7:00 P.M.

Convened:  7:07 P.M.

Adjourned:  8:30 P.M.



1.                 INVOCATION –  Rev. Ronald B. Bagnall

Zion Lutheran Church




3.       ROLL CALL – All present




          4 & 5 Hearings Held


4.       CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on:  LOVELL ST. (Attachments)


5.       CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on:  MAIN ST. (Attachments)


          4a & 5a ORDERS ADOPTED


4a.     Granting permission to CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on:  LOVELL ST.


5a.     Granting permission to CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS for a conduit location on:  MAIN ST.










7.       Anthony & Christine Dellomo request abatement of Street Betterment Assessment #24448 in the amount of $10,178.00 on Orton St. (Attachments)




8.       Nilson Coutinho request City install "Children" signs on Humes Ave. to control speeding. (Attachments)


9.       Betty Cotto request resident parking at 21 Lyon St. (Attachments)


10.     Scott Babbitt  request City Council adopt a Handicap Parking Monitor Program which would allow local law enforcement agencies to recruit, select, train and deploy volunteers to write citations for vehicles illegally parked in spaces designated by law for the handicapped. (Attachments)  (Petitioner Spoke)


11.     Jon Yeo et al request to make Fairfax Rd. one way (at least the upper part by West Upsala and Sterling Sts.) (Attachments)




12.     Conrad Zukowski et al oppose Assumption College's proposed plans to develop the approximately eight acre open space known as the parcel formerly owned by the Brook's family and now owned by Assumption College. (Attachments)




13.     Nicholas Pepper request to speak at the May 21, 2002 City Council meeting relative to the proposed land transfer of city-owned land on Torkelson Rd. by the Department of Public Works. (Attachments)  (Petitioner Spoke)




          14 FROM LAND USE - Adopted


14.     Request Administration to respond in one month to the following requests relative to proposed development on the former Brook’s property now owned by Assumption College (as enclosed). (Attachments)


          15-17 FROM MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS – Adopted

          18 Adopted as amended


15.     Request Administration  provide the City Council with an updated report on the number of City employees who are identified as city residents; said report to take into consideration the most recent hiring freeze. (Attachments)


16.     Request Administration provide City Council with an update to the Better America Bond Program. (Attachments)


17.     That the routine reports of the City Auditor be made available to Councillors by way of one master copy in place of the traditional individual copies. (Attachments)


18.     That the City Council hereby approves the Format and Procedures for the Evaluation of the City Manager (as enclosed). (Attachments)


          Councillor Petty moved to amend Section B-6, first sentence to read:  With submittal of the annual budget the City Manager shall present his goals and objectives for next year.  Adopted as amended


          19-28 FROM PUBLIC SAFETY- Adopted


19.     Request Fire Chief to update City Council on computerization in the Fire Department. (Attachments)


20.     Request Fire Chief to update City Council concerning the number and origin of dormitory fires since 2000. (Attachments)


21.     Request President of Local 1009 to provide City Council with legislative amendments of interest to the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


22.     Request Fire Chief to provide City Council with an updated chart on accidental fires. (Attachments)


23.     Request Fire Chief to report on all types of fires reported in the first quarter of 2002, categorizing them by type. (Attachments)


24.     Request Code Commissioner to provide City Council with a listing of City of Worcester owned buildings that have been demolished. (Attachments)


25.     Request Fire Chief to provide City Council with a report concerning the apprehension of any arsonists in conjunction with reported fires in the Elm Park neighborhood. (Attachments)


26.     Request Fire Chief to provide City Council with an update on station closings during the Summer of 2002. (Attachments)


27.     Request that a traffic signal be installed in front of the Webster St. Fire Station. (Attachments)


28.     Request Fire Chief to provide City Council with a prioritized listing of traffic issues and signals surrounding our fire stations. (Attachments)




29.     Request City Solicitor to provide City Council with a follow-up report concerning the Department of Public Utilities hearing on Charter Communications' cable television rate increases to be held May 30, 2002. (Attachments)


30.     Request Administration provide City Council with a report on the street lighting portion of the Shrewsbury Street Gateway Project including pictures of the proposed lighting fixtures, timeline for installation and a map showing the scope of the affected area. (Attachments)


31.     Request City Manager provide City Council with an updated report and map detailing the build-out and deployment of Charter Communications' digital cable and internet service. (Attachments)


32.     Request Parks Commissioner trim the city shade trees in the vicinity of 8 Franconia Street so that existing street lights illuminate the traveled way. (Attachments)


33.     Request City Manager provide City Council with a report listing the locations throughout the City where cable television service is determined to be less than optimal. (Attachments)


34.     Request City Manager  provide  City Council with a report on the resolution of consumer complaints regarding cable service at 77 Haven Lane. (Attachments)


35.     Request Administration provide City Council with a report listing the street lights that the city owns and the impact of owning lights versus leasing them from Mass. Electric. (Attachments)


36.     Request Administration provide City Council with a report stating the anticipated Fiscal Year 2002 surplus in the Street Light Ordinary Maintenance Account and further, request a listing of what locations are approved for new installation and are awaiting funding. (Attachments)


          37 & 38 FROM YOUTH, PARKS & RECREATION - Adopted


37.     Request Parks Commissioner continue his efforts to maintain the MCAS After-School Program during Fiscal Year 2003. (Attachments)


38.     Request City Manager provide City Council with an update on the litigation relative to the restorative work to the Rogers Kennedy Memorial and further, that he request City Council meet in Executive Session to consider this topic. (Attachments)




39.     Request Administration provide a report to City Council comparing the following statistics for Worcester Residential Colleges and Universities:  a)  number of students under the age of 21; b) number of students living on-campus; c) number of students living off-campus, but not at family residences; d) off-campus living restrictions, if any.  (Haller) (Attachments)




40.     Request Administration provide a report to City Council comparing the following statistics for Worcester Residential Colleges and Universities, by year, for the past three years (or more):  a) untimely deaths where a student was either the victim or involved in the event; b)  student arrests, by general incident category;  c) neighborhood complaints of student misbehavior; d)  any other significant statistic that could demonstrate differences/similarities among these institutions with regard to anti-social behaviors.  (Haller) (Attachments)




41.     Request City Manager report on options available under present zoning ordinances and enforcement regulations to identify apartment units that are in violation of the law concerning no more than three non-related individuals living in a unit.  (Haller) (Attachments)




42.     Request City Manager report on present means available to correct violations of the law concerning no more than three non-related individuals living in a unit.  (Haller) (Attachments)




43.     Request City Manager report on identified loopholes in the law regarding three non-related individuals living in a unit and to recommend changes to the ordinances such that the intent of the law is clear and enforceable.  (Haller) (Attachments)




44.     Request City Manager report on feasibility of publishing the home address of any student arrested in addition to local address.  (Haller) (Attachments)




45.     Request Administration to provide City Council with a legal opinion as to whether the City can avoid doing business in the future with construction companies that have historically caused the City cost overruns and delays in the completion of construction projects on behalf of the City.  (Gomez, Haller, Petty, Abraham, Irish, Perotto, Lukes, Clancy, Palmieri, Patton, Murray) (Attachments)




46.     Request City Manager to consider negotiating a subsidy to Worcester State College as a financial incentive to make more viable the idea of student housing in downtown Worcester.  (Palmieri) (Attachments)


Mayor Murray moved to amend:  Further, request City Manager report whether any other negotiations are under way between the City and any other colleges as it relates to locating downtown Councillor Lukes moved to amend:  Further, the City Council has a priority as one of its goals to encourage colleges when they buy property to pay taxes on it; however, being consistent with our goals to get student housing downtown, if colleges buy property downtown for the purpose of housing students the City should not discourage them from staying tax exempt


Adopted, as amended


47.     Request City Solicitor provide City Council with a legal opinion regarding the process to establish a moratorium for the granting or issuance of alcohol and pouring licenses/permits for establishments located in the Millbury Street area between Brosnihan Square and Kelley Square.  (Lukes) (Attachments)




48.     Request Administration submit a report on the feasibility, cost and revenue generation which would result if the City were to provide towing services versus private contractors providing those services.  (Lukes, Haller) (Attachments)


Councillor Gomez moved to amend:  Further, request Administration report if there are other municipalities who currently provide towing services.  Report to include how this is done, cost and if it is effective


Adopted, as amended


48a.   Request Administration consider tax levy funding for the traffic signal at the Greendale Fire Station if Block Grant funding is not available and to be included in the FY03 budget.  Motion-Patton @ #57CC – Adopted


48b.   Request Administration report as to the cost of all pending traffic signal installations.  Motion-Perotto @ #57CC – Adopted


48c.   That the City Council reaffirms its policy that if additions are requested to be made to the budget and the capital account that a recommendation be made for a corresponding cut.   Motion-Lukes @ #57CC – Adopted


48d.   Request Administration to report once there is an alarm, whether the traffic lights at Webster Square automatically change or can be changed manually to address the traffic flow at that location to facilitate the fire trucks leaving the station.  Further, request Administration look into and report on other ways to facilitate the exit of fire trucks from fire stations.  Motion-Abraham @ #57CC – Adopted


48e.   Request Administration to report on the status of reconciling parking ticket accounts receivable as recommended in the past two audits by KPMG of the City’s financial statements.  Lukes-Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48f.    Request Auditor to submit a report on the City’s accounts receivable balances up to April 30, 2002 as compared to last year’s levels.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48g.   Request Auditor to submit a report on his estimate of free cash for this year.  Lukes – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48h.   Request City Manager report to City Council on the feasibility of narrowing Lake Ave. travel lanes from four to two.  Clancy, Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48i.    Request City Manager to report to City Council through Traffic Engineering on the request to the District Highway Director regarding a turning lane on Shrewsbury St.  Clancy – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48j.    Request Administration to place the FY03 budget on the City’s web site.   Irish – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48k.   Request City Manager to report on the cost of traffic signalization for the Greendale and Webster Square Fire Stations and any other citizen intersections that the City Manager discussed.  Patton – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48L.   Request City Manager to consider a Zero Tolerance area in the lower Lincoln St. area from Catharine St. to Green Hill Parkway.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Adopted


48m.  Request City Manager to consider  establishing hay rides at Green Hill Park.  Palmieri – Suspension of Rules – Mayor Murray moved to amend to consider an RFP – Adopted, as amended


48n.   Request Administration to report on staffing level needs for Fiscal Year 2003 for the Police and Fire Departments, including projected retirements. Murray, Perotto, Petty, Clancy, Palmieri, Patton, Irish, Gomez, Abraham, Lukes, Haller – Suspension of Rules – Councillor Irish moved to amend:  Further, request Administration include in report the number of fire incidents, ratio of fires to firefighters for the last five years.  Adopted, as amended


48o.   Request Administration to consider offering Early Retirement Legislation for municipal employees, including Police and Fire personnel.  Murray, Perotto, Petty, Clancy, Irish, Abraham, Haller, Palmieri, Patton – Suspension of Rules - Adopted


          49-55 ADOPTED


















56.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting Fiscal Year 2003 Municipal Budget. (Attachments)


Referred to Finance


57.     Thomas R. Hoover, City Manager transmitting communication relative to traffic signals at the Webster Square and Greendale Fire Stations. (Attachments)


Referred to Public Safety Committee


Also referred to Community Development Committee for informational purposes


58.     RECESS TO FINANCE & ORDINANCE:  No Action Taken 




          a)       #4B CM  June 19, 2001

Communication of the City Manager relative to Breakdown of New Growth Figures over the past ten years. (Attachments)


b)      #5A CM  January 29, 2002

Communication of the City Manager relative to the local aid figures included in the Governor's Budget for the City of Worcester for Fiscal 2003. (Attachments)


          c)       #96 CC  February 26, 2002

James A. DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting progress report on the status of the City's finances for the fiscal year that ends June 30, 2002.     (Attachments)


d)      #5A CM  February 26, 2002

Communication of the City Manager relative to Financial Projections – FY03. (Attachments)


e)       #5A CM  March 5, 2002

Communication of the City Manager relative to a report regarding a breakdown of projected debt service line item presented in the fiscal 2003 budget report from last Tuesday's City Council meeting. (Attachments)


f)                  #5A CM March 19, 2002

Communication of the City Manager relative to FY 03 Budget – Personnel Reductions. (Attachments)


g)                 #39CC  March 26, 2002

Communication of the City Manager transmitting statement of the Mass. Municipal Association relative to the Governor’s revised Fiscal 2003 Budget Plan to cut $200 million from local aid. (Attachments)


h)                 #41CC  April 23, 2002

James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting the Actuarial Valuation and Review for the City of Worcester Retirement System as of January 1, 2002. (Attachments)


i)                   #42CC  April 23, 2002

James DelSignore, City Auditor transmitting a study prepared by The Sega Company of the Early Retirement Incentive that is currently being debated in the Mass. Senate. (Attachments)


j)                   #41CC  May 7, 2002

Worcester Regional Research Bureau transmitting communication addressing the projected budget shortfall in FY03. (Attachments)




          59-114 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


59.     Relative to qualifying small businesses for small commercial exemptions. (Attachments)


60.     Relative to increasing Group Term Life Insurance Value from $2,000 to $10,000. (Attachments)


61.     Relative to the impact of the small commercial (business) exemption. (Attachments)


62.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Order of Mayor Mariano - That the City Council add an item relative to the Manager's handling of the Merit Pay increases to the annual City Manager's Evaluation:  recommend Order be placed on file. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


63.     Relative to health insurance. (Attachments)


64.     Relative to employee health insurance. (Attachments)


65.     Relative to retirement incentives. (Attachments)


66.     Relative to city retirement incentives, employee furloughs and potential savings. (Attachments)


67.     Relative to the Proposed Better America Bond Program. (Attachments)


68.     Relative to the proposed reorganization of the Information Services Department. (Attachments)


69.     Relative to the process of elimination of Civil Service positions - Reorganization. (Attachments)


70.     Relative to the number of Civil Service employees in each department, excluding public safety officers and the School Department. (Attachments)


71.     Relative to financial incentives for sick leave. (Attachments)


72.     Relative to sick leave survey. (Attachments)


73.     Relative to City's Workers' Compensation Program. (Attachments)


74.     Relative to City Worker of the Year Award. (Attachments)


75.     Relative to the number and percentage of city employees who reside in the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


76.     Relative to negotiations on health insurance coverage for municipal employees and retirees. (Attachments)


77.     Relative to progress with the health insurance carriers and the Insurance Advisory Committee relative to insurance matters for the next fiscal year. (Attachments)


78.     Relative to letter received from John Coughlin, Vice President, Select Markets of Blue Cross/Blue Shield. (Attachments)


79.     Relative to a report regarding the City's recommendations on health insurance and in response to many of the questions posed by Council at the last two meetings. (Attachments)


80.     Relative to financial statements for Blue Cross and Fallon as requested by the City Council. (Attachments)


81.     Relative to a letter sent to our union presidents asking them to delay their scheduled increase for July 1, 2002, until the last day of the Fiscal Year. (Attachments)


82.     Relative to a report regarding the questions asked by the City Council last week on the issue of health insurance. (Attachments)


83.     Relative to the discussion with the Insurance Advisory Committee at their meeting of March 14, 2002. (Attachments)


84.     Relative to retiree health coverage. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the following Communications of James DelSignore, City Auditor:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


85.     Auditors Report - July 31, 2001. (Attachments)


86.     Auditors Report - September 30, 2001. (Attachments)


87.     Auditors Report - October 31, 2001. (Attachments)


88.     Auditors Report - November 30, 2001. (Attachments)


89.     Auditors Report - January 31, 2002. (Attachments)


90.     Auditors Report - February 28, 2002. (Attachments)


91.     Auditors Report - March 31, 2002. (Attachments)


92.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS Upon the Communication of John Connarton, Executive Director, Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission transmitting amount to be appropriated for retirement system for FY 2003 which commences July 1, 2002: recommend Communication be placed on file.  (Attachments)


93.     REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the Petition of Kevin Ksen requesting Public Safety Committee review problems and delays with towing of abandoned vehicles:  recommend Petition be placed on file.  (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SAFETY Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


94.     Relative to Increase in Accidental Fires. (Attachments)


95.     Relative to the Worcester Fire Department Board of Inquiry Report. (Attachments)


96.     Relative to Fire Setter Program in the Worcester Public Schools. (Attachments)


97.     Relative to Massachusetts communities that have installed defibrillators in public buildings. (Attachments)


98.     Relative to Structure Fires – Year 2000. (Attachments)


99.     Relative to Investigated Structure Fires – Year 2001. (Attachments)


100.   Relative to requirement to apply for the Fire Act Grant. (Attachments)


101.   Relative to structures owned by the City of Worcester. (Attachments)


102.   Relative to State Fire Safety Program. (Attachments)


103.   Relative to Fire Protection Procedures for Lodging Houses. (Attachments)


104.   Relative to deactivated fire protection systems in Lodging Houses. (Attachments)


105.   Relative to cost benefits of sprinkler installation. (Attachments)


106.   Relative to College Dormitory Smoke Detectors. (Attachments)


107.   Relative to College Dormitory Fires. (Attachments)


108.   Relative to enlarged full color chart of structure fires. (Attachments)


109.   Relative to the status of computerization in the Fire Department. (Attachments)


110.   Relative to structure fires investigated in 1999. (Attachments)


111.   Relative to arson fires, Elm Park area. (Attachments)


112.   Relative to current vacancy factor in the Fire Department. (Attachments)


113.   Relative to number and location of closing of Fire Companies during Summer 2001. (Attachments)


114.   Relative to Webster Square Fire Station Punch List. (Attachments)


          115-117 ACCEPTED & ORDERS ADOPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE & TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Petitions requesting street lights:  recommend adoption of the accompanying Orders.


115.   Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Rick D'Ottavio request street light outside 55 Everton Ave. (Attachments)


116.   Councillor Michael C. Perotto and Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Jean Gray request street light be installed at 23 Ida Rd. (Attachments)


117.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE & TRANSPORTATION Upon the Petition of Ann Goddard request a larger light bulb on the light pole at the bottom of Seattle St. at the corner of Chino Ave. and Seattle St.:  recommend adoption of the accompanying order. (Attachments)


          118-135 ACCEPTED


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE & TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Communications of the City Manager:  recommend Communications be placed on file.


118.   Relative to public shade tree impacts for proposed conduit locations - Charter Communications. (Attachments)


119.   Relative to specific phone number with Charter Communications Customer Service for City of Worcester residents to call with complaints or issues. (Attachments)


120.   Relative to two items regarding Charter Communications. (Attachments)


121.   Relative to cable-related issues in response to the Council's previous inquiries. (Attachments)


122.   Relative to the sporadic operation of the cable used by the Worcester School Department. (Attachments)


123.   Relative to report addressing a number of cable related issues in response to the Council's inquiries. (Attachments)


124.   Relative to a map from Charter Communications indicating the status of the build-out and deployment of Charter's digital cable and internet service. (Attachments)


125.   Relative to a letter from Charter Communications describing its plans for local news coverage. (Attachments)


126.   Relative to the legal opinion regarding the terms of the franchise agreement with Charter Communications concerning local news coverage. (Attachments)


127.   Relative to Charter Communications/Charter Digital Cable launches in Worcester. (Attachments)


128.   Relative to the impaired signal quality for Public Access Channel 13. (Attachments)


129.   Relative to Charter Communication’s rate setting and programming. (Attachments)


          REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC SERVICE & TRANSPORTATION Upon the following Petitions:  recommend Petitioners be given leave to withdraw.


130.   Gary Salo et al request City Council to investigate the high rates that are being charged on the new bills from Charter Communications. (Attachments)


131.   Councillor Paul P. Clancy, Jr. on behalf of Bill Miley request street light in front of 846 Millbury St. be moved to a new location away from building. (Attachments)


132.   Councillor Joseph M. Petty on behalf of Rick D'Ottavio request street light at 44 Everton Ave. (Attachments)


133.   Councillor Stephen G. Abraham request the installation of additional street lighting in the vicinity of 8 Franconia St. (Attachments)


134.   Councillor Stephen G. Abraham request installation of brighter street lighting in the vicinity of 75 James St. and the parking lot directly across from 75 James St. so that pedestrians are able to safely cross during hours of darkness. (Attachments)


135.   REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON YOUTH, PARKS AND RECREATION Upon the Communication of the City Manager relative to MCAS After School Program:  recommend Communication be  placed on file. (Attachments)




          136-145 ORDAINED ON A ROLL CALL 11-0


136.   Amending Section 43 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to revise the winter parking ban on Vernon St. between Winthrop St. and Ballard St. (Attachments)


137.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to prohibit parking on the south side of Main St. from Goddard Memorial Dr. to Curtis Parkway 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m., Monday-Friday. (Attachments)


138.   Amending Section 40 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for reserved parking for residents only on the westerly side of Plum St. from #4-#7. (Attachments)


139.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide a double handicap parking space in front of 11 Seward St. (Attachments)


140.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking opposite 26 Preston St. (Attachments)


141.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 65 Fairmont Ave., adjacent to driveway. (Attachments)


142.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 7 Cutler St. (Attachments)


143.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 46 Oak Ave. (Attachments)


144.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 84 June St. (Attachments)


145.   Amending Section 42 of Chapter 13 of the Revised Ordinances of 1996 to provide for handicap parking in front of 51 Perry Ave. (Attachments)




146.   Order – Request Commerce and Development Committee to recommend an economic development plan for the Union Station/Washington Square Project.  (Lukes)  (Tabled May 7, 2002)



147.   Communication of the City Manager transmitting communication relative to recent incidents on College Hill near the College of the Holy Cross with regards to student disturbances.  (Tabled April 30, 2002) (Attachments)




MAY 22, 2002                COMMUNITY               PLUMLEY VILLAGE

   5:00 P.M.                   DEVELOPMENT             COMMUNITY ROOM

                                                                             16 LAUREL ST.

                                                                             ENTER FROM EVERETT

                                                                             GAYLORD BLVD.


Re:  Year 28 Community Development Block Grant Funding


MAY 30, 2002              PUBLIC WORKS


                                  WEST CHESTER ST. (MEET AT BALLARD ST.)




JUNE 12, 2002            PUBLIC WORKS             COUNCIL CHAMBER

   6:00 P.M.