportation Committee






A.      Communication relative to Demolition and Boarding-up of Abandoned  Buildings: Status of Funding. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Crime Watch Groups. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


C.      Communication relative to Make up of the Advisory Committee for the FY02 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


D.      Communication relative to College Hill Neighborhood Plan. (Attachments)


Referred to Education and College/University Relations



E.      Communication relative to PIP (People in Peril) Siting. (Attachments)


Referred to Health Committee


F.      Communication relative to Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Build Mentally Healthy Communities Grant Award. (Attachments)


Placed on file


G.      Communication relative to Grant Applied for and Received to Clean Up Brownfields. (Attachments)


Referred to Commerce & Development Committee


H.      Request adoption of the resolution Authorizing the City of Worcester to Apply and Accept a Fiscal Year 2003 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant with the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


I.       Communication relative to U.S. Department of Justice Weed and Seed Program. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


J.       Communication relative to Housing Bond Bill an Omnibus Housing Bill, including the TIF Legislation. (Attachments)


Referred to Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee


K.      Communication relative to the order authorizing a change of use for Senior Center CDBG Funds. (Attachments)


Order adopted – Also referred to Community Development

Committee for informational purposes


L.      Request adoption of the resolution to file and accept a Three-Year Grant to Expand Substance Abuse Treatment Capacity in Targeted Areas of Need from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. (Attachments)


Resolution adopted


M.     Communication relative to the State Budget Impacts on Homeless Services. (Attachments)


          Referred to Housing & Neighborhood Revitalization Committee




A.      Communication relative to Unbudgeted, Required Overtime – Hope Cemetery. (Attachments)


Referred to Youth, Parks & Recreation Committee


B.      Communication relative to Heat Wave and Extended Pool and Beach Hours. (Attachments)


Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to Enforcement Regarding Motor Vehicle Noise on Main Street. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Speed Surveillance on Clover Street. (Attachments)


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


C.      Communication relative to Requesting the Newspaper to Report Home and Worcester Address when Reporting Arrests. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Safety Committee


D.      Communication relative to Police report on the area bordered by Main, West, Highland and Elm Streets from January 2002 to the present. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


E.      Communication relative to Police Officers on Paid Detail also cite for traffic violations. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


F.      Communication relative to Working with the PIP Shelter to Establish a Police Sub-station at their Site. (Attachments)


Placed on file


G.      Communication relative to Abate Double Parking and Parking on the Sidewalk on Stockton Street. (Attachments)


Placed on file


H.      Communication relative to Speeding Surveillance on Houghton Street between Grafton and Dorchester Streets. (Attachments)


          Placed on file




A.      Communication relative to Illegal Dumping in our City Neighborhoods. (Attachments)


Placed on file


B.      Communication relative to Status Report on North High School. (Attachments)


Referred to Education & College/University Relations Committee


C.      Communication relative to the West Nile Virus. (Attachments)


Referred to Health Committee


D.      Communication relative to Burnouts at Events. (Attachments)


Placed on file


E.      Communication relative to Out AIDS/HIV and Hepatitis Program. (Attachments)


Referred to Health Committee


F.      Communication relative to how the City will bridge the gap in addressing the AIDS/Hepatitis issue. (Attachments)


Referred to Health Committee


G.      Communication relative to Forest Grove Middle School Construction Status Update Report. (Attachments)


Referred to Education & College/University Relations Committee


H.      Communication relative to Funding for the City’s AIDS/Hepatitis program. (Attachments)


Placed on file


I.       Communication relative to School Construction Projects – Quarterly Progress Report. (Attachments)


Referred to Education & College/University Relations Committee




A.      Communication relative to Status and Costs for Build-out of Restaurant/Cafe at the Worcester Public Library. (Attachments)


Placed on file – Also referred to Education & College/University

Relations Committee for informational purposes




A.      Communication relative to the Number of Buses Owned and Operated by the School Department directly, date of purchase and the age of the fleet, also a report on the number of students per school. (Attachments)


          Referred to Education & College/University Relations Committee




A.      Communication relative to Progress Report/Public Works Construction Projects. (Attachments)


          Referred to Public Works Committee


B.      Communication relative to Status report on the Gates Street Bridge. (Attachments)


Placed on file


C.      Communication relative to Status Report on the Exeter Street Bridge. (Attachments)


Placed on file


D.      Communication relative to the Yellow Blinking Lights at Intersection of Woodland and May Streets. (Attachments)


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


E.      Communication relative to Grimewatch Program – June 2002 Activity. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


F.      Communication relative to Update on the Coes Pond Dam Project. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


G.      Communication relative to City of Worcester 2001 Water Quality Report. (Attachments)


Placed on file


H.      Communication relative to Status Report #2 – Street Resurfacing Projects. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


I.       Communication relative to Structural Strength of the Coes Pond Dam. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


J.       Communication relative to Potholes on Hamilton Street between Commonwealth Ave. and Boston Ave. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


K.      Communication relative to Permitting & Inspection Process Regarding Road Construction by Utilities. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee


L.      Communication relative to Public Parking Lots the City Maintains. (Attachments)


Referred to Traffic & Parking Committee


M.     Communication relative to Proposed Pumping Station Corner of Whisper Drive and Salisbury Street. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Works Committee








          A.      Communication relative to the Bond Rating. (Attachments)


          Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




A.      Communication relative to putting Wreaths at all Veterans Square markers around the City for both Memorial Day and Veterans Day. (Attachments)


          Referred to Military Affairs Committee




A.      Request authorization to pay Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) for prior year invoices from Account #040-92000, City Manager’s Travel & Meals Account. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


B.      Recommend that Seven Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Dollars ($775,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #50C704, School Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the payment of contractual obligations related to various Building Rehabilitation projects for the Worcester Public Schools, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


C.      Recommend that One Hundred Thousand Dollars, ($100,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C714, Water Pump Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #45C726, Water Pump Station Rehabilitation, to allow for the payment of current and future water pumping rehabilitation project obligations, as approved in the Capital Improvement Project. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


D.      Recommend that Three Hundred Forty Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Seven Dollars and Forty Eight Cents ($345,287.48) be transferred from the following accounts:


ACCOUNT                   DESCRIPTION                       AMOUNT

          330-01                            Pearl Elm Reserves                   $191,526.48

          330-02                            Federal Plaza Reserves                  92,645.25

          330-03                            Off Street Reserves                       49,080.00

          330-04                            Parking Meter Reserves                 12,035.75

                                                 Total                                       $345,287.48


          and appropriated to the following accounts:


          ACCOUNT                   DESCRIPTION                     AMOUNT

          46S501                           Pearl Elm Ordinary Maint          $191,526.48

          46S502                           Federal Plaza Ordinary Maint.       92,645.25

          46S503                           Off Street Ordinary Maint.             49,080.00

          46S504                           Parking Meter Ordinary Maint.      12,035.75

                                                 Total                                        $345,287.48


          This appropriation provides sufficient operating funds for the Off Street Parking Program, for the First Quarter of Fiscal 2003. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


E.      Recommend that Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C745, Sewer Construction, and appropriated to Account #44C744, Sewer Reconstruction, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for

contractual obligations related to various sewer reconstruction projects, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


F.      Recommend that Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C741 Street Construction, and appropriated to Account #41C797, Sidewalks, to allow for the payment of current and future obligations for various citywide sidewalk projects. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


G.      Recommend that Eighty Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Dollars ($80,620.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #45C703, Water Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing (1) Backhoe with plow, and (6) Handheld Radios, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


H.      Recommend that Six Thousand Nine Hundred Six Dollars ($6,906.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #44C704, Sewer Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing various office equipment for the Customer Service Center, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


I.       Recommend that Two Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($299,800.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #26C701, Fire Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing a new 1500 GPM Fire Pumper for the Worcester Fire Department as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


J.       Recommend that Forty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty Two Dollars ($47,782.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #27C702, Communications Department Building Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the contractual obligations associated with the rehabilitation of the Communication Center, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


K.      Request authorization to pay Forty Nine Dollars, ($49.00) for a prior year invoice for Account #100-92000, City Clerk’s Office Ordinary Maintenance. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


L.      Recommend that Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #75C702, Civic Center Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the Centrum Arena roof replacement, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


M.     Recommend that One Hundred Eighty Four Thousand One Hundred Eleven Dollars (#184,111.00) be transferred when and as received from Account #91C780, Capital Equipment, and appropriated to Account #72C701, Parks Department Capital Equipment, for the purpose of purchasing various pieces of capital equipment for the Parks Department, Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


N.      Recommend that Forty Five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C709, Worcester Common Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #14C714, Worcester Common Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with consultant charges to complete the required community developed Master Plan for the entire facility as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


O.      Recommend that Forty Eight Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($48,200.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #11C702, City Messenger Rehabilitation. to provide funds for purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the ADA Bathroom improvements and the upgrade of the City Hall fire/smoke detection system, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


P.      Recommend that One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C716, Union Station, and appropriated to Account #04C704, Union Station Rehabilitation to provide initial funding to pay for consulting obligations for Union Station.


Furthermore, I am notifying Council of my intention to allow Mr. Niddrie to proceed with the Customer Service Center and the Restaurant portions of the fit out of Union Station. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0


Q.               Recommend that Four Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($490,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #33C725, Quinsigamond Roof Rehabilitation, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations associated with the re-roofing of Quinsigamond School Roof, as approved in the Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

R.               Recommend that Eighty Thousand One Hundred Seventy Five and Sixty Cents ($80,175.00) be transferred from Account #91C790 School Construction and appropriated to Account #33C724, North High School, to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations related to the construction equipment, and design changes for North High School, as approved inthe Capital Improvement Program. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

S.      Recommend that One Million Eighty Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Three Dollars and Twenty Six Cents ($1,080.653.26) be transferred from Account #91C790 School Construction and appropriated to the following Accounts:

          ACCOUNT                   DESCRIPTION                     AMOUNT

33C718                           Forest Grove School                 $1,064,181.94

                   33C719                           Forest Grove Equipment                  16,471.32

Total                                         $1,080,653.26


to provide funds for the purpose of payment for contractual obligations related to the construction of Forest Grove Middle School and equipping. (Attachments)


          Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

T.    Recommend that Thirty Nine Thousand Dollars ($39,000.00) be transferred from Account #720-92000, Parks Department Ordinary Maintenance, and appropriated to Account #720-91200, Parks Department Personal Services, to provide funds for the purpose of funding the extended pool and beach service during this years heat wave, and address the clean up of Hope Cemetery as identified in items #18A and #18B. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

U.   Recommend that Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) be transferred from Account #91C711, Citywide Building Rehabilitation, and appropriated to Account #26C711, Fire Department Building Rehabilitation, for the payment of contractual obligations related to an analysis of existing conditions of the rock wall and presentation of remedial recommendations for the Fire Department’s McKeon Road Fire Station. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

V.   Recommend that Six Million Three Hundred Forty Four Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Three Dollars ($6,344,263.00) be raised by taxation and appropriated to Account #04T802, Capital Campaign Account, for the purpose of payment of debt service costs associated with the construction of the new Worcester Vocational School project. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

W. Recommend that the sum of Two Hundred Twenty Eight Thousand Dollars ($228,000.00) be reduced from Account #663-96000, Health Insurance, and be used specifically to reduce a portion of the City of Worcester’s Cherry Sheet local aid reduction. (Attachments)

Order adopted on a roll call 11-0

X.      Recommend that Five Million One Hundred Sixty Three Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Two Dollars ($5,163,322.00) in additional Chapter 90 funds be provided to the Worcester School Committee for expenditure, in addition to the appropriated budget amount of Two Hundred Nineteen Million Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Seven Hundred Ten Dollars and Eighty Cents (219,290,710.80) voted on June 25, 2002. (Attachments)


Order adopted on a roll call 11-0




A.      Communication relative to a meeting held with representatives of Holy Cross College with regards to coordination upon the return of students for this academic year. (Attachments)


Referred to Education & College/University Relations Committee


B.      Communication relative to Fiscal Year Ending 2002 Goals and Objectives. (Attachments)

Referred to Municipal Operations Committee




          89 - 93 FROM COMMERCE & DEVELOPMENT - Adopted


89.     Request City Manager to request  Worcester Business Development Corp. and Gateway Park LLC to provide City Council with data comparing current amount of real estate tax generated from within the boundaries of the proposed Gateway Park against the projected tax at full build-out. (Attachments)


90.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a description of  access proposed between the bus ports and Union Station proper, including comparisons to ADA requirements. (Attachments)


91.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a report addressing details of the Request-for-Proposals for restaurant(s) at Union Station. (Attachments)


92.     Request Administration to explore the possibility of locating Massachusetts Lottery sales within any of the proposed commercial spaces planned within Union Station. (Attachments)


93.     Request Administration to explore the proposed major walkways into Union Station with an eye towards directing visitors to the vicinity of planned commercial spaces. (Attachments)


          94-100 FROM MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS - Adopted


94.     That the City Council accepts the Mission, Goals and Objectives of the City Auditor. (Attachments)


95.     That the City Council accepts the Goals and Accomplishments of the City Clerk. (Attachments)


96.     Request City Auditor and City Clerk to provide City Council with quarterly updates on progress compared to their Goals documents.



97.     Request City Auditor to provide City Council with a copy of the Inventory Report of the Worcester Public Schools. (Attachments)


98.     Request City Auditor to provide a report to City Council concerning the third party auditor’s bonding. (Attachments)


99.     Request City Manager to provide City Council with quarterly updates on progress made against the agreed upon Goals and Objectives of the City Manager. (Attachments)


100.   Request City Manager report to City Council by August 20, 2002 how the Early Retirement Incentive will affect the Health and Code Department. (Attachments)


          101-104 FROM PUBLIC WORKS - Adopted


101.   Request City Manager report to the City Council with a map showing an overlay of traffic movement through the proposed roundabout in a westerly direction. (Attachments)


102.   Request City Manager to respond to the City Council concerning the Towson, Maryland roundabout design. (Attachments)


103.   Request Commissioner of Public Works report to the City Council the result of the 90 day moratorium on granting of approvals for installation of low pressure system main and gravity sewers in private streets. (Attachments)


104.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with regular reports concerning the success of the parking subsidy program utilizing spaces at the Worcester Common Outlets garage. (Attachments)


          105-115 FROM TRAFFIC & PARKING - Adopted


105.   Request Police Chief report what alternatives might be available to control the speed of motorists in residential neighborhoods and recommend any additional fines to enforce such recommendations. (Attachments)


106.   Request Director of Human Resources provide the City Council with commentary concerning the collective bargaining issues in making operational a Handicap Parking Monitor Program. (Attachments)


107.   Request Commissioner of Public Works and Police Chief  to propose signage that might be added to existing or new signage at handicap spaces throughout the city that informs the public of a telephone number that might be called to report vehicles illegally parked in handicap parking spaces and also of the fine for parking illegally in a handicap parking space. (Attachments)


108.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with an updated report concerning abandoned vehicles. (Attachments)


109.   Request Police Chief report to the City Council the total number of moving citations issued for each of the past three years divided into residential and commercial areas. (Attachments)


110.   Request Commissioner of Public Works to review the warrants to determine if a stop sign would be allowed in Harlem St. at the intersection with Sterling St. (Attachments)


111.   Request Commissioner of Public Works report to the City Council concerning any parking schedule for residents who might utilize the Pearl-Elm Garage. (Attachments)


112.   Request Commissioner of Public Works to recommend to the City Council traffic calming actions that might alleviate the concerns of the Dead End of Franklin St. concerning truck traffic. (Attachments)


113.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with a report revealing the amount of violations issued for parking in handicap parking spaces during Fiscal Year 2002. (Attachments)


114.   Request Commissioner of Public Works and  Police Chief to provide the City Council with commentary on the proposed Handicap Parking Monitor Program. (Attachments)


115.   Request Police Chief  to install speed surveillance equipment in Dana Ave., northbound and at the intersection of Plantation St. and Natural History Rd. in a concerted effort to curb the speed of motorists. (Attachments)




116.   Request City Manager report to Council on feasibility of installing lights at the basketball court at Vernon Hill Park. (Clancy) (Attachments)




117.   Request City Manager to develop and institute a “get tough” policy regarding parking violations, to include parking on crosswalks, parking too close to the corner, parking in no-parking spaces, exceeding parking time restrictions and vehicle abandonment. (Haller) (Attachments)



118.   Request City Manager to consider and report on increasing the fine for vehicle abandonment to $250.00.  (Haller) (Attachments)




119.   Request City Manager to prepare legislation to institute a registry hold procedure for persons who abandon vehicles on City and/or private streets, with the fine to be shared by the City and Registry.   (Haller) (Attachments)




120.   Request City Manager report on neighborhood planning efforts in the College Hill area.  (Haller) (Attachments)




121.   Request City Manager report on the closing of Sunbridge Nursing Home at 835 Main St. to include client relocation, employee re-employment and building re-use efforts.   (Haller) (Attachments)




122.   Request City Manager to provide a report on prostitution-related arrests by month for the past 3 years, if available.   (Haller) (Attachments)




123.   Request Administration to study and report on the feasibility of allowing short term, metered diagonal parking on one or both sides of Main St. between Chatham and Central Sts. in order to increase and improve access to existing and potential retail and service tenants. (Irish, Murray, Petty) (Attachments)


          Councillor Irish moved to amend to change Chatham and Central Sts. to Chatham and Thomas Sts.


          Adopted, as amended


124.   Request Administration to review animal control policies and procedures and make recommendations as to how response times and coverage can be improved.  (Irish, Murray, Petty) (Attachments)




125.   Request Administration to consider process for designating and regulating entertainment districts within which open, non-breakable alcoholic beverage containers would be permitted so as to allow free movement between appropriately licensed eating and drinking establishments.   (Irish, Murray, Petty) (Attachments)




126.   Request City Manager to provide an updated report on the progress of federal and state legislative efforts as they pertain to Worcester’s agenda for progress.   (Haller) (Attachments)




127.   Request City Manager to provide a detailed report, including timeline, on the siting process for the relocation of the PIP shelter.   (Haller) (Attachments)




128.   Request City Manager to provide a report on oral health measures to be in effect in Worcester schools this September.   (Haller) (Attachments)




129.   Request Administration forward copies of the report prepared by the Center for the Study of Spectator Sport at UMass-Amherst for the Worcester Sport’s Council on the role of amateur athletics in Worcester’s economic development efforts to the City Council, Worcester Marketing Corporation and Worcester Convention and Visitor’s Bureau and report as to the implementation of the recommendations contained therein.   (Irish, Murray, Palmieri) (Attachments)




130.   Request City Administration improve lighting at the Greenwood Park parking lot.   (Murray, Clancy)   (Attachments)




131.   Request City Administration provide update on the opening of the Ballard St. facility.  (Murray) (Attachments)




132.   Request City Manager to provide Council with the approximate ride time for trip from Lakeside Apartments to Webster Square under the new route vs. the old route.  (Haller) (Attachments)




133.   Request City Manager provide Council with a copy of the minutes and testimony of both WRTA public hearing held on July 9th and of the WRTA Advisory Board public hearing held July 17th.  (Haller) (Attachments)




134.   Request City Manager   provide  Council with the schedule of WRTA Board meeting dates for the coming year.  (Haller) (Attachments)




135.   Request City Manager provide Council with a list of WRTA Advisory Board members.  (Haller) (Attachments)




136.   Request City Manager provide Council with details of purchasing monthly ridership tickets:  when tickets are available, where they are available, and prices vs. when, where and cost for tickets one year ago.  (Haller) (Attachments)




137.   Request City Manager provide Council with the methods used to notify riders and parents of students of route changes, including timeline (number of days/weeks prior to actual change taking place).   

                                                                                      (Haller) (Attachments)



138.   Request City Manager provide Council with the mission statement of the WRTA.  (Haller) (Attachments)




139.   Request City Manager provide Council with number of wheelchair trips provided, bus vs. van, by month for the last two years.  (Haller) (Attachments)




140.   Request City Manager provide Council with the number of missed trips by month by the WRTA for the past two years.  (Haller) (Attachments)




141.   Request City Manager provide Council with any ridership statistics available that identifies who is using the bus and why, i.e., getting to work, getting to school, getting from work, getting from school, shopping, doctor's appointments,  visiting family, child care, after school activities, etc.  (Haller) (Attachments)




142.   Request City Manager perform a traffic study at the corner of Mill and Main St.; to include sequence of lights changing in coordination with pedestrians walking in the crosswalks, for the purpose of public safety.  (Perotto) (Attachments)




143.        Request City Manager provide a report on all scheduled events at the Worcester Centrum and Convention Center.  (Perotto, Irish) (Attachments)


Councillor Irish moved to amend:  Further, request report at the September 3, 2002 City Council meeting describing who has been awarded free usage of the Centrum and Convention Center.


Adopted, as amended


144.   Request report on use of Worcester Auxiliary  Police and how used, scheduled and recruited.  (Murray, Perotto) (Attachments)




145.   Request Administration report on whether it is developing Amber Alert type program with state and/or regional law enforcement officials.  (Murray, Perotto) (Attachments)




146.   Request Administration report on the number of trash enforcement tickets issued by Health & Code Department for 2001 and first six months of 2002.  (Murray) (Attachments)




147.   Request Administration develop proposal in cooperation with Providence & Worcester Railroad to rehabilitate the façade on the railroad gateway bridge to Green St.  (Murray) (Attachments)


          Councillor Patton moved to amend:  Further, request rehabilitation of façade of railroad bridge at Brooks St.


          Adopted, as amended


148.   Request Administration report on status of Goddard Memorial funding and whether project could be constructed in phases.   (Murray) (Attachments)


          Mayor Murray moved to amend to request report for September 3, 2002 City Council meeting.


          Adopted, as amended


149.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with a detailed listing of any exemptions granted to non-residents of the city who are employed by the City of Worcester on the Department Head schedule. (Murray, Patton) (Attachments)



150.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with a report on the number of motor vehicle and criminal complaints issued during the Summer Nationals 2002.  (Palmieri) (Attachments)




151.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with a report on the number of citations issued for excessive noise from motorcycles or other motor vehicles during this summer.  (Palmieri) (Attachments)


          Councillor Irish moved to amend:  Further, request report include watercraft.


          Adopted, as amended


152.   Request City Manager provide a description on what constitutes a legal driveway for a commercial establishment and the distances the vehicles are allowed to park near entranceways:  under the present and any previous ordinances.  (Palmieri) (Attachments)




153.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with a copy of the policies and procedures that trigger an investigation when an assault or bodily injury occurs as a result of an altercation with or without weaponry within a licensed liquor establishment including any requirement that the license holder appear before the License Commission.  (Palmieri) (Attachments)




154.   Request City Manager update the City Council on the cleanup of Franklin St. in the vicinity of Putnam Lane.  (Palmieri) (Attachments)




155.   Request City Manager provide the City Council with a report updating the status of Cigna's obligations pursuant to it's Tax Increment Financing agreement with the City of Worcester.  (Murray) (Attachments)


          Leave to withdraw


156.   Request City Manager provide report on Road Improvement Plan for Briar Lane.  (Patton) (Attachments)




157.   Request City Manager provide status of City Parks Master Plan.  (Patton) (Attachments)




158.   Request City Manager prepare Master Plan for City of Worcester.  (Patton) (Attachments)


          Mayor Murray moved to amend:  Further, request City Manager provide examples of Master Plans from different communities


          Councillor Haller moved to amend:  Further, request Master Plan include traffic


          Adopted, as amended


159.   Request Administration report monthly on applications for new liquor licenses with the name of applicant and address of license, including whether the applicant has applied for any other liquor license in the past 10 years.  (Lukes) (Attachments)




160.   Request Administration report on property transfers, real purchases and new and proposed new businesses on Water Street, in the past 12 months.  (Lukes) (Attachments)




161.   Request Administration report on the status of the City's response to the last audit of city finances by KPMG dated November 16, 2001. (Lukes) (Attachments)




162.   Request Administration  report on the feasibility of instituting zoning or other regulations controlling the asphalting or application of permanent hard ground covers on grounds surrounding residential buildings.  (Lukes) (Attachments)


          Councillor Clancy moved to amend:  Further, request report include curb cut and setback regulations


          Adopted, as amended


163.   Request Administration review the U.S. Treasury Department's "New Market Tax Credit" program which is designed to stimulate private sector investment in low-income communities and report to the Council on Worcester's eligibility.  (Irish) (Attachments)




163a.  Request City Manager to report on any monies that the City has accepted this year and what conditions are attached to the acceptance of these funds from the FAA or MAC.   Motion-Lukes @ #3A & B CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163b. Request Administration to report on what permitting requirements and legal steps Assumption College would have to take to implement any one of the phases of their proposed development plan.  Motion-Murray @ #7C CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163c. Request City Manager to contact local banks in order to leverage the $1 million in the Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund to make more funds available.  Motion-Gomez @ #7G CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163d. Request City Manager to provide City Council with a list of all City owned brownfield locations.  Motion-Palmieri @ #7G CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163e.  Request City Manager to provide City Council with a priority list of brownfield locations in the City for which the City Manager would utilize the $1 million in  Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan funds.  Motion-Clancy @ #7G CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163f.  Request City Manager to report on the timeframe requiring Worcester Common Outlet to make payment of  tax  to the City to be put in escrow in accordance with the TIF agreement.  Motion-Murray @ #7M CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163g. Request City Manager to request a report from Cigna as to how many square feet is currently rented out to retail stores at the Worcester Common Outlet and how many square feet was rented out last year.  Motion-Clancy @ #7M CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163h. Request City Manager to pursue the issue of requiring employment data be included in leases when negotiating with Cigna relative to the Worcester Common Outlet TIF.   Motion-Lukes @ #7M CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163i.  That any transfers of land from the City to the developer or private parties in the matter of Gateway Park be based upon a sale on fair market value basis.  Motion-Lukes @ #7S CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163j.  Request City Manager report to City Council, when available, the impact to the City’s budget from the FY03 MCC budget cuts.  Motion-Perotto @ #7P CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163k. Request City Manager to report if there is  a way to leave the funds from the sale of property at 705 Southbridge St. in the Library Account specifically for expansion of new branch libraries.  Motion-Patton @ #7-O CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163L. Request City Manager to report on safety issues relative to the  24 West route change by the WRTA whereby the bus turns onto Park Ave. by Lakeside Apartments.  Motion-Petty @ #7T CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163m. Request City Manager to report if the issue of no air conditioning on WRTA buses continues.  Motion-Petty @ #7T CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163n. Request City Manager to provide City Council with clarification of the Table of Organization of the WRTA and how that organization relates to the City.  Further,  how the City is represented on the Board, who hires the manager and how is that manager’s contract approved.  Motion-Gomez @ #7T CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163o. Request City Manager to provide City Council with an update as to whether notification to all registered voters of change in ward, precinct and polling place was completed by August 9, 2002.  Motion-Haller @ #9A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163p. Request City Manager to meet with the Police Chief in the Law Department to determine if a process could be developed to go to keg parties with the sole purpose of arresting minors, arresting the owner and confiscating the keg.  Motion-Clancy @ #15A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163q. Request City Manager to report if there is any confiscation that can be done at keg parties and any fines that can be collected.   Motion-Haller @ #15A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163r.  Request City Manager to report if anyone on a lease can be held  responsible when minors are served alcohol.  Motion-Patton @ #15A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163s.  Request Administration to consider and propose to the assembly at the September 25, 2002 Steering Committee meeting, a Saturday morning charette-type style meeting where the neighborhood and Holy Cross College share a block of meeting time for the issues the neighborhood is faced with.   Motion-Clancy @ #17D CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163t.  Request City Manager to provide to City Council at the September 3, 2002 City Council meeting  proposed dates for the different meetings, items to be discussed and an agenda for each meeting relative to the meetings scheduled with Holy Cross College.  Motion-Murray @ #17D CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163u. Request City Manager to prepare for the September 3, 2002 City Council meeting,  detailed agendas of items to be discussed at the meetings relative to the PIP Shelter.  Motion-Irish @ #17E CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163v. Request Traffic and Parking Committee to investigate problems of truck traffic on Mulberry St.  Motion-Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted   (Attachments)


163w. Request City Manager to contact Governor Swift to request a meeting relative to TIF legislation.   Motion-Murray @ #17J CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163x. Request Administration report to City Council on other communities that have entered into an arrangement whereby they contract out for services at their cemeteries.  Motion-Murray @ # 18A CM


Councillor Irish moved to amend:  Further, request Administration explore the alternative of selling the cemetery property and privatizing Hope Cemetery.


Adopted, as amended  (Attachments)


163y. Request City Manager to provide a report in sixty days as to a financial plan for the Parks Department, a realistic lease provision when the City leases out a park or parks are closed off to the public for a specific event, if the City is behind in revenue for cleanup and services that the public uses and do our City parks need Enterprise Accounts.   Motion-Lukes @ #18A CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163z.  Request City Manager to report on any consolidations, any organizations, any private contracts that the City Manager might consider looking at for any City department  Also, any services the City Manager might consider in conjunction with the School Department.  Motion-Clancy @ #18A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163aa.Request City Manager to make a recommendation as to whether the Police Chief has or can do something more to take action relative to revising the CORY statute to allow the public information concerning arrests.  Motion-Lukes @ #19C CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163bb.Request City Manager to update City Council prior to the Summer Nationals next year on affect of  burn-outs on people in the neighborhoods where they are held    Motion-Clancy @ #20D CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163cc.Request City Manager report to City Council within thirty days some possible scenarios to fund the build-out of a restaurant/ café at the Public Library   Motion-Murray @ #21A CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163dd.Request Administration to report as to what steps the PIP Shelter could take to help the City better control the situation around the PIP Shelter.   Motion-Gomez @ #19F CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163ee.Request City Manager to update City Council as to when the City will be receiving the report from the engineers relative to the Coes Pond Dam project.   Motion-Abraham @ #23F CM – Adopted (Attachments)


163ff.Request City Manager to notify City Council in the future if the City will not provide wreaths at all Veterans Square markers around the City on Memorial Day and Veterans Day.   Motion-Clancy @ #27A CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163gg.Request City Manager to make sure that the discussion as presented in Item 28P of the City Manager’s Calendar of August 20, 2002 becomes part and parcel of the Union Station update provided to City Council each month.  Motion-Clancy @ #28P CM – Adopted



163hh.Request City Manager to report within the next month, providing the best ball park figure for the rehabilitation of Union Station.   Motion-Clancy @ #28P CM – Adopted  (Attachments)


163ii.Request City Manager to report as to cost of providing outside water to City departments, what departments get the spring water and what the annual provisions are for that cost.  Motion-Lukes @ #28K CM – Adopted   (Attachments)


163jj.Request City Manager to explore stipends and overtime costs on an on-call  basis for the City’s Animal Control Officers.  Motion-Murray @ #124CC – Adopted   (Attachments)


163kk.Request City Manager to do an abandoned vehicle sweep in the area north of Kendrick Field to include Mount Ave., Rockdale St. and Brooks Sts.  Patton – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


163LL.Request City Manager to clean out sewer basin in front of 414 Mower St.   Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Adopted



163mm.Request City Manager to consider cutting down the tree that is dead in front of 414 Mower St.  Gomez – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


163nn.Request City Manager to do an abandoned vehicle sweep on Mt. Pleasant St.   Haller – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


163oo.Request Administration to provide recommendations relative to speeding and traffic problems on Hadwen Rd.  Abraham – Suspension of Rules – Adopted   (Attachments)


163pp.Request City Manager to allow parking downtown for the interfaith service to be held behind City Hall on September 10, 2002 at 6:00 P.M.   Abraham – Suspension of Rules – Adopted (Attachments)


163qq.Request City Manager to provide a report on the public safety incident in Great Brook Valley the night of August 18, 2002.  Perotto – Suspension of Rules – Adopted   (Attachments)


163rr.That the City Council go into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing litigation as it relates to Medical City. Murray – Suspension of Rules – Adopted roll call 11-0  (Attachments)




          164 FROM COMMERCE & DEVELOPMENT – Adopted on a roll call 11-0


164.   That the Commerce and Development Committee hereby goes on record in support of the recommendation of the Administration to locate the bus ports and bus station on Worcester Center Boulevard. (Attachments)


          165 FROM TRAFFIC & PARKING – Adopted on a roll call 11-0


165.   That the City Council goes on record in favor of Heavy Commercial Vehicles Exclusion (Truck Ban) on Natural History Road and North Lake Avenue. (Attachments)




166.   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency transmitting 2002 EPA New England State of the Environment Report. (Attachments)


          Placed on file




166a.  That the City Council go on record in favor of being persistent in the City’s application for funding from the Health Foundation for the City’s AIDS/Hepatitis program and that the City receive a written reply to the City’s request for funding this year.   Motion-Lukes @ #20H CM – Adopted   (Attachments)




a)                 #5B CM  June 25, 2002


Communication of the City Manager relative to questions raised regarding the budget for the Executive Office of Economic Development. (Attachments)






168.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to the Gateway Park Master Plan:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order that the City Council hereby approves the Gateway Park Master Plan Final Report dated July 16, 2002. (Attachments)


          169 & 170 ACCEPTED


169.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to questions raised at the last Commerce and Development Committee meeting:  recommend Communication be placed on file.(Attachments)


170.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE AND DEVELOPMENT Upon the Communication of the Worcester Marketing Corp. transmitting Marketing Plan 2002/2003:  recommend Communication be placed on file. (Attachments)


          171 & 172 ACCEPTED


171.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to FY 2003 Goals and Objectives:  recommend accept Goals and Objectives of the City Manager as amended to include Naming Rights to Worcester’s Centrum Centre. (Attachments)


172.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON ORDINANCES Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Michael Burke on behalf of J. Matero requesting the ML-0.5/RL-7 zone line be relocated approximately 165 ft. northerly on Atlas St. so that  14 Atlas St. is in the RL-7 zone: recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw. (Attachments)




173.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Dean Schneyer requesting to make public Julien Ave. (Attachments)


174.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Jerry Galvin requesting to make public private portion of Miami St. (Attachments)


175.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Ken Rabidou requesting to extend sewers in Bailey St. from Foxmeadow Dr. to property at 128 Bailey St. (Attachments)




176.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Robert Longden on behalf of Ancona Realty LLC requesting City Council amend the Worcester Zoning Ordinance to change the zoning classification of the parcel of land located at 115 Southwest Cutoff and a 20.03 parcel of land off the easterly side of Southwest Cutoff from MG-2.0 to BL-1.0. (Attachments)


177.   REPORT OF THE PLANNING BOARD Upon the Petition of Attorney Stephen Madaus on behalf of Gateway Park LLC et al request to amend the Official Zoning Map relative to 60 acres of land in the area of Lincoln Square, Salisbury St., Institute Rd., Tuckerman St., Lancaster St., Grove St., Prescott St., Garden St., and Lincoln St. by changing the zoning district designations of BO-1.0, BG-2.0 & MG-2.0 to a designation of BG-6.0. (Attachments)




178.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Report of the Planning Board upon the Petition of Secured Financial Limited Partnership I request to make public Foxmeadow Dr.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order authorizing City Solicitor to prepare the necessary orders to make public Foxmeadow Dr.  (Attachments)




179.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Communication of the City Manager requesting the adoption of an Ordinance amending Section 16 of Chapter 7 of the Revised Ordinances relative to fire suppression water rates as recommended by Commissioner Moylan:  recommend passage of the accompanying proposed Ordinance.  (Attachments)


          180 & 181 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


180.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Anthony Conte request to install a 2" water connection for proposed house on Strasburg Rd. running the connection approximately 125 feet easterly from Broughton Rd. at petitioner's expense and in accordance with prior agreement and Public Works specifications:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


181.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the Petition of Jonathan Finkelstein, Attorney for Al-Safa, Inc. request permission to extend sanitary sewer in property on Pleasant St. through a 20-22 ft. wide access and utility easement, for a distance of approximately 350' at petitioner's expense:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


          182 - 186 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


182.   Relative to moratorium on approval of installation of low pressure system main and gravity sewers on private streets. (Attachments)


183.   Relative to the recision of all water use restrictions. (Attachments)


184.   Relative to Grimewatch Program - April 2002. (Attachments)


185.   Relative to MBTA parking subsidy. (Attachments)


186.   Relative to cost to improve Public Works Communications System with regards to improving snowplow operations and communications that take place with regard to implementation of Snowplow Policy. (Attachments)


          187 -  199 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting crosswalks:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


187.   State Representative John Fresolo on behalf of the residents of Emanuel Lutheran Village Apartments requesting the installation of a crosswalk in Greenwood St. at the intersection with Forsberg St. (Attachments)


188.   Michael Galvin request new crosswalk on Hamilton St. at Puritan Ave. (Attachments)


189.   Councillor Stephen T. Patton request pedestrian crosswalk between Clark St. School and Teamster Housing on Clark St. (Attachments)


190.   Councillor Barbara G. Haller request City to repaint crosswalks at the intersection of Hammond and Main Streets. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting to relocate bus stops:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


191.   Mary MacInnes, Administrator, Worcester Regional Transit Authority request bus stop located on the east side of Lake Ave. North approximately 10 ft. north of Pole #1 be relocated approximately 300 ft. north to Pole #4. (Attachments)


192.   Mayor Timothy P. Murray on behalf of Jeannette Dackson request bus stop be moved from in front of 1110A West Boylston St. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the following Petitions requesting "Children" signs:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


193.   Nilson Coutinho request City install "Children" signs on Humes Ave. to control the speeding. (Attachments)


194.   Councillor Michael C. Perotto on behalf of Dori Vecchio request "Children" sign on Locust Ave. (Attachments)


195.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Ruth Gonzalez on behalf of Jose Zayas request "Blind Person" sign at both sides of the crosswalk closest to 9 Great Brook Valley Dr., in the area of Great Brook Valley Medical Center:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.   (Attachments)


196.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Michael Galvin request installation of four large "Yield to Pedestrians" signs at the unsignalized crosswalks on Lincoln St. at Boylston St:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order. (Attachments)


197.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. request appropriate truck ban signage to be posted at Cliff  St. from Route 146 and Granite St. from Route 20:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.  (Attachments)


198.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of John Stepp request City enforce the "Not a Truck Route" restriction on Natural History Rd.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Order.    (Attachments)


199.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Barbara White requesting the following traffic signs be installed on Upland Gardens Dr. in the Autumn Woods Community between Upland St. and Spofford Rd.:  Pedestrian Crossing for six crosswalks, Go Slow Children and 20 MPH speed limit signs to correspond with signs already installed on the adjoining Spofford Rd.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying two Orders requesting Commissioner of Public Works to install "Thickly Settled" with 30 m.p.h. speed advisory sign attached on Upland Garden Dr. between Upland St. and Spofford Rd. and to install "Children" signs on Upland Garden Dr. between Upland St. and Spofford Rd. (Attachments)


          200 - 222 ACCEPTED


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitions be placed on file.


200.   Scott Babbitt request that parking across from You, Inc. at corner of Plantation St. and Hamilton St. be looked into because of numerous problems with busses making turns. (Attachments)


201.   Fred Petrone request to prohibit truck traffic on Franklin St. from Harrington Way to end. (Attachments)


202.   John Stepp request City consider placing a traffic light at the intersection of Plantation St. and Natural History Rd. (Attachments)


203.   John Cronin et al request Traffic & Parking Committee consider recommending to the City Manager an appropriation of $250,000.00 from "free cash" reserves to fund traffic safety projects to protect persons with disabilities. (Attachments)


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


204.   Relative to availability of grants relative to traffic control issues. (Attachments)


205.   Relative to Speedwatch Grant. (Attachments)


206.   Relative to round cement sign bases. (Attachments)


207.   Relative to progress report on the removal of abandoned vehicles. (Attachments)


208.   Relative to safety improvement at intersection of Salisbury  St., Flagg St. and Willowbrook Lane. (Attachments)


209.   Relative to speeding surveillance on Salisbury St. near the intersection of Flagg St. (Attachments)


210.   Relative to four-way stop signs. (Attachments)


211.   Relative to Traffic Ordinances and Stop Sign Conformance with State Law. (Attachments)


212.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Communication of David Moore, City Solicitor relative to Traffic Ordinances - Compliance with State Regulations:  recommend Communication be placed on file.   (Attachments)


213.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Communication of Robert J. O'Keefe, Former City Clerk relative to Items #243, #244 & #245 of the August 19, 1997 City Council Calendar relative to stop signs:  recommend Communication be placed on file.   (Attachments)


214.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Report of the Committee on Traffic & Parking upon the Petition of Joyce Beams et al request stop sign be installed on Fairmont Ave. at Dartmouth St.:  recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw. (Attachments)


215.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Report of the Committee on Traffic & Parking upon the Petition of Bruce Cosenza request installation of stop signs facing north and southbound traffic in Coburn Ave. at intersection with Ayrshire Rd.:  recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.   (Attachments)


REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioner be given leave to withdraw.


216.   James Shea request traffic signal at Hamilton St. and Fairmont Ave. (Attachments)


217.   Josephine Pickett request handicap parking in front of 19 Reeves St. (Attachments)


218.   Former Mayor Raymond V. Mariano and Former Councillor Timothy J. Cooney, Jr. on behalf Gail Fierro request stop light at Main and Wellington Streets on Main St. (Attachments)


219.   Michael Grandone request City of Worcester to remove or reduce the width of the center median on Shrewsbury St. to allow for diagonal parking on both sides of the street. (Attachments)


220.   Mayor Timothy P. Murray request parking meters on Norwich St. be changed from 15 minutes to one hour. (Attachments)


221.   Former Mayor Raymond V. Mariano on behalf of Grace Torowski request installation of a pedestrian light on Hope Ave. where the ramp to go onto I-290 is and after Seven Hills. (Attachments)


222.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON TRAFFIC & PARKING Upon the Petition of Ann Lindquist request handicap parking be installed on the Carlstad St. side of 43 Kosta St.:  recommend Petition be denied. (Attachments)




          223 - 259 ADOPTED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


223.   That the Loan Order adopted on May 28, 2002 in the amount of $700,000.00 for the purpose of remodeling, reconstructing or making extraordinary repairs to Quinsigamond School roof be reduced to the amount that may be borrowed or expended thereunder to $500,000.00.(Attachments)


224.   That the sum of $100,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C780, Capital Equipment for the purpose of purchasing and installing traffic signals. (Attachments)


225.   That the sum of $100,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation for the purpose of remodeling and making extraordinary repairs to school buildings of the City. (Attachments)


226.   That the sum of $3,095,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C780, Citywide Capital Equipment for the purpose of purchasing departmental equipment. (Attachments)


227.   That the sum of $214,200.00 be appropriated to Account #91C749, Capital Equipment for the purpose of purchasing capital equipment for the Worcester Regional Airport. (Attachments)


228.   That the sum of $530,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C734, Sewer Capital Equipment for the purpose of purchasing capital equipment for the Sewer Department. (Attachments)


229.   That the sum of $617,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C731, Water Capital Equipment for the purpose of purchasing capital equipment for the Water Department. (Attachments)


230.   That the sum of $3,690,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C711, Building Rehabilitation for the purpose of remodeling, reconstructing or making extraordinary repairs to public buildings owned by the City. (Attachments)


231.   That the sum of $150,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C732, Water Building  Rehabilitation for the purpose of making extraordinary repairs and improvements to the Water Department Building. (Attachments)


232.   That the sum of $500,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C735, Sewer Building Rehabilitation for the purpose of making extraordinary repairs and improvements to the Sewer Department Building. (Attachments)


233.   That the sum of $475,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C784, Park Improvements for the purpose of construction or reconstruction of municipal outdoor recreation and athletic facilities (Greenhill/Kendrick Field/Vocational Cleanup). (Attachments)


234.   That the sum of $1,300,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C741, Street Construction for the purpose of repairing sidewalks and ADA improvements.  (Attachments)


235.   That the sum of $1,000,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C741, Street Construction for the purpose of construction or reconstruction and surfacing or resurfacing of streets. (Attachments)


236.   That the sum of $350,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C741, Street Construction for the purpose of betterment and conversion of various streets. (Attachments)


237.   That the sum of $125,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C741, Street Construction for the purpose of roadway reconstruction at Airport Dr. (Attachments)


238.   That the sum of $300,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C741, Street Construction for the purpose of roadway reconstruction at Goddard Memorial Dr. (Attachments)


239.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C797, Airport Improvements for the purpose of making general capital improvements at the Worcester Regional Airport. (Attachments)


240.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C739, Sewer Drainage for the purpose of financing the costs of trunk sewer construction. (Attachments)


241.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of constructing sewer systems by conducting infiltration and inflow remedy work to the City’s sewerage system. (Attachments)


242.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of paying costs related to construction and reconstruction of pumping facilities. (Attachments)


243.   That the sum of $1,500,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Reconstruction for the purpose of reconstruction of sewers. (Attachments)


244.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of construction of surface drains. (Attachments)


245.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of construction and improvements to sewer system at Kenberma Rd. (Attachments)


246.   That the sum of $500,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of improving and controlling sewer overflow. (Attachments)


247.   That the sum of $200,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of paying cost of Airport drainage deficiencies and improvements. (Attachments)


248.   That the sum of $300,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C745, Sewer Construction for the purpose of construction and improvements at Broadmeadow Brook. (Attachments)


249.   That the sum of $100,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C713, Water Mains for payments of costs related to water systems security.



250.   That the sum of $3,000,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C713, Water Mains/Clean and Line for the purpose of paying costs related to water main cleaning. (Attachments)


251.   That the sum of $50,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C737, Water Meters for the purpose of purchasing and installing water meters. (Attachments)


252.   That the sum of $60,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C713, Water Mains for the purpose of paying cost of leak detection.



253.   That the sum of $100,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C713, Water Mains for the purpose of purchasing hydrants. (Attachments)


254.   That the sum of $250,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C738, Reservoir Improvements for inside and outside painting and replacement of the cathodic protection system of the Airport water tank. (Attachments)


255.   That the sum of $300,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C702, Land Acquisition for the acquisition of land for open space. (Attachments)


256.   That the sum of $100,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C714, Water Pump Station Rehabilitation for  payment of costs related to water pumping and water storage tank facilities rehabilitation. (Attachments)


257.   That the sum of $600,000.00 be appropriated to Account #91C788 for the payment of a jury verdict on property acquired for the Central Street Gateway Project. (Attachments)


258.   That the Loan Order adopted on June 24, 1997 that appropriated $1,500,000.00 to Account #91C701, Convention Center and subsequently appropriated into Account #14C702, Convention Center is hereby amended to provide that $150,000.00 of said sum be appropriated to the following Accounts:


          ACCOUNT           DESCRIPTION                                 AMOUNT


          11C702                 City Messenger Bldg. Rehab.              $130,000.00

          27C702                 Communications Bldg. Rehab.                20,000.00

                                       Total                                                 $150,000.00


          To provide capital rehabilitation funds for the bathroom upgrades at City Hall and rehabilitation of the HVAC project at the Communications Department,  and that said $150,000.00 be raised by transfer of the sum of $150,000.00 previously borrowed pursuant to said Loan Order adopted on June 24, 1997. (Attachments)


259.   That the Loan Order adopted on November 13, 1990 that appropriated the sum of $10,000,000.00 to Account #85-730 (91C730), Infrastructure is hereby amended to provide that $100,000.00 of said sum is appropriated to Account #04C709, Central Street Gateway for the purpose of funding the widening of the Central Street Arterial (Gateway) and that said $100,000.00 shall be raised by transfer of the sum of $100,000.00 previously borrowed pursuant to said Loan Order adopted on November 13, 1990. (Attachments)




          260 & 261 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


260.   Amending the Salary Ordinance of August 20, 1996 relative to Occupational Group W – Miscellaneous – Election Commissioner. (Attachments)


261.   Amending the Zoning Ordinance relative to Outdoor Café Seating. (Attachments)




262.   Order – Request Commerce & Development Committee to recommend an economic development plan for the Union Station/Washington Sq. project.  (Lukes)  (Tabled May 7, 2002) (Attachments)  Taken off the Table and placed on file


263.   Order - Request City Solicitor to provide City Council with an opinion whether a local ordinance that would address the safety issues surrounding the use of hand-held telephones by people operating motor vehicles in the City of Worcester, once enacted, might be enforceable.   (Abraham)  (Tabled July 16, 2002) (Attachments)  No Action Taken


264.   Resolution - That the City Council go on record in support of state legislation that would address safety issues surrounding the use of hand-held telephones by people operating motor vehicles across the Commonwealth.  (Abraham)  (Tabled July 16, 2002) (Attachments)  No Action Taken





AUGUST 19, 2002                HOUSING &              COUNCIL CHAMBER

    6:00 P.M.                       NEIGHBORHOOD



AUGUST 21, 2002            ELDER AFFAIRS          COUNCIL CHAMBER

   5:30-6:30 P.M.



    6:30 P.M.


AUGUST 22, 2002               LAND USE                  COUNCIL CHAMBER

    7:00 P.M.



    6:00 P.M.


AUGUST 27, 2002           PUBLIC WORKS          COUNCIL CHAMBER

     6:00 P.M.


SEPTEMBER 9, 2002           MUNICIPAL               COUNCIL CHAMBER

      6:00 P.M.                        OPERATIONS


Re:  Reorganization Plan for the Department of Health & Code Enforcement